191121061GINAL TO CITY CLERKS t- COUN PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK CAAESOLUTION- GENERAL ;_91 121 COUNCIL _NO FILE Council File No. 191121 —By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor FORM Whereas, The City of Saint Paul and the organizations carrying the health and welfare coverages for the City have tentatively agreed upon an ex- tension of the period of time during whivb.­­.(' - m- L ,, y.vh ^. fs nn WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the organizations carrying the health and welfare coveragesfor the City have tenatively agreed upon an extension of the period of time during which a City employee who is on lay -off or leave of absence may make direct payment for his coveragesto the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company, the administrative agency handling such matters; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon acceptance of the following provisions by the organizations carrying the Cityls health and welfare coverages, the agreement between the City and such carriers and the terms of Resolution, Council File No. 187689, adopted May 29, 1958, are hereby modified to the extent indicated by such pro- visions: Effective-on-md- after March 1, 1959, any employee- - of the City having Civil Service or Exempt Status, paid on a semi - monthly basis, who is on lay -off or, leave of absence and fails to appear on the first semi - monthly payroll of any month, or such employee paid on a monthly basis who fails to appear on a monthly payroll of any month, shall be ineligible for City pay coverage for such month and shall be required to make direct payments, including payments for coverages under the City group program for which payroll deduction is authorized, to the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company, the administrative agency, in order to maintain continuous coverage. Such direct payments may be made for a period not exceeding twelve consecutive months, and thereafter conversion provisions must be exercised in order to maintain continuous coverage; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 @M 2 In Favor A gainst Adopted by the Council 19_ Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEM(i �� + CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Effective on and after March 1, 1959, any employee of the City having Civil Service or Exempt Status who fails to :make such direct payments while on such lay- off or leave of absence shall be eligible for reinstatement of City pay coverage on the first day of the month following the month in which he returns to active employment under status with the City. Such employee,'and an employee in a mechanical trade category, shall also be eligible, without furnishing evidence of insurability, for the coverages under the City group program for which payroll deduction is required, provided he applies therefor at the time of solicitation, but not more than one such privilege shall be afforded any such employee during the period of twelve months beginning January 1 in each year. Such employee applying after the time of solicitation for coverage under the City group p?ggram for which payroll deduction must be authorized shall'be required to furnish evidence of insurability satisfactory to the carriers, except during a period of open resolicitation as may be declared under agreement between the City and the carriers; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing modifications of the agreements between the City and the carriers of the City's health and welfare program shall be effective on and after March 1, 1959, unless the carriers, or any one of them, within ten days after transmittal by the City Clerk of a copy of this resolution to the company or association, shall by written notice.to the City Clerk reject the provisions of this resolution, rejection by any one of such carriers constituting a rejection by all. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson - Roise _ Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 In Favor Against FEB 2 5 1959 Adopted by the Council 19_ FEB 2 5 1959 Approved 19— s QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM FILE NCIL NO. WRIMAS, the City of Saint Paul and the organizations earrying the health and Welfare coverago Vicar the City have tenatively agreed upon an oxtenoion of the poriod of time during which a City employee who is on lay -off or leave of abaance may make direct payment for his coverages to the Xinnesota. ,Mutual Life .Imurance Company, the administrative agency handling such mattera# now, therefore, be it 1.91 121 RESOLVED, that upon a.coeptance of the following provisions by the organizations oarrylr�g the Cityca health and welfare coverage$, the agreement between they City and such carriers and the tetras of Resolution. Counoll File No. 1$' 6$9,. adopted Xay eq., 195% are hereby,modifi.ed to the extent indicated by such pro*. viaions t Emotive on ;arid after Maroh 1, 1959, any employee of the Cray having Civil. Service or (tempt Status, paid on a seMI- monthly basis, who is on lay. -off or leave of absetce and' fells to appear on the first eami- monthly payroll of any Month, or such employee paid can a monthly basis who fail $ to appear on a monthly payroll of any months shall, be ineUgtble for City pay coverage for Ouch month and shall be required to make direct payments, Including payments for coverages under the City group program for which payroll deduction is authorized, to the flinmesota Mutual l4.fe lneurance Company, the administrativa sgenoy, in order to maintaln.continuous coverage. Such direot payments may be made for a period not exceeding twelve consecutive months, and thereafter conversion provisions must be exercised In order to maintain Continuous o0yerage 3 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.56 2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL FILE NO. 8ftedtive on ftd sft+er Ma=h 1, 1959 any OW10yee Of tbo city having 'Civil ; *X*Vice or gyp; status who fhils t4-make .such rent payments while on subh lay- off or leave of .absonod shall ,be ellgible for reinstatewnt of City pay COV6rage on they first day of the month following the month In which he "tom to active employment under status with the City# Suoh employee, and an employee in a mechanical trade category.* sh413, s10a be eligible, without furnishing evf.denee of lnsurabil:.tyk for the coverages under ties . y ,group program for which Mroll,deduction is required, provided bo Applies therefor at the time of 6021e1 tatlon, but not more than one such, prl- Vllege shall be afforded arW 'suoh byes dur1ng the pti -lod, of twelve months beginning J vjax-y i In eae�h year. suoh employed, d, applying ofter they t1jo of solid tation for eoverage undOr the .City aroupPmarw for whtoh payroll deduation must be authorized e.d OW1 be Vevi "d to .fut°nish evidence of insuftbility eatisfaetOIT to the carrlers, except .dur a period of open resoliaite tf on ao .my be declared 46der agroeMent betw"n they City and the oarrIerial be it la`ualm SOM% that agatementis between the .My the foregoing modifications of the and the carriers * the pity's health offeotive on 'and after Maroh 1* 1959, ne of them,., within ten days after of a copy of this rosoluti on to the by written notice to the City Clerk resolution, rejeati.on by any one a re jection by ail„ and wol=m progrm ate. be uraes s the dxt3rriera, or alb o +� transmittal bar the City Clot 0NrOr aesociati,on,. ohall the prgvl3lons -of this of` ouch carriers conistituting COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 oJEW2 Tn Favor Against FEB 2 5 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved FEB 2 5 1959 19_ Mayor February lb; 1959 The Honorable Mayor and fft6ers of the City Council City of St.* Paul9 Minnesota Dear Sirs and Madam: The Technical Committee has considered the proposed change In the city welfare plan to extend from six months to twelve months the city employee status of employees who are either on leave of absence or on lay off which is embodied in the accompanying resolution. The committee is of the opinion that this proposed change will simplify the operation@ of the plan with respect to these employees and operate to the benefit of the employees ands therefore, recomwnds its adoption by the Council. Respectfully submitted, TECHNICAL COINITTEE Alfred H. Schroeder, Acting Chairman City Architect // Ed F. Jones, Secretary PW ties Enginee EFJ :ew