09-113council File # (�9 //3 Green Sheet #3064635 RESOLUTION C�7� Presented by PAUL, MINNESOTA �� 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into the attached agreement 2 with the State of Minnesota State Colleges and Universiries, Century College. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on 3 file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Bostrom Carter Hazris ✓ J Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Ce�rti�fied by Council Secretary BY� //"//i'i/�.J////`l�si� Approved bq'l� Date �/ G� B y' ` '� � _ �— � � of g v V rvv v Approv y � Attomey By: Approved b} ayor for Submission to Council A � BY� �J cu.C�,✓ �/1 �w n ivv � ��//3 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet DepartmenUOfficelCouncii: ; Datelnitiateti: � GI�eell Slleet NO 3064635 � Pp _ Police Depar6nent � 2¢NOV-08 � • � � � : CoMact Person 8 Phone: j Chief John Harrinpton 2665588 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): i Doc. Type: RESOLUTiON � � 0 �oGce Deparhnent = P olice Department � 1 oGce Deparfinent Police Depa�[[rtlent Assign i 2 Cl'NAttomev �' Ltiri� Attomev �✓ Number � For I 3 �'inancisl Services Director�. FSO Routing 4 9YIayoYs OtTce � Mavor J Ortler I 5 oanc� �' Coaneil i 6 City Clerk Citv Cierk i i i E-0ocument Required: Y I i Document CoMad: Evette Scarver � Contaet Phone: 2665541 I �_ ' Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Locations for Signature) A ction Requested: ; Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached � agreement with The State of Minnesota, Century College. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee i = Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Staie of Minnesota, Century College, will provide the Saint Paul Police Department with approximately 300 hours of Peace Offrcexs and Standazds Training Boazd (POST) approved training. Authorization is needed. Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. � � AdvanWges IfApproved: Police officers that sucessfully complete the POST approved courses, will receive officer continuing educafion credits towazd their I peace officer license. �� DisadvanWgeslfApproved: � None. Disadvantages H Not Approved: The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent will not enter into this agreement with the State of Miunesota and will lose the opporiunity to participate in POST approved courses. Totai Amount of $3,560.00 Trensaction: Funding Source: 436 Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Aetivity Number: 34117 �s �A_�'�a� 9V C� ��.��:: { ' :..���:.� ���-„ , � .; .� °., December 19, 2008 10:14 AM Page 1 D� ii.3 F.Y.; Cost Center: Obj. Code: Amount Vendor #: p,0. #: 09 211561 9182 $3,560 STATE OF MINNESOTA MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Century College INCOME CONTRACT This contract is by and between St Paul Police DeparUnent (hereinafrer "PURCHASER") and the State of Minnesota acting through its Board of Tmstees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, on behalf of Century College (hereirafter "STATE"). WHEREAS, the PURCHASER has a need for a specific service; and WHEREAS, the STATE, is empowered to enter into income contracts pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 136F; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: I. DUTIES OF STATE. The STATE agrees to provide the following: 1. Iaw Enforcement Conunuing Education Program of Century College will provide appro�cimately 300 hours of POS'I' approved training for the period September 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. 2. RegistraAOn for training will be conducted on a first-come, first served basis with priority given to licensed officers/dispatchers from participating member agencies. The number of enrollments from individual agencies may be limited in some cases in order to accommoda[e all member agencies. 3. The Training Program will be continually evaluated by means of course evaluations completed at the conclusion of each training session, and program and curriculum evaluations and surveys will be solicited from participating agencies. Training programs will be offeied at Century College. 4. Century College will provide participant "no shows" reports to participating member agencies, in a timely manner, upon request. 5. Courses not covered by this training agreement include Fireanns QualificaGOn and Training Prograzn. Any other course excluded by this agreement will be so identified in the training brochure. II. DUTIES OF PURCHASER. The PURCHASER agrees to provide the following: 1. Participating agencies will publicize the program to o�cers and promote courses internally. 2. In order to best meet the specific needs of law enforcement, training o�cers/dispatchers from participating member Law Enforcement agencies will be invited to meetinas to participate in the review of past and future curriculum and training concerns. 3. Participapng agencies may request verificadon of their employee's attendance. D��i.3 III. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. A. Consideration for all services performed and goods or materials supplied by the STATE pursuant to this contract shall be paid by the PURCHASER as foliows: Annual cost is $445 per slot for full-time licensed officers/dispatchers with the purchase of 6 or more slots. Annual cost for 1-5 slots is $595 per slot. St Paul Police Department has made the commitment ta purchase eight (8) slots at $445 each totaling $3,560. B. Terms of Pavment. Payment shall be made by the PURCHASER no ]ater than 30 days following receipt of the invoice. IV. TERM OF CONTRACT. This contract shall be effective on September 1, 2008, or upon the date that the final required signature is obtained by the STAT'E, whichever occurs later, and shall remain in effect until June 30, 2009, or until all obligations set forth in tMs contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs fust. V. CANCELLATION. Century College reserves the right to cancel courses due to lack of enrollment. Departments will NOT receive confumation or registration, but will be contacted by phone or by mail if the class is filled or canceled. Notice of registration cancellaaon by an officer must be received three wor►dng days prior to the start of the course. VI. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES. The PURCHASER'S Authorized Represen[afive for the purposes of administration of this contract is Mark Pierce. The STATE'S Authorized Representauve for the purposes of administration of this contract is Joan Peterson. Each authorized representative shall have final authority for acceptance of services of the other party and shal] have responsibility to ensure tha[ all payments due to the other party aze paid pursuant to the teans of this contract. VII. ASSIGNMENT. Neither the PURCHASER nor the STATE shall assign or transfer any rights or obligafions under this contract without the prior written approval of the other parry. VIII. LIABII.ITY. Each party agees that it will be responsible for its own acu and/or omissions in cazrying out the terms of this Agreement and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acu and/or omissions of the other party and the results thereof. The liability of the PURCHASER, Saint Paul Police Department and the City of Saint Paul, its employees, officials and agents shall be govemed by provision of the Minnesota Torts Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, et seq. and other applicable law. The liability of the STATE shall is governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Torts Claims Act, Minn. Stat. §3.736. IX. AMERICANS W1TH DISABILIT'IES ACT COMPLIANCE (hereinafter "ADA"1. The PURCHASER is responsible for complying with the funericans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. 12101, et. seq. and regulations promulgated pursuant to it. The STATE IS NOT responsible for issues or challenges related to compliance with the ADA beyond iu own routine use of faciliues, services, or other azeas covered by the ADA. X. AMENDMENTS. Any amendments to this contract shall be in wriung and shali be executed by the same parties who executed the original contract or their successors in office. �y ii� XI. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES. The PURCHASER must comply with the Mianesota Government Data Practices Ac[, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with this conffact and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained or disseminated by the PURCHASER in accordance with this contract. The civil remedies of Minnesota Starutes Sec6on 13.08, apply to the release of the data referred to in this Article by either the PURCHASER or STATE. In the event the PURCHASER receives a request to release the data referred to in this Article, the PURCHASER must immediately notify the STATE. XII. JLTKISDICTION AND VENUE. This contract shal] be govemed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for all legal proceedings azising out of this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be located only in the state oc federal court with competent }urisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. XIII. STATE AUDITS. The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the PURCHASER relevant to this contract shall be subject to examinadon by the contracting department and the Legislative Auditor. XIV. OTHER PROVISIONS. (Attach additional page(s) if necessary): Inclement Weather Listen w WCCO Radio for any wllege closing information. POST Credits Peace officers who successfully complete the POST approved courses will receive peace officer continuing education credits. Discrimination Policy In accordance with the administrative mles of the Minnesota POST Boazd and the Policy of Cennuy Co(lege a11 persons shall be eligible for enrollment in any program regazdless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, residency, marital status or physical disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation for a disability (e.g., wheelchair accessibility, interpreter, Braille or large print materials) such an accommodation can be made available upon advance request. Please contact the Cent.uy Co?lege Access Center, 651-779-3355 or TTY 651-773-1715 as soon as possible. Waiting Lists If a course should fill, ofFicers will be put on a waiting list. d9_��.� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, [he parties have caused this contrac[ to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: 1. MINNFSOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIFS Centu COLLEGFJ[JNIVERSITY/SYSTEM OFFICE PURCHASER: PURCHASER certities tb'at the appmpriate person(s) have executed the contract on behalf of PURCHASER as requ�ed by applicable articles, by-laws, resolutio»s, or ordinances. 3. AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: dy ii3 09 � I 211561 nter: I 9 1 82 Ca1e: ` Amo � STATE OF MINNESOTA MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Century College INCOME CON1'RACT This contract is by and between St Paul Police Department (hereinafter "PURCHASER") and the State of Minnesota acting through its Board of Tmstees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, on behalf of Century CoZlege (hereirafrer "STATE"). WHEREAS, the PURCHASER has a need for a specific service; and WHEREAS, the STATE, is empowered to enter into income contracts pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 136F; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: . DUTIES OF STATE. The STAT'E agrees to provide the following: 1. I.aw Enforcement Continuing Fducation Program of Cennury College will provide approximately 300 hours of POST approved training for the period September 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. 2. Registrafion for training will be conducted on a first-come, first served basis with priority given to licensed officers/dispatchers from panicipating member agencies. The number of enrollments from individual agencies may be limited in some cases in order to accommodate all member agencies. 3. The Training Program will be continually evaluated by means of course evaluations completed at the conclusion of each training session, and program and wrriculum evaluations and surveys will be solicited from participating agencies. Training programs will be offered at Century College. 4. Century College will provide participant `ho shows" reports to participaung member agencies, in a timely manner, upon request. 5. Courses not covered by this training agreement include Firearms Qualification and Training Program. Any other course excluded by this agreement will be so identified in the training brochure. II. DUTIES OF PURCHASER. The PURCHASER agrees to pmvide the following: 1. Participating agencies will publicize the program to o�cers and promote coutses intemally. 2. In order to best meet the specific needs of law enforcement, training officers/dispatchers from participating member I,aw Enforcement agencies will be invited to meetings to participate in the review of past and future cumculum and training concems. 3. Participadng agencies may request verification of their employee's attendance.