09-1162Council File # 09-1162 Substitute 11/04/2009 Green Sheet # 3os4i 16 RESOLUTION fCITY OF SA�L�AUL, MINNESOTA �7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Presented by RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MII�TNESOTA AUTHORIZIZING SUBMIT°i'ING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATON BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION WfiEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council and Mayor Chris Coleman are committed to opportunities to make Saint Paul one of the most sustainable cities in the United States; and WHEREAS, Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 which allocated $3.2 billion for fiscal yeaz 2009, of which $1.8 billion is available to city and county governments in the form of direct formula energy efficiency and conservation grants, under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program; and WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul is eligible to receive $2,767,000 of one time funding from the U.S. Departsnent of Energy's (DOE) EECBG Program; and WHEREA5, the City of Saint Paul will utilize EECBG funds for the following initiatives: 1) Saint Paul Energy Smart Homes Program; 2) Saint Paul Port Authority's Trillion BTU Program; 3) Energy Efficiency Lighting and Energy Improvements for Local Government Facilities; 4) Electric Vehicle Charging Stations; 5) Public Fducation and Climate Change Challenge Grants; 6) Program Administration. WHEREA5, on June 17, 2009 the City Council passed a Resolution , C.F. # 09-646 authorizing Mayor Chris Coleman, as Chief Execurive Officer of the City of Saint Paul, to submit the 2009 Energy Efficiency and Conservarion Block Grant application to DOE; and WHEREAS, a 2009 financing and spending plan in the amount of $615,000 needs to be established for this grant; and 4VF�REAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there aze available for appropriation funds of $615,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2009 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2009 budget: CURREN'I' BUDGET Financing Plau F233 — Energy ConservationInvestment Fund 32562 — Energy Smart Homes Prob am $0 3099 — Other D'uect Federal Grant 32503 — Energy Efficiency-Municipal Buildings 3�99 — Other Direct Federal Crrant $0 32506 — Public Education and St. Paul Port Authority Trillion BTU Program 3099 — Other D'uect Federal Grant �0 Total Financing $0 CIIANGES $ 15,000 $ 8Q,��� $520,000 $615,000 AMENDED BUDGET $ 15,000 $ 80,000 $520.000 $615,000 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Spending Plan F233 — Energy Conseroation Invesm�ent Fund 325D2 — Energy Smart Homes Program $0 0547 — Payment to Sub Grant 32503 — Energy Efficiency-Municipal Buildings 0271— Bui2ding-Repair Service $0 32506 — Puklic Fducation and St Paul Port Authority Trillion BTTJ Program 0219 — Fees-Other Professional Services $0 Total Spending $0 $ 15,000 , :� ��r $s2a.000 $615,000 $15,000 . .� ��� $szo 000 $615,000 NOW, '�RFFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, by�the City Council of the City of Saint Paul accepts the 2009 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant awazd from the U.S. Depamnent of Energy; and be it FUR'TE�R RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2009 budget. Bostrom Carter Harris Stark Thune I Adopted by Council: Date /� Adoption Certified b Counc'�Secretary $ � Approved o: Date Z� j,3 d By: Requested by Department of: B Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet %G_! 1 /n - � � DepartmenVOfficelCouncil: Date Initiated: �, ���� MO-MayoYsOffice ,QO�T2oo9 Green Sheet NO: 3084116 Confact Person & Phone: Deparhnent Sent To Person InitiallDate Anne Hunt y 0 ouncii 0 68520 1 ouncil De artmentAccoontaui � 2 ouncil De artment DireMOr Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number ,,� y D � Fm 3 ouncil De artment Direc[or Routing 4 i Attome Ci Attorne Doc. T RESOLUTION Order 5 i Attorne O YPe� 6 a or's Office Ma odASSistant EDocument Required: Y 7 inancial Services Rce otFina�cial Servic s ouuci] 0 Document Contact: 9 a or's ORce Ma or CoMactPhone: ]0 i Clerk Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) _ Adion Requested: — Approval of a Council Resolution authorizing the submission of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Application. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1 Has Ihis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/frm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWges If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Trensaction: Cost/Revenue Budgeted: funding Source: Aetivity Number: Financial Information: (Explain) October 14, 2009 11:19 AM Page 1 s� v�_j��a-� To: Saint Paul City Council From: Anne Hunt, Mayor Ctuis Coleman's O�ce Re: Energy Efficient and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Date: 10 June 2009 Back¢round Information In February 2009 Congress passed and President Barack Obama sia ed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) which allocated $3.2 billion for fiscal yeaz 2009, of which $1.8 billion is available to city and county governments in the form of direct formula energy efficiency and conservation grants, under the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. The City of Saint Paul is eligible to receive $2,767,000 of one time funding. According to the Department of Energy (DOE) guidelines, the purpose of the EECBG Program is to reduce fossil fuel emissions and energy use in an environmentally sustainable manner; to malcimize benefits for local and regional communities by reducing the total energy use; and improve energy efficiency in the building sector, the transporta6on sector, and other appropriate sectors; accelerate deployment of mazket-ready distributed renewable energy technologies; and create and retain jobs. EECBG funds may be used for purposes such as planning, technical consultant services, eneray audits, fmancaal incentives, energy efficiency retrofits, transportations programs that conserve energy, building codes and inspections, energy distribution, material conservation, reduction and capture of inethane and green house gases from landfills, energy efficient tr�c signals and street lighting, renewable energy technologies on or in government buildings, and other approved related activities. EECBG Funding Guidelines and Requirements DOB has developed the following core principles to guide enfities during the program and project planning process: • Prioriuze energy efficiency and conservation first as the cheapest, cleanest, and fastest ways to meet energy demand. • To maximize benefits over the longest possibie terms, entities should look for ways to link their energy e�ciency efforts to long-term priorities (especially community economic development, community stabilizations and poverty reduction efforts). • Invest funds in programs and projects that create and/or retain jobs and stimulate the economy while meeting long term energy goals. • Target programs and projects that will provide substantial, sustainable and measurable energy savings, job creation and economic stimulus effects. • Give priority to programs and projects that leverage federal funds with other public and private resources, including coordinated efforts involving other Federal programs targeting community development funded through the Recover Act as the Community Development Block Grant program, HOME, and job training programs. • To the extent possible, develop programs and strategies that will continue beyond that funding period. Ensare oversight, fransparency and accountabi�ity for a1t program activities. Enact policies that transform mazkets, increase investments and support program goals. Develop comprehensive plans that benchmazk current performance and set aga essive goals. EECBG grantees will be expected to measure and report regulazly on the following: • Jobs created and/or retained • Energy saved • Renewable energy • Green House Gas emissions reduced • Fundsleveraged Cities must submit grant applications to the Department of Energy (DOE) by Jnne 25, 2009 in order to receive an allocation of EECBG funds. Projects must start within 180 days of the grant awazd. The a ant requires development of an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (EECS), which can be submitted with the application, or within 120 days after the grant is awarded, The energy strategy must incIude goals for increasing energy efficiency and conservation and a plan to for using funds to achieve those goals. Other federal guidelines and restrictions on the EECBG funds aze: • No more than 10% can be used for administrateve costs • No more than 20% can be used for revolving loan funds • No more than 20% can be subgranted to nongovemmental organizations for the purpose of assisting in the implementafion of the energy efficiency and conservation strategy and • Funds must be obligated within 18 months of the award and spent within 36 month. EECBG Proaosed Recommendations Mayor Chris Coleman's ofFce monitored discussion of the ARRA funds at the Mianesota legislature aad has consulted with the DOE, Department of Commerce's Office of Energy Security (OES), Minnesota Leaa e of Cities, Ciry of Minneapolis, Ramsey County, Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washinb on Counties, Xcei Energy, District Energy Saint Paut and namerous community partners including the Center for Energy and Environment, Neighborhood Energy Connection and the Saint Paul Port Authority. The Mayor's office solicited and reviewed project proposals from City departments and has made the following recommendafions to the City Council for consideration of expenditures from the EECBG funds: 1. Saint Paul Energy Smart Homes Program -$600,000 The City of Saint Paul's Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) will develop the Smart Homes Program to provide funds to approximately 150-200 homes for energy conservation improvements. PED will coordinate with the Neighborhood Energy Connecflon (NEC) and the communiry development corporations to identify eligible households in need of substantial energy efficiency improvements. $550,000 of EECBG funds will leverage b�i-!1� 2- appro�mately $695,000 of non stimulus dollars which includes Federal tas credits, Xcel Energy rebates and other funds and result in an annual estimated savings of 135,800 kilo watt hours (kWh) and 72,000 therms and a total annual reduction of 1,030,000 pounds of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Tlus translates into a total annual savings to Saint Paul homeowners of �86,382 or $432 for each home. Refeaals for eligible low-income homeowners will be made to Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington Counties. PED will also use �SQ000 to work with nonprofit energy service providers to develop a pilot project targeting multi-family buildings and leveraging appliance rebates. ' Recommendation: up to $600,000 2. Saint Paul Port Authority's Trillion BTU Program -$500,000 The City of Saint Paul will sub grant $500,000 to the Saint Paul Port Authority to establish a revolving loan program to fund energy efficiency improvements for commercial and industrial business. The Port Authority will use the EECBG funds to design, finance and installation of energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy systems in commercial and industrial facilities. The Port's "Trillion BTU" program is the first in the nation to use energy conservation as an economic development tool. According to the Port Authority, the program "would expand Minnesota's green jobs and energy-conservation experCise, and reduce the state's reliance of fossil fuels, while enabling u6lities to meet their energy-savings goals: ' This project will leverage not only Xcel Energy's Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) funds but appro�mately $5 million of MN State Energy Program funds and additional private capital. Recommendation: up to $500,000 3. Energy Efficiency Lighting and Improvements for Local Government Facilities - $1,050,000 > The City of Saint Paul will use the majority of the EEBCG funds to make energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements for City owned facilities and replace street lights with energy efficient lighting technologies. The City intends to fully utilize the Center for Energy and EnvironmenYs (CEE) One-Stop Efficiency Shop Lighting Eff'iciency Program in the City's recreation center, libraries, police, fire, public works, and other publicly-owned facilities. Xcel Energy offers cash rebates to customers who purchase and install qualifying energy-efficient lighting products in existing buildings. The City proposes investing approximately $400,000 of EECBG funds, which willleverage approximately $200,000 in rebates from Xcel Energy, with an estimated payback under three yeazs and over two miilion kWh saved. The Department of Public Wozks proposes to replace third of the 3,000 globe style decorative pedestrian level street lights in downtown Saint Paul with the more energy eff'icient Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps. The t�se of approximately $300,000 of EEBCG funds would leverage approximately $120,000 TrafFc Division Operating Funds and potential rebates from Xcel Energy. Finally $350,000 of EECBG funds would be used to make cost-effective energy efficiency improvements in City-owned facililies. Recommissioning studies have been completed for 16 City-owned buildings including Lowertown Parking Ramp, Robert Street Ramp, RiverCentre 3 Pazking Ramp, Eastem District Teazn Police Office, Public Safety Equipment Gazage, Public Works Service Garage, Public Works Central Service Gazage, Traffic Operafions Building, Central Library, Battle Creek Rec Center, Dayton's Bluff Rec Center, Eastview Rec Center, Hazel Pazk Rec Center, North Dale Rec Center, Hillcrest Rec Center, and Martin Luther King Center. The majority of these improvements would pay for themselves in less than three years. The City's Office of Financial Services proposes using EECBG funds to fmance 35% of the total project costs. The remaining 2/3 will be financed through the City's Energy Conservation Investment Fund and rebates from Xcel Energy. EECBG funds will provide a large incentive an8 reduce the City's overall energy use and expenses. EECBG funds explicitly excludes zoos, swimming pools and aquariums. Recommendation: up to $1,050,000 4. Eiectric VelucIe Charging Stations -$260,000 The City of Saint Paul is a supporting partner with Xcel Energy, Ford Motor Company, City of Minneapolis, Ramsey and Hennepin Counties, Neighborhood Energy Coanectioa and other community partners to submit an application to tlie DOE's Transportation Electrification grant program for 13 plug-in electdc vehicles valued at approximately $845,000 and 36 plug-in electric chazging stations. EECBG funds will be used to develop four marquee chazging stations, 12 on-street pazking locafions, and 20 parking ramp charging stations as part of the City's match for Transportation Electrification b ant. Recommendation: up to $260,000 S. PubIic Education and Climate Change Challenge Grants -$81,000 The City of Saint Paul will develop public educational materials promoting the City's Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy and outlining ways that residents and businesses can reduce energy and greenhouse gas emissions and fully utilize programs offered by the Ciry, Xcel Energy, OES, Community Action Partnership, CEE, NEC and other public agencies and nonprofits. The City of Saint Paui will also utilize appro�mately $SQ000 to develop small grants for local �oups to take concrete action to reduce their cazbon footprint. The project will be similar to Minneapolis' Climate Change Grants where each proposal must use the Minnesota EnerW Challense and focus on meaningfiil and measurable ciimate change actions. Participants wIll be encouraged to take simpie steps in their daily lives to cnt down their energy use, reduce water, and stop global warming and save money. Recommendation: up to $81,000 6. Program Administration - $276,000 Ten percent of the EECBG awazd may be used for the prograzn administrarion, including costs associated with developing the Energy Efficiency and Conservaflon Strategy (EECS), Yhe strategy plan required by the DOE to access the funds. Recommendation is to use up to 10%o for development of the strategy plan, contract compliance, buIlding code eaforcement and compliance, financial reporting and monitoring, education and website development. Recommendation: up to $276,000 L� b�1�1 �� �- Total Recommendations for EECBG funds: $2,767,000 Saint Paul Citv Council Action Requested The Mayor's office is requesting approval from the Saint Paul City Council for: 1. Authorize the Mayor's office to complete and submit the Energy EfFciency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) application to the United States Department of Energy (DOE), including a fmal version of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (EECS); 2. Authorize the Mayor's office or designated representauve o execute the EECB aa eement with DOE and any assurances, certification, technical changes or additional information; 3. Authorize the Mayor's office to execute any necessary agreements, amendments and renewals related to the EECBG funds; and Additional Funding Onportunities Additional grant opportunities aze available through the ARRA Bill. The DOE's EECBG Program also has approximately an additional $400 million for competitive grants for eligible city and county governments. The City of Saint Paul will consider how to best position itself and will work with partners to secure additional funds through the competitive grant process as funds become available. The City Council will be advised and approve any additional funding requests. The State of Minnesota through the Department of Commerce's Office of Energy Security (OES) also received a direct appropriation of $54, 172,000 from the DOE through the State Energy Program (SEP), $1Q644,000 from EEBCG programs and an additional $131,937,441 for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WEP) for low-income residential households. The Minnesota legislature approved funding priorities distribute through the EECBG, SEP and WEP programs which included: 1) $5 million to develop a commercial and industrial energy conservation program impiemented by the Saint Paul Port Authority; 2) $79 million for grants and loans for residents through the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency; 3) $6.5 million for renewable energy grants to local governments and school districts; 4) $3 million b ant for solar projects concentrated along the Central Corridor; 5) $5 million for solar and geothermal rebates for residential and businesses and 6) $2 million to support green jobs. The City of Saint Paul will seek additional grant opportuniues offered by the OES. The ARRA offers the City of Saint Paul an exciting opportunity to reduce its energy use, green house gas emissions and it overall costs as well as an opportunity to create and retain jobs in our community. If you have any questions, please contact me at 651.266.8520 or anne.hunt@cistpaul.mn.us. Thank you for your consideration. �.7 ��`5 dv_ 1JG�:,:. \ � Presented by 1 � 2 3 \� 4 5 6 RESOLUTION Council File # 09-646 GreenSheet# 3071496 ��✓�/�� � L._.—/ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL. MIlVNESOTA AUTHORIZIZING SUBMITTING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATON BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION �� 7 WHEREA�, the City of Saint Paul (the "City") is comrnitted to opportunities to make Saint Paul one of the 8 most sustainable ciues in the United States; and 9 �, 10 WHEREAS, CoYyg� 11 Reinvestment Act (ARRAp 12 available to city and county 13 under the Energy Efficiency 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 passed and President Barack Obama sia ed the American Recovery and 2009 which allocated $3.2 billion for fiscal yeaz 2009, of which $1.8 billion is �emments in the form of duect formula energy efficiency and conservation grants, Block Grant (EECBG) Prograni; and WAEEREAS, EECBG funds a�e intended to be used to create and implement strategies to reduce fossil fuel emissions; decrease total energy consuinption ; enhance energy efFiciency in the building, transportation, and other appropriate sectors; accelerate deployme�f mazket-ready distributed renewable energy technologies; and create and retain jobs; and WHEREAS, EECBG grantees will be\ ected to measure and report reo larly to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on jobs created antllor retained, ene�3gy saved, renewable energy capacity, green house gas emissions reduced andfundsleveraged;and � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is elib ble to�receive $2,767,000 of one time funding from the DOE's 25 EECBG Program; and 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul will utilize EECBG �tnds for the following initialives: 1) Saint Paul Energy Smart Homes Program; 2) Saint Paul Port Authority's Tril�k'on BTU Program; 3) Energy Efficiency Lighting and Energy Improvements for Local Govemment Facilities; 4) Elect�c Vehicle Chazging Stations; 5) Public Education and Climate Change Challenge Grants; 6) Prograzn Adraunrs�tration. NOW, TI�REFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, by the City Counci of the City of Saint Paul authorizes that, Mayor Chris Coleman, as Chief Executive Officer of the City of Saint��aul, is herby authorized and directed to submit the 2009 Energy Efficiency and Conservarion Block Grant applica6on�to the U.S. Department oP Energy; and be it \ FC7RTI�R RESOLVED, that the Mayor or his designated repra 3 8 Energy any assurances, certifications, technical cbanges or additional 3 9 Depattment; and be it >mit to the U.S. Department of that may be required by said 40 41 b�JRTHER RESOLVED, that upon notification of approval of. the City c 42 Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program be award by the U.S. Deparhnent 43 hereby authorize the proper City officials to execute the grant agreements and 44 Aepartment of Energy and the City of Saint Paul. 45 Paul's 2009 Energy gy, the Council does s between the U.S. ; , 09-646 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 \ FINAI,LY RESOLVED, that the proposed financing for the EECBG Program is utilized in the following � manner: Saint Paul Energy Smart Homes Program Sa`�t Paul Port Authority's Trillion B'I'iT Program Ener�Efficiency Lighting and Energy Improvements for Loca1 Government Faciliries Electn �Vahicle Charging Starions Public Education and CGmate Change Challenge Grants Program A�inistration. Adopted by the Ciry Council��of the City of Saint Paul on Adopted by Council: Date �p �\ 1 p�- � Adoptio erti y oun ' Secr� T �'Y B Approved ay r: B , 2009 � Porm ,Zx Form Approved by Mayor for BY= �/ l� by � $ 600,000 $ 500,000 $1,050,000 $ 260,000 $ 81,000 $ 276,000 to CouncIl � Council N�le # , �q- � � �{' u�- Green Sheet # 3084116 RESOLUTION 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Ptesented by OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION OF'I'IIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AUTHORIZIZING SUBMITTING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATON BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION WHEI2EAS, th �Saint Paul City Council and Mayor Chris Coleman are committed to opporlunities to make Saint Paul one of the mostrs,ustainable cities in the United States; and WHEREAS, Congres's�passed and President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 29�09 which allocated $3.2 billion for fiscal yeaz 2009, of which $1.8 billion is available to city and county govern`ments in the form of direct formula energy efficiency and conservation grants, under the Bnergy Efficiency and Conse�vation Block Grant (EECBG) Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau3�is eligible to receive $2,767,000 of one time funding from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) EECBG Prograzn; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul will utilize EECBG funds for the following initiatives: 1) Saint Paul Energy Smart Homes Program; 2) Saint Paul Port Aut`t�ority's Trillion BTU Program; 3) Energy Efficiency Lighting and Energy Improvements for Local Government Facilit�es; 4) Electric Vehicle Chazging Stations; 5) Public Education and Climate Change Challenge Grants; 6) Progr \ dministration. WHEREAS, on June 17, 2009 the City Council passed� Resolution , C.F. # 09-646 authorizing Mayor Chris Coleman, as Chief Executive Officer of the City of Saint P�1, to submit the 2009 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant application to DOE; and � WHEREAS, a 2009 financing and spending plan in the grant; and WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter there are available for appropriation funds of $670,OOQn excess of those es $670,000 needs to be established for this City of Saint Pau1, does certify that 3 in the 2009 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made �o the 2009 budget: CURRENTBUDGET Financing Plan F233 - Energy Conservation Investment Fund 32503 - St. Paul Port Authority Tdllion BTU Pron am 3099 - Other Duect Federal Grant 32504 - Energy Efficiency-Municipal Buildings 3099 - Other D'uect Federal Grant 32507 - Public Ed & Climate Change Grants 3099 - Other D'uect Federal Gran[ Total Financing �o $o $o $0 CHANGES $500,000 $150,000 zo 000 $670,000 AMENDED BUDGET 4 �` $SOQ000 E. �15Q000 $20�000 $670,000 48 ending Plan 49 F 33 — Energy Conservauon Investment Fund 50 32 03 — St. Paul Port Authority Trillion BTU Pro�am 51 OS — Payment to Sub Grant 52 325041Energy Efficiency-Municipal Buildings 53 0265 `�Zemodeling Service 54 32507 — Aiblic Ed & Climate Change Grants 55 0547 — Payment to Sub Grant 56 Total Spending \ 57 �. 58 \ 59 � 60 $0 $0 $0 $0 , 11 111 i� 11'1^ $ 20.000 $670,000 ', 1�11�11� $150,000 $20.000 $6'70,000 61 NOW, TF�REF(�E, BE 1T RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul accepts the 2009 62 Energy Efficiency and Cons ation Block Grant awud from the U.S. Department of Energy; and be it 63 � 64 FURTHER RESOL D�that the City Council approves these changes to the 2009 budget; and 65 � 66 , Requested by Department�of: , "iR.7�✓ S 1 1� By � 1 � Approved b f Fin 'al e'ces By: � Approved Mayor for Su5missidfi (to CouncIl Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date � ��f� c B y" r1.4•�d� l,tan�cM � Adopted by Council: Date