192283Council File No ...................... 1991? 283 r ' < RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING-TIM -OF- H ON THE"AWARD OF DAMAGES RESOLUTION SM COUNCIL APPROV- 1NG ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TME OF HEARING THEREON AND, i RIMING TIME OF HEARING ON' THE AWARD OF DAMAGES f In the matter of.... ................................ ..... ....................................................................................................... _................. .condemning and taking a, temporary easement in' lots 13 and 14,, Kalman''s Division No. 4 for thepurpoge of constructing as. temporary detour road. as part of the Northern Route Improvement,, the said easement being bounded, by the'followitig described lines; Commencing at.the interse,tion of the east line of lexington Parkway, North and the north line of Dewitt Avenue; thence east on the north line, :of Hewitt Avenue,,, which is the south line of the said .Cats 13 and, 14p, a distance of 45 :et: 'to ,g 'Point on the south, line of Lot -13 thence in a_ northwesterly direction on a ,etra�.i.ght line to as Point on the cast line of `1e)dngtpn Parkway North which is the west line,,of that pare of lot_ 14 r'e�aining''sfter the Le#ngton Parkway' North ,wi,deniz*, 61 ft. north -of 'the point of beginning as measured 'along the said eed ' line of �axington Parkway North; theace south -on the ;aforesaid east l:ine,'of Lexington, �kwoy North to the Point of 'beginning; A],tiso cpndemning, and taking an easement is the load necessary for slopes,. I uts' and fills , is the prop Gsed .grril3;ng of Dunlap.. Street from the Northern Rout- to. Hubbard, Avenue under Preliminary-'Or�Srk.G :. F approved Novem_ 6 , 1958 torthe gm _6 shown - In - the proflle on file in the Department ' of- Public Works ' un- upon-sala- report anti -ior a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the______ 10th --- ---- -- ----- -- -day of______________________ slume ............................. 19 --- 9__., at ten o'clock A. M.,-and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAY 12 1959 Adopted by the CcunciL ............................................... .......... ...... 7 19... - - - -. MAY 12 1959 .. ....................... Clerk. Approved .............................................................. 1 • - - - - -- n �� n 0 File cilma Councilman DeCOURCY „ Councilman Councilman MORIINSON Councilman • PETERSON ROSEN Councilman Councilman WANKEL Mayor DILLON x E i" Q