191188Original to City Clerk j J9118_8 CITY OF ST. PAUL --- F LE "�'� N. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC SO UTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Wi nke� March 3, 1959 COMMISSIONER DATE In the matter of constructing a sewer in the north side of Annapolis Street from Brown Avenue to 40 feet east of Woodbury Avenue; in Wyoming Street from Brown Avenue to 25 feet east of Woodbury Avenue; and in Brown Avenue from Wyoming Street to Annapolis Street; all of which is to be known as the WYOMING -BROWN SEWER SYSTEM, under Preliminary Order C. F. - No. 188356, "approved July 15, 1958. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Paul that all orders in the matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in said matter be discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland 1MiC ,QW Winkel Mortinson Rosen President; Dillon , Mr. Vice Fr9s.' :.nt (i- mr..60a) 5M 6 -96 - i Council File No. 191la8 —BY Adrian P. Winkel— In the matter of constructing a sewer` iii the north side of Annapolis Street from Brown Avenue to 40 feet east of Woodbury Avenue; in WYoming � Street from Brown Avenue to and dfein east of Woodbury Brown Avenue from Wyoming Street; _ to Annapolis Street; all of which is " to be known as the WYOMING -BROWN - SEWER SYSTEM, under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 188356, approved July 15, 1958: > Resolved, By the Council of 'the1 City of St. Paul that all orders in! the e an ancelled,r annulled and r rescinded rand all proceedings in said matter be dis- coA pted by- 1 the Council March 3,� 1959. j Approved (March 7. 19 9) i ]{ MAR 3 1959 Adopted by the Council 195— MAR 3 1959 Approved 195 — n Favor /� Mayor Against Duplicate to Printer f 19118-8 - CITY OF ST. PAUL F °E "�" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Winkel !larch 3, 1959 COMMISSIONER DATE In the matter of constructing a sewer In the north side of Annapolis Street from Brown Avenue to 40 feet east of Woodbury Avenue! in Wyoming Street from Brown Avenue to 25 feet east of Woodbury Avenue' acid in Brown Avenue from Wyoming Street to ,Annapolis Street; all of which Is to be known as the WY0NI NQ+ -BR(hM $EWR SYSTEM,, under Preliminary girder C. F. No. 188356, approved July 15, 1958. AE$QLVE0, by the Council of the City of St. Paul that all orders In the matter be and the saes are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings In said matter be discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland 7OXXXIMM iii nke 1 Mortinson Tn Favor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon_ TJiAR 31959 1 DM 8 -EB Adopted by the Council 195— MAR 3 1959 Approved 195— Mayor 'P.