09-109Council File #�.�_
Green Sheet #3065659
WHEREAS, Como Pazk Zoo and Conseivatory Volunteer Service receives neazly 50,000 volunteer hours from nearly 1,300
volunteers equivalent to 24 FTE in 2008 alone. Recognirion of volunteers and their accomplislunents is essenrial each year to
assist with volunteers support and retenrion, and;
WHEILEAS, Como Pazk Zoo and Conservatory Volunteer Secvice's recognirion of volunteers and their accomplislunents, as
well as aclmowledgment of the Volunteers and the Volunteer's fanulies successes and struggles assists with volunteer support
and retenrion; and
WHEREAS, Como Park Zoo and Conseroatory Volunteer Services offer 4 recoanition and/or informarional evenings; and
WHEREAS, the successful facilitarion of a Volunteer program and related expenditure have a cleaz public purpose and bene&ts
as they contribute to the services at Como Park Zoo and Conservatory and the'u services result in budgetary savings; and so
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul City Council authorize the Como Pazk
Zoo and Conservatory Volunteer Services department to purchase food items, flowers and cazds for Volunteer recognition
events, funerals, extensive hospital stays and events needing support through greeting cards in an amount not to exceed $3,000.
By: Pazks and
Approved by tl�t
By: �
Approved by
By: ,��,
Adoprion Certified by Coun il Secretary By:
By: �/1Ai
Approved b a Date
By: �
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Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet reen Sheet
Deparlmentl�ce/Council: Datelnitiated: GI�eeCI SheE� NO 3065659
PR _ Parks and Recreation OSJAN-09 �
Conqct Person 8 Phone: Deoarhnent SentTo Person Initial/Uate
Susie Exn2f 0_ arks and Recrestion �� �
487-8273 1 azksandRecreation De artmentDirector
Assign 2 ancial Services ffice Financial Services
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 3 ' Anorn �
Routing 4 or's OfLce Ma or/ASSistant
Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ Ortler 5�oaix8 C' Conncit
TRANSACfION 6 ' Clerk CitvCierk
E-DocumentRequired: Y
Document Contact: Susie Exner
Contact Phone: 487$273
Total # of Signalure Pages _(Ciip Ali Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Council Resolution authorizing staff to recognize and thank Como Park Zoo and Conservatory Volunteers in 2009 through
recognition events, the purchase of refreshment for these events, along with greeting cazds and flowers to suppod them in [heir time
of need or celebration.
Rewmmendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current cifij employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The City staff at Como Pazk Zoo and Conseroatory work closely with volunteers to provide a welcoming akmosphere and valuable
programs to over 1.9 million visitors annually. At key 6mes of the year, there is a need to recognize and thank the over 1400
Volunteers at Como for their support. Each yeaz they provide over 45,000 hours of service for the Ciry of Saint Paul at Como Pazk
Zoo and Conseroatory. It is necessary that we retain these loyal volunteers by tecognizing them at annual picnics and socials, through
greeting cazds and in times of personal shvggles tluough flowers.
Ativantages If Approved:
Increased retention levels of votunteers and continued success with the current volunteer program. We currently receive volunteer
conh exceeding the equivalent of 20 full time employees.
DisadvanWges IfApproved:
Disativantages If Not Approved:
Decrease in volunteer retenrion rate, which in turn would cost more City staff time to recruit and train new volunteers.
7ota1 Amount of $3,000.00 ����(�,
Transaction: CosURevenue Budgetetl: Y
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Funding Source: Earned Revenues qclivity Number: 33137
Financial Information: NOt to exceed $3,000. J1"�E 1 `�` ���°
January 5, 2009 332 PM Page 1 �