192174ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI i, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F COUNCIL RESOnTION- GENERAL FORM COUNCIL ; FILE NO.- RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to rent from REHNB ELECTRIC COMPANY One SO HP Motor @ $100.00 per month (for approximately two months), also to purchase services and equipment for completely installing motor, compensator, to disconnect wiring, etc, at Well Number Four Como Park and to remove same when notified, also for Vee Belts at a total cost of approximately $442.60, without advertisement, as per Informal Bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work hardship to the best interests of Council File No. 192174 —By Berhardl T. Holland — Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent the City, be he an heTeb on consent Mayor and the Comptroller, to rent from KEHNE EI:ECTRIC COMPANY One 50 HP Mo- tor' @ $100.00 per month (for approxi- mately two months,) also to purchase Charge – Parks 18 -F . services and equipment for completely �inssalltng motor, compensator, pensator, to dis- connect wiring, etc. at Well N 4 umber Four Como Park and to remove same C/ // Jwhen notified, also for Vee Belts at a total cost of approximately $442.60, without advertisement, as per Informal jcF✓ Z`4L J. 1 3':,�' Bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work P , y �.0 'C i'JY I hardship to the best interests of the Charge— Parks- 18 -F -1. t _,._ the f .. .;i. �Y . 9 Y rT 5 159. T a }.- 11 19 ,.. MAY 51959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy MAY 51959 Holland Approved 19- Mortinson e Peterson Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Aroainst Mr. President, Dillon _4� 5M 5.58 2 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE April 29 - 1939 W.U. That the Purchasins ,Amat be and 'b. to hereby aut xed'. w1t1k the cawwt of the, wyor amd the CaImptraixers to rout frm ImMa XZ : 6' !' fte so, UP motor 0 $UO.00 per Muth (for ats3y, two awthoy: U0 to pu=hase aerticos =d' oodpimient for cowlotoly installint tot, cdeponsator, to .disconnect w1ring, ate. at Itell number four a000 Part and to rown sale when notiffod, also for Toa Belts at a total cost: of af►rosimetsly $442.60, without sdr+srtiaosonts a$ Per Informial 'Side, as an goer ewy axiats ,were failure to act Promptly Would sort hardship to the b"t interosts of the City. tangs - l'srts. - 18-y -l. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson• Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon SM S•Sa 2 MAY 5 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAY 5 1959 Approved 19 � Tn Favor 0 Mayor Against