192245r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ,, PRESENTED BY COMMISSION. BBERNA4 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE QF THE CITY CLERK IGIL RE6LUTION— GENERAL FORM . HOLLAND FIOENCIL NO.- 1 �`�245., Council File No. 192245 --By Bernard T. Holland — Whereas, A sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen in respect to WHEREAS, a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen in respect to the level of Lake Como. This condition has arisen because of a grave defi- ciency in rainfall. The Weather Bureau--records have indicated a deficiency of 12 inches plus in the last twenty months and the Weather Bureau advises us this is the driest twenty -month period -in the history of the Weather Bureau records. WHEREAS, this grave deficiency of moisture has created a lowering of the level of Lake Como to the extent where a health hazard is being creat- ed. In the past; filtered and purified water has been purchased from the Water Department at a rate appropriate to the quality of the water. This water is, of necessity, more expensive than water furnished from a well. It has become necessary to secure water from some source and, based on the re- fusal or inability of the Water Department to furnish water, it is necessary that water be secured from other sources. WHEREAS, there are in existence four wells at Lake Como which were used many years ago for the supply of water for Lake Como. These wells have been abandoned and three of them have been filled up and one partially fill= ed. Steps have been taken to rehabilitate the fourth well. It has been determined that this well can now produce a million gallons of water per day. WHEREAS, there are insufficient funds available to provide this water by the purchase of a pump and other equipment and the operation there- of, and under Section 206 of the Charter, in order to protect and to maintain the level of the lake and to eliminate the health hazard; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and-City Comptroller be and they are here- by authorized and directed, on or after the twelfth of May, 1959, to borrow on behalf of the City of Saint Paul a sum not in excess of $20,000.00, and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note of the City of Saint Paul, payable to such person or persons, bearing interest not exceeding five per cent per annum, said note to be payable one year from the date of execution thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds so borrowed be credited to - Upkeep of Lake Como, 18 F 1, all of said fund to be expended only as needed, and for the rehabilitation of the well, purchase of a pump and other equip- ment and operation thereof. App ved by : 'C� t Mayor MA � City Comptroller 2 f959 Yeas Nays DeCourcy j Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5 -58 Q Favor Against Adopted by the Council �� �h 19- c� MAY 1959 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER COUNCIL l..9`���.� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM e� PRESENTED BY BERD T may 14', 1959 COMMISSIONER DATE *IEREAS, a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen in respect to the level of Lake Como. This condition has arisen because of a grave defi- ciency in rainfall. The feather Bureau records have indicated a deficiency of 12 inches plus in the last twenty months and the Weather Bureau advises us this is the driest twenty -menth period in the history of the Weather Bureau records. *01M, this .grave deficiency of moisture has created a lowering of the level of Lake Como to the extent mere a health hazard is being creat- ed. In the past, filtered and purified water has been purchased from the Water Department at a rate appropriate to the quality of the water. This water is, of necessity, more expensive than water furnished from a well. It has become necessary to secure water from some source and# based on the re- fusal or inability of the Water Department to furnish waters it is necessary that water -be secured from ether sources. 1lHbREAS, there are in existence four wells at Lake Corso which were used many years age for the supply of water for Lake Como. These wells have been abandoned and three of them have been filled up and one partially fill- ed. Steps have been taken to rehabilitate the fourth well. It has been determined that this well can now produce a million gallons of water per day. WiEREAS, there are insufficient funds available to provide this water by the purchase of a P u and other equipment and the operation there- of, and under Section 206 of the Charter, in order to protect and to maintain the level of the lake and to eliminate the health hazard; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and -City Comptroller be and they are here- by authorized and directed,- on or after the twelfth of May 19590 to borrow on behalf of the City of Saint. Paul a sum not in excess of $20,00(3,40,, and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note of the City-of Saint Paul,, payable to such person or persons, bearing interest not exceeding five per cent per annum, said note to be payable one year from the date of execution thereof. BE IT FMTHER RESOLVED, that the funds so borrowed be credited to Upkeep of Lake Como; 18 F l,, all of said fund to be expended only as needed #, and for the rehabilitation of the well, purchase of a purer and other equip- ment and operation thereof. Approved by Mayor MAY 12 9959 City Comptroller COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas 1. Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Tn Favor ..Against MAY 12 9959 Approved 19— Mayor