19143319 1 p3 Original to City Clerk r CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2C U IV SOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r COMMISSIONER DATE In the matter of the construction or reconstruction of monolithic concrete sidewalk in the following areas: On both sides of Rondo Ave. from Avon St. to Grotto St. under !C. F. No. 172865 approved Apr. 26, 1955. On the west side of Griggs St. from Randolph Ave. south to the east west alley in Block 2 under C. F. No. 178686 approved July 6, 1956. On the south side of Frontenac Place from Curfew St. to Eustis Street under C. F. No. 178799 approved July 17, 1956. RESOLVED,, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy r7lffollunu Mortinson p— Rowse ej gMIT Mr. Vice P ;esi&ut (Peterson) 8M 6 -5a 4 Tn Favor " Against Council File No. 191433 —By Adrian P. Winkel — In the matter of the construction or reconstruction of monolithic concrete sidewalk in the following areas: On both sides of Rondo Ave. from Avon St, to Grotto St. under C. F. No. 172865 approved Apr. 26, 1955. On the west side of Griggs St. from Randolph Ave. south to the east -west f alley in Block 2 under C. F. No. 178686 approved July 6, 1956. On the south side of Frontenac Place from Curfew St, to Eustis Street under C. F. No. 178799 approved July 17, 1956. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and re- scinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. Adopted by the Council March 20, 1959. Approved March 20, 1959. (March 28, 1959) ' FEAR 2 01959 Adopted by the Council 195— MAR 2 0 1959 Approved 195— jetingMayor aO 'st'N Z 09.9 W4 1���xsaxd�03!A 'IR �u tTy ' 9ffaa�a� a0AVj u0supaox —261 Lj9AoiddV 69610 9 M `- AoanoDaQ s�fsN ssa)� • ,1 —961 taunoo aqj Aq paldopV °, XaKruONAOD 6561 0 9 8VVI uT s8uypoe wad 11v pue p®pupwaz pus pal' ''psltaouso 6gaa axj on asQ aqq. pine a q ja,4,4sR vAoq* W!� uT mho TLv t�wA A(MA'T08jH •956T "L`[ AM PQA0.%dd* 66WT *al[ '.1 •'D 107M "0445 • 0q. "qS A*x=0 wckzj ®osu aaw .4uoAI Ta PPTR Rpoa " U0 •956T 69 AV P"mxdft 9M41,901 "Is 'o ► a *w*s uT Aeum #40"L-air*® Si'4 O� tMU08 "OAY ua'[aP U mOzi ..4S 229T AD as OMs '49" OR� UO '5561 `98 *Ady P"0&dit 5993LT *01 "A .0 `'W 04'4axD O'� ..qs WAY UDZJ ''guy optwg To ; *pTo iii u0 ee*®ss ftwuoT sqa UT nvXOPTS 649SOU00 rI' ouorc a tt0TI4m4ffu000J 40 umon4aU00.0% Tw sMVK eta uI lva 113NOISSININ00 AS U31NMIdd KdOd 1`v'213N39— NOI1f1 osn 11ONf100 slid X8310 X8310 J1110 3H1 d0 301dd0 'ON voNnoo invd '1S d0 A110 ,