192180C�1 GINAU -TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED COMMISSI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOW"MON— GENERAL FORM W180 FILE FILE NO. NO. ouncil File No. 102180—By Bernard T. Holland — Resolved, That upon appeal of Spieg- er Construction Company from the ecision of the Commissioner of Parks, laygrounds and Public Buildings, and nnn ." favorable recommendation of RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Spiegler Construction Company from the decision of the CommIssioner of Parks,.Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, the commercial use authorized on a portion of the south 180 feet of Lot 21, Block 2, Cruickshank's Garden Lots, located on the north side of E. Seventh Street between Birmingham and Hazelwood Avenues, in the City of Saint Paul, hereby is extended to the entire parcel of land, to the extent necessary for authorization of the construction, maintenance and operation thereon of three 21/2 story brick -faced apartment buildings aggregating 45 apartment units and as auxiliary thereto off - street parking space and facilities for at least 45 automobiles, and permission hereby is given to the owner of said parcel of land to devote same in its entirety to said apartment building uses permissible in a commercial district, with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said parcel of land had been entirely classi- fied under the Zoning Code, Chapter 60 to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, in a Commercial District. RESOLVED FURTHER that the aforesaid authorized improvement and development of said parcel of land shall conform to all require- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 4 In Favor Against Adopted by the Council MAY 6 1959 i9- MAY 6 1959 ORIGIN TO CITY CLERK ' V' ` 180 r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE meets of the Building Code and the Zoning Code of the City of Saint Paul, and shall conform to the plot plan proposed therefor prepared by Robert W. Johnson, Civil Engineer, dated March 19, 1959, numbered 4131, filed herewith, and to the plans and specifications for the subject apartment -sbuildirg s, furnished by said owner of said parcel of land, and approved by the City Architect. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 �sn Favor r J— Against MAY 6 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 MAY 6 1959 Approved 19 - Mayor I 'OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota -n-_, April 30, 1959 JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 19,9 0 .100 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Spiegler Construction Co. for extension of permitted apartment use to cover all of the south 180 ft. of Lot 21, Block 2, Cruickshank's Garden Lots, located on the north side of E. Seventh St. between Birmingham and Hazelwood Aves., subject to all statements and conditions conveyed in appeal of March 25, 1959, and plans approved April 8, 1959• EI • M 11111.• �� '` "y 1 CfT Y O F S AI N=�TPA I Very truly yo- it Clerk MINNESOTA • 8� ............. >> R D t :`:.:1ktAN! iiY€: 251 -253 -2 ............................. ............. .... ............. .......... ............ .. .... .. ......... . ............ ....................... .......................... OF ZONING, -CITY OF SAINT PAUL 53 1315 COT* HALL AND CObILT HOUSE SAINT PAUL ], M111NSSOTA April 30, 1959 Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter bf the application of Spiegler Construction Company for an appeal to extend_a tpermitted apartment use to cover all of the south 180 feet of Lot 21; Block -2, Cruickshark s Orden Lots. This property is located on the north side of East.Seventh Street between Birmingham and Hazelwood Avenues. The applicant's property has a frontage of 100 feet on East Seventh Street, and extends northerly to a depth of 180 feet and is in a single ownership. This-property has split zoning, the front, or southerly 100 feet is zoned' ttCommercialt' and the rear 80 feet is zoned ttA1t Residence. This appeal, if granted;-• - would,- p_,ermit the-applicant-to �incorporate this-.tract wii"e "' bract adj.oining..on .,the east „and, to, develop the enure,, site..with three, two and one ,Aj half st_ y brick faced apa tmAn . b»i din S ring a total of 1,.� u-n tJ' s d.—__ off - street parking accessotT thereto�for'45 cars. The two tracts combined give a frontage of 2�O on East Seth` n p�"'roduc an area ­square feet. _ ...,.,.. On July 15, 1958, the City Councileapproved an appeal of the Spiegler Construction Company to do the exact thing on the adjoining property to the east which has a frontage of 150 feet along East Seventh Street. The rough terrain of the property.to the north has retarded the extension of Stillwater Avenue between a point,275feet west of Hazelwood Avenue and the east line of Birmingham Avenue. The applicant's property is the southerly 180 feet of a Garden Lot extending the distance of two normal city blocks north of East Seventh Street. When and if Stillwater avenue is opened and graded, the proposed apartment development would not preclude the use for residential purposes of the portion of the land between the north line of the applicant's property and the south line of Stillwater Avenue extended, as minimum area requirements of the zoning ordinance could be met. . ` The adjacent land uses are as follows:' north and adjoining is vacant, un- developed land; south across East Seventh Street are two single family residences which front on East Seventh Street; east and adjoining is the applicant's eleven unit apartment building which was recently built; farther t, east and adjoining the combined tracts are three single family residences which front on East Seventh Street; west and adjoining is a single family '1 residence which fronts on East Seventh Street. K -2- Spiegler Construction Company - File No. 4134 All yard and density requirements of present laws would be complied with if this appeal is granted. In addition, the Traffic Engineer has approved the proposed layout and operation of the parking area. Field investigation discloses that East Seventh Street from Johnson Parkway to White Bear Avenue is developed with five commercial establishments and the balance with single - family homes. Within recent years at least fifteen new single- family residences have been erected along East Seventh Street between Johnson Parkway and White Bear Avenue and ten additional homes were constructed along East Seventh Street in the same area within ten years after the end of World War II. Thus, East Seventh Street is predominately single - family homes although the zoning is Commercial. Inasmuch as the adjoining property to the east is already developed with an apartment building, and the majority of the area affected by this appeal would be used for off - street parking, the Board feels that the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance would be substantially achieved. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends that this appeal to authorize the extension of a permitted apartment use to cover all of the applicants property be granted subject to all statements and conditions conveyed in the applicants appeal of March 25, 1959, and plans approved April 8, 1959. Sincerely, C . HCW:mm Herbert C. Wieland Encl. Planning Director SPIEGLER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1710 Saunders Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota March 25, 1959 Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council of St. Paul City Hall - Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Re:' Appeal For Extension of Existing Commercial Zoning Dear Sirs: This letter is an appeal to extend the existing commercial zoning of the rear 60' of a 180' depth piece of property on the north side of East 7th Street between Birmingham Avenue and Hazelwood Street. This appeal is made under the Legislative Zoning Code Chapter 64.03, Par- agraph A which reads as follows: "Where a use district boundry line di- vides a,lot in a single ownership, permit a use authorized on either por- tion of such lot to extend to the entire lot." The legal description of the property on which we would like this exten- sion of commercial zoning is as follows: _ 5 "The south 180' of Lot #21, Block #2, Cruickshank's Garden Lots, St. Paul, Minnesota" The commercial zoning includes a depth of 100' of this lot and we would like the rear 80'- extended into this commercial zoning., The depth of this property is 180'. The intended use of this area is to provide off - street parking space for an apartment building development. We-are also submitting at this time an application which will provide'off - street parking space for the 45 apartment units which we propose t6Sdevdlope�3oh this total site. We thank you-for your consideration in this matter and if there is any additional - information you desire, please contact us. MS:bad Yours truly, SPIEGLER CONSTRUCTION CO. m 1�0 m c-) Melvin Spiegler -+ � N r J -o 7[ Cr G' o N q