09-11221 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 CITY Presented by WHEREAS, T'he City of Saint Paul, Department of Public W orks has implemented Autodesk, Inc. softwaze products for ihe purpose of maintaining records of the storm and sanitary sewer systems; and WIIEREAS, said software implementation is among the first in the United States for this purpose; and WIIEREAS, Autodesk, Inc conducts an annual conference and training event known as "Autodesk Universit}�'; and VJHEREAS, Autodesk, Inc has offered the Public W orks Deparhnent the opportuniry to give a presentation detailing the use of the software at the Autodesk University event; and WHEREAS, Autodesk, Inc has fiather offered to waive the Autodesk University conference fee, which includes 3 days of educational classes, 4 nights lodging expense and several meals; and WHEREAS, the mazket value of said conference fee is $1,895.00; and WHEREAS, participation in the Autodesk University event offers the City and Public Work Department the opportunity to be recognized as leaders in a national forum; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the St. Paul City Council on behalf of the citizens of Saint Paul accepts Autodesk Inc.'s invitation to present at the Autodesk University event; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED that the City Council determines this to have public piupose and accepts Autodesk Inc.'s donation of the conference fee. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom ,0 Carter Hazris ✓ Helgen � Lantry ,0 Stark ,/ Thune K7 � . Adopted by Council: Date � J � \ � � °a� � � � — Adoption Certifie y unc'1 Secretary /') By: Approve y yor: Date �`? /� By: coUn�� Fue a O ti-- ��2 Green Sheet# RESOLUTION Q SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Requested by De, unent of: — Pubtic �Worlc By: i � l � Approved by City Attome �� BY� �'1 � s�jl. � • !/ K� �� Approved yo or Sub "ssion to Council By. ��-��ZZ � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Pw _ Public Works ConWct Persoa & Phnne; Qan Bartholic 266-6243 Must 8e on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTIO(J E-DocumeM Required: Y Uocument Contact: Rhonda Giilquist Contad Phone: 26&6070 Tocal # oESignature Pages _(Clip All Locatiuns for Signature) Accept a gift of a conference fee, including lodging and meals, from Autodesk,lnc so that a representafive from Public Works may give a presentarion at the 2009 "Autodesk Universiry" conference to be held 11(30109 -12l4109. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Pianning Commission C�B Committee Civil5ervice Gommission Initiating Prablem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Autodesk, Inc has invited Public Works to send a representative to give a presentarion on the use of their softwaze in the records management process of the Sewer Utiliry. Autodesk has offered to waive the conference fee'of $1,895, which inciudes 4 nights lodging and several meals. AdvanWges If Approved: Public Works and the City will be recognized in front of a national audience as a leader in the field. In addition to ihe pxesentaUOn, the representative will be able to attend the balance of the 4 day conference with no conference fee. DisadvaMages ff Approved: Nane Disadvantages It Not Approved: The City would not receive a donation of $1,895 from Autodesk. SEP 2 5 �D49 25sEP�2oo9 I Green Sheet NO: 3081716 � Assign Number For Routing OMer Personai Service Contracts MustAnswerthe Foliowing Questions: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department'? Yes No 2. Has this persordfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skili not nortnally possessed 6y any current city employeel Yes NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attacM to green sheet. d br,�:y' i Total Amount of Trensaction: CosNRevenue Budgeted: � • * *. Funding Source: Financial 6Normation: (Explain) Activity Number: September 25, 2009 10:28 AM Page 1