192910. OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY Ii COMMISSIONE T 1 -- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM L y�y10 FILE NCIL NO. RESOLVED, that Dr. S. M._Loken be—permitted to install and operate a_22 car parking lot in conjunction with an 11 -unit apartment building and commercial development on the north side of Front Street between Como Place and Avon Street,lmore par - ticularly described as Lots 6, 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, Block 15, N Royal Oaks Addition, in accordance with applicantls� plans approved May 21, 11959, and subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinance governing the operating of parking lots and to the further conditiJ that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. Council File No. '192910'L-- By Milton Rosen, by request — Resolved,. That Dr. S. M. Loken be! permitted to install' and operate a 22 car parking lot in conjunction with an it -unit apartment building and com- mercial, development on, the north side: Of Front Street between Como Place and Avon Street, more particularly de- scribed as Lots 6, 7, A 8, 9, .10, and 11, Block 15, Royal oaks ddition, in ac- cordance with, .applicant's plans ap- proved May 21,1 1959, and subject to compliance with the provisions of all otdinances governing the operating of Parkin lots and to the further condi- tion that sidewalks abutting said prem- ises be kept clean and free of ice and lsnow at all times. Adopted by the Council June 26, 1959. ` Approved.June 26, 1959. 11 (July 4, 1959) COUNCILMEN Yeas D' DeCourcy Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Tn Favor U Against I JUN 26 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— ,1 U N 2 6 1959 . Approved 19— y i 'OFFICE OF `CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Louis P. Corporation Building Dear Sir: The City7Cou of Dr. S. M. of Front;St. Mans approv RI n June 24, 1959 1 i JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder i a .1 asked that you prepare a resolution granting the',application ken for a 22 car parking lot to be located on the porth side tween Como Place and Avon Street, according to applicant's Flay 21, 1959. Very truly yo s, City Clerk jl °I I ;I B MINNESOTA 8. D OF ZONING, -CITY OF SAINT PAUL '• "' .:': ;ilkkli•N ioFi 151 -131 -133 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSI SAINT PAUL 1, MINNISOTA Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in`the matter of the application parking lotlto be located on property on between Como Place and Avon Street. The' 9, 10, 11, Block 15, Royal Oaks Addition, been since the adoption of the Ordinance At the present time Lots 10 and 11 are developed with a one -st6ry commercial building which is used as a'drug store and doctor's offices; the remainder of the site isivacant and undeveloped. The•applicant proposes to' develop Lots 6 and 7 with an 11 unit apartment building; Lots 8 and 9 will be developed with a 22 car off street parking lot of which 11 spaces will be used in connection with the proposed apartment building; the other 11 spaces will be used in connection with the commercial activity. il June 19, 1959 of Dr. S. M. Loken for a 22 car the north side of Front Street legal description is: tll Lots 6, 72 8, The zoning is "commercial" and has in 1922. The entire tract has a frontage of 211 feet along Front Street,,, extending from Como Place to Avon Street, and 120 feet along both Como Pce and Avon Street resulting in an area of approximately 25,680 square feet" The proposed parking lot �il.l have a frontage of 71.33 feet of frontage along Front Street, and A depth of 120 feet resulting in an area of approximately 8,560 square feet. The proposed apartment building meets the recommended standards for density and building ground coverage. The adjacent1land uses are: north across a 15 foot unimproved platted alley are two single - family residences, one of which fronts on Como Place, and the other frontsion Avon Street; south across Front Street is Calvary Cemetery; east across Avon Street'is the St. Paul Monument Company; west across Como place is a single - family residence fronting on Front Street. The Traffic Engineer has approved the plans which meet standards for this type of faciiity.) The applicant's parking lot plan shows that a sign will be erected indicating the parking spaces for the apartment tenants. Field Investi- gation discloses no objection from the standpoint of adjacent land uses. h In consideration of the above granting of this permit for a in accordance with applicant's HCW:mm t Encl. factors, the Board 22-car parking lot plan approved May of Zoning recommends the on the above described property, 21, 1959. Sincerely, dlA CCi I Herbert C. Wieland Planning Director E0 r •I/ ... ............ 'A:•• :'A:':::'J:••.:.�:......... ... �..... � D OF ZONING, -CITY OF SAINT PAUL '• "' .:': ;ilkkli•N ioFi 151 -131 -133 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSI SAINT PAUL 1, MINNISOTA Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in`the matter of the application parking lotlto be located on property on between Como Place and Avon Street. The' 9, 10, 11, Block 15, Royal Oaks Addition, been since the adoption of the Ordinance At the present time Lots 10 and 11 are developed with a one -st6ry commercial building which is used as a'drug store and doctor's offices; the remainder of the site isivacant and undeveloped. The•applicant proposes to' develop Lots 6 and 7 with an 11 unit apartment building; Lots 8 and 9 will be developed with a 22 car off street parking lot of which 11 spaces will be used in connection with the proposed apartment building; the other 11 spaces will be used in connection with the commercial activity. il June 19, 1959 of Dr. S. M. Loken for a 22 car the north side of Front Street legal description is: tll Lots 6, 72 8, The zoning is "commercial" and has in 1922. The entire tract has a frontage of 211 feet along Front Street,,, extending from Como Place to Avon Street, and 120 feet along both Como Pce and Avon Street resulting in an area of approximately 25,680 square feet" The proposed parking lot �il.l have a frontage of 71.33 feet of frontage along Front Street, and A depth of 120 feet resulting in an area of approximately 8,560 square feet. The proposed apartment building meets the recommended standards for density and building ground coverage. The adjacent1land uses are: north across a 15 foot unimproved platted alley are two single - family residences, one of which fronts on Como Place, and the other frontsion Avon Street; south across Front Street is Calvary Cemetery; east across Avon Street'is the St. Paul Monument Company; west across Como place is a single - family residence fronting on Front Street. The Traffic Engineer has approved the plans which meet standards for this type of faciiity.) The applicant's parking lot plan shows that a sign will be erected indicating the parking spaces for the apartment tenants. Field Investi- gation discloses no objection from the standpoint of adjacent land uses. h In consideration of the above granting of this permit for a in accordance with applicant's HCW:mm t Encl. factors, the Board 22-car parking lot plan approved May of Zoning recommends the on the above described property, 21, 1959. Sincerely, dlA CCi I Herbert C. Wieland Planning Director E0 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE.PERMIT (please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the CityjClerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb y made to remodel or reconstruct an existing I install and operate a new (cross one out) O FILLING S'T'ATION No. oil islands and pumps No. of tanks and capacity: PA MN6 LOT;for (customers) (employees) (pr vats use) (pu c use ) (other) (indicate type')''" Capacity of parking lot - • 22 bl To be used in connection with :- 'Atarhm63t Building MISCELLANEOUS• } .(indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car 1 Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location North ode of Front Street a prox1m tely aegnter' pf Yoak tietiredn Como Place and AVot g reet n ; . rn Legal Description : Lot: �O 6, ?,8,9,10,L1 Block 15 ddi6n� Applicant's Name' . ]?r: S. M. colt ®n C Office Address: 801 4ront Street c Phone Number) 'HU 8 =5547 ;r (11 v' FOR/= THE ILICANT, � N TARS UnDING CO signature (date) I. •i Address : 1,612 W. Como Avemie Phone No.: 02703 When completed: file three copies of this application form and t ree prints of the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the�City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota �I Z -3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. _ of