193662ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ •V `��`lfJ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO • ' CII_G OFFICE'05 4THE CITY CLERK Council Fie xo. 193682—By Robert F.' C UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Peterson — _Resolved, That the Council hereby �-- the recommendation of the "1r•mittee in awarding PRESENTED COMMISSIONER DATE August 19, 1959 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contracts for furnishing and delivering FiEL OIL to various departments of the City of St. Paul for the 1959 -60 heating season ending August 15, 1960, as follows: FORD DEEP ROCK OIL COMPANY - Approximately 12,000 gallons Kerosene at a contract price of approximately .. $1563,72 GUSTAFSON OIL COMPANY - Approximately 280,000 gallons #6 Grade Industrial Fuel Oil -- at a contract price of approximately . • $24,332.00 MIDWEST OIL COMPANY - Approximately 89,500 gallons #4 Fuel Oil at a contract price of approximately .. $99523.30 4 NORTHWESTERN REFINING CO• - Approximately 665,000 gallons #5 Fuel Oil - at a contract price of approximately . . . .. $640506.50 SKELLY OIL COMPANY - Approximately 1500 gallons Kerosene, 4000 gallons #1 Fuel Oil, 12,600 gallons #2 Fuel'Oil, and 3000 gallons #1 Diesel Fuel Oil at a contract-price of approximately .. $2$53.60 STANDARD OIL COMPANY - Approximately 5000 gallons #1 Fuel Oil, 135,500 gallons #2 Fuel Oil, 5600 gallons Range Oil, 6000 gallons #1 Diesel Fuel Oil, and 3000 gallons #2 Diesel Fuel Oil - at a contract price of approximately $169899.70 all in accordance with City specifications and the Formal Bid #7767 of said bidders, they being the lowest reasonable and reliable bidders and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contracts therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid #7767. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Pegourey---, Holland J Favor Peterson Rosen 0 Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon Adopted by the Cou '% 191959 19- AUG 191959 5M 5.58 2 PUBLISHED — DUPLICATE TO PRINTER - s _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO 1 OFFICE'OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONER DATE Augmt 199 1959 11SSMMN That the Comail bereby csnrs in the rrcaaraaeax tiaccrl of the farces sin$ Committee in smardin eantracts for Ishin8 and douvorinp FUL CIL 'to Various depas Mats Of the City of 8t•_ )mil for the 1959 -6# heatin8 season endin6 AnVot 15, 1964,, as follows cif I= OU COWAN AppreMiustely 11,000 gallons Earesene of a Lout ra ct price of approximately . • . • . $1563..72 C1 1801' 'Aff fppro luttely 280.vM &alas #6 Orads industrul Fuel 012 - at a coatreat price of spprrosiaately • • • • • #24o332900 bMM8? OM COWAN Esttely 831,500 sallms #4 lice! all - at amtract price of approximately • • •' 09 o323,30' 0 012111 9=U UPISM C3.; Arpuxim4tely 665,000 gallons 05 1001 bit - at a oontrut price of appxwdastely #649506.50 #1 Fuel 031, 190680 gallose ,02 14301 oil, and 3000 s4lms #1 bLo"l Vaal 'oil at A aoatrart price of apprftimately • • $19553060 STAIMM Off. COWAW • Approximately 380® gallons #1 fcael +Oil, 1350500 Ballow 03 yowl Oil,, MW Sallons 1AUP Oils, 6M Mons #1 Kesel 1061 Oils and 390 8allou a 02 Kesel fool Oil - at a 400tMet price of appraWmatsly • ... $160899.70 all in aacardams with City speaif "bons and the Formal Bid #7767 of said bidders, they being the lowest r.awonabla and reliable bidders sad the CmMoration Counsel be and hereby to directed to dram up ther proper store of contracts therefor and the proper City - offfcit10 bereby area asther#d to, =Wut4 said contro¢ts on behalf of the City of !Faint !male VeX al Did #7767.: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays —DeG- &uTey—g Holland son Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon SM 5 -58 cQW2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the CouncilAUG 19 1959 19_ AUG 19 1959 Approved 19— Mayor