09-1150Coaucil File #� Green Sheet# 3083497 Presented by NESOTA !� 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative 2 hearing record and testimony heard at public hearing on October 7, 2009 hereby memorializes its decision 3 to certify and approve the September 1, 2009 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer for the following 4 address: 5 6 ADDRESS APELLANT 7 8 635 Canton Street Matthew Boulos 9 10 Decision: Appeal denied. RESOLUTION '�INT PA.Id�IGf Carter Bostrom Absent Requested by Depariment of: Stazk Thune Adopted by Council: Date ✓ Adoption Certified by Co il Secretary BY� / �"(/J//i��f"�//V Approve y z�� te �Q � $y: 2.� �� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet hG-II� � DepartmenU�ce/Council: Date Initiated: � � � ' co -�°°°��� 09 o�,-ZOO9 Green Sheet NO: 3083497 { DeparlmeM SentToPerson initiallDate ConWct Person 8 Phone: Marcia Moermond o oon�a 0 6-8570 1 onnn7 De artment Director �� 2 ' Clerk Cti Clerk Must Se on Councit Agenda by (Date): NumbeT 3 � For 4 � Routing Doc.Type:RESOLUTION Order 5 O E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Mai Vang ContaM Phone: 6-8563 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Adion Requested: Resolution memoria]izing City Council action taken October 7, 2009 denyu�g the appeal for property at 635 Canton Street. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Mswer th¢ Following Questiorts: Planning Commission i. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Facplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Adva�tages If Approved; DisadvantageslfApproved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Totai Amount of Transaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding SoUrce: .4ctivity Number: Fi nancia l Information: (Explain) October 9, 2009 1:52 PM Page 1 �,,. o. t � ��Pi : August 26, 2009 Matthew Boulos 2805 Dodd Road #180 Eagan, MN 55121 RE: 635 Canton St Dear Mr. Boulos: CITY O� SAINT PAUL CITY CI.ERK'S OFFICE Your application for an appeal has been received and processed. �('��� Please attend the public hearing before the Legislative Hearing O�cer on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 1:30 p.m, in Room 330 City Hall and Courthouse to consider your appeal concerning the above referenced property. At that time the Legislative Hearing O�cer wili hear ail parties relative to this action. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in denial of your appeal. Sin erely, , �, � ���� � Shari Moore City Clerk cc: Matt Dornfeld, Vacant Buiidings Enforcement Supervisor Dennis Senty, Vacant Buildings Enforcement Officer Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer Jerry Hendrickson, Deputy City Attorney WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD, Si7ITE 330 SAINT PAIJi, MINNESOTA55102 Tel: 651-2668688 Fae: 651-266-8574 wcv�o.stpassl.gOV An Affirmative Action Equal OpQorNmry Employer APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Saint Paul City Clerk IS R'. Kellogg Blvd., 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone:(651) 266-8688 1. Address of Property being Appealed: 2. Number of Dwelling Units: 3 � 3 � C�:�� t `, 0�-11� �� cF1V � o AU� z � 2�� �« of I.gtter Appealed: ,��� 4. Name of Owner: � ���CJ ��- �� Address: � t-� �"t �� City: ��_��State: �Zip �� a / Phone mbers: Business b�� y� �� Residence � Cellular � Si�:a?i;�e: . Appellant / Applicant (if other than owner): , Address: City: State: Zip: Phone um rs: Busi s Residence Cellulaz Signature: 6 tate specifically what is being appealed and why (Use a: attachment if necessary): L(1� ���� - ! a � , NOTE: A$25.00 filing fee made payable to the City of Saint Pa accompany this applicauon as a necessary condition for filing. You must attach a copy of the original orders and any other correspondence relafrve to this appeal. Any person unsatisfied by the final decision of the City Council may obtain judicial review by timely filing of an action as provided by law in District Court. For Office Use Onl Date Received: Fee Received: Receipt Number: Date of Hearing: a��'��7a-yr �- � l� 3d xevisw a2v�uu l �t�I (� CI`I`I' OF SAINT PAUL ChrislapherB Coleman, Mayos Au�ust 13, 2009 Matthew Boulos 8053 Enclave Bay , �' 6 � 5 �� Woodbury MN 55125-3031 DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND TNSPECTIQNS Decklippert, Manager of Code Enforcemenl Nuuance Buitding Code Enfarcement 375 Jackton Sireef. Su+te 220 SamtPaul, MIJ35701-]80b �\ ��� ,��' tV 651-266-8989 657-266-1919 wKrvvs2au! eov/drr ,�� �.�, Y � �' � � V 4CANT RiJI�,DING REGISTRATION NQTICE The premises at 635 CANTON ST � L �,� � �. `�^ i �`'" V t � � ! � L � has been inspected and found to meet the legal definition of a Vacant Building as described in Saint Paui Lgislative Code, Chapter 43. You are required to register this buiJding with the Departrnent of Safety and Inspections, Vacant Buildings Division, by filling out and retuming the registration form provided with this letter. You aze also xequired to pay the annual Vacant Building Registration Fee of $1,000.00. The fee is due upon receipt of this letter and must be paid no later than thirty (30) days fiom the date of this letter, as required in Saint Patil Legislative Code Chapter 43. If this building is vacant due to a 5re, complete the enclosed registration form and return it to this office within 30 days. � Please return the enclosed registrafion form,along with your payment by September 13, 2009. Do not mail cash. Ifyou wish to pay in person, you may do so from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at: DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220 Saint Paul, MN SSIOI-18G6 You may file an appeal to this fee or registration requirements by contacting the Office of the City Clerk at (651) 266-8688. Any appeal of this fee must 6e made within ten (10) days of the date of this notice. � ��` a � � Y ��� �� If the re�istrafion fee is not received in this office within 45 da,ys uf the due date the full , amount owed will be assessed to, and collected with, the taxes Sor this property as �� permitted by Saint Paul Legislarive Code Chapter 43. �'� The Code Enforcement Offieer has notified the Building Inspeation And Design Section that this property meets the legal definition of a registered vacant building and in accordance with �� Legislative Code Chapter 33, no permits (except demolition, wreclring and removal permits) wili be issued until the requirements of all applicable ordinances are fulfilled. t � � An Affirmative Acdon Equal Opportuttity Employer } " � � DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECT Rrchard L+pper{ Manager afCode bnformment - L + I�� �F .�•�� PA�. 375Jackson Sneet, Suite 220 T¢lephone: 65I-266-8989 SainlPaul, Mh'S5107-I806 Facsmile' 631-266-1919 Christapher B Coleman, Mayor Web www.sroauLgm/drt August 13, 2609 Matthew Boulos 8053 Enclave Bay Woodbury MN 55125-3031 Dear Sir or Madam: 635 CANTON ST is a Registered Vacant Building that requires a Code Compliance Inspection per the Vacant Bullding Statute (Chapter 43). This inspection can be obtained by calling Building and Inspecfions and Design at (651) 266-9016. This dwelling can not be occupied without a Certificate of Code Compliance. Call (651) 266-9016 for a permit slgn-off. THE VACANT BCTILAING REGISTRATION FORM AND REGISTRATION FEE MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE VACANT BUILAING PROGRAM BEFORE DSI MAY ISSUE PERMITS. Violation of the Vacant Building Statute (Chapter 43) will result in the issuance of a criminal citation. Written permission from the City of Saint Paul is required before a Category 2 or Category 3 Vacant Building can be sold. Requirements that must be met for Cateeorv 2 vacant buildings include: 1. registerlre-register the building, 2. Pay outstanding fees, 3. obtain a code compliance report, 4. submit for approval a rehab cost esrimate from a licensed contractor and a schedule for completion of all code compliance work, and 5. submit proof of financial responsibiliry acceptable to the City. In addition to meeti� a115(five) of these requirements a Cate�orv 3 vacant building must obtain a Certificate of Occupancy or a Certificate of Code Compliance prior to the sale of the building. If you have any questions you can call me at the number below. PROPERTIES TI�AT ARE SUSPECTED TO BE ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED ARE SUBJECT TO INSPECTIONS AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY OR �GAT. Sincerely, Dennis Senty 651-266-1930 Vacant Buildings Code Enforcement O�cer dj September l, 2009 Property Code Minutes ��' (� Page 7 10. Appeal of Matthew Boulos to a Vacant Building Registrarion Notice and Fee for property at 635 Canton Street Inspector Senty reached an agreement with the property owner prior to the hearing and requested that matter be continued for two weeks in order far the owner to obtain a written statement that item 5 on the C of O deficiency list has been corrected. If the owner meets this requirement, the vacant building file will be closed and the owner can obtain a C of O far the property. September 15, 2004 Property Code Minutes K } Page7 v i �1i 13. Appeal of Matthew Eoulos to a Vacant Building Registrarion Norice and Fee for property at 635 Canton Street. (Continued from Sept. 1 for a report from the inspector) The appellant did not appear. Inspector Senty stated that Mr. Boulos had not provided the required written documentation from his plumbing contractor. He noted that the city had mowed the grass and secured the property since the last hearing. Ms. Moermond stated that the appeal was not timely and the appellant had not met the requirements despite being given every opportunity; therefore, she recommended denying the appeal. On September 18, 2009, Inspectar Senty contacted Ms. Moermond indicating that he had received a fax from Mr. Boulos indicating that he was providing proof that the work required for item #5 — interior 2" floor — shower, had been done. What Mr. Boulos provided was the online permit information from the plumbing work he had done. in duly 2007. He failed to provide current written documentation from his plumbing contractor that the shower piping was done to code as indicated in Inspector Cucnming orders on February 13, 2009. He said he talked to Mr. Boulos and told him that Ms. Moermond was denying the appeal and Mr. Boulos requested the matter be set for a public hearing before the Council. 6�,1i� F�� TQ; ',��.i � V �JJ1/E.t �/ �q�. a�,c., - � S"� L �' C� ��� �` �a..r.�_ tlrgent �or Review Please Comment easa R ly Please �tecycle �00/T00� �sn�Z 668Z T�i� T�9 YV� ���QI �IOI4 600Z1iZ/60 Permit Online O�� i(�� Page 3 of 4 1�. INTERIOR(SDA): Requlred Smoke Detector Affidavlt SPLG 39.02(c7 Cpbated - 4th rcinspectlon) - Severlty 9 11. IN"fERiOR (15T FLOOR 8A7HROOM): ftepair Interlor Watls SPLC 34.3D (7), 34.33 (6) (Ahated - 4tn relnspeceion) - Severity 4 12. INTERIOR 2NQ FLOOR(BATHROOM FLOOR): Bathroam Floor ImPeMOUS [o Water Sv�C 34.10(4), 34.33(3} (�eFleiency • 4th relnspecL9on) • Severiry 4 13. INTERIOR 2ND FLODRISHOWER): Repafr Plumbing F�Xture SPLC 34.11, SSC 2902.1, SPLC 34.17, MPC a15.D220 (Deflciency - 4th reinspettlnn) - Severity 4 �4.IN7ERIOR LAUNDRY(KITCHEN LAUN6iiY ELECiRIt): Elec. Meth. Execution OF Work NEC 110• 12 (AbaYe6 • 4th relnsAeCUon) 15. VACANT 61JTLDING: UnC¢rtitled Areas UnOCCUpied SPLC 33.05 (Abated - 2nd reln5pettlon) OZ(OAJ2004: Revoked/vacant 1. NUISANCE ACTIVLCY: 8lank 1(A6ated - 3rd relnspectio�) IZ/08120�8: Correc[ion 4rders 1. EXTERIOR(REAF STOKM DOOR): E'xt. Paor SPLC 34.09 (3j, 34,3z (3) (Abated - 2nd relnspectlan) - Sevcr�ry 3 2. INTERTOR(CLOSET DOORS): Repair woodwork SPLC 3k.10 (7), 34,33 (67 (Abaced - 2ntl relnspec[ian) - Severfty 2 3. YNTERIOR(W �EYECTORS): Reqwred ResltlenNa� CO Detec[or 299F.50 (Abated - 2nd reinspectlon) 4, IN7EATOR(SMOKE DETECTORS 15T/3ND FLOOR): Unit Smoke oeLec[or Req��red MN Stat. 299F.362 (A6ated - 2Pd reinspecC(on) 5. TNTERIOR(STpIRWAYNAN�RAIL)= RepalrInteriar Handroll SPLC 34.10 (3), 34.33(Z) (AbaCed • znd relns0ection) - Severity 5 6. SNTERIOR I.AUNDRY(DiZYER vENTING): Provide Dryer Vent UMC 504.6 (Abatetl - 2nd reinspec[ton) - Se�eri[y 3 11/06/2008: Correc[fon Orde�'s 07 x2a050 635 CAN70N 'The following Building Permit REM 00 8 ST 'Trade" permlts areType: Single Family Dwell7ng Remodef requ�red fror chis Issue4 Da[e: 07J26J2007 projed: Etectrtcal, Flnai Da[e: i2/18J2007 W,Arr vent, Corrtractor. Matt 8oulos PlymOing, Siafe Vafuatlon: $4,500.00 07 118327 635 CANTON 5&C �0 E 5T � 07 Z7.0598 635 CAN70N 6A,5 00 M ST ActiviYy (mosS recent FrSC): Building Fcrml[ InspectiOn: Rnal Inspettinn - Appd Flnal Inspedfon • CarrReqd Fnal Tnspectlon - CorrReqd Architectural (R) Review: 07/26(2007: PrelEminary Pfan Check �7/26(2007: Approved ElOttrlcal Permit TyPe: 5ervlce & Clrcuits ResldenTial RepaiyAlcer Lssued Date= 0�/19l2007 Final Date: 07/26/2007 Contracter: Twin Clti¢s Electtic, Snc. Estimated value: 3600.00 AttWity (tno5t rQCent flr5t): MAIN-Efec[rlcal Inspection: 07/26/�007: Flnal 07/20/Z007: Coriecti0ns ReqWred Type: Gas R�sldentlal R¢pairJAlte� Issued DaYe: 07/03/2007 �Inal Date; 07/11/2007 Rna{ed Finaletl Move Top ,"+ Flnaied �. ir.,..,,.,...f.,�„i,,.,A�wr,,, r�m/4MANTlASleNiranriae/5tPauUr1131zst/e web listsubmit.js... 9/I7/2009 �00/�06�' �S��Z 668Z T�� T�9 YV� 9��Oi NOI4 600Z/IZ/66 Permit Online Contractor. CitYwide Piumtring 4LC FstlmaCed Valve: S30{1.00 ����� Page4of4 MAIN-Mechanieal Inspection: 07/70)2007: Final �7/OSJ2007: Correctlon Letter 07 7.06143 635 CANTON Plumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Water Piping Flnaled PLB 00 P� ST Type: Plumhing/Inside Water (Ail) ResidenYial Repalr Issuetl Daee: O6/28/2007 Finaf Date: 12/17/2007 Contractar. Girywide Plvmbin9 LLC Estlmated Valu9: $5,000.00 ,� ct�vitY (mosc recentF*sY): MAIN-Plumb(ng Inspection: 1z/14/2007: Finat 07/02/2007: Approved 07 068702 635 CnNTON Dec 18, 2007; Code V8 Event Log; Fnaled V82 00 ve ST Compllance 04/�7(2007; New CaYegory 2- Single F�miiy qpproved Letter; Residentl�l V6 Monitoring OS(29(2Q07: LIEP Code Compliance Tnspection Fee Pald 05/Z9(2007: VB FEE �AID. PERMITS OK TFiRU OS/29(2006 06(Ol/2007s LTEP Code Comp�iance InspecGon Report Compleked on 06(01/2007 06(28(2Q0T: Plumbing/GasflttlnAlI�side water Piping Issued �7(!J3l2�07: Mechan(cal Perm(t Issued 07/19l2Q07; Efetb'trai Permit Issu2d 07J2fi/24�7: 6uiiding PermlT IssUed 07/27f2��7: ISEP Code COmpllance Insp�Me<h.: Approved 12JI8l2007: DSi: Code Compliance approved Letter 12(1H/2007: CerC�fiCate of Code Cotnpliance se�t. ML 06 009922 BE7HAWY ECUPS Llcenseu ECl.IGS License - Anima�s Canccled DOG 00 XA 60W ENS - 20030004230 BETHpNY a�W ENS - 635 CRNTON ST 535 CANTON Type: Dog RegUlar Lifetime -(AlYered) ST Errtcred on; 10/16/2003 04 166764 b35 CANTON 02J07/2007; Bullding Permit Expired NEW 00 B ST AuYOmaticalty Type: A[C�ssary Structure New ctosed by SYnem Lssued Date: xOJ20J2004 due t0 no attl�/ity in Flnai Date: 02/071z007 one year. Contractor: Elias Salvador State valuat9on: $S,b00.00 activlty (most recene flrsc): Archltectvral (R) Review: SD/20j2004: Approved 10/15/2004: Prellminary Plan Check 03 274434 635 CANTON Fence PErmtc Flnaietl FEN 00 fN ST Type: FenCe 7ermlC Resldential Issued Date: 03/311�003 Flnal Pate: 10/06/2003 Contrdctor: EIIas Salvatlor EStlmdied Value: �x,60D.00 Activity (mosC recent first): MASN-Fence Inspectlon: 30/06J2003: Final 04/11/2003: Advised Fence Revicw: 03/31l20A3: Approved � L � � �� �� �s� ��� i ��� �� a� �. ii.....,... ��...,,, t.,,,>�+.,,, �.,mlaM4Ni�A51PNtranrisefStPau1lm31istle web listsubmit.js... 9lJ7/2009 �00/600�I' �Sn�Z 668Z I96 I99 �V� 96�OI NOA 600ti/Iti/60 DEPARTMENT OFSAPETY ANDINSPECTIONS Fire Inspection Division Robert Kessle�. Drrector "I�II� CTTY OF SAIN'I' PAUL Chr�s�opher B Cblemon. Maynr 375 Jackran Street, Smre 120 Telephane 65l -166-9090 Samt Paul. Mh' S5I01-7806 February 13, 2009 MATTHEW BOtJLOS 8053 ENCLAVE BAY WOODBURY MN 55125-3031 RE: FIRE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPROVAL WITH DEFICIENCIES b35 CANTON ST Ref. # 110806 Dear Property Representative: Your building was inspected on February 13, 2009 for the renewal of the Fire Certificate of Occupancy and was approved with deficiencies. When the required fee has been received yau will receive your certificate. The following deficiencies must be corrected immediately. A reinspection will be made on March 3, 2009 at I1:00 A.M.. Failure t� comply may result in a criminal citation or the revocation of the Fire Certificate of Occupancy. DEFICTENCY LIST EXTERIOR - SROKEN WINDOW - SPLC 34.09 (3), 3432 (3) - Repair and maintain the window in good condition. 2. EXTSRIOR - PAINTING - SPLC 34.09 (1) b,c, 34.32 (1) b,c - Provide and maintain all exCerior walls free from holes and deterioration. All wood extcrior unprotected surfaces must be painted or protected from the elements and maintained in a professional manner free from chipped or peeling paint. Indudes all trim, stairways etc.- PROVTDE BY 51U�9. EXTERIOR - SCREENS - SPLC 34.09 (3), 34.32 (3) - Provide or repair and maintain the window screen. INTERIOR 2ND FLOOR - BATHROOM FLOOR - SPLC 34.10 (4), 3433 (3) - Provide a bathroom floor impervious to water. Seal around al! edges and penetrations. 5. INT'ERIOR 2ND FLOOR - SHOWER - SPLC 34.1 l, SBC 2902.1, SPLC 34.17, MPC 415.0220 - Repair or xeplace and maintain the plumbing fixture to an operational condition. Shower being replaced as per occupant. All plumbing work to be done under pern�it by a licensed contractor. Provide written documentation from your plumbing contractor Yhat shower piping to code. �j-���o If you have any questions, cali me at 6� i-266-8943 between 7:30 a.m. - 9:�0 a.m. Sincerely, Barb Cummings Fire Inspector Ref. # 110806 February 4, 2009