D001826CITY OF SAINT PAUL � L� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • 17u1 �1 If.YlY:7�lYV/x17:i17�1;� No: �On f ��lp Date: a -�-� WHEREAS, the History Center, Inc. has for several years subleased space from the former Science Museum of Minnesota in the facility at 30 East lOth Street; and WHEREAS, the said Science Museum has relocated to quarters on the river front, and management of the faciliry at 30 East lOth Street has reverted to the City; and WHEREAS, the History Center, Inc. wishes to remain in its currenfly occupied premises; THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Lease Agreement TMS/8, which will allow the History Theater, Inc. to remain in place through August 31, 2000. \" Z�P� '7.7�i �.��✓�/�-- Assistant Ciry Attorney Department Head � �o ,��,1�'' �, • l—'l 9 _. o o � Date Adminisuative Assistant ayor .M.S./REAL ESTAT'E DIVISION Date: January 13, 2000 reen ee Number: 1-04859 ntact Person and PLone Nomber. 2 EPAR � �� � CODNCII, Dave Nelson �� 266-8850 � R 1 A"�oa�r cr.�a DDGETDIRECfOR 3 FFICEOFFINANQALSPCS- ost 6e on Comu7 Agenda by: 4 YOR (ORASSISTANI) 5 FSTATE DiVLSTON OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 c� �L �,oca'rioxs Fox szc?�rAT[JxE> Cl`IONREQUESTID: To authorize Lease Agreement TMS/8 of space in the former Science Museum of Minnesota to the History Theater, Inc. through August 31, 2000. Ref: 1. Administrative Order for Signature; 2. Sample copy of Lease Agreement TMS/8. CODIlIffi�'DATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACIS MCTST ANS WGR THE FOLLOWING: . Has the personlfirm ever worked mder a contract for this deprrhnent? YES NO rtaNwNCCOnsussiox A sx,� Has Utispetso�5rm ever been a Cily employee? YES NO CR'II. SHBV ICS COM�MSSION . Does Ntis perso�6rm possess a skiD not norn�ally possessed by auy 1TS NO cuttent (,5ty employee? c� conmuirse E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WfIICH COUNCIL BJECTIVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) 2 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 1^� TING PROBLrM ISSi7E, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What� WLen, Whem, Why?): The Science Museum of Minnesota has moved to new quarters and will no longer manage the facility at 30 East 10`� Street. VANTAGES IF AYYROVED: The History Theater will remain in its currently leased space. SSADVANTAGES IF APPROVID: NOI1C ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The History Theater wonld have to relocate. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �2O�g33.�O COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO irre souxcE: N/A ac�zvrrY �n�sEx: N/A INANCL4L ATORMATION: (�'LAIN) t�L�.a=� V �11 Rent will be $2,083.33 per month. FEa 4 Z�Of� �fTY CLE;�}�