1927241-1- \'
OFFICE: OF THE CITY CLERK ItCoungll File No. 192724 —By Adrian P.
i Winkel -
COUNCI TION- GENERAL FORM ' k Resolved, In the matter of construct -
ing a sewer in. the south side of,
PRESENTED BY I Larpenteur Avenue from White Bear
COMMISSIONE DATE Avenue 'to 45 feet east of Flandrau�
`Street, upder 1?retinajn� , :r *�4 ^,1
RESOLVED, in the matter of constructing a sewer in the south side
of Larpenteur Avenue from %Thi.te Bear Avenue to 1+5' feet east of Flandrau Street,
under Preliminary Order 1794112, approved August 31, 1956, and Final Order
180092, approved October 23, 1956, that the City's costs in the amount of
0,6,056.06, ordinarily assessable against privately owned real estate within
the City's corporate limits and abutting on the south line of said section
of public street having been reduced by the amount-of $1,253.65, the sum
of sewer connection permit fees heretofore collected by-the City for sewer
connections with said public sewer from and for the drainage of real estate
:.outside its corporate limits and abutting on the north side of said section
of public street, the aggregate local improvement assessment, in the premises,
to be levied against said privately owned real estate mbutting on the south
side of said section of public street shall be.in the amount of $4,802.111; and
RESOLVED FUR=, that the sum of said heretofore collected sewer
connection ermit fees
p , $1.,253.65, shall be credited to the City's Permanent
Improvement Revolving Fund and the amount thereof shall be disbursed there-
from in part payment of the City's aforesaid costs, in the prepi.ses; that any
and all sewer connecti,on;permit fees hereafter collected by the City for any
-connection with said public sewer for the drainage of real estate abutting -
along the north line of said section of public street shall be credited to
x, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund and disbursed Ahd_:applied on a
uniform frontage -foot rate basis in the reduction of the several items of said
local improvement assessment levied' against pi-ivately:•owned:,rL-al- al estate' abutting
on the .-softh�,lilie. of s:=zi.d section of , pdblic street; and that in the event that
any such item o£ -said local improvement assessment as levied against any such
parcel of privately owned real estate shall have been the subject of any payment
by the private owner i.n" an amount in ' excess of the amount of the same reduced
as aforesaid on -account of any such subsequently collected sewer' connection fee i
the private owner -payer shall become- elititled to claim, in lieu of other relief,
and shall be paid from said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund a refund
equivalent in amount to that of such excess payment.
Yeas Nays
Mr. President, Dillon
5M 5.56 2
In Favor
313tI 10 1959
Adopted by the Council 19—
J U f,l 10 1959
Approved 19—