191779ORIGINAL TO CITE CLEA PRESENTED BY COMMISSION'. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. POAOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CILAESrOLUTION— GENERAL FORM 191779 F_ RESOLVED,-.that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the recommendation of its Committee on Legislation, hereby opposes the following bill which has Been introduced in the 1959 session of the State Legislature and designated as House File No. 1738: ILI W "A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO THE TAXATION OF EXEMPT REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LEASED, LOANED OR MADE AVAILABLE TO INDIVIDUALS, ASSOCIATIONS OR CORPORATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH A, BUSINESS CONDUCTED FOR PROFIT; AMENDING MINNESOTA STATUTES 1957, SECTIONS 272.01 and 273 19 It COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L-1 DeCourcy t/Holland J,�Mortinson d Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 Q I Council File No. 191779 —By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor — Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the recommendation of its Committee on Legislation, hereby opposes, the follow- ing bill which has been introduced in the 1959 session of the State Legis- lature and designated as House File No. 1738: "A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO THE TAXATION OF EXEMPT REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LEASED, LOANED OR MADE AVAILABLE TO INDIVIDUALS, CORPORA- TIONS INIOCONNECTION WITH A � BUSINESS CONDUCTED FOR PRO -; FIT; AMENDING MINNESOTA STATUTES 1957, SECTIONS• 272.01 and 273.19: Adopted. by the Council April 10, 1959. Approved April 10, 1959. 1 (April 18, 1959) APR 101959 Adopted by the Council D 194E? APR 10 1959 Approved^� Tn Favor Mayor 0 Against a DUPLICATE TO PRINTER COMMISS 1A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ],_O177 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM DATE i RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint. Paul, pursuant to the recomendation of its Comaittee on Legislation, 1 hereby opposes the following bill which has been. introduced in the 1959 session of the State Legislature and designated as House File No. 1738: "A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO THE TAXATION OF EXEMPT REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LEASED, LOANED OR MADE AVAILABLE TO INDIVIDUALS, ASSOCIATION OR CORPORATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH A BUSINESS CONDUCTED FOR PROFIT; ARMING XINNESOTA STATUTFS 1957, SECTIONS 272.01 and 273.19. "' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 411102 Adopted by the Council APR j0 1959 19— Approved APR 101959 19 In Favor Mayor Against 'Introduced by Wozr� t�k, Wich'te "roman, Tiemann April 21 1959 Ref. to Com. on Taxes A RILL H.F. No. 1738 Companion S.F.___ Ref. to S. Com. FOR AI; ACT !d LA I;VG TO THE TAXATION OF E 14"T REAL AVD PERSONAL PROPERTY LEASED, LOHJ\7ZD OR WD'-,' hVZLABLE TO IIMIVIDUAIS, AS1'0CIMTIOI;1 OR CCRPOR.i,TIONS IN CONNECTICN I;IT :I A BUSIP�:,SS COIDUCTED FOR PROFIT; AME;IDI:;(' N11,1 :St7A STATUTES 19570 SECTIONS 272.01 AMID 27.3.19. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STisTE OF MINNESCtTA s $action 1. Minnesota Statutes 1957, Section 272.01, is amended to reads • 272.01 Subdivision 1.' All real and personal property in this state, and all personal property of petpor.s residing therein, including the property of corporations, bents) banking companies, and bankers, is taxable, exoept suoh as is by law exewt from taxation Sued. 2. When any real or personal property which for any reason is exempt from ad valorem tuxes and tf :,:ca ii, lieu thoreof, is leased loans or -otherwise made available to and used. by c. prliv,teirdividual, association or corporation in connection with a busino3r CL ",ducted fu rofit• exec t whom sec use is w of it conccssien in nr rel, -Ativo t, tl:. - -o of a p%rk, rket or fair around whic s available tq the uro of Vice �ffc r ^1 ; ublj e, thcro shall be LMoped a tax, for privilege of so >>sinq or U - !soso,ling such real or personal -property, in the same amount and to the saux: extent L; th ,ugli tho lessee or user was the owner of vuo property: Provided. rf6wevc:r, that the forgoing shall. not apply to federal pro_ rty for which pt.;:nts r:;Iu in lieu of taxA z in amounts uQuivalent _to Q�s, �t� doh ht othe3aElse be ?awfully r3scssr!d,. TaxoB unposed by this sgbdivisi be duo and oavable as in the cr.so__•f •)oraonal property taxes and such taxes sue' gn w-mwr as Reryonal property taxes. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1957, Soction 273.19, is amended to reed: 273.19 Property held under a lease for a torn of three or more years, taxable under Section 272.01, subdiv rl2 or under a contract for.the'purohase thereof, when the nroporty belongs to the state, or to any religious, scientific, or benovolent society or inotitution, incorporated or unincorporated, or to any railroad company or other corporation whose property is not taxed in the same manner as other property, or when tha property is school or other state lands, shall be considered, for all purposes of taxation, as the property of the person so hold- ing the samo. Soo. 3. The provisions of this act shall apply to taxes for the year 1999. �r A, r OFFICE OF C17Y" CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota April 10, 1959 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder I t ` I� At today's Council meeting the Council discussed H.F. 1738, A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO THE TAXATION OF EMIPT REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LEASED, LOANED OR MADE AVAILABLE TO INDIVIDUALS, ASSOCIATIONS OR CORPORATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH A BUSINESS CONDUCTED FOR PROFIT; AMENDING MINNESOTA STATUTES 1957, SECTIONS 272.01 AND 273.19. A motion was unanimously adopted opposing this bill as it may have serious effect on the city. The Council asked that you prepare a resolution effective today, April 10th opposing this bill. There will be a hearing on this bill, a copy of which is attached, on Tuesday, April 14th and the Council asked that you represent them in opposition to this bill. Very truly yours, � iP � 7 MINNESOTA 8.QC>