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E s COUNCIL FILE�1� BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS _ Vaxcxo a P' • ' 7 • " =z. .ir, _ �; r4 ^•.y b,.ri _ r • ��+ {1 l •.• t � , r f? {F In the matter of- part' dperi y - �rtidoning ; <and axtendiY g = th ptopoaad :// ,Sheri Line . Rotd, ' �� I rby aonde�ing and .takii g t6d'- ,following :diiscribad lots - end' paidela of o�`Block �h "' +Boulevard Additions { The'10ith136 ft., except Selby AV'enue.4idenig, ,of- Lots 15 t. '21. ina5.uaiv , } 6bk 5,,':Soulevard Addition' `^ .� Thod, 6 'pa a 'of Lots- X2,13 and '�s Bio'ck' ,51. $oul�sga� Addition, lyixlg' south g�, the: F fo ow _g deaar b d line; Cot�enain +;at ':a, pci3nt ,on tine east Tine'. of .aaic3 Lot tiI?tie?r I ��i ;l r 3b� t: ,,.no th bf the eoutheasi�,cq;gPx, bf, t�e�_ akot sala, tit .11� ,thend� in e y'.oat�inr��terly diredtion orr'a e�rai.ght, line to, a point 20, ft. heat of, e��t• f - ` ir. *: z-itaRc��u�' 1'i lea'ci .' iid�Lo 2 - .and,.on_,the. preae'nty north ].:z a Qir•SJiiy._'Av�ei ,,whidhris' glad " . the `south sine of that .part of ,•the :af'oiebaid Lot' .2 remainYng' aftar the; elby'_ " A pti0c Averit %, }ii3:di n ti :t i d upon the :1viya •iutpA,; ren- nit ugor cftte 7 • ',:.P, 'arc tile; �'.°•�i6k hav hTh�'aa�.'�rt6tot T�Bts 'f$�gra�id:�30'�?BI�i3�cc�$� ��iiiZYavard` tdci :tior�� .nortr.or�;the' . t}tE; � $ >e foll riri'hg+ debe bod ,lines Qommehei tg at 'm paint 'd' the east line ©f` said tot 8, n, +e ft, out�h;of tie': nar ,heaat softer off' 1h® aforneaid .Lot �8; . thence 1R, 1 iC '� 2 "� �'l v t. �-�,t lr :' !' -1 ? ra(. , � ,r>• ' =-,-. t o tee .c�iiAcft�:on dWta 8tialght 3 ne''tio'`a .poi�it >�2b °tt: ee .off- a sash 4. imp,:o cenr^rs 1�lrie of.' eaid'Lot=�i6; i dd on. the present south line of '$e1by' Avenue;,, xbieh • is. _ ..aldo the north line QY that' pax't of the afdresaid Lot- 10 r6EaAinin9 � aftdr ' the' Avenue "wfideni,n .;•,The north- 36'1 ening; i oVLotsi �1t gad, t F 4 ' 1 BQUl8Y82'C ',, �C dit� QR. . '� F r:., r _" i l y�a:lf {+wv1 a1K� .�.a'•lr +i• %y �: ►,., �.sr A. The,north 36;,ft ,Accept tielby,Avenue. widening of ;Dote 4, add• „5 :''�:ock ` �i .4 I. Boulevard •Addition.., ' f. w t a+ •..,_ , ! r , ' ose:.partat _of Lots _1, 2,3,1$,13 ;_and_ �.lR',� -Block :7�: r oul av cd ddit3 ©n�_.lyfii `north �. of; and "notheagterly the "following deecMbed line ;,ommencii>�' at' 'g point ,. . ie vreat `'line °xof "8aid{ = ;ot "•3; 4thoeterly direat3or� enaOjn -a buthea v' <f ; r ►'t' "' ti atraig it'13riQ pazallel�� tw.hrtd;`80 ". :t "distant;g ram _'trig''eouttiui9gtez :ir3ght= Hof -era � e of tiie,;ahicago; Mil. reukee, t._., 'aU 'Anti; Pacific..�Aail 0,41) d Com�iar r' to a, ;' • r V{��i ciiTlt� Ong i�1$:'$a8��i �.�.i11$ Of �fsa id" 16, 1 Y L ti:l.. GS4 'a,,r..��i, '� },� w� r i'i r_i,, C jR. , , � �.a� � .�'��'•i 7"kw "�+.i •t4 ;,' %•. cr7jt +#�~ i .� �f -'.� • *, A7:1 bf':'T,ot "1� 96die�, Boulevard `AdditiWq 11,, •�! r , yy., r� . 4 • .,., � i,.•' � 7�� x + .*1 4., a _ ��{il�i[ A,S.i'••"1. �1 ��Tr� '���:et. :�',# °•' #�� :��. :t- i.ta.� A�:l of �lols: "• Boiilovnrd Addition Na;2. r+ 'of A t D. A # ' �' { 'F f� .«• rf c5 r. �1�t•�'.i 4 N�1 �'�C3 `r All" of,I 't ' �, �,o $` 3no�uaide, B] oak' 4, 'Boul'eva?cd Addition Nd.3, .'� TYlo a pa�xt,s }'oi'l,;Lot 1, ,Bloak 10,, 'Boulevard,- Additioni, and to.t and 10. - " 'fit ":�Kw `B3 or„ kF; T7, Boiilqv ard' tielitiaA 'To:,213ng'n�i%^t�h�of `adhn "ortlieat¢rly� 4 -Y.'y. } C ,ri •-f•Rt, .. F +•n, i1! 7-!•' t, - Follow irig_' desariiiod�l .�nsi. }.Colou�enaipg:, ©n tli,,north'ine;of _e�iido'':�- soutliegsterly�`,diracton an e;`parsl7.el to ,.'•, , 4 �-�ra n :bf -,th hit 1001 t't.. , ddistant<'ro thc, %eout'erly xrit-of :f19. o: ,e • ti aka, { , d. , r L', ,� I�,K ea ij,1... r a. I• it au Cee,,St -.- -,Paul', and tPacif3c, Reilrq ti "; om ar�y to ��a. point "onf�the` sae i "13 t© 9 ,of ' aid ti`r10 -j a:. , i ,► '�.. a t ., rt., s �Fi:- ri'S.i:*s.*i �t ."1r� tY•' i•i j t., a Igo °'��look;'7;'Bou1$vad Acidton 12+fo.2 t. , 36 i=-,.VA Bibb^ kvc;:� of .w''t l,s2A r"d',�x ill ca 3,. "�`TFie:' iitSi^ 6 °t ; exc - t rsy °Avaii�ie-�iiu i � Ir 'title - r��'al::3,151 ,k"C of. VieL16V �, a i f { .s ,+++, +R •i-' oee • gait�1, jb,f' �l .i ,t ; .•^ d f dc LioT n , � • lYR nYI o r r't^ i-' Qts ] ' 12 W am �uYeva �.2r g � r , Y -..• F �T 3 T r r r +-. �,• ,r 1 f -t dl l�fi-. ` ` ,; • :; ,: �:o�- •Qrid _noi�bheaeterl�►:of•�tih� �o11o'rtiilg� deacritied•lixias,;;.Gam_ �enc��':,at si; �a,,o�.r�t' , • i, Lot�thnoe iz �ao>zttieas`ter].` , .ire6ti.an' dri �► t . 1 =,. • , h�t��Iiria7i iia77: �.��tp and 80' ft. diataat fi*a�ti tithe eouthAeatex�ly right =Qf��r r } • .. , • }' .t: --Am_ ' �1+ K`z tt `r 'tirl - �� +1 -,.•� F (• 1- ' 3% 5esf tle "� eSt:�`~Pau�1 :Arid �Peo#d:C `7�ai]:riad:', Cei�er ta` r �; poi�iti `W the 11 , A'i:ne f said Lot }+ + 1, t r' ��r Yom• A { "'�'��rl•i�.t~ of 1't:tiri 4 Pd 5, i1tocic ai"' 1sa ulevard ddi�ition; 'OY'4 ��C „ -p tE b61Abverd �ddi'tiron, Na.2. ,. ,� <.: r � a . fit. q P 'A' � 1 , i'� rtv► All ref' 'Lot its' to. '8 -- "o�.uaive� *'B .ao�'k`..1jj,, 24ialevard Addition. No. .,, - R , �Y i �1 , ► r t• t � (j , f 't I ., r'• �,:. � r i �� 1.:# 1� ' e .� 1" t '1� Those -p a d `L�c t l� p #lock' 1Q�, opla�ard''Ac itiion; _anti $ i2 7',,$ 691, 7.0, td dt � �1�o.t2:: gig xi�ixth `ot'i��nd �r�az thea.�tQ�rxy;;0�' toll' cieeeritio` "line' ot�rioi:ri ":ni':t''Fi '.ise�rth �ine. of aid Boule#ard'. fit dit dd ��'theiice iri .e smitheatUrly3difect an on a-lisle_ paralle3: to and 'lt3q ;it distagi -irons the ; i i hir ; terly rigtst4of -gray 3ino of the Chita , YilirauiCee,' St::'Pau1� Paoifi ll.raatl , ompai to a point on the emit line a; abd_ tot _ .10� '._Block 17� �o�varci';Addition,' �+Fq,� f4 rt:l, � ^, --"tt,' !,y} �^ •'�, `'•[ -t`- ,. !'�.� },t•: •, :i'.:4P l�f:.it�'f !:. - ,b (a.4 , -f ,ter :' • i , :. _ .v , v -� . ; A . ., - aJ 0111 `d4,s -c-r o- tr x=E iC.Tllg`(7II— TiZItT'�� - Boulevard Addition; thence in a'southeaste'rly direction on,a line parallel to • and 100 ft, distant from the southwesterly right -of -way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.;Paul and Pacific Railroad Company to a point -on the east line , of said -Lot 10;:Blbck 17, Boulevard Addition No.2 , CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 19"?835 199".- Tn thp matter of q AU ot Mo* "80* D0410.4rdAddition The south .36 OPt 88115Y Ulitme wldeninoy of lots :L$, to, gjL inclusive Block 50 .9011160rd Addition Thoso parts, of lot# 12#h po Idvtrd Additibns lying, south t)f, the. fonowtts 408.0ribed line, u I of said L*t 14i 36 tt� 'Oid" On'the east.-lino tbG 'Wuthftst corner of the 46rtsaid Lot 14 therice ".-Alivotion an & Streight :Lin* to a, point under Fiqlitninavy2dr-*V., 7 bf -Lot, 1j, 4M 012 the north line of To the Council df 01 wo the. south lit* of that part of the af0jr seur. , The fallnws: 8 th4i,464. ow 9d11&1%151Q0k s. Zouldvard, Additionp lylrg�north of Ing -the �bafivukf# cif_. - The total -6-kd:;t�it eaqt� 1qM__;ehqing Olt -a poilA ob of corner of 8M df the sforoaaid.1ot 8j e -to 4-P,01fit 20 ft. The estimlawf, . _,,. f . _x - � 11W 48MV lln�� of, 8S.14 1.0t 10 lind. 'on t 0, 11�� h� , A,40,,LS §94XAV9Mt1Gji_mtion of The lots o CAAK1949) or the Wtgj- Avenue ,ir1dGni1*, 4"k orev"d t, 10 roftining each lot or fgcel as 1st reported by ,the A.,me.mor, a64 as fnjIow,4: 0 north, 6 ft,0,. except _Asl y,Av�pq wj4#ajMj -ofL , DESCRlPtION 6--Z�,"lAi�UATIO.N LOCK A, DDIYION BLOC 110ta6vard Addition., A *4iii4s O;t t6tit 4 And Of)- F, C&a_ST;1_hy WC. A-V Those- po.fts Of LOts,1*90 north' *12A3 ww'24i blQ* "0 11V 3,V,1k*,- - _ � -112 -70 --ftulS.Vard Addition,,, Post on the, Wly 0f"thG_f0110*i4 d�wdrlbed lia-01 aomt��irtg cast mfoit-lihi, of'aaidtot 3 line I -��ngQ in, .8-,A0Uthe&6tL-r1y r"anoi t10 And 80 ft. dji + _0:ii4r-40y Und, or, the rexcept T "dijf_,R`& _jW*s , - UU_wAUkeejp_St,:-.,jju1- '42id - ny. libe Of said tot,14,, w,-Ftp 1-A4�;qf- r4j-Add#1 erly linAn, _09: I I I- , rd Addition K0.3. 4 0 — � 0-04, 140-V j; 9' 8,nd 10j -Blodk par t of Lo df _-th`OT Iat # dock 10,. east and .,itch -al opb�i of the Chioago., i on jhA_qAAt_lj4e_ -Adc t:LO4# and lots- I on the''n rth 'Jinar .0 ion )Iba lying-no . h- -Of zid 0 �012$ thence in-* 4oUthWt6kly_dir4 d U t; _�n f Iva tho xwth*etterly iul and Peojriq_RRgrpAd Cosparq--tc 'MOOk 17"k—hpil-M M"i"Ad nff Z!:--- Ld At"t-woy line CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) II"DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATIONBLDG. Se Except lby Ave.; that . I I' L! �., . i of Lot 1:and except west 40 feet; I'that part of Lot 1 lying south I I I I! it of a lane 75 feet south from and I I I II II paralley with the original south I I I II right of way of Chicago, Milwaukee I I I II I! and St. Paul Railway being in I 15 I Boulevard Addition ;I $500 $lo700 IIExcept Selby Ave.; all that dart ofl !I Lot 15, lying south of• a line 75 I I I !I !! feet south from and parallel to the! I II !! original south right of way line oA I I IIChicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul I I II I! Railway Company ! ! 5 I do II 400 2,400 11 Except Ave.; and except part, I I I II IInortherly of a line 70 feet south- ! I ! II !I erly from and parallel with center I I ! !! IIline of east and west bound main I. tracks of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. ! li Paul and Pacific railroad of 116 15 I do II 575 33700 ilExcept Selby Ave.; all that part of! I I 1! ilLot 17, lying south of a line 75 ! I I II !I feet south from and parallel to I I I !! 11original south right of way of ! I Milwaukee and St. Paul ! I I !! Railway ! 5 I do II 200 6,500 f! ! I TOTAL !! FOAM 9.5.11 .00 3-10 8 i t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATIODNBLDG. II Except Selby Ave.; all that part I I I II II of Lot 18, lying south of a line I I I II II 75 feet south from and parallel to I I I II II original south right of w line I I II II of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul I I I II il Railway I 15 (Boulevard Addition II $150 $19500 IIExcept Selby Ave.; all that part- I! of Lots 19 and 20 lying soutja of a illine 75 feet south from and paralle� I I II II to original south right of way I I I II Illine of Chicago, Milwaukee and IPaul Railway. Lots 19 and 120 15 I do II 100 1,600 liExcept Selby Ave.; part of Lots I I I li 11 1 to 5 and 14 to 21, Block 5 I I I II illying north of a line 75 feet I I I II lisouth from and parallel to original) I I II II southerly right of way line of said) I I Ilrailroad over and across I 15 I do 1,175 1,000 Except Selby Ave.; 11 8 I do 1000 1 .9200 II 12 18 I do II 13 18 I do lI No valuations II 14 18 I do � 500 1,850 IlExcept Selby Ave. • 15 18 do 52q 1,65o I) do I 6 ( 8 I do II 550 10700 I! do 1 7 18 I do II 600 110450 II�,.,� .a M ,.t�s.,:� s,�,,rds• s+er.:b,�, -� .11 81SAI °S Ir- •q } - �,,�.. .e "do,,st. +:gnat •.r +.4a.ira. L.65.0. ... ...,,.1 9004 _ II I TOTAL roltw o...tt goo a -u y J CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK ADDITION II LAND VALUATION ASSESSED 1 Fxcant Selby Ave, 9 18 I Boulevard Addition $650 $22100 II do 110 18 1 do II 650 22050 II do I 1 17 I do II 750 450 11 1 217 I do II 400, II Except Selby Ave.; I I I do II 400 !1 do 1 I 1 do 850 .1100 1. do 1 5 i 7 I do 1II12 I7 I do 600 II West 2 of 1 13 1 7 do II 300 II East ; of Lot 13 and all of 114 I 7 I do II 650 2,100 II 11717 I do 275 II 1 18 I 7 1 do II 200 1,40o II 1 19 1 7 I do I1I I E I Boulevard Addition No. 2 II 209, 1,800 I11 4 14 I Boulevard Addition No, 3 1,350 400 II 15 14 I do II II 16 14 I do II Lots 7 and 1 8 1 4 I do 400 7.9800 li I 1 110 Boulevard Addition II 350 II 1 1 117 1 Boulevard Addition No. 2 II 1 2117 1 do II 1 3117 1 do W550 12350 11 1 7 117 1 do 11 1 8117 1 do OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS W REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE / (1--3,3 4 - January 5th -1 19-i9- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 190318 approved December 16th 1928--, relative to e-nU g 4nd extending the proposed, 04ort 1*s, a o ndemhibr- and-taking-the. -followl=- _ d aebri bad-lo t &-a nd-n a *-n i-A a' A \/All of Block-M!3i-#,-,EouievArdAdditioli, The Block 5' BoiaevardAddItift and %aving inve'sti'qatcd the matters and things referred to therein, hereby Thom parts of Block 5,p $, everd A4dition#1 1 oul ying south of the, rfOn,Wihg desciiribiiii lin, a t"COM04449 at avbint, bit the east line of vad Lot Aq. 36 ft,, zorth, of tho,;06utbmst corner of the Aforassid Lot 14i _ ;rabic. Jab Uolaae Uea 40'U �b W on- *84t at "O` 09-0-t line bf jlkd 'Lot 12 on the north line - I - t- - &rt I Selby Afto"o AbJV-qJ%WV n G% eIffif I cos t Of "Lot 1'2 aftdr the $614y Avenue widen1mg th'q"riof l,s and the,,noturo ana extent of said improvement Thotig pare of` L6t 9 AW1.20*, %o*-,16j7i'40oa0Vjird Addition'$ ,lying; north, of the !f1cluvi *'.Ndsl�ribOd oiht6n`d!j* a Poi�xt'76W'Itha dapt lint. Of laid V t n6204avt, corner of the sfdreostd,tibt 8j 9 th a '046t, li0q, of said 't. 10 d, on� the south, 2i 3ndt of S JI)y Avenue.9 r on- A hed I- b6d'Ma4 a part 'hereof. The iiorth'%'ft-# OidePt $0111�7 AVenU9'W0P1ng* of Lots I to 1;0 The 'north 36 ff-..s Bdvlavird- Addition., Vc�,j 8 of three X.E ;ay 'of prorerty, subject- to osessmctnt' for jai irprovef�znt. !,Te pwners Addition lyIng -ThosO, parts' of tots, ii9s33,11A3 acid ,24 oak. Tp,,'BOU'Idvak�d Adc 0 followinede ribed iifi�� ?x 91 ng -- ,palm -on on the we 'lines JTtpP-0rrth,' t4r4d �ortheasterly -'A 1 1 t th drea straigh+. �Iine poallel o. tiori of, a PT, ibhF jQrks t A&"86-chnit sowt , hwsfterly righi-6f-"y line of, the Chicago, 'alwaukee., sit. Pa, -'ond u3,, mad CompqrV, to a,point ort th6 Mast line of 4-i4i Lot , 14, A Lot* A ]], -of, A44-tidn. f ,All. 9f 1,.bix 4 to 8, U14utives 'Block As, boulevard Addition NoJ. Thos' s rts Oftot Is Udek 10s OoUi ardtdditions :abd ZOO ls2p) 9 and Vv Block 17.# Douleyprd AddttioA. 06.9 lying- north, of and nortlisaste.ily of the ",followift .described liner Oomoonaing oa the north lino of said Lot 1, 'Block 10$ BouleTaid Additi a -thenco in 07L southdaitq:tly- directiori a th#'woutbwasterl rJht41Qf-fty on,* l Par ine alel to and 1W -ft'*. distant fro y 4g line or Oxt Chicago, UilVaukas)'alt. Paul end Paloific PAilroad CoVany toe pdiut on the eaat 11-Us of s4id Lot 10j Block 3.7p Boulev0d Add;Ltion. Xo,2, � is C\I lb q, o C N k , all rV le 1, �,: I - -,- - 34, r. N, Y It' oz -4 kk QP JI/ 0-9 6 ffes, k V ILI co C3 cn O LN r. N, Y qa Ead DO-- tA co ij W. fizai Fj TIL 0 :Lc um qj 9/ co C3 cn O LN r. N, Y qa Ead DO-- tA co ij W. fizai TIL M� tj t4i LnLi Vm N NI co C3 cn O LN r. .9/ 611 qa DO-- tA co 41 W. i I / / Ar-_F'. 19,4 VF 101 W.1, 0-9 --go .9Fl- n. V Z.9 71, ra .j R,C 119Pe/W.- r JR1 '611 C\S fig - 77�__�j N WW N 11 9/'S// ra .j R,C 119Pe/W.- r JR1 '611 fig - 77�__�j N N 11 9/'S// 9 _q/ *.?/J O N. -91