191558191558 k COUNCIL FILE N0_________________________ By------------- _ Council File No. 191558— FINAL ORDER -Street the Matter of improving Pascal Street from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue by grading, curbing a9i' r cj;m q. f-hp 59T_,q: )ay grading and Y � In the Matter of improving Pascal Street from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue by grading, curbing and paving the same; by grading and paving driveway returns; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing water and gas mains with necessary service connections from street mains to property lines; by constructing drainage facilities and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order --------- 1-904.5 ----------------------- approved ----------- I)ecemb2x_R4 ,__195_$________________ - - - - -- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A. public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to improve Pascal Street from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue by grading, curbing and paving the same; by grading and paving driveway returns; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the inter- secting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing water and gas mains with necessary service connections from street mains to property lines; by constructing drainage facilities and by doing all other work necessary and inciden- tal to complete said improvement and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 'Adopted by the Council---- --- - - - - -- MAR Approved----------- - - - - -- File 14361 Councilman Councilman D�COURCY HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman --------- Councilman : -- Councilman "-- Mayor DIES 2.55 2M 2 ' MAR 31195 "�_v City Clerk. t ------ - - - - -- - - - - - -- Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Improving Pascal Street from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue by grading, curbing and paving the same; by grading and paving driveway returns; by reconstruct- ing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing water and gas mains with necessary service connections from street mains to property lines; by constructing drainage'facilities and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement.. �y 558 under Preliminary Order approved December 24., 1958 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $659142.00 The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - _ $_(see P.W. letter) The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: (I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. IIMiscel-laneous:- I! Slibject to University., Snelling Aves. 1356037 and except west 270 feet of and north Pg 26D cal St. and easements in Doc. feet; the north 757.38 ft, II Ilwest I of southwest 4 and except no feet: Dart of said th 57-33 ft. grid except west 870.35 ! !I Township 29, Range 23. ! I $649,525 $23500 liKittsondale, being Auditor's Sub Nb 2 Stl Paul, IIperpetual easement over east 1 ft. Pascal Street over west 0 ft • the �f w st 3 feet of Lot 19 and subject to to St. Anthony Ave. and west 31 ft.l i Lot 19 of north! 19 ft. more or less of said II I I 11 i► I I � Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -68 8 . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) II DESCRIPTION - I Lor I BLOCKI ADDITION II ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BLDG. !� K sondati being-Auditor's Subdilsior No. 127. St. Paul, Minn 11 I i With perpetual easement over east 1 subject to Pascal St.; beginning o ft. the of nort st 31 ft. of north 19 ft. and line of and 31 feet east of thdl 11 northwest corner of Lot 19; thence intersect a line 1 ft east of and outl� ar 19 e eet; thence southwesterly to t line of said 1 I 11 at a point 18.97 ft. south of said line 1066.8 ft.'; thence east to a ort� oin lint; on thence south on said parallel he east line of Lot 17 and lllqJb4 ft. 11west from the northeast corner of Lot 18• to beginning, being art of th th eat nee ; to said northeast corner; thence f the southwest 1 of Section 34 11 Township 29, Range 23 and of said ts 7 anh 19 and all of Lot 18 $388,500 A8903500 iiKittsondale, being Auditor's Subdilio:i No.127. St Paul Minn. 1 to Pascal Street and except at point on west line of east ; of wes out 1 f west .; the following: Beginning a of Section 342 Township 29, i1Range 23 and 1115.82 feet from nor t be' Auditor's Subdivision No. 2 wes St. cor Paul er of Lot 19, Kittsondale, Minn.• thence east 658.6 feet 11 more or less to point on east line corner of Lot 18• thence south 29 f filet t 17 m and 115.81 feet from northeast re or less to southeast corner 11 !!of said Lot 17; thence west 402.95 „ Lot 17; thence north 10 feet more o� t. leds ore tolnortherly r less-to southwest corner of line of St. Anthony i1Ave. as widened; thence west on sad to said west line of said east It t n nc� rthe north 1 line 257. ft. more or less 231 ft more or less to 11 II beginning, being part of said south{ est 14 an4l part of said Lot 17 II ; 26�100 �. II I I I II !I I I I Il II. I I II II I I I 11 I ! TOTAL 01.195 $1,893,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated %J'l.&ic.+" z R; 1 ? SEg Commissioner of Finance. Form B.B. 12 IM 3-68 Qqppg ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGIN ®! HERBERT S. WEST e PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WEWN c BRIOGR ENGINEER MAURICE W. HEWETT TRAFFIC ENOINEEt EUGENE V. AVERY CITY OF SAINT PAUL PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE ENSR. RICHARD L. WHEELER Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU Or SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. ADRIAN P. WI:NKEL, Commissioner BURKAU Or MUNICIPAL EOUIP7 itNT CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner ARTHUR H. KOCH GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT JOS. PAVLICEK ® e February 16, 1959 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for the grading, curbing and paving of Pascal Street from St. Anthony Avenue to University Ave. with 8" one course concrete pavement; grading and paving street and driveway returns; constructing drainage facilities for storm water; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement and doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 190405, approved December 24, 1958. Estimated Paving Cost $59,060.87 Engineering & Inspection 5,906.13 $64,967.00 Water Department Changes 175.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $65,142.00 Estimated Property Assessment 25,550.00 City's Share of Cost (31 E -1) $39,592.00 Estimated property share of cost is based on making the following rates of assessment: Paving - 2392 Lin. Ft. 0$9.00 per lin. ft. $21,528.00 Curbing- 2011 11 It 0$2.00 11 "I 11 4,022.00 Driveways where necessary at $5.00 per square yard Sewer cost and assessment rate will be reported under a separate Preliminary Order. Yours very truly, rthur W. Tews Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance Ad ian Wi 1 Commissioner of blic Wo /-t8 -44 - � 19 r ' F Ile MA x.� r M� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE February 16th 19 59 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 190405 approved December 24th , 19 58 , relative to improving Pascal St. from St. Anthony Ave. to University Ave. by grading and paving driveway returns; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing water and gas mains with necessary service connections from street mains to property lines; by constructing drainage facilities and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 65,142.00 , and the total cost (See Letter Attached1 thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part ere pa t h of. 4. W 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or moreow ��Lrs16 -roperty, subject to asse's,smentn,for said improvement. .�. V+ ✓�filf E Cornrl„ss�o n, of P lic risk U ' _6 1959 '� Comm s i oner 1 E• OF rL s S NELL I N G Av F-. i Asea.e Akica / Z U n' r (1 u� F_ I rrCV lv CA T