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ORIGINAL TO CITY CIZERK v 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T2 UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM z .150 0 �1 I 01 447 Council File No. 191447 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proposed ex- PRESENTED BY / tension of the water works of said COMMISSIONER —L . DATE I Clty for the purpose of furnishing a �'4r- ry.,t��^...: a,�..il..''l��.f 4..�}4y. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proposed extension of the water works of said City for the purpose of furnishing a full supply of water to its inhabi`I,ants, as set forth in that certain resolution of its Board of Rater Commissioners, adopted 19 March 1959, be and such extension of said water works is hereby approved and authorized together with proceedings in eminent domain therefor provided to be taken, conducted, and completed under and pursuant to said resolution of said Board, for the condemnation and taking by said Board of those certain lands situate in Lot 5 of Sunkist Acres, in the County of Hennepin, as same are more particularly described in affidavit of the President of said Board appended to a certified copy of said resolution of said Board � which is filed herewith. RESOLVED, FURTHER, That both said resolution of said Board and said affidavit subscribed by the President of said Board shall be deemed to have been incorporated herein by refer- : ence and `made' part hereof with the same intent, piupose, and effect as if said' resolution and said affidavit were set forth herein verbatim, and that both the same and the action of said Board thereby represented hereby are i.n. all things approved, authorized, and confirmed, • COUNCILMEN r Yeas Nays DeCourcy Mortinson - Favor ,-P� q— Winkel / Against P� eIl n 1l I&. S'yice , & ent (Peterson) MAR 2 0 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAR 2 0 1959 Approved 19— 01119 Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER COUNCIL • - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO,. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER - DATE RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proposed extension of the water works of said City for the purpose of furnishing a full supply of water to its inhabitants,, as set forth in that certain resolution of its Board of Inter Commissionerss adopted 19 March 1959, be and such extensions of said water works. is hereby approved and authorized together with Proceedings in eminent domain therefor provided to be taken, conducted,, and completed under and pursuant to said resolution of said Board ,,, for the condemnation and taking by said Board of those certain lands situate in Lot 5 of Sunkist Acres, in the County of Hennepin, as same are more particularly described in affidavit of the President of said Board appended to a certified copy of said resolution of said Board which is filed herewith. RESOLVED, FURTHER, That both :sand resolution of said Board and said affidavit subscribed by the President of said Board shall be deemed to have been incorporated herein by refer- ence and made part hereof with the same intent, purpose., and effect as if said resolution and said affidavit were set forth herein verbatim, and that both the same and the action of said Board thereby represented hereby are in all things approved, authorized, and confirmed* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy kid Mortinson gam.. Winkel dr P_MEid�t, -D.Ial= sM esident (Peterson) MAR 2 0 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAR 2 0 1959 Approved 19— fT- Favor Mayor Against CITY OF ST. PAUL No. r OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER �� %.aitrA.�,Ci DATE ��'Ch ���%• I _102 sasi, LL : T0quftQV tho z4mvion *f tbol lotm ' ' .` WW My onto '!CertuJu. ate. by -dr- O '. =,w In ad , -tr 010 BOOV4 or, raw 0=MuAlohorJ4 silk, 3 d 33 n.F t P a+ 4 C: 4t i.tf. l '! i i� S�'a •a N' ! .�.! a . '. 1. eta; •�' s r �► ..ir '#�.. w;�. r a;a� va:.t: t s y *: �< •..- sd r.. s�.. � • T�. � e)i.t , . W. � :,�u, s a•i y � � asa. a 7:'1 2 s>, 's .� t �.e � ;l` ii t�s v "t•. :r: w' Y }4K ` i a t tit fie , tie >• a ' a) !• ii.i`s 't a.s L pi i a •C 4 Y..i t>::• ,S4a.i f)f ? •:G 3. 37 9 >•a: i1 '3. • S �•Rk t :f 4 wi�" � 1 41,vom"b .e prcnlvaa4 IWO cot forte of a idift,, z *,ftaourveyats, c�oatu. umwxod 4tall on= Gobi me ppprovi;d ptod by tbUl 140�,f O, �j�`rjF � . `'tha � "ldi o tom' �' " by 10 to o tVad�0d tom .of aZfMvftmd lb aftw" -bm- uty-of llgd � . v -34 goal � m •,qf Gq, d" am " e -- -• — i+- X�+:# 'Y..i;b!w�*`w�..' u - _ -�- s - - lb% 1�ia�m3. r:'�1;�� ' „[tt'��i_.arr _ �;Lr b:1f*F a.: +�rfs.fii�. �..a.1 eye” u9Fv•�+ it .r .F.�.�tr,;xs �i..w aas5 sa ..w� S;t to of Minngsota )° " s .� M cza la t.'.a c- % 'W "_° ' a s a-`'. Ile n County �oftRansey„ <)'.s.,s= '. =tl ro o�• e, w,' -. or t - dityrof S"ai t *Pauul Y _;*� +I C. Ar :Flack `^Assi'stan`t�Secretar ' of�the Bo,,ard'•of'Water,. -C` � i ' ' .� a% t "u.z..., . . 11 > � ommissione.rs °'ofeL, , +}the City" .of Saint ,Pazil, ado, herebyAces~Ci that IXhave 'compare'c .the.: above: typecl`pcopy of .a �esolut on�of the -said Boardxas aclop e,dnliy;�t16 oard *on:.March. -.1 195.9 iw th the ' on final;- thereof,�on- file�n .mom ofi3ce and "that. fsaid� con pis ,ate }rue�aridco'rre,ot;�c:o" '�'" gy.-. - ti. f �' w. f w• +=v r.*... -a �+.- e.e.w - .rr• �� .. y.. ..j Y __ 4 F 1 7 ,a -- ,. Pya. Hof �saicl- •or'iginaltand� the =whole + j �x W` s �_ •!r •thereof: 4 t # a- �- iyy+..r.�,.,+,�t vyy��i��•.�-�F"�rrth�c .s .- a[.•.s�I •r ►1 ,s...- �.i'..lr v�p•-,fefve. ms1 �ww�- ..�w.;,�.f.' i.�:lii �A.ir �hi� ��.w.fi 3n ra5di�w�.eft `31L� i'� -bfP Witness the seal of the Board of Watea• Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul , Y, ,c- /c% `"g i+.y.ti....�••'•i. w w�.E+4 =N'• -ff� ya`'w rM••...+. :,. wJ. y.Y w!' +4*` +�. �• Y•- .^►.r4 },��,'yq F �' a f.a.w �•R r► ♦ Lo.ACr •F"` +' )f� N� �7w..�.w� Mh 71�•►•- ;F'. � �`e+ry► �R�� �.M�`�.'1'' �.+p+n'� w`wa�•.+T% �`{�� �.6 � =weM� �R•..4�.. a..J� "Asses an Secretary Water Commissioners - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays �L/Alze. i1i 1951- y In favor Opposed _/_ 8 ASST. SECY. im 11 -58 t.,6n 'RoVW%' Peb- 'ident,: f the - I-tird Of i titer: Co ►�.gsipi era o$ 0 t - A af. Saint Psitaa ` liras ,W06!i4h et�,F�oa�crl,�; G,errti£y n_xi¢ AM= that - it I• t .ri rigv- 'or tho pair aose of :f riai�h do 3,y Q atex'_'to tote inhabitants jUdd -C :ter; , rbc� gxtend`.-tia. yr to tt 1 Of . G�- 3r .ta a t� l G92'ti$ �1T1 ' Y111�.C°11 ° °:8'C'Ei_ '�.ou tB Si+t V6 ti'ZQ iy +ac5ut cast. ;quarter l }. E of ecii,3:cm 31� 3n 'Tqwzi9hip a 2i � the, 0ounty i3f 'Aenr�aptn, I ttze.eiota. + F . 5a3 ce3si tiandnbraae -of Ut rot Aoib�, acaorg to, the pls' roi 9 -Q�, f3.1e n� cord in the off tiio Regi.etr,er of Ij ' - and for eaid Ae t ,cif iio i4 iin� as ;d Gartain porbic)n4 .'of ,sa3ci Trot $. are•' mGiro ` panic ;lar ,y'ci a lied a 1 ,c i1��r,• to vat that ;dn ,p of , IAt t2i, said : UT7K3 8E'i -A xBa t'�i. p' aY4 desari d�.aq-, fQj+avi�j, to con* a tiav ttenitlixhOt core of --tot, F Acre thena.e- - - a aAStar ^ a1 t 'oimthorly llw-.ot s d. T.at' S; 3 .6.feet to : tt of 3 thmg,` riortiherly a.cri g : . 'a the westerly l.iaoe' ,pf Std' T b : feet; tiietice�, east t' :y ,An6 1'3,x Q pa eI to tho POW* 9.. l� na as ?fit f.tlt1 feat1har�c�i �tor#heF a`.o a ,z ` dAer4 �.in* of ' cl tot:,. 5 tv an Interae4tion, it th the riortii r4 lime �' • - =t: of �fo!A Lot- 5' `thoitic - �t �tt�].y 'i7„ms thQ id �cit � •�Y,o an d e"eCtioti ;vr#dth tho, r mo, t{es� I.�na t f.the iaiss S#.Wi R :Y r 'thWOO in ` n+ers nc uther l;; afi . iion pas l meter 13ne o . tiie �tsoieal • • -'f kM , i �- 'fir Y - �. -. � P�'' ] l:v"r =.t•;o 'int"ftl4 Woh tha • a her~l r 1 . a sadd mt tester aaoiw th4.3rOuft rl3r lina' �.OT:,s id'Zot. 5 to tha point of , - lndlud 'iehate"r, r p riia right ther!q b!; trs�i In s�c1' got � �Sth . �Ao the t e.+i.eisippi:.v: ,arid the 4tdrei and barft : aah.orea t3'eof 41 ag Beet ` f 'td gr - V Eor_th in mut cdi e , Vi , O;Y0 �,tt' of .lepd,, mfti6 ,;bT loess ado,' _,t, 'P1'aCti ` 2 • ,:� �ihE4t Co rt�tfll ? I't3.ce , of -�jftt >r of .0 t�Ct• $Unk1.A Aoroe ,�i.Ch., �3r - 11tQrdT ,' .t31l�.arly 61, � td 'lv#I I'ANZinhin it the, �dz� iot corner of` tot 5 =e, 'said fti)cist Atha, enc6`' s +atn7c`�$t a�.oa g tha e6iitherly lAng cf, $aid XLA 5, 1x3546 •feot t1?ance i 'th • erlsr .,n 1 p�ara'1 l :t tha xes 4r ,�!' I:$ of , ,. 5 ,50 = tr _ -West 01.04, _a 3.3xse pa al,la:f ta' the - s6uther7,)r I e of said 'Lot.5, 135.6 Coe't,l th nce~; mrntherly 4xis a, .. fax Lel'. to `tb& Weetier3y lixye car. h y. side t a a • intweea ion vith : %trig Poet rtrier of -and . _ tq tha' -j3rriith.orly line ,, of aad• tpt 5 . theme, iibsterlyr along •a 9 na. parallel _- to: they' o6uthorlg l its- :ot Said Lot 5 to thb x ster5,y` ling .QE 'said,' %t' �tygeyricc� southerly ,along, tho _weetc�rly 1 _off' -saic dot 5 to t ,e• point 4f j ..aa i erin"ted mod_ det -torah in wsixea,AP .and Oontainini'.5, 700 square, feat Ol �.U6 1L 'E31� O Bt�C � TflOx© TQr' � SS9. ' - _ - _• +- �', - � +_'- '• &L . r -' . _,mot �-.. +w ,c� A� -, A r1.• - r_ r •.i ��. r ter. J i, ' . ' - _ � _ _ r,. , r t_ _ .. • ,_ ' -. ". - ., a, a >_ 't. , •_ � `. 'rte `ii Y ` `•F. i` -•5 a `•i • .. - .. ' h'- - - ' -- - !.'} •' •- - "' •' •^'' . i * -$006 14tion: �Ond 'aoidemmtion 6f" the'abov` , Aeigori•bad asEdd: ` d4sip iod wad -.1 Ind. Tract s bs ' anti, S i , .shed i<o�fo ble art,! n'Gi�7.` t3.and�`on�r,!.eapet #haroto vr2�iab ire Y�et`e _ .. _ -. . ri' -: i� � .iG , :{ i tVay`, w •`�- r' "i� k ''tir .i. - r ,ibAfto net but; xtS�:��,p.'�.'�E �- � � F z',�` �: � � � I i 1. i._�, 'fir a - '•(: e' ,�''' -•'-`• -a' 9. . - SPEC•iAL GVL11i=.LkH,`El,:l+ % 4 _ '_ _ r•x • + ,. {•" ` :.y _ . � ._ ' *-e- r - - . •. +# : hi 3oard +s; �ernire in trig'Sands mfords64 'a - 'On"set�ii4ne 'c tru a pr�co c nQ _ aha�,� -he off, 9ori ',t2iat tO(I`p ipd �f' `tiias c��na#i1g tx� tYi±� �S y cal wh3 1'i thfa: affidavit", th' i AP ati c�feiiex f itW triitir nti and n�Oa aG 6w2ed ant . d 8 filed of record n the - of 4f ,tha ? +e$ ' of heads -in l:2ia offids of: -tom r, of ,_ hies- ,fix mid, for tho `Couiity a€o 'e sid aiad: t bxaa ter eh61 coriti n tot j44 t.�b on,-tj 17sti_dA ,(Jt 1i0 Vr3mbe "�. �bt'• e=ept,A .qua•Yified bar SPeaial- • ' Condition _2 herb, of* ' t, •£4 r , The ,Board phAll, havo. -• 'ri &t to k'dsto�v tsi� -hands tti tbet rebord ama4 +or as " tha e`rf'A 81AY; 3aie -prior- 1._Noveon ': 96� _ei�- a�3.d.,�e$taration- $Hill, bo, �fE�tave.' _ , - , 1:nmpim� (10),4 ays kftez� dapositGing ria�ias t rein`in. the VniW 0tat�e maia.a pper].y adc'eeareco Beid owner 'off` St of.''eprnt with F' 1pi sold` `notUe to be In proper) foxai for f#I3ig of mcsi�.. -. Da reo d i d p siIac onsq0 oaf tie ooMer atiozi and W n 1ur suaut, ' to tlae�e plc eac a Zia -IVb '�Or 'the .full "t��+x�• of Vi , a -ta cfd a SpeSi3s7. ' Z Coxi t3.on. afdresai d' .,azsd a nt�t. tso ,+ b at to ohy rachiatii , "thy ta�tx cater t ex of "3sz the r tY , }3c� ' reatorea laid � lid Fla, Owl o r'dr _aa of some - oat* ,Q.ri.c?x to 1' _November'.960.3n ,acdoxdanap h 3, 6 al Coixlition 2• �PEML 06NDITION 44 - . '•f -• _ •.'•.a - ._ ^,t ' ;:� `...i .•,r'4iX'rs : ,,;rA,. - ..�. �a7:ip _.. `. � tjs; #-'i•r.�i = -• • ,p-L'r "- � . _.:^;. .,'_ r _'4 T .s Some trees` said `7.anda'.'.px0b4bly -��'nwd -'be 'cut dom, ond, ac' 0 .Owavea-6ts and_ , r"ta i�idq on, azid acid ] da ri the oli o a tY Q Bow s -qse d = . +'a .w" �i 1f37,'9Q f' �709[8V�1'� t 18�E 8 Tom_ 11q� �Or4 'thori �,1*. -' z 1� - _ Sig@ �c�lt illabl rte¢Oi e4►ry And per. 4tica1 t6 im' tsh t ich said lams ,are c�vridemri * + 4. eed and 1 n • as' -Olswhore- h sin .set fo h: l here the Board% cute : tre€3a • : ► .. � .1 a _• •.• �' •ri Sl Ks• �' + t�4 i.+ J Yf � � 1.t -. r•� �.a'�. �.i � a. . .. '[ Y ,. .•'' -' -_ _ •' - i A`: •�, - ,. ,_` -• ,t 4 ,l ro -L'- �' f,, j +.1 'r- ke 4 •y,.,. -I f ., _i' _ ,c• - ` bad �d3 �:t',a�o ,eh�:7. aut ��� �9d d3s�bae `Pf t braithoa tlho�lef and -Ak . - .' eitlipr cut the fe2jed tiunks th roof 16 labt ,to .Oaabd Ito feet' -00r& 'oball btobkpily sama,on,plaid I rMp Ii_ m vrd Zy� ivac n r ' i�ay x'ar p ' - h ' t I' C} (�� t$e �Aaxd�0 766 abo sa p tbdm4s1i Cif r `R1:grs Oall rem6 e. ad e of tba, Stu�s•�if y trooe, it' daugee to die, auk, .do i ,n Mid lar dcf3' t�]B iuf` a B�?t�1.�.,'���:7�, �I the �8`etifi# t S�t�taes� to wy •.. . , - _ r # . �: ;�! ?�,ha � �' • •{ � �` �• _ *Y r �i � ' F, t� � :i �' �.•..2 <. - la 'A_'• _a 4 ' _ t - •V V4 ~ ' Lt JFV 1/4� t '.•' +•'ak_ ' 11_ - t QrA Ipt any U or i •lit` �]i. Zh 9 @1 .. .t rwdeB.par,,�'45r .p GU641. to (10 _06 %Z* t pr" t". acaiderit da yilge_ �_ i Uvotbil a L maa� ;Laar►3a icig aut 'of, to _ Y W ��,� a. a .'•Aa t�$t UA!!sTl .u$- 0 _t78 ore - tho .'ri tg �^ • ght � � . >T(37 4'¢'' C7 Qtl?BrK A u� d0 -.LiTS !' - O _ tb h ~s' foUOpf111 B OIf(�_b' R'�th311, kit �0t�iid6tY+�60�. �' $8i$ #1�td8�,rtb•li�. t , 6, rdace _ ` W �?O1 I' ` or bo=Air .b� �` �3A� .l0tdil Off' � #7or'�ron w ' .por -. _ see .-or t6o6th . itaei -fie - car -or wive mph biit#c `a thea�i tendd pted posta':pr, by a of'4�€itCl < - ;'wed ae 1 -rr . ' d u3:table' Dior' the j)arti: u?.ar .mead ar urp�il3a; 1 b) TO Pie ,praval' ok trior, soUble. Sr rEi .ci4 i, .$, ior wrov-04' tra_atioii_tk- ve4ii4i©k of'du_et U40A e,o "for'. rie re iinAble,pA*geex • Aldo - a }' To .eP t]s :r(*d#mya or otribr ' `�icea sacs_ �,A_p�.saa� 6e40A or oth= eu .ta . r e stOnto , t loreox for -' iiev3•at�.hn of - chat• nub e ancs, . _ 't0 iwir ¢x liheii,- at 10aat . a or tim Oj ha*� Qr ,to °arit�it .f any 1 r - � ftt t -it • al , do o;e Aeis; t ;tea d or defer! doih • the ifs rogOitg or ... T 2'+9st• Probx'd it�.0I1A �' ' - - _ ' _ r C ate. hpft.imla Ye✓ o thorwitys :aetr Xbrth , th9 )Nmrd' 3n' tbq, C�n=p of its � F - tet in and V66 4f viid iaild�. giiA7'F- ,cowl ate` ta,"paid U iCI64 . < . ardt . as • of tb(f &to .bh ita tenurd i A -said ,7 r4sd " ew lrea,' aithor _ by rceaaon - off` iresto�ratioia. o 't� c ri titsi t aredf� -:� � aforo'a�t3t f ,ho Bawd ek l lava iaa toted, . :' o 'to- the aon tir,them)f ea -of the dote ' of ,co=- epcenont of sai.d' tsnn _ or am, n .sv his. practica -tho: - 3oarc'k �ha,l: net ba;` mid xsxzpQns- V ?; 'le �'ar' �� r�qui�od.toS�i�toro nal, amide beoaue.�► a €: �z� ciian� oj'dame�o thetats�; ' by r0s44 Of -air tat oP_Gad; - = �; 1 �= -• T_ h9 rarc s ; of . da eft. msd� oz tc - be •ode `b_ y' mason c f , he ^ a i r�ci c nde►1�ni�g t ' at o" Osdr W ,esaici aat�a :a .end ahal� .no_luds" c ai:�:c ra 'a tij� a4d° be "pt har~ri�se •co�?�' -' Pius, •��ie3;'_-con ti3.%o1�.8i,Q�a car, - � * •; _. • - {, ' i : - __ - .. - - 4 . . s. s h�t �3d t Z rd -bathe ].9t 19� ' of h 19590. - aPP -fom ;aP . aad .. a4Oorbkaa,bzfd.di;r6 d tat�said fgYrt o :af ,c a+r�. Jio.tit a irs l ► awxi d, be. - e eui�d 'oxt° ids' hal ti ii ? , f` .d4Yit subsc 3,t ad b � v 1�cve3 fi oresa .d�° ' _ fod oob3 tt all., aa arr - , - ` ;d . Poao,afor4aaid;'aria _ ce_€'a f�• :"tn"ths�, th�ri of 41.:ty of 9apt f ` Pauli, i x ao ,ut .on (C �� ... `193447) .ap06,iad the nth da�r of �arc}x:: 5.9, 4 fi. d ' .. ; jpa. _. �i tloa�. 'of they Boaurd Ogd'ap�arevi d the extend on' o� th ~ .matp� or�c� :�1•pp��teer �oxei =� . �f • �,� - - •x•['.f �`r��; _ -:,� -'�C� � _�•�_�• -t(. a •�, 'Zf •. it 4- yy_}4 �, � � � a jar' . ,r .. _ty• i"f - },F� ,.f -• , r..�''• - _ iC:• .rT. { i :r .y ray •� :e .` • -• • f ew _ t.. r' B r. �'Jy <'n�c4j2'g {' _ r. 1: tz sa i p`, paid �tr�d.Se iai:i ?Oth caY 'Bold of fiTafter ,r �i brie�.t° otaw _ t; _ . • - . `'. ^ifl'�.'3�_��.� - .•�� -' -� ; G�.tg O� i`.�x'�.1� l.S�,Tirx�9c�tts; "_' ..�. _ :'•" ", ..�, ;• - ` ' i•- t - - � - S y' `S.• ,L' - '1A1r•., •'[,1 , r - -. • - -i -•, -'- ,v - yt - , . •iY[aRv-`-• .. •a_{r•' ry, -= - � •_ i- _'.e •- ;•, 1h -` -_` '` e •- 1 -` -�t .•`-.. -r - , - r + -•+'- , o p �C• 0 1210 xx a�abz � � co acciitzj o '� P. � . 4 8 1 co z �a c) co OH 003 3 °fix �j H O cn I �U]►1` --�-�1��0 ' x'�x �oto Cfl 0 a a t`A � Cn 0 C) C0.9 I 5} O gg 9 L� G C7 ci `MHO �� �C]� ;'` 'i =•j• • ��"�t� da � • : �'��� `�x���� a., 1� "� '�r "tee , - c� � -d • to � r� a -d - "' ' _� , '_.' . • - -w 0 � A tj e 1 i• H z Hjj 5u TRACT 2 On 'mod ''I ti ' .,` 1D O � Oci y '=J r, ,O r I /Zz Cn H �f� �{ C7 cn X0 i0 �r rn In w OO'3 • td H' ,O , Co TO CD cn tai z . g1 r C0 •� � , o ogcra6 ! • =t�d o t tzi to ' t7 r tv - r to ' t7 r tv - _-' - .. _ .. 'y '.., •a•, --�. y t•40. V _� -_1•il . i. .. ' - . . 'k ~ ;t, F. 4 - -. ..�1 � .JI .. • • - _Y :�.'f i�• 1 ?�! h• • _+'1 rye , -fir t , GC_ v _ " . ^ - - • ' 4 _ " • - ��'. ice- �`'f •• S � 7 � ` � • _ • -. • • - _ . - ,~ y - , . ` . •� •� _ ' l: ' -- — ° + r °• - � ' . `ate .. r, _ _ T ' '•ie} ;— .. - 4 +, t._ ,,`,' • r - , ' ? 7 0 . Ch 10e georgi y 'dq ; h6re'by ae ti:fy sx4 afftra - t i+, ' 1, s4 a. g3.stere�d X J pf �r azia7.: tin" x &A, tm - 5ui'v�aj u' t ioF: t ato' i�£ tariegat�a iti _tit a _ .: ,4reatim of the B69ra of ,wato C ii��i_ xii + _.oP t t _��' W�$_ paulp1 H raotg - - hE31`QiIIR tZ`' C!, ,B mw x am Odes` tx8;" in_X *ktzh wM be effsdtgd, bg b1m;k9e, o doozx -_Or OtY rtir $ bg d $Ott Q ``that t31 sXF;�[Ia3.iix3 tbb otar- ;r - WoFI . _ of- d Cit;y doacribod in Affidavit of r t 6, - Prio icM nt -o _'MW B z' ';. subec bed tho '{ . ,C1f Y"�# f _ 3g I�ld,' to smhe3wd T i oaAd di f B t3 �.it1 @at tsli 'a:1i14]C d MAP d._ t h ;f "3 iF '81 the data ift ' get -for h 4" c � to- 0" a� +; ` Ovrcct ft4,thOt monn i � �3.fiit _ €cytiiid= . - ~. , ►oat n tiei iait aw • a* shrtny: itt. t ewe Of s .• . s ' .. _ Z hare'y ceiy ark af`3rscif'a . tlt t thoi cer..s►n�ie ah sis _ ' ' ' y delinoatqd 44 said 10 md - thsrei n oololvd ij2 "ljb*. and con- 1°! b 8jt29�Cilie bQti &W, ].3md- *81 g .i"'fDpr" B, SA lands heT�to ors , z _ acquired or ±off= .and -now in the ci sQas . ri or. i der tbs. control of 'said P,64"rd _ 1. C�lidg �i !$t this C a is i,�TiC�B 1 �;Cr�if 6t d6lineated :A .0 Mp ' 417d Vf+ 3`8 t i9IAQryfl1 ; ' bach'ured and colored Ii 'pits i# thus ® repxe ►nt tWs'e; C6Tt&3A ar 'per- . t1is.- Pros._ anti of s;dd D*rd wAlor bil M ,sue AP .and Bch its to ix, oon siid''ka�eh by :anc for esa$d i0ard.. fcp thQ . r 4 -_ J. • d } ..l _ - r , • gn . -T . . • it �I^ . n9 • .. °exbs tratm'Orks srtW� ' gXgremId1, sind, that- t�s�e ce*t Sends *Kch , . - are deUn®gtod in .said 'MP. and theiein •0hcvrn croba- bacho4od .and. 'Ooa ci�� ar tkn�ei s rispre"rxt thosa certain 1an r , 'then tha _ affidavit f ; f a y ` ch ' p i glaxly depm;ibed i n afo d � o ,,tbd .} rb4df xA ois .and %i� n arid-, � iF oh l; . kzi._ c�a Ced,: ? t iage -'sir : c Cyr 4t6x�+$e 9'_ row iti of tho :cxtQnei.an Of tha ir4 i ystt ! t esaid: .. 1 - - { ^- e I .�' - ,�- „ .rY ;mil? 1,t' ,+F 1 r . �i..'(l• 4- !, �- '''Z' y:' Tap.. .:' »k:Y - - _ _ • ._ 4.- ,1., L+-: -R `T'>m i �• ',. "y? rt'. ir•+- l;.a.'YL.y.�r "7••- ,T7}�{r - itnie�anc Z59: if - •. ::. _ : _ :. ����5•'rD��..�}�'yiy�i�'•,L f, yiy.�tl t,' NF,�S.. MrMedIotu -* ter. No*' 3960 ` ' - ly 4 •L }I - 4� . / .al`l k� � Y` a_ zA - . , r - ' ' _- - • • i - �C' ` _,.c :..F,i:1} p :'F' .7L, *� •' :� �'•.a••.L gj « F s :v • .�, •rI _ x L-. -fir Y,X. _ij e§ ,+s;`.zY '_•. .7".�_'*•. i.f- +. r. '7 A,.N' '4.f CbtRTP' OF lid �Bbd ' t t � 211 -1�e 8 , 'appeer'ed before nia g' ottxry° wblic lu and f or the tats arxi CcranW_`afa eeaid, MnTCV I ?SEU Pr aid6ht of the B697rd of Mater.`Commi4s$onerq qf_ the City of faint ' P4d, jiinesota and qiMRLES OL"MG ,a mgOte�ed Pro vsgional_ ftinear and Lond , iax yd in r Strife if xm ©sotga' aaci%Fta ire. SCicj�►zr to ba tihtl peon RhoaQ name ` is- dubacri.1)e4 to and.i ie,.signod a. ;Coregoirig cgrt f3.catra hereto ame5cod .• and• that ' thki: and there eAch aol nowledged- that ha hid .aU: cuted _ game Rai,-hi -8- otrr3 froa aab' and deed on' As lid., offloi�]. set ae Fs�bs3 t .or ae ;3urvayoz�,�ar eaici ° Boaid,, reapecti vbVi bord tc . ]A*. *r `-Notaty Vubllb, RaMey Cotxi?�t�r� h6 th`� - r ; °'{• i ' - aoa.$sioi�►'►Q -`NM' P �'BEe_yR_C _U_ntY, M9g3.- ` L _ • Notary mission ExPfre`— s Tu1Y -c3 1. _ " i - • n^ _• `,'y,. . `,.` :. - ,il•, , " - }.s 6? t - - I- a 1v -' , _ �- .. 1 `f . _i, ;• -Y "x - ,t•� •• {y _�S �i € - 'C -f�' t.^, �., 1� ���.'.• •• � _ _ _ham • tl t w - - - #' A F. I +. ■ .. ti•-ks• R. :S( } "_ {j ''tit' .. *2482 Po114-oy o V. ��ssjj� p�aro t� HCn ro ca, HW 1- z can 0 yk7� I-� �a O0x�dH H O -a �CA20 = C) Yu1r,N �IxH t Ri �aa °g , �-3y Lam! � C7 Lei C7 .; � • ro �t� 95�C]H 1 or. f _ v � � � � � C'' � � 1. •-' � .2 '1 -iii ^it , xa z "rJ C2 H ,4 ro Jo 19 I�IEfi • x *°�t �cn]°o `�p" y1 ,,•_ to _ Q-s g , io p .i 6 1 • 1-4 V l J �-1 x � N L J c 1 � ,•7 � tj cn (o t 840' Zt Im • H � o Qo 'U _ � A Y �' .• 85i � -.y 6� •+� 2 Z 510 Lzi • �� ' - _ _ _• f�1` . and _ - .f . -Y ,. � . t=fp a �i o •°t +� o c Q is d r 3 o to � `� 10i. r. H C=] 2:,. rn Z t7 Cn t7 rn - iiy I-� 1 _ z -7 d a JCj 'y ' cn , o- D o• tn M C5 I OD. 1 tz 1-� 1 CA TOWN ROAD 4 p . o ff, .� • - *t� d n =T