191510PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 19150 Council_FRe_No....... (Council File No. 191510 — whereas, A written proposal for the Makin g of the following improvement, Improving Highland Parkway from J amline Avenue to Edgcumbe Road byl regrading and paving with new con - '�crete base and asphaltic concrete syr- TTY -, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .: � aiprov I rig H i gh t �irfd park�y° ° f rt1�p- "•Nike � i ne Avsnuo tea `�d�us�ie� � �y peg Fad, i no, • and pav hg with new concrete bass and . arspt�a�� t ,. e.+oncr0q,.sur1` I ng ;.;by _gr�dl n9 tad pevinc�" street,, 4ile+y r,nd driveetay returns; by constructing nett eaywrote curb where .........necessary -y'. by -re constructing the PW!1Ag.. Curbing .end' $ Icawa)k *, on 1ntor$fttlisg streets where not In conformlty, with saI'd i rove�entI mP dr�str_ ; -• water•� fact [f-tIat by'constrit�ting sewewp.wate.r'end'gas's�rv,140 connec+acti storm tions fro creel �,rQSs'�to•_pro�ert,�r,,;l, ,neg'1wli ! .neCass`ary;..by- -canst ci. tin , duft,s and t+ppurtenancos �or'future: 1' 1, and irafflc,dont -oI �s . t b zioin 11 other' *h1ch Is neco4s ,,:� y X ...... ry d . �ltcre9ehtai '-'to-e:p�ipieCe"`ad't rov PRELIMINARY ORDER. i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ---� " .. :i aiprQv i ng "Nl gh t amid" Parkway °`Ton* "am] i,nes pve�nue • -tor -Edgc�be Road by reg radi ng 9 _..and= pavin._v�ith dew. concrete base and as concrete surfacing) by grading and_ �• �pavinq. trept;: ai Tey`and. driveway returns; by" , onstriiCt 'hg near °coreerote� curb: whe;rei ••• b reeonstructfr,g- ..the • pay.ing,, c�u.rbi't�g „and:_sfdewaiks; ors: intbrsecting "decessar.y.;: y . tt'eets wheres not In conform) ty .wi"th said improvement.; by. 'rec6nsfir`ucti ng storm . , . water' fact 1 i ti es 1 by''corist'riict i fig sewer; - wa' ter --and- -gas sere 1 ca-- connect,i ons..f. rom hatii::;�srdet-,ir� .tOhPrdtiertY `l�i.n�s�, "v�hsre..iecQ nary; by constructng conduits and th.rc(appt+l'tcnance3 for future righting and .tra fic contriii sys.feiris and: by °dol °rtig ft�? ` a i e Cron rn.:sig�er of and-incidental a Coana i heaby a rds edi ,f dImprover nt. -' -" 1'.` T(5 investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR 2 6 1959 Adoptedby the Council ............................................................................ YEAS NAYs Councilman DeCourcy Holland )UXXX UX Winkel Mortinson Mr. President, Dillon MAR 2 6 1959 Approved ------------------- - -------------