09-1165Council File # ��—�
Green Sheet # 30763 ( 6
Presented by
W HEREAS. the Ci[y of Samt Paul, has entered in[o an a�reemen[ with Macalester Colle�e to act as its a�ent m accep[m� federal funds on the�r behalf for the
cons[rucuon of cen[er medians on T.H 51 (Snelhn� Avenue) from SC Cla¢ to Grand; and
WHEREAS, this work is to be paid fmm feAeral Cunds up to 5475.000 made available by [he f}iWA, with MnDOT fundin� of 5417,000 and the rema�mne
5346,750 shall be pa�d by Macalester College, and
WHEREAS, a bud�e[ �s needed to establish spendin� authority and an activity to rece�pt [he federal. sta[e and pnva[e funds, and
W HEREAS the Mayor, pursuant [o Section 10.07. l of the Charter of the City of Samt Paul, dces cert�fy [ha[ thert are available for appropna[ioq funds of
596,265 m excess of those estima[ed in [he 2008 Capi[al Improvemen[ Bud�e[, so
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of [he 6ty of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Lon� Range Capital
Improvement Bud�et Comrruttee, that $1,268,750 is available for appropriation in the Capi[al [mprovement Budgets, az heretofore adopted and amended by th�s
Council, be hereby further amended in [he Improvemen[ Budge[s, in [he follow�ng pamculars.
Suelhng Ave Cemrer Medians
Macalester College
Cuerent Proposed
Finaramg Chan�e
$0.00 $475,00000
SO 00 $447,000.00
0.00 $346750.00
$000 $1,268,750.00
Amended Amended
Financing Spendin�
$475,000.00 $475,000.00
$447,000.00 $447,000.00
3346.750 00 $346.750.00
51,268,750.00 $1,268,75000
To estab[ish spending ¢uthority and an acrivity to receipt fedem(, state and private funding for Uze TX SI (SneUing Avenue) cent¢r medinn conshuc[ion
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Adopted by Council: Date
Yeas Nays Absent Requeste by DepaRment of:
� PTK/'ab , � /30l2004 ublic Works
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Adoprio� Certified by Council eretary
By: �,1� '/�
Approve ayp �: ate v �i�"l ��
By: v
Form Approved by City Attorney
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Form Ap oved Fina ' S�rvyc� �
By: { IL� ��
Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY� '�?/.,C.J �
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
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Departm¢rM/OfficelCouncil: Date Initiated: � �� r '�
PW_PublicWorks �7_qUG-09 Green Sheet NO: 3076316
CoMact Person & Phone: Departme�rt Sent To Person �InitiaUDate �
PaulKurtr o�, bGCworks O ne armen[aceounc�nt __b'��,f�7f�
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dt3C1�5 X q
266-6203 1 bHcwocks n entnirector � O
Assign 2! roancial Servmces FSnancia] Services �
Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): Number 3 tCits AfYOCnev ' Attorne �
Routing 4�� or's 015ce Ma or/Assisfant
p� �,�; PUBLIC HEARING Order 5 Comcil Camcil
(RESOLUTION) 6 ilv Cierk ' Clerk
E�DOCUment Required: N
Document Contact: Paul Kuriz
Conqct Phone: 266-6203
ToW I# of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locatlons for SignaWre)
Action Requested:
Approval of attached Resolu6on establishing a spending and financing plan for the T.H. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from St Clair to Grand
center median construction projear.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answ¢r the Following Questions:
� Planning Commission �. Has this personfiirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
C1B Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2- Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nottnally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers oa separate sheet and altach to 9reen sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoKUnity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The City of Saint Paul has entered into an agreement with Macalester College to act as its agent in accep6ng federal funds on their
behalf for the construction of center medians on T.H. 51(Snelling Avenue) from St. Clair to Cnand. This wock is to be paid from
federal funds up to $475,000 made available by the FHWA, with MnDOT funding of $447,000 and the remaining $346,750 shall be
paid by Macalester Coliege. A budget is needed to establish suending authority and an activity to receipt the federai, state and private
Advantages If Approved:
There will be proper spending authority and an activity establisue3 to receipt the federal, state and private funds for the construcGon of
ihe Snelling Ave center median project.
Disadvantages HApproved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
There will not be spending authority or an ac6vity established to receipt revenues for the Snelling Avenue center median project.
Total Amount of $1,268,750.00 CosdRevenue B Y
TransacFon: udgeted:
Funding Source: Fed Grdnt, MnDOT 8� Macalester Activity Kumber: C09-2NO20
Financial lnformation:
August 17, 2009 11:07 AM Page 1
City of Saint Paul
To: Margaret Kelly
From: 3ohn McCarthy, Budget Analyst
Subject GS #3076316 - Snelling Avenue Median Project
Date: September 17, 2009
6�,� /1n�
Attached is a budget resolution that would establish a spending and financing plan for the
Snelling Avenue Median Construction Project. Medians will be constructed on Snelling
between St. Clair and Grand. Funding for this project will come from three separate
sources: $475,000 in federal grant revenue; $447,000 from MnDOT; and $346,750 from
Macalester College. The total project cost will be budgeted at $1,268,750.
OK to sign.
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