09-1161Council File # (��` � � � Green Sheet # 3079296 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 �� 37 28 ?9 30 31 32 33 ;4 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Presented by WHEREAS, under the Minnesota Session Laws of 2009 which includes an appropr�anon to the Metropolitan Council ior Re�onal Park and Open Space Development �'ants: erants are antiapated to be awarded to the City of Samt Paul to: I. In Phalen Ree�onal Park to upda[e the 1975 Phalen Park Ulasrer Plan to reepond ro current facil�ty condinons, demagraphics, regional recreat�o�al trends. and sustainable carrymg capac�ty. In the amount of $60,000. yv 2 In Lilydale Regional Pazk to start a phased impleme�tation of the proposed master plari focused on priority site work, and modifications necessary for future road and picmc shelter. In the amount of $1,455,000. 3. In Como Regional Park for the renovation of the Joyce Killmer memor�al fireplace which is so deteriorated it needs immediate renovation or may be ]ost forever. In the amount of $25Q000. WHEREAS, Parks and Recreauon desires to set-up a spendmg and financing plan for said Metropolitan Counci] grants; and, WHBREAS, Parks and Recreat�on will provide construct�on management a�d implementafion services for the projects as previously listed upon the amendment of the 2009 Cap�tal Improvement Budger, and, WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07 1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does cert�fy that there are available for appropriauon, funds of �1,765,000 �n excess of those esumated in the 2009 Cap�tal Improvement Budget; and NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, by the Cou�cil of the CiTy of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and the adwce of the Long Range Capital Improvement Committee, that $1,765,000 is available for appropriation in the 2009 Capital Improvement Budget, and said budget, as hereto fore adopted by Council, are hereby further amended as follows: Financing Plan C09-3EQ34 —Phalen Park Master Plan Update 3461 — Metro. Parks and Opens Spaces Grant �,o AMENDED BUDGET $6Q000 Spending Plan C04-3E034 —Phalen Park Master PSan Update 0883- Architect Fees - Land $0 �,GQ000 $6Q000 TOTAL �0 $60.000 $60,000 RESOLUTiON SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CURRENT BUDGET $0 CHANGES $60,000 Finaflcing Plan C09-3S092 —Lilydale Phased Master Pian 3461 — Metro. Parks and Opens Spaces Grant $0 $],A55,400 $1,455,000 TOTAL $0 $1,455,000 $1,455,000 Spending Plan C09-3S092 — Lilydale Phased Master Plan 0882 — Improvements to Land 0883- Arch�cect Fees - Land TOTAL �0 $145,000 $]45,000 �,1,31Q000 $1,37Q000 $1,455,000 $1,4s5,000 D�- I i (� ( 51 JZ 53 54 55 56 57 J8 59 60 61 62 63 Financing Plan C09-33124 - Joyce Killmer Memorial F�ceplace 3461 - Metro. Parks and Opens Spaces Grant SO $250,000 $25Q000 TOTAL $0 $250,000 3250,000 Spending Pian C09-3I124 - Joyce Kiilmec Memorial Pirepface 0883- Archirect Fees - Land 0894 - Construction General roraL Bostrom Carter Harns Thune Adopted by CounciL Date ✓ ✓ SO SO $0 525,000 S2�,000 5225,000 $225,000 �zso,oao �2so,000 Absent I Re uested by Department of� �ra-e-►cS � �� BY �.� Approved b e O i By: Adoptio� Certified by Cou �I Secretary By �� � Approve b yo . Date O Z� (J Bv: A Approved by Ci� Attorn y 1 `� � � By: ` uat�� �� � , � Appro by May r for Snb 'ssion Counc�l B i�-.t� S§, .?au= Les*�g - RangQ Gapi!al sm�;cs�a;z,e�, c.'k`��'ZJi . zQC6.`�r.a.t'L .i 2S %L'f�L@SY �Ji1 ��sts3 ��l E�i — - _ cr.d zeca+^�ime�?C& a � u ;� �;��a: i� l (■ff�l � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � - --- - _- ---------- -- - - G � -- ( ) � � OepartmeMlOfficeJGouncil: Datelnitiated: GPeerl ShBet NO 3079296 PR Parks and Recreation 09 SEP 2009 Contact Person 8 Phone: � Oeoartment ! Sent To Person lnitial(Date Calvin Wheclor ' � 0 'Parks aud R¢creafi Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSACTION Assign Number For Routing Order I Parks aud Recreati 2 Financial Services 3 CitV Attomev 4 Mavor's OffiCe S Counci]__ __ 6 Ci�t.Clerk _ _ _ Deoartmeut DireMOr _ y'�1,�_�R. � �' ^ OfiiceFinancia}ServicesD � MayoY/A5515tant � _ City_Councit� _ __-_ , _ _ __ _ _Ci Clerk__ ___ E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: �' Contact Phone: � , Total # of Signature Pages �(Ciip All L�ocations for Sig � , Action Requested: Approval of the at[ached resolution authorizing Parks and Recreation to amend the capital budgets for thxee projects in accordance j with [he anticipated funding from the Metropolitan Council through their Open 5pace Development Grants. The requested total �, amount to be amended is $1,765,000. ; I Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): � Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: , � Planning Commission 1 Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this department� CIB Committee Yes No Civd Service Commission � 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? , Yes No , 3 Does this erson/firm ossess a skill not normall � p p y possessed by any �� � curreM city employee? � Yes No I � � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. , � Initiatin Problem, is5ues, Opportunit Who, What, When, � � � - _ __ __ - _ — __ _ _ ___ _— — _ - _ _—__ g y ( Where, Why): � This additional funding will allow for improvements at Phale� Regional Park, Lilydale Reg�onal Park a�d Como Regional Pazk. Parks , �� and Recreation will provide conshuction ma�agement and implementation services Por these projects. � i i i � Advantages H Approved: , ' Parks and Recreation will be able to use this grant funding to make improvements at the specified regional parks. '� � 'm_` DisadvantageslfApproved: � ���� None �C� g U L�t�� � -- - � - — -------- Disadvantages If Not Approved: �� ���� � The Capital Improvement Budget will reqnire different funding to complete the stated details of the project. ' Total Amount of '�, Transac}�o�: $1,765,OQO.OQ CosVRevenue Budgeted: N Funding Source: Grant Funding - Met Council Activity Number. C09-3E034, C09-3S092, C09-3J124 � Financiallnformation: (Explain) September 22, 2009 12:18 PM Page 1