190992ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI .191)992 CITY OF ST. PAUL C_ ell _ NO. C„ FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 19M2- -BY Miltoni Rosen — IL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Resolved By the Council of the City Of Saint Paul, that it is hereby found that the purpose of each of the two separate temporary easements, in land,( DATE------J feet in width and 10 feet in width,( �*yCe.R h rl�� —F. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that it is hereby found that the purpose of each of the two separate temporary easements in land, 20 feet in width and 10 feet in width, respectively, limited to the use of the affected land during and to accommodate the work of the construction and installation of public sewer, water main, and electric and gas lines within another area 30 feet in width made subject to a perpetual easement theretofore granted unto the City of Saint Paul, have been entirely accomplished, said two separate temporary easements having been granted unto the City of Saint Paul, under and by virtue of that certain Document No.. 3776$$, dated April 23, 1957, and filed of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, May 7, 1957, and memorializedfon Cet�ificate No. 165524, Book 375, page 24, and that for the purpoee of removing an unnecessary cloud upon the title of the subject real estate said temporary easements and each of the same should be and accordingly hereby are released and dis- charged of record by and in behalf of the grantee, City of Saint Paul; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk by and hereby-is instructed to cause a certified copy of this resolution to be recorded in said office of said – Registrar of Titles, provided that the expense of such recording shall be borne by the City's grantor of said temporary easements. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Pete3+se�� Rosen Winkel Mr. President; Dimon= u0 President (I'etLK:p 5M 5.58 2% EEB 13 1959 Adopted by the CoUT9 19_ Approved 19— 4 +ry O Tn Favor Mayor ACtlli� Against -J DUPLICATE TO PRINTER���� " O CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that it is hereby found that the purpose of each of the Uo separate temporary easements in land, 20 feet in -width and 10 feet in width, respectively, limited to the use of the affected land during and to accommodate the work of the construction and installation of public sewer, water main, and electric and gas lines vi.thin anothe;1 -area 30 feet in Width made subject to a perpetual easement theretofore granted unto the Citp of Saint Paul, have been entirely accomplished, said tvo separate temporary easements having been granted unto the City o-' Saint Paul, under and by virtue of that certain Document Ho. 377688, dated 1ipril 23, 1957, and filed of record in the office of the Fegistrar of Titles in end for Ramsey County, Minnesota, T4ay 7, 1957, and memorialized on Certificate�No. 165524, Book 378, page 21t, and that for the purpose of removing an unnecessary' cloud upon the title of the subject real est -te said temporary easements and each of the some should be and accordingly hereby are released and dis- charged of record by and in behalf of the grantee, City of Saint Paul; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk by end hereby is instructed to cause a certified coFr of this resolution to be recorded in said office of said Registrar of Titles, provided that tho o=ense of &uch recording shell be borne by the Cityta grantor of said temporary easements, FEB 13 1950 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays FEB 13 195 DeCourcy Holland Approved l9_ Mortinson { �i �,. - -In Favor Ilk Rosen May 6r r Winkel - Against y 1VIr President;.'Dillbn � ,k Mr_ Vi;.• 1',:siu�nt (Yetctwu? sM s -se OW 2 Sun. -Ray Terrace Corporation 303'Pioneer Building 336 Robert Street St. Paul," Minnesota" Gentlemen: Ay , - You have heretofore granted to the City of St. Paula per- petual 30 foot watermain easement across your property located in Tract t "V'' Registered Land Survey No. 91, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which,easement has been registered.in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and,for said County. In addition thereto, you granted to the City of St. Paula temporary easement affecting the 10 feet South and 20 feet North of said 30 foot.ea$ement to.permit the construction and installation of the'watermain, which easement was filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles as Document-No.'377688,, and which easement was to expire upon completion of such construction. We hereby.noti.fy you that the watermain construction has been completed for some time and therefore the above - described tem- porary easement terminated and is no longer of any force and effect. Yours very truly; ✓ ASSISTANT CHIC ENGltim! CITY OF SAINT PAUL PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE ENGR. HERBERT S. WEST RICHARD L. WHEELER Capital of Minnesota ARTZ� DESIGN WWLIN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BuJOHN M "COTER, Supt, • ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner e BRIOGS ENGINERR BURKAU OF MUNICIPAL EOUIPYSNT MAURICE W. HEWS CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner ARTHUR H. KOCH 0 1 GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator 0 TRAFFIC ENOIN ®t ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT EUGENE V. AVERY JOS. PAVLICEK • ® e February 13, 1959 Mr. L. P. Sheahan Special Asst. Corp. Counsel 316 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This letter is to advise you that the temporary easements for construction purposes on Tract "B" Registered Land Survey No. 91 are no longer required by the Department of Public Works, as the public sewer has been constructed in the permanent easement and that sewer is now in operation. These temporary easements were deeded to the City of St. Paul on April 23, 1957, (Document 377688 - Book 378 - Torrens Page 24). JAH /jv cc: Comm. Winkel A. W. Tews Yours very truly, /l �y - ,! John A. Holmboe Public Works Sewer Engineer ME'jil Ma COU011 CDC LEONARD N. THOMPSON General Manager C. W. HAMBLIN Ass't General Manager C. A. FLACK Registrar qi -' WATER DEPARTMENT SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONER MILTON ROSEN, President ADRIAN P. WINKEL MRS. DONALD M. DeCOURCY William P. Behrens, Deputy Commissioner 8 Mr. L. P. Sheahan Special Asst. Corporation Counsel 316 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Sheahan: This letter is addressed to you be the papers in the matter when it f because of your phone call therein 29 January 1959 ROY W. HOLZER Supt. of Distribution F. W. GALLAGHER Supt. of Water Supply ROSS A. THUMA Supt. Filtration Re: Sun Ray Terrace Corporation easement grants to City. use it is my understanding you drew st came to the City for action and iasterday afternoon. Mr. Holzer of this department, haviongvestigated the matter, informs me that the temporary easement granthe Corporation to the City by deed dated 23 April 1957 (Document - Book 378 Torrens Page 24) has served its purposes so far as this entts water mains are concerned; therefore, it would appear there could be no valid objection on the part of the Water Board to the extinguishment of such easement. We cannot, of course, answer for any other department of the City. Mr. John Cosgrove of Cushing and 'Driscoll, Inc., has submitted herewith transmitted release form for signature in behalf of the Water Board. Inasmuch as the easement was granted to the City and, as I understand it, for sewer and other utility uses in addition to water works purposes, it is assumed the release, if proper, should be given in behalf of the City upon authorization by the Council. Perhaps Mr. Cosgrove would appreciate hearing that except for the time he insisted arguing the matter, the above information could have been forwarded you late yesterday afternoon. Mr. Virgil H. Hillts letter under date of January 29, 1959, addressed to Mr. Wolff, is also herewith enclosed for your information and disposition. FWG :lm Enclosures P. S. Will you please inform us of the disposition of this matter, when accomplished. F.YY.Q. WATER IS THE LIFE BLOOD OF A CITY JAMES E.'DORSEY DA TO E.BRONSON KENNETH M.OWEN LELAND W.SCOTT HUGH H. BARBER DONALD WEST WA LOG F. MAROUART JOHN W.WINDHORST HENRY HALLADAY JULE M.HANNAFORD ARTHUR B.WHITNEY JOHN G. DORSEY RUSSELL W. LINDOUIST DAVID R. BRINK MORALE E. HITCH VIRGIL H. HILL ROBERT V. TARBOX De FOREST SPENCER ROSERTJ.JOHNSON MAYNARD B.HASSELOUIST PETER DORSEY GEORGE P FLANNERY CURTIS L.ROY ARTHUR E.WEISBERG GREGG S.ORWOLL JOHN W. JONES DUANE E.JOSEPH ROBERT E.KAUL JAMES B.VESSEY DORSEY, OWEN, SCOTT, BARBER & MARQUART ATTORNEYS AT LAW FIRST NATIONAL-SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINNESOTA January 22, 1959 Mr. Fred H. Wolff, Jr. Cushing and Driscoll, Inc. 303 Pioneer Building 336 Robert Street St. Paul, Minnesota Re: Sun -Ray Shopping Center Dear Fred: At the time Sun -Ray Terrace Corporation granted the Perpetual 30 foot water main easement to the City of St. Paul, it also granted a temporary construction easement covering the 10 feet South of said 30 foot easement and 20 feet North of said 30 foot easement which was to exist only until the con- struction of the water main had been completed. It will be necessary to obtain a letter from some authority of the City of St. Paul advising that said wnstruction has been completed and that the temporary easement is terminated. I have prepared and enclose herewith an original and two copies of a proposed form of letter. I would assume this letter should be obtained from the City Engineer's office. Will you please see if you can obtain such a letter in duplicate. VHH :jat Enclosures Y T;z r y truly �j L CEIVED N 23 1958 NG 0T)DRISCOLL {,. PAUL IV, IIN. tia TELEPHONE FEDERAL 2 -3351 OF COUNSEL LEAVITT R. BARKER 1 QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT 1-90992 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO.—F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM ! PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER nera °- 1, 1111M VIE$ 'hy tho co"cJil of the Citg of Saint PWa$L U t ' 1 It to hereby f't imd the t the purlwe *f oach oil` the ts,* as ► `atc teWr3ry eaasments is land, 20 feet An vidth card 1Q feet Ili V14thp I respeeUvely, limited to the use of the affected land &rint7 gmid to ac0o=04ats the work of the constmetion and iaatallation of public Oftwero vator main, and olaatrlo arid gc-0 sines within riaotkier are4 � 30 f`*ot to Vidtii t3#de, Subject to -a perpett-ma easement theretofore orented unto tho City' of sa�,j at Pe ul, ba" been; vatirely said tea eoparata Umporas7 haylog been- �r.%nted unto tha City of Smint Paul,, under and by virtue of that cortalh, €fob .jmt go, i 3�"�W, dated April 23s 1,93°7, and filed of record in tbn office of � the Registrar of Titjoz in and ror Primssey County$ Xiane -ota,, Ray 7, 1937, and wzori.al.ized on Certificate go. x63324, noon t 37$: pie 24, ; and tlmt for the purpose of rawvI g an tmneceonary cloud upon tba title of the vu'bjeat 3rea asto:te aald temparAry eavenentp. and each of tho $-;A& oboad be *Ad k.eoordingly ht,,,rcby sae reloaaed and d ic- ebarged of record by and in behar of tbo grnntce. -City of-Saiut Paul, q RF-VLVFZ FURTHER, that the: City Gltrk by, and hereby id. Invtrue;ted to cameo a cart feed copy of tbt a xecolution to be re wrde d in sitid oftice� of a idd Registrar of Titiosp provided that the a -?enoe of ouch rocording shall be borne by they Gityt o .grantor of eatd temporary eacaeme;nts.. COUNCILMEN , Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson ,Pe ers"soon m 0- , Rosen Winkel rPresideni; I�i'Il Mr. Vic riiic nc 41'etetfficite7 5M 5.58 !� I: / FEB 13 1959 Adopted by the Council- 19— Approved FEB 13 1959 19_ Tn Favor j. Mayor Against 1