192749Original to City Clerk - ORDINANCE 192749 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �O i An ordinance amending .Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsi- bilities. and the minimum qualifications, for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, It approved F'ebrua,ry 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF" SAINT PAUL, DOES ORDAIN: ,Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February- 13, 1935, as:; amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the "Minimum qualifications" in the specifications. for "Junior Council Recorder'' and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "High school graduation and two years.' experience as a, senior clerk. ri Section 2. This, ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days. after its passage, approval, and publication. A.. r ' V r 0 Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy 41OHMid- Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attes l City Clerk 12 -57 ° 8 r Council File No. 192749 — Ordinance No.j 11501 —By Adrian P. Winkel — An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled a t An ordinance fixing the duties and 'responsibilities and the minimum qual ifications for the various classes of po- isitions in the Classified Service of the City," j a p p r o v e d February - 13,, 1935, as' amended. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: � SECTION 1 t That Ordinance No. 7607, approved iFebruary 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the 'Minimum qualifica- r Itions" in the specifications for "Junior, l Council Recorder" and substituting in' .lieu thereof the following: "High school graduation and two 4 years' experience as a senior clerk." SECTION 2 This ordinance shall take effect and `be in force thiry days after its pass- age, approval, and publication. Passed by the Council July 1, 1959. r Yeas — Councilmen DeCourcy, Mor- tinson, Peterson, Rosen, Winkel, Mr. f President (Dillon) -6. Nays -0. Approved July 1, 1959. 'JOSEPH E. DILLON, Attest: Mayor. �- JOSEPH R. OKONESKI, ! City Clerk. L� (July 4, 1959) Passed by the Counci 'JUL I 1959 In Favor Against Approved: JUL 1959 Neffyt� va�. (�) Mayor is 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app —6 Ze �/ dop Yeas � Nays eas Nays DeCourcy DeCourcy Mortinson Mortinson eterson Rosen Rosen C`J Winkel Winkel . President Dillon Mt. Vice President (Peterson) s ( 19`?749