190955ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ` r-n CITY, OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM 19095-5 COU NO. RESOLVED, that the proposed transaction between the City of Saint Paul acting by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and Joseph Mayo of Maywood, Rochester, Minnesota, to involve the transfer and exchange by the City to said Mayo of one male Llama presently housed at the Como Park Zoo and in consideration thereof the transfer and exchange by said Mayo to the City of one adult Hoolocs Gibbon Ape hereby is approved and authorized, it appear- ing that said animals are of comparable value said proposed transaction would be in the best interests of the City particularly in respect of said Como Park Zoo and represents the type of transaction practicable and feasible in the premises. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rem--. Rosen Winkel .T 6.d�trDffi j5IM 's sa iaesd'enc (Petcraon) Tn Favor Against Council File No. 190955 —By. Bernard T. Holland — Resolved, That the proposed trans- action between the City of Saint Paul acting by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and Joseph Mayo of Maywood, Rochester, Minnesota, to involve the transfer and exchange by the City of said Mayo' of', one male Llama presently housed at the Como Park Zoo and in considera- tion thereof the transfer and exchange' by said Mayo to the City of one adult Hoolocs Gibbon Ape hereby is ap- proved and authorized, it appearing that said animals are of comparable value said proposed transaction would be in the best interests of the City particularly in respect of said Como Park Zoo and represents the type of transaction practicable and feasible in the premises. Adopted by the Council February 10, 1959. Approved February 10, 1959. (February 14, 1959) FEB 101959 Adopted by the Council 19- 7 FEB 101959 Approved 19— Mayor ��9nq 909"_5 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ' A74 a CITY, OF ST. PAUL FOLUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE PL%LVFD, that the proposed transaction between the City of Saint Paul acting by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and Joseph Mayo of Maywood, Rochester, Minnesota, to involve the transfer and exchange by the City to said .Mayo of one male Llama. presently housed at the Como Park Zoo and in consideration thereof the transfer and exchange by said Mayo to the City of one adult Hoolocs Gibbon Ape hereby is approved and authorized, it appear- ing that said animals are of comparable value said proposed transaction would be in the best interests of the City particularly in respect of said Como Park Zoo and represents the type of transaction practicable and feasible in the premises, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rosen Winkel Mr. Vice President (Peterson) 5M 5.58 2 In Favor O A gainst FEB 101959 Adopted by the Council 19— FEB 10 1959 Approved 19 Mayor