09-1095Council File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PresenteG By: Retertetl To: GYeen Shret # Committee: Date � / 2009 Sudget Amendment for Payne Maryfand Joint Recreation Center/Library i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation DepaAment and Saint PaW Libranes would like to begin schematic design work for a joint facility at Payne and Mary4and, on park owned iand, for an approximatefy 36,�00 square foot facihty ("Payne Maryland Pro�eci") ;and WHEREAS, it has 6een determined that the "city portion" of this facility wil! c�st $14 mAlion; and WHEREAS, the schematic tlesign work is $385,000, including 5175,000 for planning for the adjacent area pian; and WHEREAS, the CIB Committee as part of ihe 2010-2074 Capital Improvement Program and Budget Process has previously reviewed this project in report CABS304B1; and W HEREAS, upon completion of the schematic tlesign and before the issuance of these bonds, this pro�ect will retum to the CIB Committee; and WHEREAS, Office of Financial Services staff recommends; (7) the Finance Plan for Payne/ Maryland Pro�ed attached in Exhibit A, which includes the issuance of Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds ("RZED" Bonds) to take advantage of the City aliocation from the Federal Govemment on or before December 31, 20�0; and (2) a finance team, mcluding the Gity Attomey, OFS staff, City Council staff, Kennedy and Graven, and Piper Jaffray begm work work on this financi�g; and WHEREAS, the Ciry confirms its intention, as required under federal law, to reimburse the City for associated costs for the Payne Maryland Pro�ect f�om proceeds of the future RZED Bonds andlortax exempt bonds; aod NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, fhat the Finance Plan m Exhibrt A and the finance team, named above, is accepted by the Council: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Gity conflrms, as reqmred untler federal law, to reimbuwe ihe City for associated costs for the project from proceeds of the tuture RZED Bonds and/or tax exempt bonds; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Directors of Parks and Recreauon and Library wiil update the Councii by March 31, 2070 on the Payne/Maryland Project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the inierim source below of ISP 2007 STAR Taxable bonds of $175,000 be reimbursed by Year-Round Neighborhood STAR aRer review and comment 6y the Neighborhood Star Boartl; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the interim source below of Fund 860 Fund Balance of $210,000 will be reimbursed by bond proceeds of the pro�ect, a�d BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor pursuant to Sec 70 07.07 of the City Charter, certifies tha[ $385,000 is availabie for appropriatio� �n the 2009 budget antl recommends the following changes to the 2009 operating budget: 09-1095 3082297 Councii Rle % �9— RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentetl By: Referrea To: Curtent Budget Ghange 40 a� 42 43 A4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 SA 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 FINANCING PLAN: 860 Parks and Recreation Grants and Aids Special Fund 33199 Payne Maryland Phase I 9830 Use of Fund Balance 7306 Transfer from Capital Pro�ects Fund- STAR SPENDING PLAN: 860 Parks and Recreation Grants and Aides Speciat Funtl 33199 Payne Maryland Phase 1 0219 Professionai Services - Design Total Activity Budget Explanation for the need of the Budget AmendmeM: Adopted by Council. Date \O O�� Adopron ied by Council Secretary� 3 y. i � �� j lpproved+ Ma Date f�✓ CG' � � � Green Sheet # Committee: Oate 210,000 00 175,000.00 385,000.00 385,0OO.OD Budgei 210,000.00 '175,000.00 3$5,000 00 385,000.00 - 385,OOD.00 385,000 00 No funds previousVy approved for schematic design work for the Projec[. � �--- -- - ,, Requested 6y Deparfinent of. �f�f L.� ��oO1l � �� � Appi � Fom BY . Appi sy. 09-1095 � Green Sheet Green 5heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ; PR - Parks and Recreation Contad Person & Phone: Tom Russell 66415 Must Se on Council Agenda by (Date): 0 Ooc, Type: �BLIC HEARW G (RESOLUTION) E-Document Required; N Document ContacC Tom Russetl Contact Phone: 86415 30SEP2009 � Green Sheet NO; 3082297 iy Assign i Number j For 1 Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature) I Parks and Recrea4on i' Deoarlment Dicector ' 2 CityAHOrnev '.i i �_ Approval of Resolution to establish the Phase I Payne Maryland Joint Recreation Center/ Library schematic design budget Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Pianning Commission CIB Committee CivA Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this personJFrtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/flrm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skdl not normally possessed by any current aty employee? Yes No Expiain aii yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet. InRiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Parks and Libraries have an opporiunity to begin schemafic design wozk for a joint facility at Payne and Maryland on Park owned land This action amend the spending and financing budget of Fund &60 and establishes the Phase I budget. The $525,000 needed wiil come from PED i7RAP fundmg, Fund 860 Flmd Salanoe to be reimbursed by bond proceeds in 2010, and ISP taxable STAR bonds to be reimbutsed by year round neigh6orhood STAR after review and cAmment by the Neighborhood STAR Boazd AdvenWges tf Approved: Phase I Schematic Design of this project may proceed with the approval of this resolufion. Oisadvantages If Approved: None DisadvanWges If Not Approvetl: Other avenues to begin this project will have to be explored, thus delaying the project. Total Amount af Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Informatian: (Fxplain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: September 30, 2009 4:23 PM Page 1 09-1095 ��fl: Y = September 15, 2Q09 Plan of Financefor Payne Maryland Project The Mayors 2010-2011 CIB budget includes $8,000,000 from ISP Bonds to pay for the Payne Maryland multiyear project. The current cost estimate as $14,000,000 (see Exhibit � to build a combined 36,000 squaze foot Recreation Center and City Library and related pazking on City owned land at Payne and Maryland. The OFS staff recommends the following revised Finance and Spending Plan for the Payne Maryland Project which needs to be consider this fall during the Council Phase of the 2010 Budget. $14 M RZED BOND3. Issue up to $14M of City general obligation bonds in 2010 as Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds, using the federally approved City entitlement of $8,672,000, in combination with Build America Bonds and traditional Ta�c exempt debt. The annual optunized debt service over 2S years would be approumately $796,000/year, after the direct payment credit from the Il2S. (See Exhibit II}. The estimated saving of using RZED versus traditional taac exempt bonds is approximately $2,200,000 over 25 years or about $88,000 per yeaz. 2. Use of $8M TE LSP Bonds. The City will reduce the 2010 CIB Bonds from $11,000,000 to $3,000,000 and use $8M in 2007 STAR Bonds, which is currently in a Ciry Contingency ( 930-90320), to fund $8M of CIB Projects in the Mayor's Phase of the 201a Budget (see Exhibit IIn. This list in Exhibit C still needs to be reviewed by City Bond Counsel since they are STAR Bond proceeds. Attachments E�ibit I Finance and Spending Plan - Payne/Maryland Project Exhibit II Comparison of 10 Yeaz C1B Bonds to 25 Year RZED Bonds Exhibit III Subset of 2Q10 CIB Projects Exhibit I- To Finance PIan 09-1095 Finance and Spending Plan Payne Mary. land Pro.ject Iand Arquu�fioNDemo/Relocatlon Rou Sacei Vacanon Demo/Relocauov Profess�on Semces Ae Dea� (alreedy camplem) Schemalic Desi�(PUblic Pomm) Schematic Desi�(Rest ofSim) Oilitt Rof¢ssional Seivices Ro�eM Mgnt Exremal (Constructlon Manager) Intemal (Parl6/L�b) PHASE-Ivioil Po6Ge Portim Rec CwwlLibr: Phase 1 ]OQ000 226,600 45,3�0 210,000 466,300 343,600 Construction SF Rec Cevn 19,850 3,782,400 L�6ia[y 16,610 3,536,I40 L6EDS -C6m'ge vp 379,500 3b,460 Site Relatad and Parlang SiteWock(Earthwork,Cvc,StreatSCepe,ero) 49Q000 Play Area 300,000 SurFaoeparldng(120Spacea) 260,000 Cov[mgavcy 23Q000 Conbvgeacy 467,500 Fummve FixNreS avd Eqmpment (FF&E) Pablic Art Escalation (m m�d point Fa11 20 10 -4 6%) Sources - NSnance Plau Ciry Rccwery Zope Ecoaomy Development (uot to c<ceed SS4M of RZED Bonds) (2) Parks (1BD by OcYn (1) 13,806,400 ContingenryorMahrialEUalafion 1,}25,Q00 $ 36.35 Total Pro'ecC Coss 8ase 1 13,806,400 9.60% 175,400 315,U00 jectLOidaeves Amount BudgetSource sport ov MWh-Phase Projut 14Q000 7A06 CIB ConHngency(CF O8-U8S) : undetway ofFour Houses and garage: 60Q000 ISP Bonds - HIL4 Res 49- XX-X near Church pazlmg lot STAR S300K Loav and %300K Gcant m Payne-Mazyland Partne`slup LLC SQOOD Est emounC ei��ble forNSP Fede[el Grarit (ao[ yM awarded) 225.000 Previous PED fuvds 7,698,000 t,2xo,uoo 736,300 206200 942 500 202,500 202,500 582,600 a,�w. �-+.�-a.,d.�vw�w„�,d.�,... 09-1095 Eghibit II- To Finance Plan Comparison of 10 year CIB Bond to 25 yrRecovery Zo�re Econouric Development Bond 2010Proposed Trutifional Amended(Oprimized) CIBLess CI& R7�A Bonds Proceeds 8,000,000 14,0OO,OQO 14,p00,p00 Budget P&I P&I Net P&I Vaziance Yeaz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (9�,�) (9�,�) (904,000) (904,000) (904,000) (90A,000) (904,060) (904,000) (9�4,�00) (9Q4,OaQ) (9>040,OQ0) 886,500 886,500 886,500 886>500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,5�0 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 886,500 22,162,500 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 79b,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 746,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,D00 796,000 796,000 19,900,000 (IOS,000) (108,000) (108,000) (108,000) (108,000) (108,000) (IOS,000) (108,000) (108,000) (108,000) 796,000 796,000 746,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796.000 10,860,000 Savings 2,262,500 Rounded Debt Service from 9/14/2009; wrrently Ciry allocatioa of $8.672M 09-1095 SUBSEI' OF CIB FINANCING SWRCES PROPOSED 2010 AND TENTATNE 2011l20122p13 (Mpimts reilected in tMusar�) CSpBalim � � provemefrt BotWs Trtk GSty�vitle CapiTai Maintenance (]ryuride 7ree Plantlng Program CouR RestoreHOn Program Ptay Prea Improvements AsphaltResroraUOn antlReplacementProgram Paiis and Rec Grant PrepiPrelim Desgn Program Parkantl Library Facilily Mainfenance SidewafkRaronsttucyon Program Bicytle, Pedestrian andTraffic Safety Progrem Pailroatl Qossing Safety Irtprovements Sig�alized Intersection Safely Improvements Progrsm Snd9e Enhancement Program lightlng VnfrasVUCture hrQrwerrenLS Progrem Traffic Sign Refur6ishing Pragram CIB Con6ngency CB Bond Sale Cos� Como Park Ptay Area Conway TotlM antl Petlerson Pathway BumsPark PlayArea TrilliumSite Development Bruce Venm NaWre Sanduary Site Aoauistion PalaceRea�eaUOn Centar Renova5oNAtl�tlon Grend FWUntl k�plementaLOn Fitzgereltl Park GreaterEaS Side Parks Meintenarice Faoliry-Pre��m Desgn CnerokeeRegionalParkTrail-T27 GrantMatch Harriet tslantl A�uisNOns antl Maint Fadiiry and Lilydale Como HisNric Britlge Site -T21 Grent Mafih Lafayerte Britlge Replacemeni HerttlineAvenue FletonstruCfion oVerAyUAiLlI Road 4Vheelork Parkway Britlge flemnstruc4on Centraf Cortidor StreelscaPe Central CortitlorSitlewalkCOmpletion Fu�d Central Comtlor OiF-Street Parldng Green Sfair 7owar Reconstructon Le�Snglon eikeway antl Britlges Ruth Skeei Bike La�us PnorAvenue Bicyvye Rpu[e (rtq�frnrem�nts Jelferson Avenue Bike LaneS Morton SVeetStairs Re�nstructlon St PaUI Reai E9ate & Fadhry Asset Management System Ke1lc�ggBoulevard eritlge Rea�nstruction atNerket Street Como Pooi Repiacement Hghlantl Pooland Bath House RenOVation, Phase 2 Available fOr Other Prqeds Tota� recommemletl torqB furMs (Fl R*9u'ses rev:ew fryCgv Smd Counset E�ubit III - to Finance Plan 257 2017 1,500 350 251 250 250 � 500 525 75p 70 12$ 250 200 725 250 130 373 2012 1500 350 25i 250 250 � 525 150 10 12$ 250 200 125 250 13� 2073 1,SC0 350 257 25p 250 � 525 150 10 725 250 200 125 250 t30 724 500 500 500 275 573 1,760 884 500 544 340 272 237 1,OOD 1.W0 500 400 7500 500 175 575 500 53 773 2,300 2,300 500 1,OW PAYI`IE PHALEI`I P LA 1`I l�i I l�i G STRONG � SAFE October 7, 2009 .,�' WELCOMING Council President Kathy Lantry Members of the City Council City Council Chambers, 3 Floor 15 West Kellogg, Saint Paul, MN 55102 � .�,,., S ! DISTRICT F"I�IE �t �O�t 5 COUI�ICIL � CONNECTED :°j°��°'� IVE1GtiBORHOODS Re: Resolution 51 Payne —Marvland Join Recrea6on Center/ Libratv Schematic Desinn Budeet Dear Council President Lanhy and Members of the City Council: The Payne Phalen Board of Directors has long supported community efforts to secure much needed recreafion and lea.rniug services for all residents. One in three residents of District Five is under the age of 18. As such, our community holds the promise of Saint Paul's future. The community infrastructure to support and mu our next generation is lacking. The Joint Recreation Center/ Library design funding is an important step in a sustained community building process that can revitalaze the area. District Five's Board has taken the position that new facilities are needed in this deserving neighborhood. Resident leaders have worked diligently tl�rough the public funding process to advocate for the children and families of District Five. A new facility will strengthen Saint Paul's ability to atlract new investment and support the full potential of our neighborhood. District Five supports this resolution. Sincer ly, �� ��� Les1�e McMurray v ��� Execurive Director/ Organizer CC: Board of Directors 506 KENNY ROAD, SUITE 130, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55130-4554 Te� # (65l ) 77A � Fpx # (651 ) 774 E-MAIL: DISTRICT5@PAYNEPHALEN.ORG WWW.PAYNEPHALEN.ORG