193616Orisinal to city Clerk _ 193616 CITY OF ST. PAUL , COUNCIL NO. ILF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i Co ' Council File No. 193618 --By Robert F. COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Peterson— Whereas, The Detention and Cor- rections Authority has approved the PRESENTED BY cgntractural agreement with Northern COMMISSIONER DATE States Power Company for the pro:' r.Ri,'Img 3-1.!!j ep7uptable gas service.- . WHEREAS, the Detention and Corrections Authority has approved the contractural agreement with Northern States Power Company for the providing of interruptable gas service to the new City and County Workhouse Facility; and WHEREAS, this gas service will be available to the City and County Workhouse Facility no later than October 1, 1959, and continue in effect until September 30, 1960; and AREAS, this contract has been further approved and executed by the County Board of Commissioners on August 10, 19592 and all necessary county officials; ncw, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the City Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves of the contract with the Northern States Power Company to provide interruptable gas service to the new workhouse facility, and instructs the proper city officials to .affix the -ir signatures hereto. i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arty ..�Iiollaxid -� M•a� O I Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 QP.2 AU 13 1959 Adopted by the Counci 195— AUG 13 1959 Approved 195- ` PT, Favor Mayor Against PUBLISHED j:: Duplicate to Printer —CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 193616 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE__ 'VMM;S,ji the Detention and Correction* Authority has approved the contractural agreement with Northern $tate's Dover Company for thO prolv1ding of 11itetriu tabl'a 1900 service to the now City and County workhouss FaclitTy"k, and WHEREAS#. this gas 04rVide w# 11 be aVall4ble to the City and County w6rkhouse Faellity no later than 00tober 1# 1959,0,: and COntit'10 In etftct until September 50*: 19601 ALbd V6MREASt,# thl# ContraCt hs* been turther aporbVed and executed by the County Bpard of Commissloor'10' on August 10# 19590 and all Pacessary oouut)t offIcialst now*- therefore= be It MSOLVEDIt- that the City -Couno$j of the City of St4 Paul hereby-'s prove* of the conttabt 14th the Northepn Sttt6s Power patsy to pmulde InterruptablO gax s6rvloe to' the new VOrkhol0e facfll_t3r� ond 'Instruots tha proper, olty to affil X their sighdoxes hereto, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays PetersorA.4 Rosen Mr. President, Dillon SM 2-57 jQW 2 Adopted by the Council AUG 18 1959 195— Approved AUG 13 1959 195— tn' Favor Mayor Against