193656ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU IL RESOL N— GENERAL FORM council File No. 193656.—By Bernard' T. Holland — PRESENTED BY Resolved, That,the proper city offi- COMMISSIONE DATE cers are hereby authorized to pay cer- tain Gmployes in.-the Department of Parks, Recreation & Public Bldg. for extra employment described in the resolution. Adopted by the Council August 19, 1959. Approved August 19, 1959. (August 22, 1959) WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings has reported, in accord- ance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from ,August 1 to 15, 1959, which rendered nec- essary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the follow- ing work; Supervision, operation, maintenance, care and protection of public parks and playgrounds and of their facilities. And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; Seasonal requirements for protection of public property and pursuit of depart- mental activities, such as; Heavy, week -end patronage at municipal golf courses, beach, pool, greenhouse and zoo; week -end maintenance at'municipal ball fields and picnic areas; band concerts, dances and other events, usually held on Sundays and evenings; housemover operating on Sunday and storm damage to boulevard trees required extra -time services of tree trimmers; Wilder play- ground building basement flooded; week -end watering of new flower beds and sod. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the prAUG 19 1959' visions of the Council's salary ordinance Ord - COUNCILMEN inance Igo. 6446. _ Adopted by the Uouncil 19— Yeas Nays eDe Holland Xord -B on Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5•ss cQW2 Tn Favor Against AUG 19 1959 Approved 19- p Mayor