190907ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI CO_UnN _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM DOW DCOUNCIL NO. RESMVFD That upon the report and recommendation of the Com- missioner of PublicVWorks the following described property be dis- posed of in accordance with Ordinance No. 6576, to wits (except Hoyt Avenue and except Edgerton Street) the north 80 feet of the east 148 feet of the Southeast j of the Northwest j of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 West. ' ff : PreONI,. rt, 11 sn�'�rsa V— ldcnc (,F M f d t Council File 'No. 190907 —By Adrian P..., Winkel — Resolved That upon the report and recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works the following de- scribed property be disposed of in 'accordance with Ordinance No. 8576, to -wit: (except Hoyt Avenue and except Edgerton Street) the north 86 feet of the east 148 feet of the South- east I4 of the Northwest ?4 of Sec- tion 9, Township 29 North, Range i' 22 West. Adopted by the Council February 10, 1959. Approved February 10, 1959. (February 14, 1959) L FEB 10 1959' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy FEB 101959 Holland Approved . 19- Mortinson Rosen Favor Aotin Mayor Winkel O,&gainst ! ff : PreONI,. rt, 11 sn�'�rsa V— ldcnc (,F M f d t rutty -- •- -.•'f. •F•i - `(�:. _ ... •��f _ _ -,�11. _y_'.r '_ � �[p;' _ '• fir, = To he' Hpn6iaSli- ryb at c! Cow' s - _ ty �f hhaearcl of city- o�+nei laud described _ ..,. got _.w .. a„ 7 (except Hoyt }Av eiiue uid exceot F.dg'to Sheet) " -`tho ::north f eet th�a eft' li 'feet off` the .b -.. = x ,.• =: = `Southeast` 'cf the orthweit taedtion`20'..t. To�±n hip 29 Worth Ran .22 �iQSt, - L yr.'sIta_ = -\ Waa•.acqui . -O for .a ��rer PUMP e ri - - `. `_ `4` - ' Due, to the_ pfist4uctior� of �ie Hoyt:. l '- • .. _ System It_ 'PUMP i42 stat,3oie .1 s no iori�er �equiseii, tML ..Is thexef6ft), rocom6chd that- khk site',be .d jspo.,4d of vWer - = the'ter to of Ord lnanice _11o: �p6, ippxoved. November 5a -" 1925: .iub IttOd, ..r • ._ 'h` Y.ir ._- .- - - - '� - .• -�_� - - . _ yam, ~ ... ;r• : �� �t ` ��-�� • ��iesfot��'��o�f;..r�?tt�i,� �oika,.,. �, - _ ; ... ; �c� _ _ •_ _ _ •�, r �` ' •� -- �r �; • .. �. •.. x1.1. -• -.. , t± - k_ - - 'S. _ +..� n - "- •� • i �: M~ _ _ _ , ..i. -• - R'Y J�• -1 - • . _ -. ,: Y_t" .- _ i.i,•F- yn - _ _ .. 3 ' -_ ... •R�Mi•` < %! � 7 tai -�'� d �T •ii _ , ,.''r- o .. ^ a Al .19 090j`7 ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE FIJGR. HERBERT S. WEST RICHARD L. WHEELER Capital of Minnesota • PUBLIC a. ' "U" DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HYJOHN M. SANITATION Supt • ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner BRIDGE ENGINKER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT MAIIRICE W. HEWETf CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner ARTHUR H. gOCH • GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator • TRAFFIC ENGINEe7! ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT EUGENE V. AVERY JOS. PAVLICES • `° ® . February 5, 1959 To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of St. Paul Gentlemen and Madan: as: The parcel of city -owned land described (except Hoyt Avenue and except Edgerton Street) the north 80 feet of the east 148 feet of the Southeast j of the Northwest j of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, was acquired as a site for a sewer pumping station. Due to the construction of the Hoyt - Wheelock Sewer System a pumping station is no longer required, and I,, therefore, recommend that the site be disposed of under the terms of Ordinance No. 6576, approved November 5, 1925. Respectfully submitted, 6 14 � � ADRIAN P. WINKEL Commissioner of Public Works 9 r