Council File No. 191546 -
In the matter of opening, widen-
ing and extending Ivy Avenue from,
INTERMEDIARY ORDER Addition to the Sw west line of Lot 4,1
-•u..•- -+- -•� i + - -'s +.rte..- trv__tnkin�, a.IICi:
In the Matter of opening, widening and extending_
Aveftue,from the east line of Stone & Morton's 2nd Addition to the*west ;
line of Lot 4, Dittman's Subdivision,by taking and condemning for street
purposes a strip of land of varying width in that part of Blocks 4 and 5,
Clarke & Wilgus Addition, that part of Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, Auditor's
Sub. No,. 70, that lies between the following described property lines:
The north'property line being described as follows: Beginning at the southeast
corner of Lot 16, Block 1, Stone & Morton's 2nd Addition; thence in a northeasterly
direction to the•southeast corner of Lot 34, Block 2, Auditor's Sub. No. 70;
thence along the south line of Auditor's Sub. No. 70, Block 2, to the east line
1dotill, _ ;`t BlockU2; AAuditor's �Sizb'.:`.,No.. 70;..
Ul- Council of Chn.Ci1v of St. PaO h .-ving req,tv,.d the resort of i; -S C" - •+;r.;n " �iIr T irlu'•:.^i.
The south,.proper�1 y� line- being tae`scribdd;as follows: � n Beg inning at "tlie fio"rtheast
corner of I;ot 1, Block 4; Stone & tMor�on's, 2nd Addition; thence in a northeasterly +
direction! Eotaepointet' hat; lies.;--60;, ft. icsbutlir }ofplthe,tsouth.^]alne; qf �3lock,2 , Auditor's;t
:5,73-.94o t: z west; iof, a point that lies 60 ft. south of the south line
of Auditor's-Sub. No. /70 Block 2 and on the extended east line,of Bradley Street;
z. Lr,-4T. #. +�� Jiiitti•rc* 04 1? ,. ,,on?,'' F It z: •1.1+ ,yt,� t r i...1. , " ^m, �1t "
C thence easterly and parallel to the south line of Auditor''s'Sub.- No. B106k'2,
"to the east line of iLot 14, Block 2,-Auditor's Sub. No: 70; 1�
also •.op -en;; widen 'anel �exteri& *Jessid• ;`Street from the e'south.,ine,.of� Lot 3;r -Block 2,
` . John" ts�Dell "•Acresi,�;exte%ded,ito? the east, l zief Jssie Sret;, to' Br4 4erd Ave.
bye .taking - and° �conde,M np. for ,street purposes gall, of} L'ot;,13;_._Block 2, -, Auditor's A
Sub . ,No .'tr 70;? end :part° _of hot wl2,, Block` ' , '. Auditor ! s ;Sub : ; No -;. 79; thatl the s, west ;
of the;,folloYling ! idescribed •hne y *Beginning_ at�a'�:point on ;the west ;line of Lot 12, ,
-Block 2; .Auditor's Sub. No. 70; an `50�lft- north of the,southwest corner of said
' -lot; ,theficei, in; a, *southeasterly {direction Ito a;:po mt; on_.the south); -line ofd; said lot
' and+ disteAce; -`60; ft,7, easterly' 4j Easureda,fromi;,the .northtre`st � corner: ofi Lot ; ,Dittman!,s.
{ Subdivision;: also they *s {t: 60 ft:, of, (I;ot,;,L,.Dttman'.s Subdiyision;,--,
t.`: ;Y4 ` 4G >i;; °':-': �,. k�':? +il: iv.+�. ��:i =:.��J..x�y�e .vi :1:. �.1. ,; +�, I.�+: _1,. ►oe :•Y •�.r� e:,�'�t �.►..
a opeii',, viden _ and extend- Bradley _Street from the south line of Lot 3, Block 3,
John's -Dell Acres, extended to the east line of Bradley Street,•to -the .south'line
pQ urpLoo_ s e:- s:;; i gBallol cko- f ° 2�� 'Audi tort, s" Sub•. ,,No 7 0., r . by �_-takin g eMd- ; . _..� n g.f... or t,stre_ et
Lot,2 , Blo,c. k" 2- ,Auditdrj,§ :70,
in 7� - t;zj
f.f' V;
ii�, -vUm 7.ZieS vu iTi.;`6c�1TGh -ui tiuB SOUi>z iiIIC '`J
of 'Audi-to (ILo 7j0, `BlocIsy�, Wand on tYi sextended eg,st` line of Bradley Street;
thence easterly and parallel to' the south fine'► of .Auditgr� s: -Sub i ello'- 70, ,Block, 2,
'the mast line of Lit ,14; Block 2; •Auditor s;,SXesouth No
ppt�ouc :� , .Ig-, .• - City
also ornr.: widen and extend Jessie ,Streei from •t line:"
ine - of_Lati' `3,, Block 2 .
' John•'sj"Dell Acres, extended to the east,,1 I ne- of-=Jess Street; `to.t"rainerd -Ave t� ° -
by,taking and condemning for street purposes': all of'•Lot'13; Block 2,, Auditor 's'¢
$iib. "N& �i_q, ;and part of Lot 12,. Blo.c}� 2,' Auditor''s_ Siab.•►No:.:•70 that, lies west'
of the • fol` (r4 ng described ,line':: Beginn L; at a point on the west line of ',Lpt "12 -
Blockl*rAiiditot!,o Sub., No:.',70; and, 50 `ft.' north of:,,the southwest corner of said 1
Zot cXhence in ;a ,southeasterly directionaa a ,point on the south line of . said lot.i
and�idistance.6Q,,'ft_ ,eastexly measured from' the northwest, corner of' .Lot 4,Dittman's I
Su1�, ., i'si.on; also: the;west 66 ft.. of 'Lot, 4, Dittman's Subdivision;
j dlso,:bpen;,, viddd,and extend, Bradley Street ±frorm'5t' -e south line ,of'�,Lo-1 3,; Block 3,
1 ',Johii''s -Dell Acres•; ,, extended to, , the east ' line of'. to the south line
of Lot 28, Block; :2, Auditor''s „Sub . No ., ,70; tby tkin, ,and condemning• for street
purposes.Y all :of :Lot 28'' Block 2, Auditor's Sub. No.�, 70•
I y�`