09-1211Council File # �—/�/! Green Sheet # 3086077 I 7 3 4 � 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 1� 14 15 16 17 78 79 20 21 22 23 24 �j 26 27 28 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAIIVT PAUL, MINNESOTA E WHEREAS, fimdm� for this �rant program is from the Parks and Trails Fund created by fhe Minnesota Legislature from the Clean �l'ater, Land and Le�acy AmendmenY passed by the votezs in 2008. This program is establ�st�ed m�imiesota Statutes 85.535. Vr'HEREAS. the City of Samt Paul Department ofParks and Recreahon is seeking apprc,val fo subnu[ a arant application icyuesti�ig 5�00,000 dv�ough this pro�ram to provide a porrion of the ]ocal match requn�ed for a Federal Transportation Enhance�nent fi�nd and foi tra�l consffuetion for Cherokee Regio��al Trail. 4VHEREAS, de��elopmeut of Cherokee Regional Tiail w�11 result m the coush�uction of a 1.5 rmle regional h�ail connecfm� fhe Iower bluff area mchidmg Harnet Island Regional Park to and thra��h the upper bluff area of Cherokee Regional Park, and WHEREAS, fhe City of Saint Paul Department af Parks and Recreation has secu[ed the twenfy-5ve (25) percent rvatch reqmrements foc the Paxks and Tcails Legacy Giant Pxogram, and has identified the matchmg funds fo be piovided through the �roposed 2010/ 201 1 Capital Improvement Budget program V OW, THEREFORE. BE 1T RESOLVED, if tl�e Ciry of Samt Paul is awarded the arant by tlie Mmnesota llepartment of Satw �I Resources, the City of Samt PauV a�rees to accept tl�e �rant awzrd, and m�y entcr mio an agreement w�th the State of V�(�ni�esota for ilie abo�e referenced pro�ecf The Qry of SaintPaul �v�11 comply wath all applieable law's, envu�omnenta] requireincnts and regulations as statcd u� the grant ag�eement, and BE I`1 FURTHER RESOLVED, the City of SaintPaul hereby assures the Cherokee Regional Trail will be maintamed foi a per�od of f�o less than 20 yeacs NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Directoi of Parks and Recrearion is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to �mplen�ent the projecC on behalf of the applxcant Bostrom Carter Ilan is Hel�en Stark Lhune Approved by B y --6� App[oved by City of By: ��� � Approved b,y Mayq�'oi Submission to Council Ado t�on Certi£ed b Cou >LI Secretar B � � � P Y Y Y� J/�vtt.'.� 1 �Zr–�� � By � n Approv d by vIa or: Date �� � By Adopted by Council: Date �� \l"HERE.-�S. the �Iumesota Department of \anual Resom�ces is provid�ng grants to local umts of government to suppoTt parks and nails of reesonal oi state«-ide si�nificance. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��. �epartment/O�ce/Council: I Date Initiated: �" /�// ; PR_ParksandRecreation i Z70CT2009 Green Sheet NO 3��6077 i � Contac} person & Phone: Afice Messer 266-6412 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/S TRANSACTION E-Document Required: Y Document Gontact: Alice Messer Contact Phone: 266-G412 � A5� Number For ', Routing ' Order � Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Locations for Signature) I Action Requestetl: . Approval to submit grant application to rece�ve Clean Water, Land and Legacy Admendment funds tluough the Parks and Trails ,` program fm� cherokee Regional Trail. I Recommendations: Approve (A) or Re�ect (Ry � Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Se�vice Commisston 0 1 3 A 5 6 Cih Attarnec FinancialSenices �OfficeofFinancialService5 il[ayot`s Officc DM1avor's O(6ce �ouncil �� Cih�Council CiN Clerk Ci[v Clerk � P ks d R [" I � Alice Messer Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: 'I Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee� Yes No 3 Does [his persoNfrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. I Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): I ', Transportation Enhancement fimds were received for Cherokee Regional Trail FY201 L The estimated CHerokee Regional Trail cost I exceeds existing fu�diug. Parks and Recreation is requesting approval to apply for Parks and Trail Grant for an add�tional $500,000 � j w further compelte the ovexall Chexokee Regional TraiL � AdvantageslfApproved: Funding received to fiirtl�er complete Cherokee Regtonal Trail. ' Disadvantages If Approved: I None � H v - ���� ��'�`������ `��� Disadvan[ages If Not Approved: Cherokee Regioani Trail project will not recerve additional funds needed. Total Amount of 7ransaction: Funding Source: F i n a n c i a l I n f o rm at i o n: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: October 27, 2009 12:17 PM Page 1