192964- - (��}`)964 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ` t'cil File No. 192984 —By Milton `•', a CITY OF ST. PAUhseri— .4 !.solved, By the Council of the City AFFICE OF THE CITY waist Paul that said Council hereby tlrs in and a proves that certain itition. f the oard of Water• Com- C RESOLUTION —GE( „nersgof the City of Saint Pau • 4 : i� for' the , anieridment bf th- PRESENTED BY "�01fi essioz<al So ; ice l_�dreern -"A COMMISSIONE Yk;':a } ci lx�j n7 RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that said Council hereby concurs in and approves that certain resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul providing for the amendment of that certain Professional Service Agreement between said Board and Robert J. Horak, a professional and licensed realtor and real estate dealer, covering the latter's services for said Board in the nature of appraisals of and negotia- tioris for the acquisition cf real property and easements in real property required by said Board for the extension of its public water works, such resolution of,said Board being dated the day of June 1959, and a certified copy of same being filed herewith; and thst such amendments to said Professional Service Agreement as are recited in said Board resolution hereby are authorized and shall be effected by a Second Rider to said Agreement, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy _IeHa7rd- Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon se+ s•sa 2 JUL 1 199 Adopted by the Council 19- JUL 1 1959 Approved 19— To Favor 1 Mayor y Against �� PUBLISHED 7 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 192964 RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that said Council hereby concurs in and appxoves that certain resolution of the Board of mater Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul providing for the amendment of that certain Professional Service Agreement between said Board and Robert J. Horak, a professional and licensed realtor and real estate dealer, covering the latter's services for said Board in the nature of appraisals of and negotia- tions for the acquisition d real property and easements in real property required by said Board for the extension of its public water works, such resolution of said Board being dated the 3M day of June 1959, and a certified copy of same being filed herewith; and that such amendments to said Professional Service Agreement as are recited in said Board resolution hereby are authorized and shall be effected by a Second Rider to said Agreement, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Tn Favor Against J U L 1 1959 Adopted by the Council 19- J U L 1 1959 Approved 19— Mayor -4 J PITY JT, PAW, f "' lf3F '�N . PR?!►!�R MAT CoPAMIBSION6 .9i �QRM � NTIo 61 !'M�� ,4. ' RA's -#_ xyra by MA AQSrd pf cf the City cf Saint Nub tot $hp extoppIon Pf the sub.ststing Professional. Seryice AgTaPPPnt betivea said Board and Robert J. NOTA f A prAl°AAS1�9�a1 pnd Itcensod reAltnr and real estate dealer? d4too Pq%Ap ev 41; 1910# for 40 400ttional period from imly X0 109 tQ And .ncl,c din� gscember 31, 1959, is necessaTyf In tho PA14, it�OpPots and n ppnnectign with appraisals pf negatl4t qns fQx the ac9414ltlpn pf real property find easements in-roal property rsqu#ed by Bald Board four the exten4lon of its publ.lo water works system lnvalving e,ervices provided to be pie; f p;me d far said ppArd by Bald Robert J. Hurak undue said ProfAeatonal. pervlce Agreement ,,44 amended; and that such ext!epotp � Af said AgreAA?ent s-ha�l be made by a Second Rider thereto, In fwrM appFAVed the! Qerpoaatioh Counsel, and which Mdar Ahal.l Also provide f pr the further amendment Qf sa "kd AvRefflont as amended, eo that the aggregate l.labil ty 0 of 441 594;0 Thereundev &hall npt exceed ' the sum gf - Ten Thpuoand Ftyp Hundred Da tars �. #,bOQ.00) £ur prof�esa .QBa1 serylpoA porfQxmed and to be perfa :mad thereunder by g�al.d Robert , Horak from And Aftas Petober 3_1r 1955. State of Hinnesota) County of Ramsey) ss. City of Saint Paul) I, C. A. Flack, Assistalt Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the above copy of a resolution of the said Board as adopted at an informal meeting on June 30, 1959, with the original thereof on file in my office and that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof Withess the Seal of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul this 1st day of July A.D. 1959. Assistant Secretary WAUM Yew Adapted b� the BoArd of Water Cou �SaloaerA IFM4 � ..................... :...... ............... P"40 .r _ ♦1. ............ ........... : '7•. ..'� .•1,7. ` � _ - nC1..1 art �•"