191039191039 Council File No------ --------- - - - - -_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I Council File NO. 191039— 1 Whereas, A written proposal for the! making of the following improvement,l and viz.: - Open, widen and extend Magnolia A�e,.Irom the west line of Maryland 'r – '.*,_U,0_af_Abri follow-1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ......... .. ......... . ......... I . ...... ... ..... ... ........ .. ...... iddn arid- --bxtend.Magnolia. Ave, Tir6zd, thc_west. line, of Ila x7lazid. Heikhtiv..,- to'the Ok 'line of tha - following d%�qril�ad'tram qf landt• Ek ePt,th& gbrth,'425. ............. ftw, and- "dxd6pt"'the"'East: 470-5- A- -; --thdt.'p6A 6f't-h6­N"o_jrt__'h'l/ '`J* 1/4 # ­I ., . " It , , g,,; ot,the OX ''Sec., ,27,, Vwo?�j T­i22 lying dastet17 oft Olarbrjqo.'."4�;,;q�id PrbqPerityy'A­K1q'i,1 pnd... most of,;Var 1- g iij. kok 'Sire`e`t­pu_*_r�`,1'o' set tlf6� _7,and Heights,. by 'akin -an con emn 1iyEa# ai f9otth..1/? -.)29.. 4-22 'A 27 � i, -, �ghtd,to this" "A A lifte, of the following detcribe"d'"t " -ft of land k.--Exc6A S r P jtfidr North"423" ft l- and', t Vth6-49, -1/ e 2 'of oxcpp the -East 410.5 - ft, j that."Ji R-f i­,� - A; R7 At �th', oldr ' ,7 R-6290, 'T�-�2 lying east of elide- St. and. Pro '' erity Avo. 4n4- 0_ sp g�z7jand Heights, PiZELIMIINARY ORDLA. ......... .... . -1 .... .. ... .. .....,_(Ven, widen, and extend ,Magnolia Ave.._J�rQm_ the We#jirle of Maryland Heights -. to the east•lin6 of the following described tract of land: Except the North 423 ­­­-ft " --and-except-tha East -4706--fti,; -that- part of-�the.-,No'rthi-1/2-of-the;�NW..1/""4--. ........ of See, 27., R,49, To#22,'lying easterly of Clarence Ste, and Prosperity Ave, and .. ... .... iYeA of Maryland 96Qfits"" bk­takifi�'dHd­i5o_iid6ffihi�id f&3�*'-S'tr66-t'j*it�66iiii,"th"**.... .9 e bayin�South.'33rLf,.t'ot,,of:i�t-lie--,Noi-th,lV2"of,,:Sdi:�,i27..,-,;A,��29.,--T.-22.9- from_21ar h-tp' tQ. t 'i, - Maryland he ti,er,feast line of the following -- desicribed tract- of land Excet the North 423 ft. and except the East,470.5 ft,;_ that part of the North 17 of, the NW 1/4 of R IS�� 't �,_a ", ,)rn - Z­_ -.! 9-$ T-22, 1��ing­6as o enc6fSt.�-9,fid-wrosper- 13- west of 1. Mtityland-.ijleighta-a-,-,c--3ity for, or rii:siyabii,y of, tl:z rr!.kjrq or said Imt- mvernent., 2. }1oinvestiE:ato the nature, extc-.t an .1 ezil.imated co-,t of !.aid iinprovemcnt, and the total cost the;oof. S. To furnish a plan, profile or E!,-ctch of said hnprov­;^L-era. 4. T-6 Et--te %A thor or cot pK0ycqeqt b PL '-cd fqr ca tl�o w-iti on of th Ior_-rqn�ren,-! -- -_ - L — Pz__ -_ 5. To report upon all of the fore matters to the Commissioner of Finance. VON 17 1959 Adoptedby the Council ............................................................................ YEAS NAYS I Councilman DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon FEB 17 1959 Approved.......................... ......... ---------------------- I ..... ------------- Mayor.