192963ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK e. . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER– .. , CITY OF ST. PAUL ICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO FILE 19` _ 963 S, Under an agreement entered into by and between the Board of Water Commissioners and Clarence H. Olson and Esther A. Olson, his wife, under date of 21 November 1950, the Board agreed to restore or replace any of Grantors, trees which might be damaged by the laying of an additional water conduit in the Board's easement across Grantors, properties in Section,10, T. 302 R. 24, Anoka County; and WHEREAS' A number of said trees have been damaged in the laying of said additional conduit and the Board, by resolution adopted June Sop 1959, has agreed to pay the sum of $200.00 to said Grantors in lieu of replacing said trees, conformable to its obligation under said agreement; and said Clarence H. Olson and Esther A. Olson, his wife, have consented to such settlement and will deliver a duly executed release for all damage'or loss to said trees by reason of acts of the Board or its contractors to the present time, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesaid action of the Board shall be and hereby is ratified and confirmed and the payment of said $200.00 to said Clarence H. Olson and Esther A. Olson, his wife, is hereby authorized upon receipt of said duly executed release, said payment to be made out of the Water Farad 23--B. bouncil File No. 192963—By Milton Rosen — Whereas, Under an agreement entered into by and between the Board of Water Commissioners and Clarence H. Olson and Esther A. Olson, his wife, under date of 21 November 1950, the Board agreed to restore or replace any of Grantors' trees which might be dam- aged by the laying of an additional {water conduit in the Board's easement across 'Grantors' properties in Section 10, T. 30, R. 24, Anoka County; and Whereas, A number of said trees have been damaged in the laying of said I additional conduit and the Board, by resolution adopted, June 30, 1959, ,has agreed to pay the sum of $200.00 to said Grantors in lieu of replacing said trees, conformable to its obligation under said agreement; and said Clarence H. Olson iand Esther A. Olson, his wife, have con- sented 'to such settlement and will de= liver a duly. executed release for all damage or loss to said trees by reason of acts of the Board or its contractors to the -present time, Now, Therefore, Be It• Resolved, That .the, aforesaid action of the Board shall be and hereby is ratified and confirmed and the payment of said $200.00 to said Clarence H Olson and Esther A. Olson, his wife, is hereby authorized upon receipt of said duly executed release, said payment to be made out of the Water Fund 23 -B. Adopted by the Council July 1, 1959. Approved July 1, 1959. (July 4, 1959) JUL 1 1959 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy -JCL Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.5s 2 Adopted by the Council 19_ JUL 1 1959 Approved 19 Tn y Favor D Mayor Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER '19,`)963 r• CITY CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE AREAS, Under an agreement entered into by and betireen the Board of Water Commissioners and Clarence H. Olson and Esther A. Olson, his wife; under date of 21 November 1950, the Board agreed to restore or replace any of Grantorst trees which might be damaged by the laying of an additional water conduit in the Board's easement across Grantors, properties in Section 10, T. 30, R. 24, Anoka County; and WHEWAS3 A number of said trees have been damaged in the laying of said additional conduit and the Board, by resolution adopted June 30,r 1959, has agreed to pay the sum of $200.00 to said Grantors in lieu of replacing said trees, conformable to its obligation under said agreement; and said Clarence H. Olson and Esther A. Olson, his wife, have consented to such settlement and will deliver a duly executed release for all damage or loss to said trees by reason of acts of the Board or its contractors to the present time, NON, THEREFORE3 BE 'IT RESOLVED] That the aforesaid action of the Board shall be and hereby is ratified and confirmed and the payment of said $200.00 to said Clarence H. Olson and Esther A, Olson, his wife, is hereby authorized upon receipt of said duly executed release, said payment to be made out of the Water Fund 23-B. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy . — Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon SM 5.58 2 Tn Favor Against JUL 1 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— J U L 1 1959 Approved 19— Mayor PITY OF ST. PAPI, Na 'OFFICE OF THE SOAR4 W WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION GPNPRAL FORM P�-T r;. M—A yths V0 WHUM,p CUrago He. Olson #ad hU wifo Mdbor A* 01soup J�y InetrPumt dated OIL Nwenber 1M P"W to the Awd of w4w COM44410AM sk Perpetua 9""Wt In And Amon a onsou 04P Of uW in 849tion 10# T 30 Na R 24 Wf co d, lftqlx 0411 of land b9A mt tbmt*90ro been nocureA to the Board but mna ard U PormanAry for the Wade Vx#% Iwo -1924 and for the soccW Pu0b 60m Mduitf DOW , x1paipg Uver Qaid4uit.# toUt �u 1993 buWbg tberslAj m4 T1051W., Said easm►t no granted the Board on the under-Atxx1bg tW 44Y dMage or Una cavaed to gr*aUrIn treen by the loying of adoUtIonsa water cjqAdiAt4 JA acid neamut Mad be restored or roplued by the Board., and aucb couditiona wore not forth in en Agroemut entered into by &iA betwoon the Bard and ouch gmutAry vuder date of ?a November IP501 c WMMM', Tke Dqj%rd recently hgo tWt4jjqd 814 &=%QvAa water conduit in WA saow=t buts beftS xlndftl of Its obUpUcuo Is the prmison; Aad tiret tranopUlAted corWx of mW tz"D UP was bor4ed wQu3A be dwitrapA Oy ouch 1wrk"A tiqu =A tbasafterm on coWlo- ,tUs of ouch couftit imUlUo ttcM.9 W ropl=t*4 nodd troop U their 9441na loc*tlous NAp WMMW; Wawa of the axtmdod 4rought, of lat► 1958 VA early 1959 the ropUat#4 gold Uw end moms replacemute =do of ame, hov► &U booms qtvatod or are otberwUo not a9zir f9rable to the intent 9 omdd Agrwwont and It moms up2UP4 axq am;* W= Wylve; " Ifflows. TOO Grantor alwWo He 016" ban onarao :or 4*80" W%d lam we to rellove the Dowd g9 oU rexpawiblUty A* the pxvwU*n and to diiPAWP the Board from W 014A ter domp t4 n4d $reeop and #4.0 d4cWg4 tbo Dowd at #q rpp pw1b_VA1kT to rW►9* OW tress so provided In the *&wont sMoment u the Dop1'4 and CUrnco Ho QUOU $Ut*X*d "j 'won 21 Novwber �L9!;Q# by rwou of acto 91 tho PQa--rO or tton PontraOcro up to tA9 for the sun of $2004002 pad ;MP4 160,4,wt om PLot on yorMs 41-A -I-- d fa G thAt DWA Wer be "Pepw M4 Un ova of c tx.�r" Of Olt;.;u 4nd l i ()IAQAO )am WA# upon their doUltwin • Qf'A - " t �Raft 4 , �� =", I )*To been oxan4 maid !;.4 )*'4t2 0 #rh4 tZlrd C,` It Crrt�,rh;$U-, b to tblo Q rZInxit* Pir A cr loop w4ch ftcc _7 TZ7.- w. I -, wimp naid relosao Fa the drniz tit t* *�Vw .res, 14, 0111tj L.-Lack the t 0.rj ' 'AA, c IA&I ant v- 8 KejjF n ' u fpl.j x -,A81A� `,e :.be ama t, vato Qq.fg ;NtljrjP_ I_qq) 4't Z - 14910, the B0 e 1. Opted t, t :t ha ard Of t ile Itur Off at re c irate c attZ tills 3rit., who . to an laf Ist 8 le tl,,,,' and th.01,1na.1 Or4pa-recl tl,, z1bet oardaslo le eof. Ing on, al ov�q t the, B0 d 22ez., WIV; A.D. ' 959 a 0PJr I a e 30 cJr Af .1. ( 9�wt , Ot ratex. c AVolkl! *�, ' X` Baal 1qrVA arm c °; cvdth Oftls,910 t oww'.riq Prone Room In favor . -3--- oppope4A_ rs 0-f the ant lea. *14T. fIrmy.