09-1178Council FSIe # Q� Green Sheet# 3074797 RESOLUTIt3N � 41�1T PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1 1 Presented 1 WI3EREA5, a request has been received from the Saint Paul Port Authority for the release of existing 2 easements within the properry depicted on the attached map, E�ibit A, and legally described as: 3 4 A71 that part of the alley in Block 541ying east of the east Zine of Weide Street and west of the 5 southerly extension of a line 18 feet east of and parallel to the west line of Lot 3, said Block 54, 6 Arlington Hills Addition to Saint Paul: and 7 8 WHEREAS, the easement rights requested to be released are stated and depicted in Ramsey County 9 document 2689830 recorded on December 10, 1992; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, that with the Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Northern States Power d/b/a XceI Energy — Gas Division, a public utility; and Northern States Power d/b!a Xcel Energy — Electric Division, a public utiliTy made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, on behalf of itself and said public utilities, waives the rights to said easements in the vacated area described above;'and Wf1EREAS, a request has been received from the Saint Paul Port Authority for the release of existing easements within the property depicted on the attached map, Exhibit B, and legally described in E�ibit C; and 21 WHEREAS, the easement rights requested to be released are stated and depicted in Ramsey County 22 documents 4031589 (Abstract) and 2006068 (Tonens) recorded on May 25, 2007; now, therefore be it 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 RESOLVED, that with the Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of: Comcast, a Pennsylvania corporation; Qwest, a Colorado corporation; made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of Yhe City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, on behalf of itself and said public utilities, waives the rights to said easements in the vacated area described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the following Utilities have retained their exisfing easements where they have facilities: Northern States Power d/b/a Xcel Energy — Gas Division, a public utility; Northem States Power d/b/a Xcel Energy — Electric Division, a public utility; City of Saint Pau1— Public Works, a municipal corporation; Saint Paul Regional Water Services, a municipal cotporation; and Verizon, a Delaware corporation (MCI Network Services, Inc); and be it fiirtl�er Council File #-_ �� Green Sheet # 3074797 34 RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution and the City's receipt of a$340.00 administrative 35 processing fee, the proper city officials ate hereby authorized and directed to record a copy of said 36 resolurion in the office of the Ramsey County Recorder, and that the City Clerk shall maintain on file a 37 copy of the Certificates of Intended Non-Use referenced in this resolurion. Bostrom Carter Harris Helgen 5tark Thune Adopted by Cauncil: Date l Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� s i Approve� . ' Date `� � By: Requested by Department oE -^ Financial Services By: " Approved by e of Fin 1 e ce By: Approved by City Attorney By: ' Approve y M r�u ' ion t ouncil By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet hi. .��/1 � DePartmenfl�eelCauncil: Dateln"rtiated: V �� }F �� FS -Finanaai Services � o�T2oo9 Green Sheet NO: 3074797 Contact Person & Phorre: ���^�t Sent To Person InitiaVDate Bobt-0ovak y o mancialServices � 266-8563 1 ' Attorne L�� Assign 2 ' cialServices Ma tKdl Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 21-0CT-09 For 3 a or's O�ce Ma odD a Ma or Routing d ouncil �—� - Doc. Type: RESOLIJTION Order 5 ' Clerk City Cterk E-0ocumeM ReOuired: Y Documertt Contact: Bob Novak � Contact Phone: 2fi6-8863 Total # of SigrcaWre Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Adion Requested: � CONSENT AGENDA. Authorize the release of easexnents for the property neaz Arcade and East 7th as requested by the Saint Paul Port Authority Recommendatlons: Approve (A) or Rejecl(R): Personal Service Gontrects Must Answer the Foflowing Questio�: Planning Commission 1. Has ihis perso�rtn ever worked under a contract for this depaAment? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skili not nortnally possessed by any cunent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � The Port Authoriry requested the release of easements as they are no longer needed by the City and/or Public Utilities that retained them in a pre�ious vacation. Advantages If Approved: _ Properiy owner can remove an unused easement from title. ��� Disadvantages If Approved: None foreseen. Q��- � � � �t� DisadvaMages fl NM Approved: Unused easement remaius on property owner's title. 7ota1 Amount of �30p.00 Tre�action: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number: GL-160-1 1 070-051 3 Financial information: port Authority will pay city admin fee (Facpiain) October 10, 2009 12:47 PM Page 1 qS q L Q 01 N Q J d ..�4 Q�N o � �i �a7 �" +� t y � lU ^ x �' U p a � iu � u ¢ a � p > �"„ew N �� V� z s �' �� 0 �n S ¢' S }' '— W J �-.,_ a �>. '1S 3QdJ2IV �i > s } Q J n r �^ a z •a �n - � > n a m � � P � J � f '.�� H � �� ���� Eghibit A i i � z q F- Q a � � V � S n z T 3 � � r "a„ a p � ' H ro �+� � ,il N 4 � � = 3 v u �4 7 z �� Q H i� � �� a � a ^ d > � ' � N N . @ u' U �. 0 M `� s S n � . v ts • !f_ r 0 CERTIFICATE OF 1NTENDED NON-USE TI� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAI3L ��'����J In the Matter of: File # 09-GQ4b The undersigned hereby cer[ifies, on hehalf of the indicated department or company, that the deparhnent or company voluntarily waives and releases all rights in the realty described below: All that part of the aZley itz Block 54 lying east of the east line af YYeide Street and west of the southerly extetzsion of a line 18 feet east of and paratlel to the west line of Lot 3, said Block54, Arlington Hills Addition to Saint Paul except as here noted: RETURN SIGNED COPY Td: City of Saint Paul Financial Services — Real Estate 25 W. 4 St., Rm.1000 Saint Paui, MN 55102 Company / DepaAme¢t Xf.�t. E�J E RG�' ( EL�'R{ tc� Signature of Authorized Representative � .���� ��iL�� s: SlTlN'� �' t.e►.sfl '�1�4�3 A�,� P-e� de�. y ner T«►, �t �es Attention: Bob Novak b�-f1�8 CERTIFiCATE OF' IN'fENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND ivf�MBERS OF THE COTJbIC�. OF TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL In tt�e Matter of: File # 04-C-04b The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that the department ar company voluntarily waives and xeleases all rights in the reatty described Below: AII that part of the alley in Btock 54 lying east of the east line of Weide Street and �vest of tha southerly sxtension of a line IS feet east of a»d paratte! to the 1ti>est line of Loi 3, said Block 5-0, �lrlington Hills Additiorr to Saint Paxl except as here noted: Comp:my / LXparUnent NortF�esa States Pox�er d/blaXcet Energy l 0u Engineeriog RETURN SIGNED COPY TO: City of 5aiut Paul Financial Services — Real Estate 25 W. 4�' Sf., Rm.1000 Saint Paui, MN SS1Q2 Signature ofAuthorized Represenfative Its: as Engineer Aftention: Bob Novak 0 � . i , 1 l � l �:;�i�;��� � • '� �;:l���'�ES �E' � ��;;����� � � -'�- ::�:��� �i �7::l�� �� 1� � ,: �:,, �'S �::��:��7 � � �__'����� � �'� �: ����� it � �� � - �f;:R'�� ��7 � ��:��:��i � �'i �7�:l���� � �i _ � 1 i . _ am- � � �o�c � �\� � . ` y "��`� ���«,� ���� c�� � _ ,.. �� ;� L�.i:'r,',� 3�sN1,�j��/ '��� �` �� �`Z.`���i _ � �{�M� < .....r ,. ��7n7 ;:,,.:,:,..,,;� � - ��� Til�f',��:��,� �+..�><:: ae�e�?�, . ����T.,�.r,r.r� �'�_�, ..� . ��'. �!!� � � �� � � � �� � � Y ( �� l/ �;;�7L��� � `�� '. � ! � : �� � �'�!';���� iL�i �����������y���\`\\\\\�� � � . \ ���\�\\\\��\\���\��\\. . \ �� -� � i1�;T: ! �� ' � ir�' � � !� 'i�R� : . � . . . . ....... . : ; .. .....__ . . _ ,- _ : - _ HiY6 � � � > I ��(� (.��� � ' Eghibit C Date: Augnst 9, 2�4 , ' I�scriptioa Psepared 6y: Sk Paul Puhlic Works, StiuveyDivesion � •- ' Reference: Vacatiori oFRlW in Btocic 54, Atjitigtoa $tlls Addtion to Saiut Paul.&- ' � Bush Ave bUwetn Wdde aad Ascade &' - � Itcaney Ave betvieen Arcade and N�e.ndott 8t .. . ' -Mendota St between E:7". andReaney & . . . ' . . . _ . � Aliey in Bloc$ 3, I�ills Addition , " . . • • - . �' Yacath Fauquier Plase es�opened by Gounci2 Fi[e Numbor 142918 appioved Febrnay 21, . =. 194$ desabed as the east 22.W feet of Y.ot 3', Block 54, Arlingtoe A'illa i4ddiflon [oSaint . . Pa++t, Ramsey Couaty. Ivfiemesgta srid tbe west 16.40 feet of Lot 2 Block 54, Arlingtan - � Hills Addi6on to SaiatPaul, FamseY CountY..Minnesota, aad that pact of.said I.ot 2 •-.. bouadedby a line deu�'bed as beg�iiiig at a point,on the nonh line of said Lot 2 that is . 16.W feet east oE t6e norfLwest comer of seid I.ot 2; thence sonth' and paialleI to the west . . line of said Lot2 a distanee of20.00 teet to a poiu� fhmGe pa a s�aight linc in�a � . '. northeastertydicection ta a point on the north line of saidI:ot 2 thatis 20.qUfeet east of . the northwest comer of said Lot 2; t}ience west on'the norih line of'saidLot 2 to !he po{nt .' �- � of beginmu�. Nso wdcate thace pa�ts of I.at 2 and Lot Z, B1oc�C54rArlin�on Hills - Addidoa to Salnt Panl. �2amseY Couaty, Minaesom 6anrided by rfie f6ttawiag de"scrilxd `•-- line;, hegmuiagatagoint on tfie sout4t ]in�of said Lvt 2 tAat is_16.UUfeef easEof the= •.• soufhwesc caaner of saui �.oi � ;1Y1PAC8 OOflb OA S S1iHlg�1� 11lICC I�tBC ]S j18[$HP.� IO 1tLC WCSt �� line of gaid Loi 2, s d'istance of 29.00 feet ta a pmn�; thence soudi-and east a� t�he aic of a . � circle haviog a radns of 9:OOfeet to irs point of tangeacy with a stiaigtit line th8t is 20.OQ • feet nbcdi of and paza(le1 io tHe sauffi line of said I:ot 1 aud Lot 2; shedr.e easfoa said � ' {angentline m a poi� tliat is 83.t�6 ferx west of tlie eastliwe of Arc�e 3tteet thence east and aorth on the arc oF a cirele fiaviag a radias of 9.U0 fcet to its point of tangericy-with a " .� atraigE�t tiae thst is 74.U0 feet west of and"paraltel m the eaat lirie of Asc�Ye SErce� �hence. south on �sid s�aightl'sne d�atis 74.00 feeE w�st of �d paraUeito�the east line o€Arcade Streey a distane.e of 29.D0 feet W� point nn the south �ne of said Lot, l; thb�e west on .� , - the soad� Tine rof said Lot 1 andLot 2 to the point of begi�uung •� �.. ' ' VacaYeBush Ave lying east of a line drawn f�n the•northwest cornerof I..ot 9, Block 54, • � • Arlinginn FfiILa Aitditioa to Saint Pairt, Itamsey Cow,t3`, Mwnesora ia the sonthwest .- cocrier of Lot 9; Block 33, ArlingCon.HiUs Addiuon to Saint �aul, Ramsey GQUnry, � • Minnesota andlying westof a tine of commencing attt�e southwest oornei of the •. . . �� stt�thwest�quazter of Sectiun 28 Township 29 i3orth Rangefi2 West of the Founh •. . �P�ire�ipal Meridian; therice Ndttti � degrees 1Z minutes 04 seconds Esst on itu assumed bearin'g alang the west Fine of said southwest quartei� 629;77 feeS; tfleac;e Squth 89 : : ifegrees 30 miautes 53 aeconds West, 44.0] feet; thence South degcces U$ minules 09• ,' secands Wast; Q.16 feat tn the poim of beginnin "g, Iheaice Nortfi"0 degrees 12�minutes Q4 � seconds Best paratlel svith the westline of said southwest quarter, 99.90 feat and tUere _' said Iine terminates. Said line is prolonge9 or shortened to tP•*�+�narP �� norifi and �.�� i ��'���� - '� E�hibit C (cont'd) south �iness of Bush Ave. Sulrject to a temporary easement across the east 114,83 feet _ thereof. Said ozmporasyr easement is in favor of the tvlinnesute Departrncnt oi • � TianRportatiaa �d tesminates � Ikcember Qi, 20D6"as per Right of YJay Plat No. 62d6, recorded inlhe RAmsey Coanty Recordec Offiee as docmnent aumber 33849D2 in Book 1 of MmnesotaDepaz�entof Tcaj�apartadonRightof Way Platspage 14- ••, "" . Vacate the of the altey fii Block 54, Arlingtaa Hills Ad�ditioa oo Saint P�ol, RamseY Couniy, tvF�nneaota ly"tng east of 1he coutherly �ctension of a�irie 18.00 fer,t east of and gazaifel to the west liae o# Lot 3, said Hlack 54, aud lying west of a lina that is 74_00 feet west of arid p�iiel�to ihe east line of Arcade Street :' _'. • � t�acate Reaney_Avenue lying east.of a line 3T.90 feet east of and paiallel wiihLII�il? A desui'bed bclow a:id Iying west of a liue dratns from the nortliuvest comeroid.ot 4, Bbck 3, E. Tut. Mackufjsa's Add{tion ta Saz¢t PauI, kamseY CauatY� Mitmeso�a ca the southwest wmeT of �oi 14, Btock Z,_E. M. MacKubin`s Addifion to 3aint Pau,l, Ramsey Coanty; � Minnesoia . � . . . _ � . _ kacete the slley ia BIock 3, H"ilPs Adddion W 5t PaUI, Ramsey Couaty, Mianeaora lying- �east ofa ]ine 37.on fee� easi ofa�ifl paza]tet wlch L1PTE A descai6ed'belo4i as►d lyin�-wesc bf a liae ilmwn &om the nortlieast comer of Lot 3tY, said Bloc�3 to the southeast corne�^ . ofLot 1; ssi$ Block 3. . . . . - . ' • • LINE e1 is described es follows: Begianing at a point_ on tlie:sonth tine v� Seedon 2&, Townsttip 29 Noctt�, Range � West af Eh� Foiuth Ptiacipat N�ersdian;.distant 37.25 feet. .east of'the southwest comer. tkence noithtvesterly fat 36D feetmoie or 2ess to the intersection of the westerly eicteasio.n of die south lia� of Bloek 2, t�il!'s Additiou`tc► St Yau1; Ram'sep Couiiiy, MinaesoLa 37.� fe�t west of she sonthwesf cvmer of saifl Block 2 ., add there'said line terminates: � : ' . � - � _ �. . . " - _ � ' - � . VacateMe�dota Street iying souffi of a�lsne drawn froai the soat�}east corner of T.ot 3(1, Block 2, HiIPs Additiqa W St Paut, Ra�ey Connty, Minriesota to fhe sputhwtsfcorner of I.ot 14; Bldck 2, E. M. Macknbin's Addivon ta 5aint Pau1, Remsey County, Mianesota and lying noitL �.the southwesterly exteusion tif the southeasierlg Iine o€$Iuck 3, E: M. • Mackabia''s Addit�an m Sainc Paul, Ran�sey Caunty, 2�nnesota. .' '. �. ,- . . � . CERTfFfCATE O� iN'fEWDED NdN-USE THE HO�ORABLE MAYOR AND iVIEMBBRS OF THE CdUl`TCIL OF T'HE CITY OR SAI�TT PAUL � �-� ��g In the Matter of: File # 09-C-04a T2�e undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that the department or company voluntarily waives and releases all rights in the realty described below: See Attachment A-2 and A-3 ezcept as here noted: CcsmpM / Depari�nc��? _( (l�I �L�J "/ Signatvre of Authorized Representative �rC/l,Gl.�1� ��i�2� Its: f � a�'I,$'7 ru�-�ion ��Y'_ I2ETURN SIGNED C�PY TO: City of Saint Paul F`inancial Services — Real Estate 25 W. 4 St., Rm.1600 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Attention: Bob Novak a CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE TI� HON012ABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNC3L OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL b�-�1�8 In the Matter of: File # 09-C-Q4a The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaif of the indicated department or company, that the department or company voluntarily waives and releases all rights in the realty described below: See Attachment A-2 and A-3 except as here noted: Qwest has no objections to this vacate as long as a permanent utility easement is established to protect the interest of Qwest Corporation as described in Item 5 af the attached resolution. Conipany % De¢artmtut �S'; $..�r�}������� RETUI2N SIGNED COPY TO: City of Saint Paul Financial Services — Real Estate 25 W. 4` St., Rm.1000 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Attention: Bob Novak Its: DVilliam Gacke / Sr. Design Engineer