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7 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK .� 1 460 (CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves: "A BILL FOR AN ACT PERTAINING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. AUTHOR- IZING CHANGES IN THE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASING PROCEDURES." and recommends the same to tle Ramsey County Senate and House delegations. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson —Ret on C_RGSer— Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 �n Favor Against Council File No. 191460 —By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor — Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ap- proves. "A BILL FOR AN ACT PERTAINING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND PROVIDING FOR AMEND- MENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AUTHOR- IZING CHANGES IN THE CON- TRACTS AND PURCHASING PRO- CEDURES. , and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations. Adopted by the Council March 26, 1959. Approved March 26, 1959. (March 28, 1959) MAP, 2 6 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 MAP, 2 6 1959 191460 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Saint .Paul hereby approves= *A BIU FOR AN ACT .PERTAINING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND PROVIDING- FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE CMTER OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AUTHOR IZ,ING CHANGES IN 'THE" CONTRACTS AND PURCHASING PROCEDURE$.* and recommend* the same to the Ramsey County,S.ena.te and House delegations. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson -Retersun -1' LPVoeerr- Winkel Mr. President, Dillon SM S•S8 c0W2 Tn Favor A gainst MAR 2 6 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAR 2 6 1959 Approved 19— Mayor Ik ' POR _A N ACT PSRTAINZN( TOE THR dirt OF SAINT' . ., ,'PANE. AND PMVID�1Q POR. AMENOMMM Y a TO THR- CHARM "OF-' THE CITY .-OP SAINT, PAUL AUMORIZING - PROCEDURBS BR IT ENACTED? BY °H$ 14 t3I�LATUR� !�P . � -STAT� $octionj, -di *pta>; W :.oj` :the ChArtsr �of the fit o Saint �.Paul $boll bi *m hided by mokitig' the. fo�.lcwing dh�inga� ln+Seotion 291s i In $te, sec on (a) th+ . sue` Q ,:.o h�tii�dred dollars t1hol _ b changed` to read iv' `hu.ndrsd - ,; - XA ,-Sub : a.aati t�.n (_b f ths = w+oxds r'" h - uaa- of o f �umvia , 101.4 'a- - sod not .0kcoad f ivs , huirr4d dcllsio!Vsha 1. bo ohaingod to x400 , "thy. *,Um ,of flue ur4rod'dolli are. 4hd- oot' to exoasd thu two o d use d f o_ Sub -SQction ,(G)_ thv, *bade -'4f'jVe h a dead, •( 500000)* +steal be_.064ged - -i.© reed, tv�e, thousand Moil ire (24dti:4D�� , - .Section 497 would then � f611ws s - - Al racts ad = r t purchases of 'supplies are:- hia eby: dtrvidod- ti� o -ths ollowii cia�es� - (a) 'licacrral^.�trohisv:. `Ali.su>vaha #ear or .contarait+ udder , the sum of f the hundred ( $60; 00 j dquirs - shatll bo - msd_g_ ln *uch mani4. L not. 4r d' from suth Oevsdne *44 the purohasic� ' a,ge t . dete rs �5 = Ali C`dn traots,'a,o purohtsicof five h0dred (5 - 0 dollar i end no to ox000d. two tYiousaii�,d :($2006'00) --'dollars -;hail b* mAds upon° suo , inf ©r ,ad. bids carp _epos ].to nod less than trio, as-- -the -out ,a in.q.6grrt . y prcro a or mey`ba filod .Mrlth him" and. shall_ be a*ardad to , thq lowdot tospoosibl *7 bidden ' "by 'the _ 1 _ _ p iroh -4 og �Agont: N�ticu cif suio_ h pvopo*64� pu��haso 'shall- lea; posted ire rti�e Offloe #, the purchosin agent fo r not less tin ens lily - (C) to: ii l ,bids. All purchas.e4- or cot�tract� lt� sxoess of the sue°. of two thousand ($2t 4D0)_ .4011,re• $hall be made only up'n ttpi p ti i 'e sear b3.ds end` a tear acv aaixse> ont -th4 fo -1n-the - r. of �E#.ca : nsp�ip+ar 'QV _ at last ' once,* week fQar two, awoeaive reki. = - _ .. Suoh' aiditartisea rat hAll stata th+e, klad-and quantity of srti.cles ` desired stuff tha q4s sty then of , olthwt In f411 or b y refereW'e to the atandsrd, spocificstion' so o, timo and. pisses for' the fii;i.ng &n, d ` Opening of bids 'Ali, formal -)ids Oall 6 Ml�de vr_i Corms Wo,vidad- by the porchssing agont f )shall. ,stat®, Cho Oi�icot_ the, q Uantity and quality of:, sash srticlia_bld on,..lsnd' fia11 'iae *961ad'.-but may die ss._- -to one or ,all Of the arti,clss, namqd i h the -advsrtisem- ont scud shali. Olio' be filed. 4t the tim-6 .ate place therein designated. FAtI 'bids''... shall b publicly oOoagd by the putchssing agsnt at the tlmii itnd .Plot* now lnr tho sdvertloomant_ In the pressnco _of the, year- end the , comptrollov, or their re Is* Ata.t.3,vis' -arid sucY�__Qt�ear patsai� as may, bs .prOOnt. J. "i.n, the casif. ,Of _ school= purchsge�a, bids shall big Op964 - - ln '04 pro ehos 0 tho comp ollaV WW o €' the ,rd - of &IduoatiQia or' ' - thsir roptosontatiwos• Chaptor Wof the- ghsrtsr of .the pity of Saint- #ui,, shsl,i. be f urVier 4morldsd a fOil gws f ChhOptar- V bo ords# *and eEtor 9 hmli 4446t all ' bids cvnt.sin3,ng. sriy 4 .t- g0tions Or Ora.sures" shall be str oken; t $40t ion. . 298 shall thO ready 'x'h0 purohssit�y agent .may s, ect al bids ":aced= that of and par ors; *Ub" the consent of thO. MOyo 'r. or _in 1 the css$ of 0001. purcho' es,. ths' Odud Of SOcation, . +eho has , fail , to , perform -ar pVevi.ous, corittuti with tho. aty`. In case of-tho tojection _ of -all- bias.# •tha'tom' 11. o'' the case► 'cif sohooi pur�hssai.. the � - Board of Education# r y 4uthoxlsv the' p4rchap -no �-�egent gither tQ t"tdv.eztiss nor por�hOO *46h arti ols or • arti.cles in h rth r part. . subjoct to this ch0 tex #_46 lt_ y piescribs. - $so. 2. _ This Act -- 4 '11 baao . sf fac ya oc ly .after its.` spprdV41 by c oib ity .of .the' ity Counoll cf the' city of $oint- va:ul o. P,�4 sy county, A BILL r , FOR AN ACT PERTAINING TO THE CITY a! MUT RAUK.. Ate: PRovinxNG Alta API-MMrrrs TQ THB MAX CA OR, Tug CITY Of SAINT. I?A% AUTHORIZING ;RAMP IN•THN CONTRACTS ,AM PUj tCBAS G PNACiOMRS BE IT ENA= BY THE LBGISLWM OF THE STATE OP MINNMOM Section 1. N twithstandi any prow ion of the Home u10 Charter' the City�f Saint aul to c trary a goys body of s City of Saint 'au l may, by esolutions p $Bad a Co cil f the' ity y a major o the a th eof /On' or aft the firs day f y 959, affect ti the chaster aniendasat herein provided or in Section 2. Secti 20 The unciY o th ity Sa t aul , on rac da of' t o r i g p 0 0 9 s rain an It y 195 , a r -o ti ado p maj, the rs ereof, au i oil Char r t: Chapter %V of they diarter of the City. of • Saint Paul shall be amended by making the fallowing changes in Section 297: In Sub section (a) the sum of one hundred dollars shall be changed to read five hundred dollars In Sub section (b) the words "the sun of one hundred dollars and not to exceed .five hundred dollars shall be changed to' read "the_ sum of five hundred dollars and not to exceed two thousand dollari" In Sub section (c) the words five hundred ($500.00) be changed to read two thousand dollars ($2000.00) Section 297 would then read as follows: All contracts and purchases of supplies are hereby divided into the following classes (a) Informal purchases. All purchases or contracts under the ium,of five hundred ($100.00) dollars shall be made In Ouch manner and from such persons as. the purchAiing agent asay determine. {b) Informal bids. All contracts and purchases of five hundred ($500.00} dollars and not,to exco*d two thousand ($2000.00) dollars shall be 'aade upon.such informal bids or proposals, not less than two, as the purchasing agent may procure.or may be filed wit' 4im,, aril 812911 be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder by the purchasing itg6nt. Notice of such proposed purchases shall be posted in the office of the purchasing agent for not less than one day. -1- 21 191460 (c) normal Bids. All purchases•or contracts In ead".4 of the sum of two thousand (2000,00) dollars shall be made only upon competitive sealed .4p and after advertisement therefor In the official newspaper for at least once a week for two suctesbivw weeks. Such, odvertisom at,shall state the kind and quantity of artidlti desired and the quality thereof either in full or by reference to the.standard.opecifications, the time An d places so for the filing and opining of bids. All formal bids shall ,be =ad* on forms provided by the purch4itng agint,,,shall state the price, the quantity and quality of each article bid onj and shall be sealed, but say be an to one or all of the, articles namoo In the advertisement and shall also be fixed at the time and plate therein designatid. -All bids shall be publicly opened by the purr-hosing agent at the, time and As** =m*4 In the. advortlooment in the presence of the mayor and the comptroller or their representatives and such other pproons as may be•ptfw(int;:. In the case of school purchases, bids shall be opened in the presence of the tomtroller and Of the board of Iducation or their representatives. Chapter XV_of the Charter-of the City of Saint Paul shall be further &MMdod as follows: In Section 298 of OWtor XV the words "and shall reject all bids containing any alterations.or erasures" shall bootrickens Stection 298 shall then roads The Purchasing agent may reject all bids and that of any person,, with the, consent of the mayor or in the case of school purdhasos,, the Board of Iducation, who has tailqd-to perform a previous dfttftct with the city. In case of the rejection of all bids, the council, or in theta" of school purdhaies, the Board of 11ducation, may Authorize the •purchasing agent either to re- advertise or purchase ouch article or articles in such other manner, subject to this charter, as it may prescribe. -2" ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OCWNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSI1 191 461 COUNCIL NO. FILE RE�GLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves: "A -BILL FOR AN ACT PERTAINING TO PORT AUTHORITIES IN CITIES OF THE FIRST CLASS, AND AMENDING MINNESOTA STATUTES 1957, SECTIONS 458.11, 458.169 458.189 AND 458..194." and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House, delegations. Council File No. 191461 —By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ap- proves: "A BILL FOR AN ACT PERTAINING TO PORT AUTHORITIES IN CIT- IES OF THE FIRST CLASS, AND AMENDING MINNESOTA STAT- UTES 1957, SECTIONS 458.11, 458.16, 458.18, AND 458.194." and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations. Adopted by the Council March 26, 1959. Approved March 26, 1959. (March 28, 1959) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson rP_e#"soa Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 cQPD2 I I Tn Favor A gainst NAR '2 6 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 MAP 2 6 1959 Approved 19— Mayor V X14 Q1 A• Bx;,L FOR AN ' AO-T P}IRTAINING- fip PORT AU ,'Ei R1T F.8 IN ,• ` OITIES 00 Tk'E' FIRST GLASS, AND AMENol;N�. ` MINNWOT STATq -E$. l957'i ,SEQ. TIgN$_, 435.11., 4816. 18, AND 458.194 - . BE IT fiNAG?D B _THE LEQ,.ATURE, OF THE STATH QF I�iNNfi54T�# s. • S-ection I. Minnesota &t4tutes .1957_, 'Settion 458.11 'is .hereby emended to r.e,ad4.4 -= 4SF3 :1 The commissioners c ©nstituting, such port authority tray, adopt by -*law s and rules -of procedure goVerning- them ,.action., " 1 not' inconsistent with' .this• or other laws, end - shall adopt an off i• ' cial seal;, 'heY shsli olect frovq'among' their number a president,, a vice - president and "a treasurer, s.nd 'shall also - .elect a sebsetary anti ari assist$nt treasurer who m4j or may not b-6.e..membor- of such :. commission ;_ ,an}r - f said of f ice'S except tho$e of president and vice- 'president bay be: -held by v,ne,edMmitsibner., The officers shall _-h'4Ve the d.utieq,' and powers usually attendant upon such offices, and such ._ other duties,,and,powers-not inc" sistent herewith, as may be pro* -,. ' - + F vided' by the port authority._ -The treasurer shall - r.ec'eive' a,nd be- responsible for all moneys of the port authority from whatever source derived';- end: the. tame aholl be deemed public funds,.;, he "$hall also be- responsible- for the .acts ' of the assistant, treat purer. He f a ' shs l:�e� abdrse�$he� ► s+e e� Y e drde t :gnpd by- the *tieeset.arr+ard . eetir��ets���ed- bY��►he- prea�.de���es -vote •pass #de�t�- Qr- e'tties- we�iah��s - . - "- ri �the�- �s�d�b���awt- s��ei�dh- e��er�sha��= i ,�s�e�ake�naieb= ef�fhe:- pe�yeeT - a�d�the =rm breve. � l�e-� i b -fb rtw i #alo ha= eases -" *tied *:tie shall disburse the esirae:onl n -check signed b '.-himself. and an <` other one -of ,.fI69t- of said ort , author t i�hO's hall: `be deli" hated - b re olution :. of the . port abthor'it' and -each -check shall. state _ the name of 'the , payee. and .the naturd pf the.,claim' €or which the same `is issued. Re shall keep an recount of all moneys conning. into. - his ,handst showing the source of all- receipts.,and the nature; °purpose a.nd authority of all_ disburse'ment► and'.at least once each year+ at dimes to be det6rmin.od,- by- the port authority:, - sha11 f la .with the secretary a detailed fi�nanc�,sl s :tateradn -of 4the • ort u h - - - P t ,ori;ty. showing -all re ceipts and_ disburtements,' the, nat - 9 of the same, -the - moneys on hand,- end• the purpos'ee for' which the - same are' applicable, they cr`.®dits and assets :ot•, the port . authorlty 'and its'• but li "hi1'it3.ee, which - xeport� ttogeth®r; with, the •,tre+�surer�_�t• vouchers *hill be ex� �m3.ned • by the; port authority• grid ,1f f au td' 'correct approved by reso�-; lutio'n entered _on the.,rec -ords, The .assistant- treasurer shall have the • p6 ert . and .perforja- the'_ dut�f as of .the treasurer i'n the J event of the abs.`ence _ or disability of the treasurer, The -- treasurer Qf L every' p.or-t'- authority._shall give bond to the state in -a-'sum- equal to twice, the amount' of money which ' w ill `probably be in}hi:s, hands r at '.any' 'time. -wring a.n o.n ` Y yeas .,-Of. - term, that - amount to be deg- termined'`et least.annt�e1]:y by'_the port a,uthorit.y;; such' bond to %e ; coodi.tiohed for the. faith -ul discharge -of hls official dut es, 1 d to be apposed as to bothors'=.and.. suretios by- the_ port`: authority and filedwith its - - ctayt:.u- h't_ b `not 6 -- ad a � .. r. $30090006 Sea - -2. ► Minnesota [8.tatut.es 1 7 Se.ctio -4 . ' - ? .r - [ _ 58.16: i� _ Hereby. '. amended `to° read.t = 458.lb the �genoral,"duty of ch ' r -any s u ,port -authority to promote. -the ,gehera-1 -Welfare ..of - -the7 port district`; and of the port as • a whole j to, endeavor to increase' ih volume of .the commerce thereof ; - - to promote the, efficient., . =safe .anti econornicl handling: of . such coiaerce#'Jind' i 9 provide- for Tpromote. adequate docks, railroad -$nd - terminal £dlites;o en to_ all t - = a _ P poh- 'reasonable` and equal terms for" the handling;' storage] care,and shipment of €.rent _ r +and_passangers to from arid - through. the port. 1tsha11 further _ be the spec:ia•i ditty- of such" port authority,: { 1 ?o confer with any simi lar. body created under laws of - ' any _state ` etbracing within its _bounder ®* any pert of any port or 'harbor of _whi_ch .th•e port` -diet iGt .foriks Va par_.t,, , and iila s'- far "pie f• Agreemant aha.l,I be possible .tio adopt in conjunction With si .d simi= lar -body e- coraprehe, Siv.e pYan "Io.r -the regulation 'arid- future develop- ment ; -and ° m `tovsment .of the - entire f Harbor 'and port; ` (,2.) .To consi der dod:'adopt ddtai� led ind comprehensiYe 'plans f or4• the' tegulation;; f utura, 'development -'• and iriproven ant of the port Y di'strt6fj. which plans shall,''so far <ee'iay b ®., b#i:,consi *tent with the Oanotal.' plat)' abovo referred tof- j r � • = # i} . o tii With To e rbni time Wr y each siiuilar body and"-.- so -far es'.. msy be, to= agr a th6towith ''upon pon Veg slatlon and r.egu- ' latione aeeded =for tWe _r "eiulati0n ':and 160ntrci1 of ythi port s a whole,. and to recommend the, e'doptiorri"of such" legislation and rggu�eti:ons _ to' the appropriate - ,councils, 1®gisl:atures or other legislative and T re.guiatolly ° bodies #. - r _ (4) T6. d4bt6rgine' Upon legislati_ on and regulation' neecisd _ - • i o 'the '` `' ' •• ' • ~ • - - - - • r ,raqul,atibKh sing_ ieaprove�ent Ldf ' the conduct of navigation. arid commerce within the por t; di s-trict" and to si.m31 arly recd ®mend - s1ameiL } - • .. ._ sf`cj ` le - •- _• - - ._ - = r (5) Either join•tly "witti.'a `aiihil[ai bodyi- bf - �aeparatelji; 'to , recocamerld . to- the proper department:e � of ` the ga�aern�ent of the United $Mites, .,or^ ,and •state or s.ubdiviai61 of aithar, or tti ` tiny' other body, tha�•carrying Qut _of i:any" puibl c - iaapr ©vement for - the' benef ti of the port • or ,po.rt,�'distri.ct j 3'o i�iva'at'igate the "prscti.ceffi;. ?rates: and• cgnduct 'of- pri* _vately owned,or operated: docxi, terminal "and port f acilitl a W ithin - ` the_' port ,dl;atrct, to institute, .suchroo.eeciaga .and' take such #tops, to remedy, e y - abuses 'tie may seem In, Rubl c inter ®sit $ ` in ; conhadtion.,with any_ such inv:eatigation; the' port authority sha11' hive power, by. 6uhboena issued- out` of the Tdl.striEt couri, of the • F county ,,wh_ere_ the port authority is. •situat4'd, -to require Ithe -Otte, nOnce . of wit'eese and the pr,odUction- of` book_ s "And`iooum ®nth; and to examine wit- AeAte," "under .o.Atht a_-64 =(`�') '.Annually in ;�an�t�rjr- ,of beach year to take written'rep.ort - to the council of such city: g viihq -a' ,de-te led account of its; ac - .�. jtiviti�s ar 0 of it6. rec.eipt4 4hd' expenditure_ s- du i,ng the p ec d sig * . calendar yeor, togeather with` tuch,- £urth'er,'in ' - _ _ atters� and'_ recomme�di�� . . . _ bons pia` fit,- 'shell deem `'edvia.ab1'e fib the advancement_.of the. .ro�erce `ana 41 41- V.0. of 'the port digit itt., 181-Ouch "or .4u 'horitieS- , •s - ere`hereb cggated and existin' under the `' �rov $ions l of his Ac sh611 hsve.. `urisdictioh `over recrsa- 'tion and recreation- 14' on the .river car the -landffi .abu tl,n - .°' thereon and are,'hereb auth'or.iled - -to ex ` end ' ort °authorit cmone qt _ therefor -and, shall -have . Oower, to` construct and maintsin recreational f,acilitios and -set._u •-ke ula- tions` in' :con unction therewith 'e th:er- individua.11 as.-succh- --.orb .authoilt- br._in coo Rgrati6 n with th©' , - United. - States Coast Guard_ - the- local' polio department loFrl- the local j .artment of, arks and. 1a. • •rouhds. 'Such-port .authorityif _ is -operates - under' this' -s' ec ild cectioL el-shall-not have an olive ' -power* t _ - .. su ho t � o• ^rst,in" under •t - -.., - • - _: - s y _ - he . piovisigns h tt of and also under ""the._, rovisiona•`of.,M nne 'o.ta atuto actions' 458:191: =' ' 0 468.-1991 inclusive' shall be authorized. ,to depoi t 611 funde and - i a income acer'u.n to it- ~from' -an aou ce .wha �soeve eth6r ii -be- h - r wh o eritioin�. of the asid`` ort authotitX under the -. iovi'sions ©f- th Act or its._o ®rations.- Undet- 'Ainneso.ta Statutes sections. 458 19 0 rz - 458.1991 • in".a sin le' bank . aacount...fh a bankIng, de -:ositor -auth6rizedY 7 • � ,. • by law: ,.: - __ -_ - .�, ; -, _ :� • }, - -• �� _, • -• ;,:' _ •- ;, ti . -- - - - ,. . --'.. - : - - .. sec. 31,inres ota Statutes .195.7,ecoon 438:.18.' i,a= hereby - 4mended-r for read s ;45efO le The: port authority -shell have 'po w er _and -authority:,? in its rowAi behalf, to empl.ay such, engine erino, �'l.e.gel #`technic' 1;: _' s° cleric, ,- .stenographic.,` �►cccun - in �,`6n'd. ;other, assittance As -It ma deem Advisable;,,. an am Yo e. € Ani'.0ott"Authority, cr.Qated and exist- Ang unde and ursuant' to'_ the rovisiok s of. `this' act, 'shall' be - 'cony►, s ere d: a_s' a '+� ub c e 10 sew .'aa . t 'e �rm i usad.' -.'and def ined _ -Laws_.of, Minnesota' 1957. ChAgter..8j to enter into'' contracts for the ,- erection+4`repair� malnte`nence' °o� •operat#on of docks .warehouses, F ' .. termini'�.s elevators; ` -or :othei 4 -,r' tures :_upon''or .n `connection with property owned, Or control.l:ed by. it t : to contract or,.make `other - ar »... rim ngements with the: tinited.8.tstes ",GoriOtnment, 'or Oy'department' . - thereof - -with persona;. public coroor •�ions�v- the Otate of Min' or �tiy of - ItSI-politIc -al Subdivisions► cg mrimi4siona►'•cSr_ sgenc es; . for separate or ,joint, actioh; -°Wi t.h reference to 4ny matter related d the: exercise of=the. -powert or the f41f, illment of, the duties of - $,ueh' port - Authbrit -y ::to ' contra for= the purchase end_ sale of 'r ah,' ?and perec nal prop.ert- 'i -to ed that no sir h' obl �V_ p c i..atia -n or axpens -e ; K ehell beF incurred save upon such_.erms .and at times when _exiting appropriations r togetti ®r witti- the reascinable ®xpQcted reven�ie` p.f the port authority_ £�o 'oth ®r sources; T�hall bb.'suffi. ent 0 ,enmble' the- tam4. to- be .dI*charggd when { due -I., and neither the., state nor'_ any. . r�uni;cip 5: gub�diVItibii thereof _shelf -.b.e liable on any .such o,- .gat'3.ob _. Sec. 4. -Minnesota 8tatuteit Section 458 l'94 . - - ' , i$ hereby aelanded -to --read 458.194. ' 8abd #ieds�i *�- he.�aitke�# her bey e - �' . •.# red=_ eiepewerad= tbip�ei� #de- by- re�re�. cat# b�- �e��► ��ie- #ssnanee- at- ene_'- �# #r�eY• • ` ` ' - _ e+ #h- set #es�fedre- Vie= ##�,�T,e= reriene°►b+ y " _ ends'- •t1�e= ed�i�e��t� -fey - - _ , . the- �aspese�e�- p�ev�e1 #n�:,.��rid�i�e�- . _''' '•:.. • - 'l`' 4r c' :. 'a 2' • '� _ % i7 F r: " i� yz' �, , • •ti - A. ,i ;i'_ � _ _ „ = _ _ , _ • - tr. ngrt k�» e. ea#- e�s�ay�e .ene #eris�- e,rageram�swer - #eaR preve�e�is-. b�Ry- pese�he,.�jide�r�hs- ae�te # -e- eke- atashebY�._ finer= berlds"e�d- a��r'- `t4�s -- seep.. eKs- e�ba -e #t4sked:- hpree- sba # -be ' _ e�cssa�ed� #'r�- ae}�= r�a�nhes -se- easy- bs�dst�rm #pied- by- tke- s.��ke��ty: •_ . ,. _ -' r 4 • . _ � #Qns -e�» thee- �ee�l ���. ����+ ����bea�r�# ���r�i�������������a�r��e��er -�p� - - _ pubs= t1�e�«�kt�rswY� shaft#'- be- est�sd- �s+�s,�te=- ei - ##e�� sr- # #a�r�e- s�cwrse fill _ r .. 4�i• y` ea��Tf�e�a- tke #�- da#+�s���- r�a�r- der- d�e�ar�n�ns�i�b�- �'hs- a�r�her #s�,r -L ,q '. - ,- - - s - ��bdir�fnrr��7s�, ��QEa�l ds- e�t• ���- b�Ad� +'s'.�'" =4�ih"i�Qa"kes- ������' - . y ' - �nds�- ihs- �rQV�s�bN��e�- �h�s- sl ei# �► �rl �sha��- be- @+�iet�i��"i1�e= ir�s�eew - ,• . _ . - -. -' ��ar- �he-1 s�tiai�- a����a�ai�# �± se����h�• s�e�,- bend�r�sKd- s�s�k- be- d #s1��i�asd - - ' - . # �= �ie�eh* �e�► r�e��- a�i- t��► d��- sdet��r����$ a��# IeA l�r = #�= a���= f���aY- �e- �,re = -_/ • _. - •' I - .' �# ded�fr�- �u�h- #fwslt�- ���ee�±ehi* - •� .' : - - -. , _ • ; • - x`- ;. • - . _ _: -, d vi i The,--authQ ty il h - .f b - au hor zed g ad em- - ov�►: re t r d b' 1 ut n . f the. it s nc a �on4 -. time or . .f' Ari ms _ a: 3 ide -_ f 'vv ynue,� b f he -iiu h• it for .-In Aer'les - .- - tt}e .purpose of prvcing funds. fbr _.nsyino tt{� coif of ' tha' aaauisi- on •of lind no. sgky f rte} 'a - : at can of the rt "authoAt, f i .t u cha .e. can ruc ion end, era ion f: . sn � p or fa ill les in cludinq;jogksi whjgyego Were hou o*.v dorm. and any Qther port ter nal or ra% ni2orts ion f cilit. withi utisdiC ion or fo a .. Vin$ -&he coat Of'. any oMengionst - anlarggignts or impiovements of arty 4n��1 �IririwA �+4 _ w Y I_ !r Rroj2otfuEder " con rol' of the _ -u h rit:.' uch bond! -'g. tag-any interest ons = fie. iat h t '4et© h .il 'bee ute ` in such manner as Sri+ b t ermi.n t3 _i _ "r a lu i n. -af _ ho a t suth rit. - u h t i$. b h - - v - • n -.f U .1- n t al a Tin ere a -8 rs a si ®n . annum. payabIg i= allnually s a ma `'. n n 1 r si ♦a' sl n e lm me ° Srii`irt` 0 - eairs .c „ter rein ict lb `a 'h. n 3 : bar# f t© h date of isluencas as ma be: `datermin ®d b ti or --.-& UlhgiilXvl r b- al S.gh a. a and j Islued,-by tb - _ muth2RjjX may be a a e . s _- th' , - . n of -the gUl a uthbrity ' _ `' + .`ter' • sy •- - - -. ^ - , _ - - - _ . br al ou iq'.Sal �irsuant t© -fir l�finneso a. rovided there- f or. Such b rids rna b. s I d.. In . 'he ma'nnar 4 nd for the prigs that - h o t _.e t r - , de armin o - h bes inter st f th - nod author authorilyz bul iL-66 jugh,joala, �h 11 .k� rude at a ri so -1Zw. .r -uire the a ®'n ofpint ®r ai n ho money rscsivid i o m jhAn six ir' cent . r'an um ao u ad wi h relation" , o he a a u naa ur -of th �b n a ih ,acoord$nc, ;with,. *tandem •abi 's f -bond avaluas, excl•udis i su h -o u atio: the-_ amount of any'; uramium to b0, riz��,id o� edemption of any bands prior to'. ftlurM.. K t - tx ,,,,§uch;bonds mav: bg ,imAd llable�t and- if - sd Issued -msy "be- _ &ub _4 a hor. -shall. -hav . ho • p9w .tg and, -aulh2rity.Ig :_tr noal, acs a einsandcoenaris. ; ,. - itiz ;any trustee for _the .purpoa�$ .cif carr�r�.nct out, the - bpwars , agjhgr ty QjyLen to .the l por _utl Sunder i�his segtion of _Lh a2t for ,the S,ssuance _off rgyQ!Iua bands: - ... jn the .igsuang�of the_rayenug ends h ®r #.n +orate vid d. L Ibe:g6tj -Authoiftx. s 1 eve h ower and the author .ty;. tecure� the- sYrnp . vf. , h - _ � .princita�l ,and thin er st c��sa�d_��ve bonds by a gledge of _4nd l• n -u o h r, vanu s € ' ..... e . ... T ....�.�;a._� a - -Q swch „aort aUthbrity :,.derived from all not n - aN Am2r4yemants to - b" ac u re r regn urttd -and h• ov n� p pLthi port.iulhority.-to-MMIntain`iiijfiigtoht ra am 12rdduce ade guate re, ven ss• _o r�aa the, interest. and .br ncioal ments- Of such bond�t.. - ` 5ubd. -4 , Revenue 'bonds, issued -under the provisions, of °this > ?aaction shall not bi'do"Is ed fay cor+l�tiat�te' a debt oft o ;pity ' Of the f3.rat - cries. in which such aut i© r3.ty_ is �, ©catad and io�c -which - it has ba®n. created, 'nor a pledge of the full fattb, and cxadit _of any1such city of the first clasto' -,but, stash" bands shall be paysbla t j7 • '4 _ - S -- •' '- r - ' .. .v�, �t r _.. fir_ _ _ ,k -- • . * olelj the- Funds horelo Qroviddd` tharef00 "fr +n rxeven+ues. o :the protects. All such .rsvonue- bQ-nds. Will C&A.alh +an -tha, face :. thor of_, n statsroont-- o #ti.a f, #r _tii t neithOr the pOVt- aUihority .. nor the . oi'y of Ahq f irpt "cl4o in which the -port 4,%AthO#ty hart besn, _. `... s created, shell be -- dbliget i d W P the sage �or the ir�ert�st thereAn " y except fr im revenuoe_, '.and,'th_4t nai.thd _`th, f:ai h and red3 ,nor + thy' tex3:n ow I of 'su d ho * t 1s ` i le etl J the y 9i sv c #qty c_ t $- s p dqo 1psyment of the . bonds � _ '- i • f I `the'proa a .a -© the revenue. -bonds of any,' l ;series iesued uride ha pr av s ori.•o phis sent one - iy reason o -i nc)c 4we€i 'conetruct on 4cvst or �arror "in astimst ®s or' E�th�r 3�so ; _ _ - ` A • small. 'bs las-s then the e,mount regi irsd for the urp4se for w ich - - :such bonds are euthorized,_ additional' bonds , =y' in like -manner be - !*%ued' to-:px vide- the "amount of, .such 'deficiency end shall be dser4id '- t© be- tho $4m* is use ain � shsll. a emit qd: to pay�uent ' from the a , A09. f uAd • without: ,pref oienc .: or , priority- of the bonds--first issued'* ;� :• . , If the pro eddy of such bp'nd+� 9h411 - *Xc�tad .ttie amount_ -so requir+edr' = . - -_: - iuch Oxc:s.s shslZ be 00d to t'ho ctodit `f the sinking, Lund 6 .- for-such be i ds ;ots'A( to - p;dvided in the tryst sq�eem�nt securing - } - _ a r me be '1,1 14 the_ - cost of � such nd . , Y pp sd =to any additional �scil�.ty ,under- thi JU;Zisdiction 'd' _ *uch fort_svth rht•y. • - : n _ '` ` ` s,. a' _ : 4:' _ �.. _ .; a .."f '..i•, • _ �ti Gay ' "...vy _t .. _ ry . y I_ . - ;� ti 1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL /�� C: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �d ►OUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION 191 462 COUNCIL NO. FILE RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves: "A BILL FOR AN ACT PERTAINING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL BY ORDINANCE TO PROMULGATE RULES PROVIDING THEREFOR AND CONTROL- LING PAYMENT OF SEVERANCE PAY, BY SAID CITY TO ITS EMPLOYEES, EXCLUSIVE OF ITS ELECTED OFFICIALS, MEASURED BY BUT NOT BASED UPON ACCUMULATED SICK LEAVE ;'O,M VACATION LEAVE OR A COMBINATION OF THE SAME, AND AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL TAX LEVY BY SAID CITY THEREFOR." and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations. ;. r � '.t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 49W2 TTI Favor 0--Against Council File No. 191482 —By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor — Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ap- proves: A BILL FOR AN ACT PERTAINING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND AUTHOIMZING THE CITY COUNCIL BY ORDINANCE TO PROMULGATE RULES PROVIDING THEREFOR AND CONTROLLING PAYMENT OF SEVERANCE PAY, BY SAID CITY TO ITS EMPLOYEES, EXCLUSIVE OF ITS ELECTED OF- FICIALS, MEASURED BY BUT NOT BASED UPON ACCUMULATED SICK LEAVE OR VACATION LEAVE OR A COMBINATION, OF THE SAME, AND AUTHORIZING ADDI- TIONAL TAX LEVY BY SAID CITY THEREFOR." and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations. Adopted by the Council March 26, 1959. Approved March 26, 1959. (March 28, 1959) TdIAP, 2 5 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAR 2 5 1959 -� FOR M -ACC PERTAINING TO THE CITY' 00_ 6AINT PAUL' AND bR ING THE CITY- CQUNCIL BY . OR _ _ : = DYNANF TQ .PiOt�ULCATE RU,. :PI�4V.Ti�1Ni3;.3HtRE'�► F R AND CONTROLLING 'PAYMENT9'gF..SEVERANC9 PAY, - BY `SAID GITY TD ITS EMPL&E' , EXCLUSIVE. P ITS- ELEG 'Ei ; OFFICIM S , . A S URED BY tW NOT _. _ BASED UPON ACGUMULA ?Ei iCK, LEAVE 10a, VACATION ' LEAVE OR A COMBINATION OF THE, SAME, -FEND AUTHOR',�. IZING ADDITIONAL 'TAX LEVY BY 5A�P CITY THI34EFOR.. , BE T ENAC i by THE LEGISLATURE OF 'SHE S`K'ATE' ©,F ii INNF OTA t Section 1. Notwithstanding any contrary provi-s dh of- the Charter of =`the, -±pity _of Saint. Paul ©r.,that of any prior statute of the State. of Minneodta Ari& addi..tion6l ".to all other- authority and powers conferred ,upon said .City• by said- Charter or any prior Statutes _ of the State _of Minnesota,*. said :,`City• :hereby is author3,zad and ems powered by: ord�,nanae to be'emoted.by its,Gouicil,' to - Qtablsh# - prescribe : and :piomulgate proX s.iofis R -.rules and- regulations ,there #or and .to' provide for` its paymerit: of. s'evera.nce'pay to its. - employ ees designated in. Soctio,n ,2 here ©f; which severance pay aha11 be - measured by but not bated -upon accumulated or unused ,sick Ieave`i - or - vacation leave or- a , cogibination •o fe the same. Sec: 2; = The; prov3sicins, rile. and regulations under ,ainy such ordinance _for Uch ;payment. of severance pay by said "City, au,*, thorized - under- the foregoingg - provisions of Section, _1 hereof , sha•11 s" ].be .applicable -to, all employees of said City other than its. elected City offio 1als thereunder provis o.ns`_shell- be made f,or the cbmpJ -' tstion °of ,such sev.eranee •'pay f•or; non_ oivi1 service or unclas$if ied - _ employment peraorinel� - other then elected .Q•ity officials, among other- . - - - _ _ things; by the attachment :to the - several employments;`' throughout U0 periods of the same, sick 1•eaves and vacatio i 1eave_s -, a"s shall be 4pplidabl®,,'comparable io. amount. •to` those- which would have ate tacked thereto had the;. same. been}ovil' service or ai.aasified = employ- ; ments, thereunder aril by virtue of the Civil Service: Ruled' and - _ Aegulstions -'of ss:W 'dit.y, yad "opted f prescribed and proMdlgsted• .ua7der' i end- -pursuant to its said dhirtery-'and further: prb iaions shill' bo f- - _ .vmde f or the 'computati.on"of. -,such rs4v-erane6 pay f -or c vi l se,tvi�ce F: - or clisaified eriplo ".' ' eat, •personnel #, among- other , things; by the ittachm'ent to the - severa `,e 04— mehts. throughout the' tP4 rio5ds; of the' 'ag �o; tick - le�v:es - and vacation. i.eaYec �s=; `steal]. be applicable., ` ~under' and by; virtue of such •`Oivi1 Servioe'Ruleoi -and Regulations Thereunder,* further provi:sioni ,shell. bo,'inade -for the deter Mi nation ~ re9p6.dt of `the :dove _Al orn loymenti of f ect d,_ of "t�uah accuwolat ®d' _ and 'unused sick..i:saves and .Y*;Ati:on,.Jo4yee Ain 'fhe'1� Unti Of Aho same, `by reasonibl' and •practicsble5 methodi' therefor to be prescribed' F by the Council .6i 4.61d City. fA 'her @Und.ar, th+e - ouno3:1 of 'said Cite ; shall, be deomed author t.ed Arid ieposr ®reds by virtue` hereof ;. to proms ' _ _ ylde for- the sapplicability' of such' -sovevancs pay to soy aforesaid ; e to went -or emp t� rent, ersonnal oth® than: ela r mp Y. Y p. ct-sd off icials, F ih the service of -saidj Git Y'' ` pn` of aft ®r.,,Tanuaxy 3939 _ E, GC*', �; The -said 'City for the ur osa of r,ovi:din monots,V t' _ + .• p A 'providing. Y .F f -or." tho: p�Ymant` of t.s, , severance a • bli a e i.oris under Any such �- ordinance;' heie' iy- is authorized And eftowered, by tion` -of--` x ®solu _ its Counci.l,: in •add�,t on' -to _411 other powe s `oesessed b said, Cit - -and.-, in ddit on to"-.and in exuess o_ f any on, upon th_® .. - - ; . • J-_ ,- _ _ . . - •- amo.unt it it ©therwise author ed bylaw, to lev y as take� to- is vYtaxes j rr - ennuall oat. ' excedi.n in .o. o e year `a n - emoun .. Y. 9' ny_ n y _ t ,equal to` ,35/lQ� ; of 0n6-.itUl .upon each- 'dol1Ov of -the, -a;eetsod valugtion.'theroof s . `upon_`all taxable property in Bald 'City, ouclu64:ve of moos - - A ` ys rid •- cr ®cii.ts ,- whi cli tsxed "..aa 1evi dd` hsl:1 be spread'`ii _+end q'11- _ ollec ..• • • - • � - __ _y - . • Y,.y :'.. c _ tlona thereof ; ;sthsll- _b'e paid: into the tri e—a- #ry of4_said Cit? theare.tri to` b6 41 • o ; Yr b csted therefor "arid :to ybe 'diskiUrseci ,And �}_pe fed °ky .sa. City , n Opayment-."of ,ah r such pity 9ev6ranae pay ob13:- Y 3 b gat ions .end- for no other purpo$e- The _s,e.�.d d sours raentt end',- - _ • - s. - _,.. _ • - �.- _ . ,; _ _ -• . _ 1 ti.. , . - - experiditures - by said-City for. payment of_,,'. aEu�h 'City, s'�weranCef pays - obiigetions hereunder $hall n oi. li�e,-deemed to. Vcorist tote any art. of _ th ®: ,e ©4' v' ;a3:d City' $ �overctQi�rlt w�th3:h the _weaning of m`ny `� 'oi Chart6r imit4tion. �irx t.�a d _Cit;y� g, expancti ur•es - • j ' • ` •' .I ^ iJ•• _ iYT . � T • �t �•��MTT�,-�� Y ft �Y M � ' • ,• - - - arpptoval:' by _4, majot ty- of the' Cii y Coun il_ ' s► t w its 'of Saint ' � - � `.� • - .. ._= � ,_ ' •� '- Paul; f0amsoy Ccyuri�y,..�' _ _ . , , ; .. -; _ ♦ : s j ,� .4 ^ •' . a .., - -T, •- ., •' if' u J .y 'a - - _ � � • �- - -C -1 ,• • •- a ♦ , r _' d + I • ., �, t � to V•- -- •'£ c � -- Y � _I. - ./ `_F - '� •. •t •4 - r .. _- '� - ` y Yr - •t vy� • •� • p -Y � + �^ -,- •<- tF _r- - - 1 - A I a - _ •- �+� i '• � ._ -. - - .�' - � �•�" !.a :'f• -' r °xY - .♦ :i -� Sid• ,FF -�� _ - - - °Y.! ; :�.� 'lY •'I YS - J �`f •• I -. 1 r . /i, � .- .r •J. ,, - �- .� -� - •. -` , - , „ nry,� R +i91� I �r _ _, • J_ • ^•4- - ; - �' 1 r - _ - � _ . -� T ' r ` ' J_ -, y . L � .- z i - 1 • a 3 1 7 • r _ r _