1911504 0111GIN;L TO CITY CLERK r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --COUNC14 / /ROSOLUTION- GENERAL FORM X91 150 FILENCIL NO. council • File No. 191150 —By Milton Rosen— Whereas, The State of Minnesota hds been granted the right to enter upon ano. n con -truest State Trunk I w WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has been granted the right to enter upon and to construct State Trunk Highway No. 393 upon, over and across certain lands situate in Section 31, T 30, R 22, Ramsey County, which are under the control of the Board of Water Comissioners; and WHEREAS, Park Construction Company, the Statets contractor, in the performance of certain of the Highway excavations within said certain lands, must dispose of and waste certain of the excess materials which will result therefrom elsewhere than within said certain lands, and has requested permission to use certain nearby other lands under control of the Board for such purpose; and WHEREAS, it appears the wasting of said excess materials as and where requested by the Company will not damage said other lands and the Board by its resolution adopted 19 Feb- ruary 1959 has approved, authorized and directed its President and Secretary to execute a certain Agreement by and between the Board and the Company granting to the Company the requested permission and setting forth the terms and requirements upon which such grant is conditioned, NOff, THEREFORE., BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Pant, that the foregoing action of the Board of Water Commissioners be and-hereby is approved, ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that said resolution adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners 19 February 1959 with conformed copy of said Agreement attached, a certified copy whereof is appended hereto and filed herewith, shall be deemed to have been incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said resolution were set forth herein verbatim. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.56 OM 2 Tn Favor (Qgainst FEB 27 1959 Adopted by the Council 19_ FEB 27 1959 Approved 19— qq \ -? Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL �91 No OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 440 RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER loth, 1_9K2 s his Board, , by `Temporarsr ei nit . onstruats. dated b November' 195 . ixas gra�nti d, to the Sthte of, Vinnwota the. :right to� dnte� acct bonl ►1ri�Ct' taste ' "Nighty No. 393` ovrec .'CertOni lar dp- situate In Suction 310' . R227 snd mope par#:cii3ss g described u` d 'Tempor ry Permttj and VMRWs. 'The f9taate bas =WtW. ,a ,Cap Aragt, with ' respe to of the - donotructioh of SAW Highly within .said lanft to Pak ConsUmat$ou Cow and,01944 6Q4ZPWY 1M 087 p®rfora arse of ' 404 : '.contrActs is now. AMAged In mVdng e=&vatd on within, owCd . la ndw but mob diegovw of and eart0n, of Vw eta mater s: vhich Vin ftelat lbhereftm. .eUmheree than vi th* tb#� 'Im3.te of tha vertain lea, af-ore�.d end. has requested pa-raIiitsitt to uce cotta n other nearby Unda under the cootta of the Board, for suah puzW 8i and It appears the ,conotraoted'.di id HtghW W3:7.1 make it .inprasti Gable to use any of . above mentioned for the - purposes for b ch they were 3red and it fu�rtbs:r appearlmg that 'the fisting 'Of said eicesa' materials as an8 whew requesteid bar the company a�rill riot, addtianaEly .damage the ;BaFird; ,aid , 5 ".1the-;dionedA bse.'oubraitted a.'pivW23d foi'w_,of Pe #m , ggi, nt :getting forth Us: terms and. conditions: he; deema 4M ,sa£egtlard;' amd pr6teet tha intmesto • 4f tbs Board of °9 ah ' Cel�dsOione�ra' end 'the, Oi ty of" Saint vl 'if 'the 0Mtractbr� ir-84te3• the- reveotw.. pe"s an aforeeaidj, Nf F hE1 B `Bg 31.." til OEij the Board "of ter'COm sioiiei^a t i&t caatz 41 be' gnariteti the requeSte3 per s%s3,on -to'- dispflae "af` ,and wsste`.s $scess `inatklal*� 3lblziF and -i�ri sa:Ld certain -der sii d '.eonfa to'the � said popbsed form f PeA t ree� t, ad sbject -fkher' t6'*,othj ondt ns flr- .drest ans tba General msr migft- :iceu ..riec apprpriate. ii the premises; -at�d a Iwo] TURTM, 'fiat,' •ea3 ' f of Pei t A ° ent -'.be anci heret 3r is appa�vsd. bar .anal tk4t• ,the' P�resl*nt .and .:$I etary `be author zed ate. 'directed to e_ =qub& p&me 3n behaU,' of the Boar& of me pi kiet e Saabl' il ow ca f u t' ' iar this ! tis a° of tbo BQM"dt State of Minnesota ) County of Ramsey) ss. City of Saint Paul ) I, C. A. Flack, Assistant-Secretary of the Board of water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the above typed copy of a resolution of the said Board as adopted by the Board on February wiWEthe (Originalnthereof on file, in my office and that said copy is a x el ' 1959, correct copy of said origina]. and the whole t3209 by the Board of W,%tcr Commissioners Yeas Witness F.seal Paul this 25th day of February of the Board. of Mater Commissioners of the City of Saint A. D. 1959* iM 11 -58 ss s an ecre Ary :.SST. SECY. + PERMIT AGREEIVlENT _ ` . ° r•�: ..THIS AGREZ ENT', by and between the •Board of Water_ doiftisaioner§ of the City of° Saint Paul, hereinafter - referred to as-the flBoardii, and "Park Construction, Company,: a Minnesota corporation Yhereiiiaftar ar"eferred- to as. ' c- the „COmpaIIytt, t _`•.�,: <f ; • S. ", 5_ '- N'r"- M�.+*a� • . . - ' ' . : •• . ; i ' Kam, .' .. ,•} - �+ , 1 - n.7 -h,.' 1 - ; -- - ,• , � . �Wherseas.,- the';Board has {zgraricted to "�thac.State`o'/f•Minnesota, hereinafter- o ref�rred:,.osrasrtheState�,. a Te;rary Permit °.to - Construc_'t State Trunk- -_ • , ` Highway No. 393 over;: and across 'certain lands' situate in Section ;!13" T. 30 N.,- ' R. 22'W.,, ` and .more' .partickarly, described'-.# :said permit being designated therein,,and hereinafter `as Tract l; Tr act'- and Tract 3, 'and in,the records of • the H ghway• Department` of said' State''as " S P -: 6285-, (393) 901 Ne- ` 4o ' •County of Ramsey, n which. permit 'iS made 'a'}part' of this= Agreement • by reference; and Ilhereas, the .Board, in� said permit also has• - granted . to the State z • _ certain'rightss in` certain, Board -lands lying - northeastery" dam ' of boon T .- _ - lirie •run parallel. with-and 389 faA,1 southwesterly of _the •following described reference_ lifie, . to grit - , Be ginning at a. point on 'the - wrest line of Section 31; T * 30. N. ; • s . '22 W.;- :distant 636•.65 feet .north of the crest' quarter. corner - ° - . thereof; • thence _ run' southeasterly_ at-an angle'7of 5D'Q451 with the west' line of said section _31' for - 1548.1 -feet; thence deflect to the left on .a �10 chord, spiral',curve of decreasing. radius' ( spiral an 1007 30n) 'for.-150. feet; thence - deflect to, the left on a 1030 circular curve. (delta'-angle 13 015+) , for 883.3 feet- "and there terminating; ;,ai.d, } ' Whereasy •Contract has been _entered into" _b` and—between the ,State' and theM1Company, for ,the- construction, Of.,said'Trunk -Hi a y' No. 393 over':and ` . . . ` ire• „' .. - - - - -. _ ..,.. - _ - _ .: _ - ` across aforesaid Tract l,- Tract'2 and Tract 3 together with: some adjoining,° `lands and whereunder said Company�is now•performing c`erta* excavations x across said ;Tract 1, Tract 2 and Tract' 3, bitt^ must -dispose of and waste­ s=6 r. �• ._ •. r � _ .. _. > _, °'Y }A'- '�'- _+.e- ..���: �. g .• __••- , y t e ,ate •, - •t •• -• _ p_ s _ •` ` - .!'v _.3 - ofd- the - excess materials'ther�efrom =in locations el-sewhere=- than,_'withiri .tie !a ,- "'_= 5 , limits of said Tract 1,'TrAct_ 2 grid Tracts ,3 ,and said adjoining hands mod. ZAF ' , � - ` s�:.=;-j" - -»F_ .,r� :. ..t ty '.� , �r y{. ,� "+- ' r Sa - -� y , � • -� x_ y L - 1a' - ~e' '_ . • - Q in adegaeAamanner astoy 4 dra�.nage and si+de.'sl.opes ,1], ,to N i'ai Y `+ a- '1 � `�, 4a.�. „� r,* ' is a Tt '%fif§4direction t, CN and approval, of the Board.+ s Engineer _ 4 z }Whe easpcthe,4 Co��any desires Ito- depossi�t �said, waste j�materials � on; others lands of Lthe Board .lyingjsouthrwestely ofrabovve aidboundary}line,,and the e t yl� Board� as willing. to permit t is_.i, °o�ond��itioned5 onr�th�el�companyIs� faithfully Fper for�mance boff 'every, reSuirement, of this Permit; °? 17 �g1 rE +fi, n� , n or t�,,NOff,) JT TFE�FORE,, i.n consideration of the { ^mutual fo�venantys� hereind Weonta edisths` Board end tY e.fComppny, agree, aeli °ll rava bc,n :'. li v rcd to *„;d t ;1_.,f��The uBoar hereby agrees4that, the, CompLany`mayidepositlsaid thaa i ste :Merials excavated from said Tract 1, Tract 2 and Tract 3yupon those ce'3tain L�ds heue nafte ,called;wasteorea., described !as�� ollays, to wit= Conform -010 to Statute* . b1. P lblic LVibl . I-Ir a.Yji -Pr uP3,'i` Y ' F ,-.1� _AIr ~ �t All All those, certain- .portions,iof. Block 2 1,1(8;t2 -.q s , <(6 12, �41.A. 3-rV t ri4 d J tl_ o Rce ,� oLf i noree - As adidci s outhTesterly of I the boundar l t` ion which a 1nide- ;b,,e,l „� onp�t,.,/s _ a .3 G,..J t' _. < ♦i'v a; .w.f .<: S.I V , <... • sl%i J W the elevat on ;l9l��St.,;paulLCity llat�m L4i City Datum3 -�n= 69� 1 j Hghwa�KDatum, approximate ),, r except Vii. f, *and ,as -otherw se =d authpri ed o`r ldirec• ed, in writing, byte `Board,? s !3igineer.) :l io rn p'cix to 1 subject. 1os than t ;:0 aim=t nRp.rovided -. .ia[ �ite .1✓y rot Ion Oan A10CjM.00. �r4` L 2. The Company shall procure all necessary licenses and permits C -} lIto: obi a PahliG Li3b13it pT.J r- .0, ,jr.t"� J)=tee 1YL_sux�Clca 3r: and pay all chargesand fees �and�Tgl<ve.Yall unor ices >tnecessary to- its operations Hoare anti tbl City fmm iAd a:u claa.mn arising Tru- th.k and to the lawfi l prosecution, of kits.:y►ork!underi -this , AgrMeement,i�N t;,e p a sal rc 3. Ta Co pang shall � fl responsibility for the protection a Con yoanr s own autonobi les arA trucks. Of all persons and all public and private property at or near the site or b Autc: r----------- 4; 3 41 H X3 iN I =AW-3 4 11-T-if -T- L L L Z-, =io iHsv;� s.L i n(a mo) L o 2iVM -j aM V'l S I V NCI VA W -4-J V IS3M lz% � fV I A, TO, ow, '0A 'pv Hl 9 MR-4 I FE TRI 4 OA iN I =AW-3 4 11-T-if -T- L L L Z-, =io iHsv;� s.L i n(a mo) L o 2iVM -j aM V'l S I V NCI VA W -4-J V IS3M