191020ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED COMMISSI r I— CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC14 RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM . ­T. COUNCIL NO A -9 1020 X20 FILE Council File No. 191020 —By Severin A. Mortinson- Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon- due consideration of the report of the Commissioner of Pnhlie Safet • and due- inrnsti2ation_ in RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon due consideration of the report of the Commissioner of Public Safety and due investigation, in the premises, that it is found and determined that there has arisen an existing threatened invasion of the City by an epi- demic of contagious disease commonly designated as infantile paralysis or poliomyelitis, which constitutes a sudden and unexpected emergency wherein the funds of the City provided therefor or available by grant from National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis or other sources have become and remain inadequate for the protection of the public interests; and that supplemental to the funds of the City available therefor and supplemental to any funds from any other source available therefor it will be necessarythat the City forthwith borrow and make available for payment of its expense necessarily to be incurred in properly protecting the public interests, in the premises, by the procurement of the requisite vaccine, the establishment, manning, and operation of medical clinics in public and parochial schools of the City and in respect of other necessary procedures in meeting such emergency, the sum of not to exceed $20,000; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Mayor and City Comptroller hereby are authorized, pursuant to Section 206 of the City Charter, in behalf - of-the City; to borrow temporarily said sum of not to exceed $20,000 necessary, together with all -other funds available therefor, properly to -- meet such emergency and protect the public interests therein, and to make, execute, and deliver to the party or parties making such temporary loan, a promissory note of the City therefor in the principal amount of such temporary loan and not to exceed the sum of $20,000, and bearing interest thereon at not to exceed six per cent per annum until paid and payable within one (1) year from and after the date of such temporary loan; RESOLVED FURTHER, that said sum of not to exceed $20,000, upon such authorized borrowing of the same, shall be deposited to the credit of a special item of the Cityls Health Department Fund hereby established and designated Subfund 9 C-5; and that such borrowed sum,of not to exceed $20,000 and any additional funds available therefor by grant or otherwise are appropriated therefor and made chargeable with the City's necessary expense in its meeting of said emergency. Countersigned: proved City Comptroller Mayor COUNCILMEN ` y Adopted by t ounc' - 19— Yeas Nays FEB 17 1959 DeCourcy Holland Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson Favor Rosen ayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 •2 DUPLICATE Td PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL CO "cis NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon due consideration of the report of the Commissioner of Public Safety and due investigation, in the premises, that it is found and determined that there has arisen an existing threatened invasion of the City by an epi- demic of contagious disease commonly designated as infantile paralysis or poliomyelitis, tihich constitutes a sudden and unexpected emergency wherein the funds of the City provided therefor or available by grant from National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis or other sources have become and remain inadequate for the protection of the public interests; and that supplemental to the funds of the City available therefor and supplements1 to any funds from any other :ounce available therefor it will be necessarythat the City forthwith borrow and make available for payment, of its expense necessarily to be incurred in properly protecting the public interests, in the premises, by the procurement of the requisite vaccine, the establishment, manning, and operation of medical clinics in public and parochial schools of the City and in respect of other necessary procedures in meeting such emergency, the sun of not to exceed 120,000; RESOLVED FMHE.R, that the Mayor and City Comptroller hereby are authorised, pursuant to Section 206 of the City Charter, in behalf of the City, to borrow temporarily said sum of not to exceed $20,000 necessary., together -Ath all other funds available therefor, properly to meet such emergency and protect the public interests therein, and to make, execute, and deliver to the party or parties making such temporary loan, a promia:ory note of the City therefor in the principal amount of such temporary loan and not to exceed the sum of x'20,000, and bearing interest thereon at not to exceed six per cent per annum until paid and payable within one (1) year from and after the date of such temporary loan; RESOLVED FURTHER, that said sup of not to exceed S20,000, upon such Ruthorized borrovring of the same, shall be deposited to the credit of a special item of the City's Health Department Fund hereby established and eesign:ated ,Subfurd 9 C--5; and that such borrowed sum of not to exceed $20,000 and any additional funds available therefor by grant or otherwise are appropriated therefor And made chargeable with the City's necessary expense in its meeting of said emergency. Countersigned: Approved COUNCILMEN ty mp Adopted by tte ounei 19 Yeas I Nays DeCourey Holland Mortinson P n Favor Peterson Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 OW 2 Approved FEB 17 1959 19— Mayor bFFI,CE OF CITY`CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Adh �+Z FEB 13 I145j RPO"TjYw1. r V Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel B- Gilding Dear Sir: JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 1.91 020 February 13, 1959 The City Council referred to you the attached letter of Comsr. Peterson requesting an emergency appropriation of $20,000.00 to continue the Polio immunization program to be conducted by the Bureau of Health, and asked that you prepare the proper resolution. Very trulZj City Clerk l.v MINNESOTA 8<:> CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota Cne admeat 4 Palfic Salell Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 1 POLICE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner FIRE PROTECTION JOHN C. FE MANN, Deputy Commissioner A. R. ANDERSON, License Inspector February 13, 1959 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: HEALTH POLICE AND FIRE ALARM We are requesting an emergency appropriation of $20,000.00 to continue the Polio immunization program to be conducted by the Bureau of Health. The following is for your information: In 1955, when the Polio vaccine first became available, the Bureau of Health received an allotment of polio vaccine from the National Polio Foundation, sufficient to administer two doses of the vaccine to the first and second grade children in the 130 schools in the City of St. Paul. At that time 23,152 doses were administered to those children. Again in 1956, through an Act of Congress, 9,530 doses became available to St. Paul. This vaccine was administered by the Bureau of Health mostly to preschool children. , In January of 1957, the Bureau of Health, with the cooperation of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, conducted a survey in all St. Paul schools to study the acceptance of the polio vaccine since the initiation of the program in 1955 - The survey embraced 64,944 students in the elementary and secondary schools. 61,401 of the questionnaires, or 97.62 percent, were returned and tabulated. The object of the survey was: 1. To determine the status of immunization of the school children in St. Paul. 2. To compile data which would enable the most efficient utilization of the polio vaccine should it become available. The data indicated that 6.21 per cent received one inoculation, 51.85 per cent received two inoculations, and only 11.10 per cent received three inoculations, and that 30.84 per cent have had no in- oculations at all. It was felt that in addition to that, probably another 35 per cent of the preschool children have had no inoculations. This large unprotected population of preschool and school children was considered a dangerous reservoir for the possible polio epidemics that normally recur in the three to four year cycles. As a result of these findings, a grant of $18,000.00 was made by the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis to Ramsey County, of which St. Paul received,a proportionate share. This was supplemented by an emergency appropriation of $20,000.00 authorized by the City Council, which permitted the Bureau of Health to conduct a series of clinicsin the schools, in the Neighborhood Houses, Housing Projects, or- phanages, Booth Memorial Hospital, House of Good Shepherd, etc. A total of 35,064 vaccine doses were administered to preschool and school children. The balance of the unexpended polio fund was used throughout 1958 to administer the vaccine in the daily clinics at the Health Center. �. o • .t -2- The average attendance at the Health Center Clinic for polio vaccinations is about 750 per month. A total of 8,325 doses were administered during the year 1958. In all, beginning with'the initial clinics in 1955 through 1958, 76,071 doses of vaccine were administered by the Bureau of Health. In order to adequately protect the children of our City against the possibility of a polio epidemic, it is quite essential to continue this immunization program. It is a known fact that crash immunization programs, conducted at rare intervals, is of very little value. The only means of controlling any communicable disease,. including polio, is a continuing day to day, month to month, year to year program of immunizations. It has proven in the past in our continuing program of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and smallpox immunization programs, that the effective way to prevent epidemics is to have a continuous program of immunization, as we in St. Paul have had no epidemics of diphtheria or smallpox since the inauguration of our con- tinuous immunization program against those diseases. We hope that the same will occur in the case of polio., if our program in continued on the same basis as our other immunization programs. Should the City Council grant an appropriation sufficient to carry on our polio immunization program, we contemplate to continue our daily clinics at the Health Center, and, in addition to that, conduct additional clinics in the low income group of our public and parochial schools, in the housing projects, neighborhood houses, nursery schools and orphanages. We consider these children to be the least likely to avail themselves of the services of private physicians and these children are the ones that normally constitute the main reservoir for the spread of communicable diseases. An example of that, you most likely know from the newspaper accounts of last summer, is the great polio epidemics that existed in Chicago and Detroit: Those epidemics started in the low income areas and thence spread throughout their cities. We are hoping that the program of immunization we contemplate will in a great measure pre- vent such an occurrence in the City of St. Paul. Respectfully yours, Robert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety BLL: jn „OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St: Paul 2, Minn., January 30, 19 You are 'hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of State of Minnesota Department of Highway for permit to erect a 400 -car temporary parking lot (for employees) in' blocks bounded by Rice Street, Carroll Avenue (Cathedral` -Pl -L and Rondo Avenue, and that a public hearing will be hel W, the Council Chambers of the - Court House and City,. Hall $uilding oebruary 11, 1959 , in theme City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A p 8 File 11363 Commissioner of Finance. - The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance.