192979COUNCIL FILE NO.— ro By r INTERMEDIARY ORDER -4( )jc- III File No. 192979-- Vox INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Y MnProying Highland Parkway from Hamline Avenue to Edgcumbe Road:by regrading and paving with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by gradizig and paving street, alley and driveway returns;�by construdting,ne-4, concrete curb where necessary; by reconstructing the paving.,,, &'urbii.ng and sidewalks ,'On'int�ersee'tihg-s'treets where -not -irf.conformity with said"improve- meat'-by"reconstructing storim'water facilities; by constructing sewer., water and gas service-connections from street mains to property lines where necessary; by constructing conduits and appurtenances fob future lighting 'and,traffic control systems and by doing all othervwdrk whiehtib -11 - i4rov - ement _fi_6_q_essa_ry incidbhta3: t8 co lets said- Council f,' the City of St. Pa-il recr,.,ti the r,;�ort of the -,%-umc cr Fillarxe! U.-po-ii-blie hfiU naving UV11MUM ICU -13­CV1U­-x %;IJVL V, 'LVLV'jy 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is ��'6by ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Improve Highland Parkway from•,Hamline Avenue to Edgcumbe-Road by regrading and paving with new concretebade and asphaltic concrete surfacizig; by grading and paving P street, aiie�'and driveway " Y.0 returns; by.constructing new concrete curb where necessari .-by reconstructing the pavings-curbing and ys - sidewalks on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improve- ment; bV reconstructing storm water facilities; by constructing sewers water and gas-service connections from street I mains •toproperty lines where nece ssary; ssary; wit'by cohstructing�.coriduitglr ­Ppurt6nandes� 0 4`' jyt ur§ lighting and traffic control systems and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to com: ,,plete '-said-improvement -j;d i okpr.:)vc-i1 it c , -'-,e _dL. "L i46 PUUIL%; k _ri) ba on j - bthe -Gourt July ' _5R_ 19, at o the hour of 10 o'clock _Ay in Chaffiber House and City Hall B'uil'ding in the City of St. Paul. That the' Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetingjo the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the 'nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1959 Adopted by the Council JUL 1 JUL I M59 Approved 19 qty Clerk Mayor File 14490 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman all ADIM Councilman PUBLISHED Councilman MOM Councilman "'EyER5ONN P Councilman p 05N Councilman VO4KEL Mr. President DILLOIN