192332ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .-y DATE 1 COE NCIL NO. 199- 332 RESOLVED, that Mrs. Arthur W. Hagen, 1559 Sargent Avenue, be permitted to construct a six foot high redwood louvre fence at the rear of the lot at 1559 Sargent Avenue, for a distance of approximately 20 feet, to be used as -back- ground for a flower garden, said fence to be constxbcted under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Council File No. 192332 —By Robert F. Peterson — Resolved, That Mrs. Arthur W. Hagen, 1559 Sargent Avenue, be permitted to construct a, six foot high redwood louvre fence at the rear of the lot at 1559 Sargent Avenue, for a distance of approximately 20 feet, to be used as background for a Hower garden, said fence to be' constructed under the di- rect ion and to the, satisfaction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Adopted by the Council May 15, 1959. Approved May 15, 1959. (May 23, 1959) ` I " i Y T ' - MAY 15' 1959 COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays MAY 15 1959 DeCourcy - Approved 19 Mortinson Peterson 4.. Favor ��- b Mayor Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota M A CORPORA rION COVNSFZ May 12, 1959 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the request of Mrs. Arthur W. Hagen, 1559 Sargent Ave., for permit to install a louvre fence across the alley end of her yard, as more fully described in the attached letter of the City Architect. JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 9")t�ejoc Very truly yours, L - City Clerk MINNESOTA W.PLA MONT KAUFMAN _ ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks _ City Architect ,}`,WM. W.-ROONEY Bureau of Public Buildings Deputy Commissioner 445 City Hall I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 545 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner a May 11, 1959 Hon, Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: ROBERT A. LOBDELL Supt, of Public Recreation The request of Mrs. Arthur W. Hagen, 1559 Sargent Avenue, for a permit to install a louvre fence across the alley end of her yard was referred to this office for report. Our inspector reports that this will be a six foot red- wood louvre fence at the rear of the lot or a distance of approximately 20 feet, to be used as a background for a flower garden. It will not obstruct the view and, in our opinion, will not be objectionable. Therefore, it is my recommendation that the Building Bur- eau be authorized to grant this permit for the fence. AHS..A Yours truly, Alf ,ad H. Schroeder CAVI ARCHITECT iCX/ May 1, 1959 1559 Sargent Avenue St. Paul 5, Minnemw.a City Council C/o City Clerk Court House St. Paul 1, Minnesota Gentlemens I have just been advised ty +.elephon" message from *y home that a City Inspector called at My homy; to no* i fy aim that a ca: plaint had been mnrie about a louver fence- installeri ecronr tie 81107 at the end of my yard. We moved to this address on August 24, 1459. We have been improving the property in many ways since taking possession. We did not like the view from our yard and could see ne way of making an attractive yard unless we could screen out the garbage cans and trash burners, eta. in the alley. Also, we have a maroon house to put up and we enjoy our yard and like to spend Moat of our ties there in the sunnier and we wanted some privacy. I called a lumber company and any mailed me a fence catalog. I selected a good redwood louver fenee*listod in the estalop and hired their fenoe Installer to Olt it up. llott.ing -as 4811 to ms about the restrictions en the height of the fence. 1laturally, when I aslected a mtendard style of fence shown IS a regular fence es „.alcg I thought everything was in order. I as marry that there has been a complaint registered. We consulted our neishboss an both sides and, in fact, they assigted my husband in locating the property lines and every” so"and to be very pleased with the improvr- Ment we were making. It.Ir an ettraetive fence, well back from the alley line, and not obstructing anyone's view wbon dr.ving end not in anyone's way, that I can see. I juc t !c, not understand why anyone should obi set to It. I do now request that you p.r,r • « 1,erm1ss1cn to re4ain the fence ns Installed. The total cost is $11[) for 15 peg" of fence and It woulc be a real harda)ilp If we had to lower it - it wo,_1 , `Ave to to cocap: r tely remodeled - end It woL.l d cost considerable amount to Rio to. We cannot appear in person in your ofrice as we are leavens the city an Mcnday, MAY 4 to aeco■pany our daughter and children who are moving to Pueblo, Colorado. W expect U return hoar about May 15th. I an working eight hours ■ day at the Veterans Adainistratlen, tort inning, and would have to take anneal leave to appear in person in your office, so I would appreciate it if you can handle the matter through this letter of explanatioo. Very truly yours, Mrs. Arthur W. !'ia gee r 13 ;i May 1, 1959 1559 Sargent Avenue St. Paul 5, Minnemw.a City Council C/o City Clerk Court House St. Paul 1, Minnesota Gentlemens I have just been advised ty +.elephon" message from *y home that a City Inspector called at My homy; to no* i fy aim that a ca: plaint had been mnrie about a louver fence- installeri ecronr tie 81107 at the end of my yard. We moved to this address on August 24, 1459. We have been improving the property in many ways since taking possession. We did not like the view from our yard and could see ne way of making an attractive yard unless we could screen out the garbage cans and trash burners, eta. in the alley. Also, we have a maroon house to put up and we enjoy our yard and like to spend Moat of our ties there in the sunnier and we wanted some privacy. I called a lumber company and any mailed me a fence catalog. I selected a good redwood louver fenee*listod in the estalop and hired their fenoe Installer to Olt it up. llott.ing -as 4811 to ms about the restrictions en the height of the fence. 1laturally, when I aslected a mtendard style of fence shown IS a regular fence es „.alcg I thought everything was in order. I as marry that there has been a complaint registered. We consulted our neishboss an both sides and, in fact, they assigted my husband in locating the property lines and every” so"and to be very pleased with the improvr- Ment we were making. It.Ir an ettraetive fence, well back from the alley line, and not obstructing anyone's view wbon dr.ving end not in anyone's way, that I can see. I juc t !c, not understand why anyone should obi set to It. I do now request that you p.r,r • « 1,erm1ss1cn to re4ain the fence ns Installed. The total cost is $11[) for 15 peg" of fence and It woulc be a real harda)ilp If we had to lower it - it wo,_1 , `Ave to to cocap: r tely remodeled - end It woL.l d cost considerable amount to Rio to. We cannot appear in person in your ofrice as we are leavens the city an Mcnday, MAY 4 to aeco■pany our daughter and children who are moving to Pueblo, Colorado. W expect U return hoar about May 15th. I an working eight hours ■ day at the Veterans Adainistratlen, tort inning, and would have to take anneal leave to appear in person in your office, so I would appreciate it if you can handle the matter through this letter of explanatioo. Very truly yours, Mrs. Arthur W. !'ia gee r 13