09-1096Council File # 09-1096 Green Sheet # 3079156 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION Presented by WHEREAS, the City of Safnt Paul, has received a�ant of �30,000.00 from the State of Minnesota for the 2009 Emereency Management Perfortnance Grant (EMPG) to pay for emergency management support staff assistance, attendance at training and planning conferences, and strategic plan development, and WHEREAS, the financing and spending plans have not be established for the gant received, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of tha Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there aze available for appropriation funds of $3Q000.00 in excess of those estimated in the 2009 budget; and PAUL, MINNESOTA �� WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2009 budget: FINANCTNG PLAN: Current Budeet Chanee 510 Fire Responsive Services 35221 — 2009 EMPG Grant 3199 — Otbar Fed Dir Grants — State SPENDING PLAN: S 10 Fire Responsive Services 35221— 2009 EMPG Grant O l 11— Full-Time Certified 0132 —Not Certif'ied TemplSeasonal 0299 — Other Misc. Services 0439 —Fringe Benefits 1 11 1 11 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.000.00 30 000 00 14,405.76 6,389.53 4,000.00 4.704.71 30.000.00 Budeet 30.000.00 30 000_00 14,905.76 6,389.53 A,000.00 4,704.71 30 000 00 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant, a�thorizes the Ciry of 5aint Paul to enter into and implement the attached agreement, and approves the changes to the 2009 budget. Adopted by Council: Date \Ci ��' f O Adopti rtified by C t :�1 Secretary �� -- By: / Appro e or: Da ��C 1✓z O-� By: �_ Requested by Department of. W � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sl�tl� ', DepartmeMl�ce7Councii: '� Date InKiated: � EM-EmergencyManagement ; o$ SEPZOO9 �� Gr She NO: 3079156 � Conqct person & Phone: i i Deoartment Sent To Persnn InitiallDate � RiCk L2�kin 0 Emeczeucv Managemeot ' i � 266-5490 � ' 1 Emer¢encv Mana¢ement ' Deaartment Director ' � . Assign � , ,�:------"------ i...x--°-----'°`-----' ' Must Be by (Date): '� Doa Type: �SOWTION W($ ' TR4NSACTION j E-DocumentRequired: Y ': Document ConWCt: ��II LaCasse j COntact Phone: 228-6257 Number For Routing Order j ` . Total # of Signa P _(Cl Ai l L ocations for Sign Action Requested: Approval of the attached Council Resolurion authorizing the City of Saint Paul to accept ffie 2009 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) from the State of Minnesota and establish the spending and financing budget. Recommendaitons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Pollowing Questions: 7. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this person�ttn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The State of Minnesota has awarded the City of Saint Paul $30,000.00 for the 2009 Emergency Management Perfotmance Grant (EPvIPG). This grant will be used to pay for emergency management support staff assistance, attendance at training and planning conferences, and strategic plan development. AdVantages If Approved: The Depazlment of Emergency Management will receive addidonal funding to support additional support staff assistance, be able to attend planning and training conferences and strategic plan development. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Lost opportunity to receive additional funding to support the Department of Emergency Management ToWI Amount of $3�,Q00.00 Transaciion: Fundingsource: Grant Financiai tr�formation: (Facplai�) September 8, 2009 2:42 PM CosVRevenue Sudgeted: Y Adivity Number: 35221 Page 1 � Grant Agreement Page 1 of 2 Minnesota Department of Public Safety ("State") Grant Program: Homeland Security and Bmergency Management Division Emergency Management Perfotmance Grant 09 444 Cedar Street, Suite 223 St Paui, Minnesota 55101 Grant A reement No.: 2009-ENfPG-00486 Grantee: Grant Agreement Term: City of St Paul Effecrive Date: 1Jl/2009 15 W"Kellogg Boulevard Expiration Date: 12l31J2009 City Hall Annex St Paul, Minuesota 55102 Grantee's Authorized Represeutative: � Grant Agreement Amount: Richazd Larkin Original Agreement $30,000.00 367 Grove St. Matching Requirement , $30,000.00 Fifth Floor St Paul, Minnasota 55101 Phone: (651) 266-549Q Email: rick.lazkin ci. aul.mn.us State's Authorized Representative: Federal Funding: CFDA 97.042 Kathleen Gaida, Grants Specialist State Funding: N{A Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division Special Conditions: None 444 Cedar Street, Suite 223 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: (651) 201-�422 Email: Kathleen. aida state.mn.us Under Minn. Stat. § 299A.01, Subd 2(4) tl�e State is empowered to enter into this grant agreement. Term: Effecrive date is the date shovm above or the date the 5tate obtains all required signatwes under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 2, whichever is later. Once this grant agreement is fully executed, the Grantee may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred pursuant to the Payment clause of this grant agreement. Reimbursements will only be made for those expenditures made according to the terms of this grant agreement. Expiration date is the date shown above or until all obligations have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. The Grantee, who is not a state employee will: Perform and accomplish such purposes and acfivities as specified herein and in the Grantee's approved Emergency Management Performance Grant 09 Application ("Applicafion") which is incorporated by referenae into this grant agreement and on file with the State at 444 Cedaz Street, Suite 223, St Paul, Minnesota 55101. The Grantee shall also comply with all requirements referenced in the Emergency Management Perforrnance Graut 09 Guidelines and Application which includes the Terms and Condirions and Grant Program Guidelines (www.wego.dps.state.mn.us), which aze incorporated by reference into this grant agreement. Budget Revisions: The breakdown of costs of the Gtantee's Budget is contained in Eachibit A, which is attached and incorporated into this grant agreement. As stated in the Grantee's Application and Grant Prograui Guidelines, the Grantee will submit a written change request for any substitution of budget items or any deviarion and in accordance with the Grant Progtam Guidelines. Requests must be approved prior to auy expenditure by the Csrantee. Matehing Itequirements: (If app3icable.) As stated in the Grautee's Application, the Grantee certifies that the matching requirement will be met by the Grantee. DPS Gran[ Agreement nun-state (09l08) � 4 I��� ';�, f7 c� N O N �- m � w � � Z � � N � � m �a ` c a �a m v� U 7 '�f L' O . � ❑ C N C G � C1 W w R �� R � tn = � m .G � 7 N �- E oW � C d � 1 � � U 0 y ,� a � _ R m v _ � � O �S ro � L 3 Z C 0 .� U . L). Q 0 � U � m a � N � N Z d � � C7 � .� c ro n. � a � w C N � N U C N � '�C d a C m � d m m � a c � m 0 � {�.� R 0 a v o ° o o ° o 0 m c o 0 0 0 g Q o 0 0 0 0 0 o a o m oi o 0 cr w � n n .n ea .n a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ¢ O O O O O 6 d3 O O O O O O (C M O O O N tA � t7 t7 m Yt M a} F9 T V p� d C ep C C � � N - m ep m m O '� C 3 C � � O O� � m � m T > . .�3 '^ C W f�0 �C vYi � V O . m m � m a a V �wp C � m m L .�=r � m =� �d �, �'a a o o � mrn'� pU t m...5 w_ � y m C m T � ¢ C E � .� a LL �L` a = � °' m¢ E r � � 9 U � y d � E m i, °�' m W � 9 4 � ` � �Ed �� � w o L d v O �� U v," e aa q� � o � � _' ° _ �v w o � a w �or, —° 3 m > c m 16 S g' — 'c c w p ss x ° y a > _ .. � U O 'm m �' b m �- ' Q W CO � � O c U �' � 4 s m (�i R �!�. � k Y p� 0 •� N T � C N � �' C oomu 9 m o � ��� o� � �Eu am c� � � T � N C C d m � C � W � p � � 0 C N �' � C pi R m � O� m � g "a �' C a a � c m N C 6 a W C @ m �� O �� � V C V M W C 0. . N ~ O. U C . D E O Q � ti m Q m tq n vf i-� ° o Q m ' A-1 Grant Agreement Page 2 of 2 Payment: As stated in the Grantee's Applicarion and Grant Program Guidance, the State will promptly pay the Grantee after the Grantee presents an invoice for the services actually performed and the State's Authorized Representative accepts the invoiced services and in accordance with the Grant Program Guidelines. Payment will not be made if the Grantee has not sarisfied reporting requirements. Certifrcation Regarding Lobbying: (If applicable.) Grantees receiving federal funds over $100,000.00 must complete and return the Certificafion Regarding Lobbying form provided by the State to the Grantee. ]. ENCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION 3. STATE AGENCY Individual cert�es thatfunds have been encumbered as required by Mirur. Smt §§ 76A.15 and 76C.05. By: (with delegafed authority) Signed: Tille: . Daze: Date: Grant Agreement No. 2009-EMPG-0�486 ! 20000�13640 2. GRANTEE The Grmxree cen�es that the apprapriate person(sJ have erncuted the graxr agreesnent ors behalf ojtfie � � TiHe: By: T;ue: City Attorney Date: By: Title: Director of Financial Serv Date: Distribution: DPSIFAS Grantee State's Aarhorized Representazive DPS Grant Agreement non-state (09/08) City of Saint Paui Memorandum To: Mazgaret Kelly From: John McCarthy, Budget Analyst Sub}ect: GS# 30�9156 — Emergency Mana�ement Performance Grant Date: September 11, 2009 Attached is a resolution requesting approval for Emergency Management to accept $3Q000 in Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) revenue from the State. Emergency Management plans to use the funding to pay for office support staff and staff training. An office assistant from the Police Department will provide the clerical support and a cost sharing agreement with Police has been established. OK to sign. AA-ADA-EEO Employer