191738Original to City Clerk O R D I N A C 170ordinan ce iame ding Chapter 46 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to limited time parking re- strictions. This is an emergency ordin- ance rendered necessary for the pres- ervation of the Public peace, health PRESENTED BY and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain:. An ordinance amending Chapter 146 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to limited time parking restrictions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Mortinson Peterson (� Rosen Winkel U sident (Dillo Attest: ' City Clerk 1M 1ZA 8 !i APR 211959 Passed by the C ncil -In Favor CID A gainst APR 24 1959 7 Mayor C11. j peace, health and safety. v v P ;y THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: L n Section 1. That Section 146.05, Saint Paul Legislative N �• \.� Code, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: `- "North side of Case Avenue from Mendota Street to i Arcade Street ". Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Mortinson Peterson (� Rosen Winkel U sident (Dillo Attest: ' City Clerk 1M 1ZA 8 !i APR 211959 Passed by the C ncil -In Favor CID A gainst APR 24 1959 7 Mayor C11. j ma < tw �X 1 'S -14 OtO clok ut no tl lot.#� toikt 40. ol On, , 4t �W 4,444 w Phi* .Add-, : tma ' .4111 ",6, ft V Vii!- tail Ullo to u 1l . ' ' lit v, role dt, ` - ' ?O'oUnA � i6 d+ � Rte *� � f . - - - _, ,: - �• f. a; tom. � �'� - ,` ... . .- r •�" �1 /J - • a _. _a (y�/��/��'/gW� ������'r���Q�7�� +(• � �`Ai�r�' r ' 4 I���%,I � � -_, ,' r /2r lb }'_� -`x_�` �.'` *a' loart its ltaiinl , 41, h , , I ,�' ► 4 �� '` rho , .,t..o c } for* i th -Wo„F '' y ' ':•$ENNETH R. QAUTt11ER, Notary Public, Ramsey Co., 8. M ",.� �l.t t• r�F�r% j min 3 _ t�:. ..kt• _ �3r .. _ - _ � ;r - -- -� t.. y rs aari: to t#;t f Lou _w .���i �¢a� �� � ����r �i�• �. ���fj ro 0 : 90 - +a+ signed- o ra ` _ �y ''�yty ±c ri ,- .+�`s ,_�� ; , _ _ ` q �tl to 'be • �. j' ' NOAQ 4 } o s Si �•ir f1.L 7✓ ' _ R J ''T 1L'• . R� Ra • i►. 9t6. 4C �✓6 Xc�' s� asnce.� -d 1; t j,=: , ; ° t i c# j= 'to a 1,. 81166k, C, rlanporlt .Add;, mnd �I.Y+bf''=�t�z��L�iT.i r. :�i�rsy( �n'�� ��e 'Oro ��� '"C", Res"id *i ti . iR �J:46tj4rj6,.t0 wsdioisi v vid;�t1r: *r'_ 40 h6ig Mi � i'hi wf. i t 'pa ss : PBOO t ' fq -- • fit. A. �6 ,= , tart . } : t, ` n `` .. Lena t t Q1 tit , ' 'ar i a t�►0 s� rt r kr600d ", t� ��r i1 #�i��ri�3 do. . 'For the ,a V d -4 is1 oth+��w ���: ��or'1 � �#��- � ��_��c� � et8 do T��toe ohs` „a+s L�►xe .:r {.:, _ ? , ` Ott d' at- Adds t� ..! .. ,. f - �� %� - '��..rf� F `"`�`-"'t ~'• ', � ' fir+ t, - h. _ ' � • Al. _ /' � • `-„ -; 1 „ _ _ - • ..i Ste, - - ♦.. ; :�' .. _ •. �,/ f_ . e t\t _ - .,7 �• _ f - ,- - n • -1 � t ,. 1k; do ..t ' T • _ • _-'f y'•f'. _ i ' �e '- { 7. a�, /z Stitt of M#noes�c�t�t r \\ County d e, e parson o- ,c, u1A rdt'tji4 with,itl pet�ftjo�- -� ►arts di�'Scrlds=re fi.e veers rrptfte2 off' e:a #.�t>; #ed$r ` 3'c$ ow ng� ch j`" th'jt t1wis pst� tion. � ,s1 �d�'.' yr #*dh. of prese�oe ot- -.tht affl fit,, aLrid: ths,t�, this ,alq •tnr *a. ovs +irk." ..t h cot sfgnatu�rds 'off 4a0h, .mod of i of the p>Alrtles to descr:tj>sd. � . sl.:r`r X959. ? %'. COna� .# j S KgNPETH R. GAUTHIER, Notary Public, RamseZ.�, Minn - l .wn�li i i ,' .,a r ;.;.,,,., ' My L Fssion _ p res march mst,`1 " „- �Nl�'� �' ` _ •y�/ - iL. '.i1F ��'���,� =� y.f.F..� _+t'� � r �__- _,� •_ ' , ` n� ___ �I ftio 0- 12,j tglm� 046t Or � +�#1 �►11 ,cif `t�'Otc�c* � t.. � �� ' � '�t t,� Ow I 'lo.-,, . - �.;`�il�kf 4 - oht. ,1 `i 1.4) . C As rat _ vt- �'(' 1� �Q , �` : �'�^ �' •, ' f,4 - t � �� �tlr �, �• _ .. � • �: . t r -/1 � _ , •: ., - -, "/ /iiJJ.' - .y -! . -h. •�. ' -c1r�' r - - •4. j' r4:. r, 1- � r _ - _ h•- .., _ *San u 11 1% Olry. �*AoOl` CO NX t : eft# 6� * * �: V* 'I ti �t U11 66k `o joyin!D. coLeb . iti i t iii MILA - IMM sioed , , #*vh of � -tai l in th* C ' ' f �I ai d � - VAS*' r* the A:'e t 'tip 6t* t, _ WCommission ExpirOs �aroh alit, _I%q - I r . �,•.,,,t,,,.,� �_- \ -. •!�.w +...w..r.r..w.t+r�t+wry.r . = - '�, ..�•— t :•�a ji 'T'h* City tor. ,r ..a k F`,. , r- r r Ci ty. Of S>�}.tY f, �dt�C`t►- <- r r f �}S3 �, � lR•• • �, �f J.�y .... x-i�i`.F 1� . YY .. o swmt-yb t{i 0 I tw 'I, � 'T ��•.l� y�y�y T v t. I � Y _'Y�• y iY �'. 4. - # O ; tho. � p$��y T ��c�'���� n��r, 'i rtr� �»o, r+�gooli.ted to, onld . Prato St", ` r ".�' t�i� ?o�, ng - �`ro� ��� ��g�� nod �a � • _ 'C" Rd+c;;�r�ig ".1 'tb� `ti• =oa , #',,E361 ttia'i1eck :+,` Oran- t f,Add`. 4 i bi w6rd #$t *P er . nY Prct t , 'o>� s re�t�an f a tam t et +oar ' of ' r� 'the �r4t b+a s a�. , i Vk ll !�A*, U "'C" e�rldt (2)". �l is "w'..3 '',d1`... cs.#ii+ yea a�tr �toils. 3i 3 3' p.la:aewaard 'trf' h►Y°' :o' dh J d$i..,' ''1. tt�riain. tenata a u�a;a .iy o �:�a. U � , � ► tk� ty, mros AdAhok "OLs si�.p�arl�r� { deg. �'or% ,its �;�1xi'' 804 ' a #t ii r.tQe.e- poti xon t01 - ro*oil ,L,1�>�± 8�, o` a /.. s, x ; Record -mar CrAt IAI � ���,(,� �,'. .. ' .��.� 7 r _ �'G,7G�(i•` ,- : -- ",�; ,�_ � • _ r - = C��j GGC,�►�lY� �fl� r" �•. _ -� ,. _' •'• •# . �Y/ V y�.' ..• f�' L� �� .yam _ .1 r• .,. � ) . rf Y � �vCJ`c.� • ` '� _ a.� , ), 1, - C/ �{�/' /}� /���J . C,�'�l mil' � ,' • I'uLil_ ' '. t _ ��CC// � -- ' _ V ^— •/ � - t a - %' / f `7t.,G- -�%v .'yJ ✓�li -,-� -J .7t -r -� e-r! C7(yY� =ws.4� _ ; Count# -'of Ramsey, b49in g,:1''.','t3uy 'al�torn''�i+�o�e.a'aA >�zi that, .v�:r�F +a r W. 6 -.c ' 1 .sd. tf%j0 Wl'tt,it>f Petjt3on'�_60t634, at6 oi:_ �;pig* S; Il at- thi -' part lots ,404dri d 6tbova' 'i� 'ir.e ate o srs';ra�P.�ot�v���r off' thm �4, '.t, 4cio �imm�edl j; i'ai#fl�r7itg s,c;r'ta,ght 'th3'',pttt.tiori Vas sigt�c Jri _h;fd Qer in thl Ares n e o s . f�i�rit ;. end t%►et` tlt si�;r a ar $ Obi :t# . t ± . 0+3 ect, igttla^a-a ;c' .aoh ai.4. 1? o ths; g�et°tis so de�criib,+c /e00 • e 4, R n. ,a3ir4Y° i t0, ��'oe a t 195911 'y - lint o a 4n.'' �cpir�as #El L[HR a �grRHiFR. h...... ' �OfOnl P,th 1'r D: . Irt - -- :. .•�: ..,.......�i - r _ + 'My. Cpmmission Expire4 Mprch 31st, 190 . = OFFICE OF CITE(- -CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota April 8, 1959 r i JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder it"i Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council asked that you prepare an ordinance granting the petition of Irving Shaw to rezone from "A" Residence to "C" Residence property located on the south side of St. Paul Ave. between Davern and Edgecumbe, described as Lots 1 to 14 inclusive, Block 5, Granport Addition, Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, Block 6, Granport Addition, and all that p®rtion of vacated Worcester Ave. adjoining said described property. Very truly your , 1 City Clerk MINNESOTA 8<�' is G 1 2n,, V/ � � Laid over to 3rd and app dopt �, `' eas Nays \Courcy Nays eCourcy �Holland IXAMM — 4[ortinson ortinson l> \Rosen `Rosen Winkel Winkel �� President Dillon ,.Ar. Vice President (Peterson) s