191023ORIGINAL TO GtITY CLERK • s�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCiI NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OSOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY R //� COMMISSIONED , DATA RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Charles J.�Mishek, M. D. from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the south property line along Larpenteur Avenue between Lexington Avenue,,and Dunlap Street, as it pertains to Lots 6 and 7, Block 1. Clifton Dale Ramsey County, Minnesota, is. hereby established as the building line on said property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.5s QW 2 Council File No. 191023 —By Bernard T. Holland — Resolved, That upon appeal of Charles J. Mishek, M.D. from the de- cision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the south property line along Larpenteur Avenue between Lexington Avenue and. Dunlap Street, as it pertains to Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Clifton Dale Ramsey County, Minnesota, is hereby established as the building line on said property. Adopted by tlje Council February 17, 1959. Approved February 17, 1959. i (February 21, 1959) FEB 17 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— FEB 17 1959 Approve cam\ 19— ►r Z Mayor OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: e--.— ..,* February j, 1959 4c' JOSEPH R. OKONESKI Ci +y Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 191 023 I The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached a eal of Charles J. Mishek, M. D. for relaxation of parking lot standa 9 RBMSS tRc�hgegb ttF @ia @)of Larpenteur Ave. between Lexington Ave. and Dunlap St., also described as Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Clifton Dale Addition, in accordance with plans approved January 8, 1959• Very truly yours, �a City Clerk av/ 1 FEB 6 - 9015$ MINNESOTA 8<D. 0 ................ : ;' RD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ••••• ? ?: k #•�t............ 741 -733 -733 1013 CITY NAIL AND COURT NbUS1 .SAINT PAUL 2, IN ........................... ........................ February 4, 1959 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the application of,Cbarles J. Misbek, M.D. for a permit to install and operate a 20 car private parking lot for staff and patients, and an appeal to relax the parking lot standards on property located adjacent to the, south side of Larpenteur Avenue bbtween Lexington Avenue and Dunlap Street. The legal description of the property is Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Cliftondale Addition. This property was reclassified from "A`° Residence to Commercial by the City Council on January 9, 1959, C. F. 190402, for the purpose of erecting a one story doctor's office building with off-street parking accessory thereto. This property has a frontage of 120 feet along Larpenteur Avenue and a depth of 125:5 feet which results in an area of 15,060 square feet. The adjacent land uses are as follows: north across Larpenteur Avenue is the new Roseville Shopping Center; west and adjoining is vacant undeveloped land; farther west across Dunlap Street, in the next block, are the California Drive Apartments; south across an alley are single family residences fronting on California Avenue; east and adjoining is a liquor store and parking lot accessory thereto; east of the liquor, store is a grocery store and customer parking lot. The Traffic Engineer has approved the layout and operation of the parking lot, and the plans, with one exception, meet the standards for this type of facility. It is necessary to appeal the required front yard set back in order to have a sufficient area for the parking lot. The present required parking lot set back from Larpenteur Avenue is 121 feet, and the'applicant is asking for a set back of zero (0) feet. Field investigations discloses that the relaxation of the set back from Larpenteur Avenue will not be detrimental to the adjoining or surrounding properties based on present and probable future land use development in the area. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the permit for the parking, lot, and the approval of the appeal to relax the front yard set back requirements on the above described property, all in accordance with plans approved January 8, 1959. Sincerely, Herbert C. Wieland f Planning Director HCW:FGI Encl ., 1 " F N y RICHARD E. KLEIN ATTORNEY AT LAW WEiT FIRST NATIONAL BANKoBUILOING SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA January 8,-1959 Hon. Mayor and City Council City of St. Paul Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Re: Appeal of Chas. J. Mishek, M. D. Gentlemen: CAPITAL 4 -4911 As attorney for Dr. Mishek, who has made application for a parking lot which does not conform with the - ordinances, I am writing this letter of appeal. The information pertinent to the appeal is as follows: 1. Name of Applicant: Chas. J. Mishek, M. D. 2. Legal Description of Premises: Lots, 5, 6 & 7, Block 1, Clifton Dale Addition 3. Street Location: Property is located on the South side of Larpenteur Avenue approximately 160 feet west of Lexington Parkway. 4. Proposed Development: It is proposed to construct a doctors' building as per the attached plans for the care and treatment of patients. It is proposed to provide in connection with this doctor's building adequate off street parking for patients and also for the staff. 5. Purpose of Appeal: The purpose of this appeal is that the proposed design of the parking area is contrary to the provisions of the Legislative Zoning Code,.Chapter 60.23, paragraph 5, sub - sections (c) and (d) ,which provides for a' set back from the street and also for no parking closer than eight feet to the adjacent property. 6. Necessity of Appeal: It is necessary for this appeal to be taken to-obtain Hon. Mayor and City Council V 1 ✓ -2- 1 -8 -58 a relaxing of the provision relating to the set back of the required distance from the adjoining property as the strict enforcement of the provisions would leave only spaces for parking seven patient's vehicles which would be entirely inadequate, while relaxing of these provisions, as can been seen from the attached plan, would permit the parking of seven additional vehicles, or a total of fourteen patients' vehicles. Any number less than the fourteen would be inadequate and would work a hardship on the doctors and patients. 7. Sections Under Which Appeal is Taken: Legislative Zoning Code, Chapter 64.03, paragraph(�,)and Chapter 64.03, paragraph (t). 8. Parking Capacity: Upon the proposed plan as submitted, there would be parking provided for six cars of the members of the staff and fourteen cars of patients. If the Legislative Zoning Code, Chapter 60.23, paragraphs 5 (c) and (d) were strictly enforced, there will be only parking for the six vehicles of the staff members and seven patients' automobiles. 9. General Information: While this area for'the proposed parking lot adjoins "A" residential district, which by the zoning code would require the set back, it is felt that this provision should not be strictly enforced by the very nature of the area in which this proposed clinic is located. Directly to the east are four lots zoned "Commercial" and which are used for commercial purposes including off street parking. Directly to the north, while not within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul, is a large shopping center with off street parking extending from the property line at Larpenteur Avenue north severalfeet to the building lines. The lots directly to the west of this proposed doctors' building and parking area, although zoned "A" residential, are not used for such purposes today and by their very location it would seem highly doubtful that they would ever be used as a practical matter for class "A" residency. Yours very truly, OICHAWRDE. KLEIN ter * & -7 Est. o+�hc �D t �.I�ro.t� n�at.� AontYtood [Sr, rAUL M1NNEiISOTN -- Ail. cp SOLO FaTawic I i DERT&L NJI LID 1.14G i IM A.N -- LA�PEN � E.VP ��oi�s� -D Do�ToP.S �v � L�Di�Ca L��. C+1�S • J M►SHIC 4 'b12, a`! +f �NVE . DEC 1958 cill U pa , Paul, Minnesota IFo� TFi oS . W. V GTFE L. T� •vU . Jo¢1NSO1�l - 'S7.