INTERMEDIARY ORDER Coancil'Flle''No.190961—
In the Matter of
�- o�ening,� �aidenirig "aria, extending Ramsey .Street between Wilki_n Street and,�Exchange
Streetxby�'conderhnig and taking 'the` following de scribed lots and parcel of land:
Lot 2, Block 29, Rice & Irvine's Addition;
Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 28, Rice & Irvine's Addition;
Also, that part of Lot 11, Block 28, Rice & Irvine's Addition bounded
by the following described lines: commencing at the southwesterly
- corner of said lot, which is a point on the northeasterly line of
Sherman Street at its intersection with the northwesterly line of
said Lot 11.; thence in a, southeasterly direction on the southwesterly
Lmnder 1`ine o the 'aforesaid lot to the' southeasterly corner of `said lot ;, '
thence; n,a northeasterly di_rection;on ,the southeaterTy�;line:rof the t t.: i "c.a,ee
upon saidFaot,_:_a° di'stance;of- 25•;12; ft.- _to;a- point; thences;in apz ortbwesterly
direction on .a straight line to.the point of beginning i
Y. iI18� fiiE' +�8I.1 �ti�1ot: :'1(t :ile 5a*'e lis ��x,'U, a,.�rr +ieu .nc? 'i(1L i�ecl, =�� L :�' i:i;d ;,i�,'•fi�:f :le: -t
l.; 1= w ohs• oru:� ed to he ;)rt weeded
_ _2._ That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
,� - ♦x ,�- ^ .(' °^•ii .�. is_ _ 1 •�~ .w .'I _ � - -r4� ".bra. �'Yw��.t �..�1?i•r
arid'-extend, Ramsey_Street between'Wilkin - Street and -Exchange Street`'`
• _�by?`condemning and taking the following described lots and r
' pa cel of land:
F •��lL�ots212B113 and,l4,cBlockr28neRiced& Irvine's
Also that � � Addition;
- , part of Lot 11 Block 28 Rice & Irvine's Addition bounded
-•by the following described lines: commencing at the southwesterly
corner of said lot, which is a point on the northeasterly line of .
Sherman Street at its intersection with the northwester) line of
+ said Lot 11 • t • i �. .�. - 41' _, Irf �- 1' . - r ;i.• • Y
Kiln no : , �,.::....:, .�:R�_ hence- lin_`a_rs'outheast e�r•1'y-directiod on the southwesterly
line of the aforesaid lot to the southeasterly corner of said lot-
thence in a northeasterly direction onatheYso_
1�?es(sa dl'1'otslfi'' "'' ' Y'1ls )u�• tIt � *,«,- u; u . L:. ,�- - _ -__ utheasterl'y� line'- of--the-4U 4U of
a distance c' 25.12 ft. to a point;. thence in a. nor
_,.- direction on algstraighttline: to' °the point of be ijnn n°' n`i '�`t :thwesterlx 4 �
)`louse wid Cit Hall Building in the City of 'St. Paul. 'rat tl-,c E;a�tivs :,c,��I of Fin�-nce give rot;fae of
said ineeting to the p,menn ar.M in the man1er, providrd by th,^ G'i} Zier, stating 01,10 Eme ind p1aAe of
hearing, the nature of the imp.ovemLat and the tot�A Post thereof Pis estimated, I
7 L%J —A V—fWia� -- --
Adopted by the Council
.R z
FEB io 1959
Approved 19
City Clerk
Acting Mayor
_ File 14251
. Councilman HOLLAND
' Councilman MORTINSON i
Councilman M1osEN
Councilman WINKEL
resident. y
_ nr r Presia (pet erjow