192217ORIGINAL TO eITT CLE11K •tip' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS c } 1'9`)21 7 AL CITY OF ST. PAUL r _FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I Council File No. 192217 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy— Bernard T. Holland—' CIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM Severin A. Mortinson— Robert F. Pet (� A ersori—Milton Rosen — Adrian P. i IyJJ �7//��' Winkel�oseph E. Dillon, mayor— D n M&TF - o✓ u .� �v. .-- r RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 329, Laws of Minnesota. for 1959, approved on the 17th day of April, 1959, entitled "AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, PERTAINING TO AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE TO BE PAID TO CITY OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES USING THEIR OWN AUTOMOBILES IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR PUBLIC DUTIES; DEFINING AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO THE GOVERNING BODY TO ENACT AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE METHOD AND PAYMENT OF SUCH AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE ", a certified copy whereof is filed herewith, shall beand said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 ORDo2 MX( 7 1959 Adopted by the Council 19_ MAY 7 1959 Approv_ ed 19- k Favor -,i 6 Mayor Against r. .71'v M 0-M." 0 IrP4 ��, 11 AIA@,�--T#A�MAIV , ® m • DUPLICATE TO' PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Adrian P. Winkel Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy DATE erson B. T. Holland everin A. Mortinson Milton Rosen J. E. Dillon PRESENTED BY COMMISSION 1.99P17 FILE NCIL NO. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 329, Laws of Minnesota for 1959, approved on the 17th day of April, 1959, entitled "AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, PERTAINING TO AUTMiOBILE ALLOWANCE TO BE PAID TO CITY OFFICERS OR ERPLOYEES USING THEIR OFN AUTOMOBILES IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR PUBLIC DUTIES; DEFINING AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO THE GOVERNING BODY TO ENACT AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE METHOD AND PAYe'"I T OF SUCH AUTOMOBILF ALLOWAACE ", a certified copy whereof is filed herewith, shall be and svid Act hereby is in all things approved; PESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint PAUL, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of aoproval of said Act. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon SM 5.58 aOW 2 MAY 7 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAY 7 1959 Approved 19— 7 In Favor Joseph E. Dillon Mayor Q A gainst f 'y 19`)2.7 CII�ADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT F CITY OF ST. PAUL COLUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM TgNTED BY MISSIONER DATE Tt OLM, by the. Council -off° the City of Saint Paul, th%t Chepter 329, Lwao of ginna�otix for 1959, approved on the 17th Ocy of Aprils 1959, entitled "Ali ACT REUTIi1G TO TlxVw CITY OF V A1.$T PAIX9 PI 'wrXjgG To An�i�iyi'O��q'�tl3y ILL�F:�AaL�LOVA�3CE TO DE + iPA IqS{ i� '�JptgpC'y�'�Z+�rOT�iy��I'�Cy�I pa OR ":RLOI'FES DING THIFIR 01 AUTO!10111 ES, N Hr, PEI-POPMA37CF. OF TIVIR7 PUMC DUTIFS; rYFIVING AUTON BILP ALLOV. `iCE; AND MVTURG M AUT.ROAITY TO TEF GOVITNTI G BODY TO IMACT AX ORMNANCE PrTTAI"ING TO THE 'NFT90D AND 1'AVff'44T OF SOCK AMIMIU ALLOWANCEm, a certified copy whercof is filed heravith, $hall, he and sold Art hereby to in oll thing& approved; FFFOLUD 1PURUFI�, that the City Cle+ark# " ties chief olarleftl officer of a,sld City of SAInt ,Enid, Phnll fort1with file with the 8soretAry of Gt4te .a carts t.11cxtar in forz proteribed by the Attorney General stating the eseenti ml facto nacestary to said approvtl of said Acct 1mreunder and Including m coy of this resvlgtioa of €approval, of w id. Act. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 QMR0 2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council "AY 7 X959 19— MAY 7 1959 Approved 19— Mayor u.ina viii:vr :.TO•CERTBIN;S ON PROJECTS ;T THEREOFeiAND' 1 OT 10 Iff , ,G:� �5 �- '"��j4s Gr � _.�.��dT"t^.`L'l'i ^'� ?�F'%�Ya9: ..Y.I�ti'..t ' +. 41. 7 4, :.. j��ql ''i '4< - J ==r - Y � -,a a�., � Y is A.. , _ ',�` ..L: T . !. - .•t..,:Ia - ,:c•. +.., 1� �41 qe 7 4, :.. j��ql ''i '4< - J ==r - Y � -,a a�., � Y is A.. , _ ',�` ..L: T . !. - .•t..,:Ia - ,:c•. +.., 1� �41