190946ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL CITY NO 110ENSE CO10ZTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI 190946 February 10, 1959 WHEREAS: William F. and Buelah Singer dba Radio Cab Co. nave made Application E -13242 for license to operate two (2) automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as follows: Taxicab No. Mahe Serial Insurance 34 Fold A$PG 147942 Michigan Surety Company a, Policy No. CA- 74938, expiring 64 Ford A8PG 111639 12:01 A.I. ST 1 -8-60 WHEREAS: Said applicants have filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the RESOLVED: Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it That licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are Council File No. 190946 —By Bernard T. Holland — Severin A. Mortinson- Robert F. Peterson— Whereas, William F. and Buelah Singer dba Radio Cab Co. have made Application E -13242 for license to taxi- cabs upon he )streets of automobiles the City of Saint Paul, described as follows: Taxicab No. 34; Make, Ford; Serial, A8PO 147942; Insurance, Michigan `Surety Company Policy No. CA- 74938, I expiring 12:01 A.M. ST 1 -8 -60. - Taxicab No. 64; Make, Ford; Serial, �A8PG 111639*. ,surety Company Insurance, No. CAe74938, `expiring 12:01 A.M. ST 1 -8 -60: F Whereas, Said applicants have filed I -copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has ved as been apthre Corpor tion Counsel there - fore, be it execu- tion by th Resolved, That licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon he ands he same are herebyhgr nted to William F. and Buelah Singer, dba Radio Cab Co. Adopted by the Council February 10, 1959. , Approvgd February 10, 1959- (February 14, 1959) Singer, dba Radio Cab Co. NEW (Additional licensee) Informally approved by Council 2 -10 -59 a Address: 725 Front Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson P'C'C8f'3a� Rosen ' Winkel 1VIr.31Erealdent D illon" - Mr. Vice President (Petenon) 5M 5.56 2 anted to William F. and Buelah FEB 10 1959 Adopted by the Council 19- FEB 10 1959 Approved 19- Tn Favor / 1 Acting Mayor Against