1914181` ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK .19 1 418 5 CITY OF ST._PAUL FILENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM t PRESENTED BY ! COMMISSIONER DATE i RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it hereby concurs in the recommendationsfor financial and administrative procedure of the Joint"Court House and City Hall Committee, set forth in the letter in said Committee Ts behalf by the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, dated March 11, 1959, addressed to the Board of County Commissioners of said County and this Council, a counterpart whereof is filed herewith. IJ -- COUNCILMEN Yeas ' Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson —PMson _Winkel Mr-,P siddn; ^Dillofi Ma _icc Pj:4i&at 5M 5.58 ORD02 ' -- 'S In Favor Against Council File No. 191418 —By Severin A. Mortinson- Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it hereby concurs in the recommendations for financial and admisinstrative procedure of the Joint Court House and City Hall Commit- tee, set forth in the- letter in said Committee's behalf by ' the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, dated March 11, 1959, addressed to the' Board of County Commissioners of said County and this Council, a count -I erpart whereof is filed herewith. 1 Adopted by the Council March 19,1 1959. I Approved March 19, 1959. .I (March 21, 1959) Up , 191959 Adopted by the Council 19_ MAR 19 1959 Approved 19— Aot1 ng Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER .191418 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it hereby concurs in the recommendationsfor financial and administrative procedure of the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee, set forth in the letter in said Comittee's behalf by the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, dated March 11, 1959, addressed to the Board of County . Commissioners of said County and this Council, a counterpart whereof is filed herewith. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson "Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon IF- 5M 50-, .• 2.1r. vice resident lie eon) MAR 19 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAR 19 1959 Approved 19— Tn Favor Mayor OAgainst ` JAMES C. STROUD -" t• e y , 4 — CHIEF DEPUTY ` COUNTY O_ F , RAM_ S E Y; f : DIVISION SUPERVISE(4' 1 STATE OF 'MINNESOTA WILLIAM J. PETERS ACCOUNTING OFFICE OF JOHN A. KLEIN EUGENE A. MONICK ■ ■■ TAXATION COUNTY AUDITOR JAMES D. SWAN,JR. v — COUNTY BOARD RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE CLARENCE B. KAMMERER SAINT PAUL 2 PURCHASING AND ELECTIONS MINNESOTA I4sslr6h 11, 1959 - Board of County CorMI180ionera Council, City of St. Paul ' Court House Ana-City Ham: - St.` Paul 2; 11inne80ta dettlemen i '1'kie 'Joint Cain, Houafe s?gId pecial, sees3on on February 16, 1959; received a report atid� adopted recomm�dations of L %ena 'A. r Ifouiak, County Amatori and Joseph J., i ttche�$ City Comptroller., for the financial .and admstniatrative. proced�e of the Join' Committee and• the C aetodian. it is anticipated -thO adoption of this procedure and coneurrenae therein by the' Board, 610 Cp}inty ' Gomissionero .ate -t ie City •,Oq it VM' result ins I" Mr re `effective fiscal - control would be •eetab i8hedj _ 2,- Records In •tip$ administrative office Vould bo" morg complete; 3. F4oilitats praeessizig of cledms; h. Payments + waor would be more eurrent ;, - 5. simplify reimbursemieat_ prbeedUr i'o "the .County; 6. Eatablish a procedure vin' ilar to that` In, use in all other city depar#io#tsj . 7, No longer require, the Joint' Gburt Sousa .ajad .City Hail C0=;d qe claim •forms; j 8. Approval of olaima by the - County .Attorney ,not required.3 : 9± Apptov4 of oleims by the Joint 'Court House and City Halt C=cdt,,tee Attorney not required, _ ,Adopted as a part of the zpg6 �ft;tion and acted upon a proposal that ' = the Attorney ,f r the Joint Committee, prepare %,B131 which wouJA - amend the law wider which the Joint Committee operates sQ as to make the Coiadtttee reepopsible_ for the' budgating. of the Court. House and .City, Hall- fund -and for the pc m6nt of all exile gl$ and would renew+ the lei for such - fuga from th8 Countyi b general =L:Iage 1im$tat #on end from the C#yle limitation on pei capita• expenditurea; the'Con=Xtteel.s recom= mein soon being that this,_ BiU be ir3tiated by the Board of Cbtpty Commi.ssioxre. 10a i•Ssrch 6, 1959, the Joint cap ttee =; % - AmenAmen - §1 to the- FizanctalI :aa3d - AdmiidOtrative Procedure whoreby, the maintenance and repair of all air conditioning, Board. of County COMssion S (;ouncil, City of St.. peal -units sokvit;g the various departments in the Court House - City Mill would be assessed to the Joint Comiaittee effective January 10 :196or ewd 1A anticipation. -y thereof.. provision, be made in the 1960 budget of the Joint ftzittee for the em imment of an ir- conditioning, repair .and maintenance man and =or the purchase of necessary repair atic7 rcp7.aceaseAt parts and aauppl.iee. - it ie Tespcctfully requested that you ratify and doucnn' frith. the action of the Joint Cotmittea in this Fiu=iaj and AdmInUtrative Procedure. Youm very truly, E[1GM A. MO aCK,. County A uditor JDS:is J D. Swans ExeOUtive Secretary Y I o Jort C' OURT HOUSE AND CITY HALL CEYWT'riE'EE At the request of'the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee, the City Comptrollesr. and County Auditor have made a study of the procedures now gc•serning and regulating the financial recbrds and administrative procedares of this activity;, Most of the information and data contained in reports relative to current procedures were dbtained in consultation with Mr, Sc,:::i; c Gipple, Custodian, and Yx. Earl Cusick, Assistant Custodian, who indicated the need for an established fiscal procedure. This report is prepared in two parts: 1. Present Procedure. 2. Recommendations. I PRESENT PROCEDURE Authority I -tie Joint Court House and City Hall Committee was established pur- suant to Special Laws .of-1881, Chapter 376, as amended by Special IBws of 1 1889, Chapter 64. These laws authorized this committee to properly operate andlmaintain and have the entire charge pf said building. It should, however, be borne.in mind that other laws have been enacted which regulate and govern certain procedures which this committee must adhere to, such as the law establishing county civil service. ' ' The overall operation and maintenance of the Joint Court House and City Hall is by law put under the jurisdiction of the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee composed of the Mayor of the City of St. Paul as Chairman; and three members of the St. Paul City Council and three members of the Board of County Commissioners. The actual operation is under the supervision of the Custodian and his assistants subject to the control of the Committees Payrolls Presently, time records are maintained by: 1. Administration (a) -Custodian (b) Assistant Custodian (c) Clerical 2. Custodial (a) Janitor (b) Watchman 3. Elevator Service k. Switchboard Service 5. Building Maintenance (a) Mechanical and Electrical (b) Painting (c) Carpentry 6. Veterans Quarters Administration Time records are maintained by assistant custodian - record is made on individual payroll sheet: Custodial - Janitors The time of the janitors is maintained by use of a time clock. The normal work hours of the janitors are from 3:30 p, m. to 10:50 p: m,, except the first Tuesday of each month when Union members are excused at 8 p. m. to attend the Union meeting without any time being charged therefor; No check- out is recorded for lunch period,. In some cases when janitors leave befx- -, 1 ; their ••regular quitting time because of sickness or other causes, they do not punch out on their time card, but a record of it is made by the watch- man, which is turned over to the Administration Department. If this time -)ff is more than four hours, 1/2 day sick leave is charged. Should the t me off be less than four hours; a memo record is maintained until such time as he has accumulated four hours at'which time it is charged as sick leave, Mae reason given for this accumulation of time is that the County Civil Service Department does not accept a charge en "the payroll of less than 1/2 day. �.stodial - . Watchman The time of the watchman is maintained by use of a time clock. Th& normal work hours of the i;atghman are from 3:45 p. m, to 11:45 p, m,, ane, from 11:45 p, m, to 7:45 a. m.,' and on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays, an additional watchman is assigned from 7:45 a. m, to 3:45 p, m. In case of sickness or•other emergency, the watchman reports'directly to the Custodian or his assistant. All watchmen are instructed to remain on duty until properly relieved, `' \ Elevator Operators The responsibility for manning the elevators is vested with the elevator starter. She time clock is used to record the time of the elevator operators;•in'add.ition, the elevator starter also maintains a time sheet for each operator. Report of sickness is made directly to the starter, who is responsible for securing the - necessary replacements according to procedure,outlined under "Ektra Es1p ". Zt is his responsibility to arrange the vacation schedule subject to the approval--6f the custodian, -3- Switchboard Operators The responsibility for'the operation of the telephone switchboard i3 vested with the supervisor. `The supervisor. maintains a time sheet for each of the employees, temporary employees are required to use the time c -_ocko At the end of each payroll period, the time record is given -to the Administration Department for' use in preparation of the payroll.. Tk:port of sickness is made directly to the supervisor, who is responsible for securing the necessary replacements according to the procedure outline? under "atra Help ". 'It is her responsibility to arrange the vacation schedule, subject to the approval of the•Custcd•ian. Building Maintenance The responsibility for operations of the mechancial and electr ?.cal equipment is vested with the Superintendent of Mechanical Rjuipment. F.e maintains the time records for those employees under his jurisdiction.. The Head Painter keeps'the time records for'the paint crew. It is the responsibility of each Supervisor to arrange the vacation schedule, subject to the approval of the'Custodiari.4, Veterans Qzarters There are two janitors responsible for•the•maintena oe of the Veterans Qiarters which are located in the Municipal Auditorium.+ In order to satis- factorily operate these facilities, they are permitted to determine their own work scheduled Supervision is accomplished by rules and regulations prescribed by the Custodian; The effectiveness of these rules depends on the number of complaints received from the various organizations using the facilities and by the periodic inspection by the Custodian or his _? ;sistant, Except for extended illness when extra help is employed, arrange- tents are made between the two regular janitors to properly maintain the • -4- 7 giiarters. Vacations and compensatory time off are arranged during the summer months when meetings of Veterans' organizations are not scheduled, subject, however, to the approval of the Custodian, No time record is maintained by the Administration Department for these employees. It is assumed by the Administration that these employees have worked a full payroll period unless the Administration has been notifiel of tine off for sickness and vacation. She normal work week is programmed between Monday and Friday, from the hours of 8 a, m. to 12 p, me, except in the case of a Regional, State r,r National Veterans Convention in the immediate area, on certain legal holidays during the year, namely; Washington's and Lincoln's Birthdays, Good Friday, Labor Day, Columbus Day and Veterans Day, for which they are given compensatory time off, if any veterans organization or auxiliary vishes the use of these quarters on weekends, they must obtain permission From the Custodian and pay the janitors directly for the additional time. 'xtra Help Extra help is obtained from the County Civil Service Department if a list is available, If no list is available, or those on the list are not interested in a temporary assignment, the administration obtains permission from the Civil Service Department to hire on a temporary or emergency basis. The administration permits these responsible for the various functions to employ such extra help, subject to its approval, Such employees use the time clock and are paid on an hourly basis, and receive an additional ten percent in lieu of vacation and sick leave. New ftloyees 41 employees are'hired under the County Civil Service. Applica- tions are certified to the Administration and interviewed by the Assistant Custodian who,then makes his recommendation to the Custodian, Based on _5 _' the reccmmendations,,the employment-is authorized by the Joint Count H:-use and City Hall Committee. �y�rcll Procedure At the completion of each payroll period the time records'of each supervisor except those of the elevator operator, janitors and watchmen, *arose records are kept on the time clock., are transmitted to the assistant custodian for-the preparation of the individual payroll aheet;after this sheet has been completed,.it is given to the clerk to type the payroll in triplicate and also the - individual payroll checks.. After the payroll has been typed and balanced, it is signed by the assistant custodian as to its correctness and by the custodian for approval for payment. Two copies of the payroll are then submitted to the County Civil Service Department in the same manner- as'other� county payrolls,.,after which the original is forwarded to�the City Comptroller for audit,and disbursement.. The duplicate copy is returned to the custodian for submission to the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee for its approval,,which copy is retained by the County Auditor. The third copy is retained by the custodian., The Joint Court House.and City Aall employees are paid on the third and eighteenth days of each month., To accomplish this, it is necessary to-prepare the payroll three days in advance of the end of the payroll period., This procedure requires adjustments because of incomplete time records for the payroll period.t Assignment of Duties The Janitor and Watchman assignments are made by the Custodian, or his assistant.. Al The Elevator Operators are given their assignments by the Elevator Starter.: The Switchboard Operators receive their assignments from the supervisor. The requests for mechanical or ekectrical service are received by the Superintendent of Mechanical Equipment, or his staff, if, of a routine nature,, are disposed of at their earliest convenience. In all other cases, before Going any work on the equipment needing attention, it is discussed with the Custodian,. The Painters are given their assignments by the Custodian. The requests for-normal maintenance requiring the services of the carpenters are made to the Custodian's office. Other requests for the services of the carpenter requiring the expenditure of additional funds gust have the - approval of the Custodian. Purchasing Procedure All requests for materials or services are submitted to the custo- dian by the supervisor of the various functions. For normal - siappllep the custodian proceeds with the purchase through the City Purchasing Department. At the present time, normal services are purchased directly •x by the Custodian such as.electrical,'telephone, towels, exterminating, water, mop rentals, etc.- Requests for any major items are submitted by the custodian to the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee, except in the case of extreme emergency, in which case, the matter is subsequently reported to the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee. If the Committee approves the request, it directs: 11 The Custodian to make the purchase direct. 2.. 'The Custodian to requisition through the City Purchasing Department. 3. The Secretary of the *Joint Court House and City Hall Committee to advertise for bids. In the case of procedure two (2) or three (3), the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee also secures the services of the City t Architect when necessary. f The Custodian has a $30.00 petty cash fund for small emergency purchases. - 7 - nts All payments for services and `supplies are made on a Joint Court House and City Rail claim form 'Each claim requires the approval of the custod.:'an. The . custodian prepares an abstract'of'claims - to be submitted to the Joint, Court _House and City Hall Committee together with a transmittal form which he s;Lgns, "is form "also prevides for the signatures of the Claims After approval by-the Claims • Committee., the, approval of the entire (!Z)i At Court • lkiuse- and' City Hall Committee is obtained, A32 claims are approved by the attorney,for the Committee,, and they are -then "submitted to the Auditor who forwards them to the'County, Attorney fcr approval) after which the County Auditor retains his copy 'of the claims checking them against the approved abstract of claims. One copyLof the "claims and invoices is ;resented to the City Comptroller for audit and payment-, She Comptroller then checks with the assistant custoOian and obtains from him the audit copy for all purchases that had been made on city purchase orders, All other claims aro,paid on a City miscellaneous claim form prepared in the Comptroller's office, "A A schedule ,of vcuc}iers is then prepared in the Comptroller's office after which disburseiment .is .made, Reimbursement by County A list of all claims approved fer payment together with a county claim form is prepared by the City'Comptroller. A-separate claim is prepared for payrolls.. She County -Auditor., • after verifying `the City claims with the 'individual.• claims •previously `approved by�'the Joint Curt House and City Ba]l • Ccamittee' and County ' Attorney, ' together with the-payroll claim which is at this time approved.by'the County Attorney., are then submitted to the County Board T for its approval„ -After this approva�, reimbursement' is anode to the 'City of SE. Paul. .. _ 8 - Records All records of expenditures for the if6int'Count House and City Hall are recorded.in a journal maintained in the. administration office. Mis jour nal lists all purchases and payrolls by months. An indication is made on each entry as to the appropriation to which it is charged. At the end of each month, the charges to each appropriation are totaled and used to prepare the monthly budget report to the Committee. M.is report shows the total budget appropriation, the amount expended to date, and the balance remaining in the appropriation. DEC 4 - 1958 RECOMMENDATIONS It shall be the duty of the Custoddan by June 1 of each year to prepare a budget annually for submissiin to the Joint Court House and City Hall Ccmmittee. Such budget shall provide in detail for the cost of operation, maintenance, repair and alteration of the building for the ensuing year: She Committee shall after review thereof, submit its proposed budget request to the City Comptroller and County Auditor by, July 1st of each year; Zhe Custodian shall keep the Joint Court muse and City Hall Committee advised and informed as to the condition of the building and the need for repairs and alterations both on an immediate and long -term basis,and shall include the estimated cost of such immediate repairs in his annual budget: Major improvements or repairs should be programmed so that the financing thereof can be anticipated the Custodian in the operation of the building shall stay within the detailed limits' of the amounts set forth in the approved budget and shall request official authority before making any departure therefrom; PAYROLL In order to make up the payroll in time to meet the pay date, it is necessary to anticipate several days' time, 'This may result in inaccurate payrolls necessitating adjustments by the Custodian, the City and the County:. This could be avoided and time saved with the payroll being prepared after the completeion of the payroll period, and the pay date extended from the 3rd and 18th to the 6th and 21st of each month: In order to have uniformity in the time records, and since the time clock facility is available, it is recommended that all Court = 10 - House and City Hall employees working'in the building use the time clock, and this record be the basis for preparation of the payroll. liiis record would give the administration better control of the time records and the centralization thereof.. 'It is further suggested that each supervisor maintain a record of time off for his or her employees. A report of this record should be submitted to the administration at the end of each payroll period to be used in conjunction with the time card for prepara- tion of the payroll. Payroll Procedure -1.. Approval of payrolls is required; however, to facilitate tb4s procedute.,''it is recommended that an appropriate annual action be taken by the Committee to authorize the - disbursement of the necessary funds. To accomplish this, it is suggested that action similar to that taken by the Board of County Commissioners be taken by the Committee by adoption of a resolution listing the number of positions for which appropriation has been made with approval thereof by the City Council and County Board. She same action should be taken as regards Health and Welfare Insurance. `2. 2b have uniformity in the time records; and since the time clock facility,-it available, it is recommended that all Joint Court House and City Hall Committee employees working in the building use the time clock, '3. She pay date'should be extended'to the 6th and the 21st of each month. 4. Each supervisor shall maintain a record of time -off, vacation, sick leave, etc. of each employee under his jurisdiction, a report of which shall be submitted to the administration for use in the preparation of the payroll. - 11 - 5. The payz+oll• shall be prepared in -four (4) copies on the Iasi day of he. payroll period- by the administration from the time cards anti reports of vacation and sick leave furnished by the supervisors. It shall be signed as to-its correctness and as a, proper charge by the custodian or his assistant if so delegated, 6. A payroll schedule shall be prepared in four (4) copies to be distributed as follows: The original to the City Comptroller; triplicate to the County Auditor's Accounting Department, the duplicate for the administration and the last copy to the Secretary of the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee This "schedule of payrolls shall have the annual action of approval by the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee indicated thereon, and it requires the same approval by the administration as the payrolls. 7. The payroll and schedule of payrolls together with the insurance billings, credit union deductions,, etc,, are submitted to the County Civil Service Department for certification and approval as required by the Civil Service rules. These instruments are then submitted to the City Comptroller for audit and payment, after which the 3rd and 4th copies of the payroll and schedule are sent to the County Auditor, the second copy returned to the administration and the original retained by the City Comptroller. PURCHASING It is recommended that all purchasing, including services such as towels, exterminating services, mop rental, etc,, be made by the Gity purchasing agent in the same manner as other city departments. Th addition to uniformity with other departments and facilities using the City Purchasing Department, -it- will also afford better budgetary -12 and psi chasing control; 'This would no longer require your secretary to handle any of your purchasing functions as all informal and formal pur- chasing would be made by the City Purchasing Department,, Purchasing Procedure A, Limitation Zhe City of SaInt'Paul purchasing procedure shall be followed, the requirements of which'are as follows: 1, Purchases in excess of-$500, @0 must be purchased on formal bids„ 2, Purchases in excess of $100,00, but not exceeding $500.00 require informal bids, 3, Fhrchases.on less than,$100.00 are negotiated by Rirchasing Agent-of City of St. Paul, 4. Exceptions to the'above are permitted by the City Charter at the discretion of the Purchasing Agent. B. Requisitions Purchase requisitions are prepared-in dufilicate by the - administration and must be approved and signed in the space provided therefor. Mae duplicate copy thereof is retained by the administration and the original given to the City Rurchasing Department, C. Purchase Orders Purchase Orders are made up in five (5) copies; copy Ib, 1 for vendor, copy DJo. 2 and No. 4 for administration, copy M'; 3 for Purchasing Department and copy No. 5 for comptroller: The administration's copy No. 4 is retained for its permanent record, it's copy No. 2 is used for its approval that the goods have been received and are satisfactory as to quality and quantity. Vendors' invoices are submitted to the Purchasing Department for verification after which they are-sent to the _13_ administration officeo lie administration matches the invoice with the proper purchase Order (copy Noo 2) and approves the same for payment4 INTERDEPARWWAL REQUISITIONS AND INVOICES A. Interdepartmental requisitions are used when some other City department is requested to furnish services or materials for use by the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee; these requisitions are normally used only for nonrecurring interdepartmental services. B. Interdepartmental requisitions shall be prepared in three (3) copies : 1. The original and second copy is submitted to the Comptroller for approval of funds, the comptroller retains the original with the second copy sent to the department which is to per- form the services. 2. The third copy is retained by the administration. C; Upon completion of the work, interdepartmental invoices are prepared in four (4) copies by the department furnishing the services and are used as follows: 1. Copy No. 4 is retained by the department; copies 1, 2, and 3 axe sent to the City Comptroller for approval of funds, He retains the second copy and delivers the original and third copy to the administration, with the 3r4 copy retained for their file. 2. After approval for payment, the original is to be a included in the schedule of vouchers. MISCELLANEOUS CLAIMS AQ Miscellaneous claims are genera]lVased in those instances in which there has not been a purchase .requisition or interdepartmental .requisition usedd It covers such items as telephone, electric, travel. -14 oafs claim is prepared in three (3) copies and shall be approved by the adm•inistrati,:on. '9he third copy is retained by the administration; the original and second copy are submitted to the Comptroller for approval of .t%mas, She Comptroller retains the second copy., the original is returned to the administration to be included in the schedule of vouchers, PASS A procedure similar to that now in effect for the newly created Detention and Corrections Authority which is a jointly financed.activity should be established, Payment Procedure A. A Schedule of Vouchers shall be prepared in five (5) copies of all purchase orders., requisitions, invoices and miscellanecur- 'claims by the administration for the approval by the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee, After approval by the Committee, the Secretary shall distribute them as follows: , 1, Copies No, 1 and 2.. together with the purchase order (copy No, 2) and invoice shall be delivered to the City Comptroller for audit and payment, Copy No, 3 to the County Auditor (Accounting Department); copy No. 4 for the administration., and copy No. 5 shall be retained by the Secretary, B. 'Ihe City of St, Paul procedure for payment shall be followed except that the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee shall authorize'the paymento Such authorization shall be indicated on the payroll schedules or by an appropriate annual action atitherizing the payment 'of salaries. C. Such approval will also be required for the payment of voucherso a ' D.. Payment will be made on invoices rather than the County claim fwrm, . E, Zhe approval of claims -by the County Attorney and the Attorney for the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee will not be required, -15- LE REINBU�x SEMENT BY COUNTY She present procedure of reimbursement by the County to the City although satisfactory, creates budgetary problems especially.at the end of the year. Under existing procedure) the city encumbers the obligations of the Jbint Court ,Rouse and City Hall Committee 100% (4- including payrolls) �n a C�.ty budget which provides only 50% of the funds, This could be remed;Led by securing legislative authority for.the county to'adv�ce. its share of the working capital required to• establish and operate a revolving, fund, Reimbursement Procedure Reimbursement by the County of Ramsey to the City of Sto . Paul shall be on the Poll c$iing. basis: to On a monthly basis. 2. Special County claim shall be used which will list the various schedules identified by num'ber., copies of which schedules have previously been furnished. " the County Aadlitor, She County Attorney, in an opinion dated .March 19, 1958, has ruled that. the County Board has no control over the committee's expenditures and cannot object to the ;manner or amount , of - an expenditure and,indicated that there is sufficient justification for the County to,reimburse_ the City for one -half of said e2tpenditurps without the approval in.each case of the Board of Cclunty Commissionerso The •County Attorney has.algo- previously indicated -that approval of �claims,by the County Attorney is not required, inview of these rulings, the claims for reimbursement , to the City of St; Paul for .,joint - Court, House and City Hall, expenditures will not be submitted to' either the County Attorney or the Board of , County Commissioners,,' - 16 - . RECET.PTS A11Oreceipts are to be deposited with the Commissioner of Finance by the Administratim offices Receipt books ave used which are obtained from the City Comptroller aZid are prepared in triplicate. The book and the receipts are submitted to the Commissioner of Finance who acknowledge-. receipt thereof, retaining one copy and forwaxding one copy to the City Comptroller for audit. The City mill remit 150% of`the receipts to the County Treasurer and deliver such r6mittances to the County Auditor. 'Pre- sently., Joint Court House and City Hall receipts are deposited with the County. ADMIVISTFMON RECORDS A, There should be established an appropriation ledger which would include the amount of the budget appropriation, the actual expenditures, the encumbrances and the unencumbered balances. From this record, the balance in each appropriation could be determined currently. It could also be used in the preparation of the monthly report submitted to the committee by the custodian. To have this monthly report reflect as nearly as passible the actual status of this appropriation at the conclusionof each month's operation, it will be necessary that the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee meet later than the first Friday of each montho It is recommended that the budget appropriation for services and supplies be apportioned by the Custodian to the various functions under his jurisdiction.. It is further recommended that a detailed expense dis- tribution be maintained for each function as this would eventually assist your committee, the custodian, the City and County.in its consideration of the Joint Court House and City Hall budget and operation. -17- t Custodian's Petty Cash Fund A fund of $30.00 has been provided for the Custodian to make minor and iffbiedi,%tjr necitiUary purchases. It is recommended that the Custodian file a claim for reimbursement to such fund each month and that such claim be supported by sales slipso :ending Macbines M has been brought to our attention that certain types of vending machines are in use in various parts of the building. The revenue derived from this source is used to replenish the stock in the machines. This revenue shall be deposited in the same manner as other Joint Court House and City Hall mvenues, and the stock to replenish the machines shall be purchased through the City purchasing department. Furniture and Fir uipment In the interest of equity, it is suggested that the responsibility for the maintenance of all furniture, fixtures, furnishings, including draperies and rugs (excluding venetian blinds) should be the responsibility of the various departments using them. It being the intention that the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee would no longer be required to furnish these departments with rugs, draperies or the reupholstering of furniture, etc. However, the services of the custodial staff would be available for the replacing of casters, springs,etc., and make minor repairs with the necessary materials and supplies to be furnished by the department. Veterans Qaarters lie have reviewed correspondence and action taken by your Committee In reference to the overtime paid to janitors who are employed in the Veterans Qzarters;, We are referring to the overtime paid directly by Veterans organizations to your janitors for working on Saturday, Sunday and certain holidays. In the memorandum dated January 24, 1957, from C. C. Jorgensen, County Civil.Service Administrator, he refers to an "off- the�cv.ff" opinion of Mr,. Wiliam F. D-:smond, Assistant County Attorney, said, "The janitors are not county employees when being compensated by the Veterans' organizations reserving the hall, and, therefore, the County would not be responsible in cases of. injury on the job during such employment ".,,.'!here is no written opinion by your attorney as to the liability of your Committee in cases of Anjury for -this type of employment, Likewise, there may be a question whether or not the janitors may be legally paid in this manners T.,egislative Changes As we have stated previously, your Committee operates under a law which has not been amended since 1889. 9iis law, in part,provides that the necessary expenses of maintaining the City Hall and Court House shall be paid equally by said City and County; loo provision is Invade in the law as to who should do the purchasing or who shall act as thejfiscal agent for your Committee. '.Ihe law should be amended to clearly establish a r definite fiscal procedure directing the use of the City of,St. Paul I facilities according to its charter regulations; further, the law should be amended to direct the county to reimburse the City of Ste Paul for its proportionate share of such expenditures„ Aslpreviously recommended, authority should be obtained to permit the County to advance its share of the working capital required to establish and I operate a revolving fund, It is interesting to note that all the fiscal procedures are patterned after those now in use in the City, ?xcept that the employees of your Committee are under County Civil Service, using a City payroll form and a City payroll check being issued. - 19 _ Outside Agencies The cost of operating and maintaining the City Hall and Court House is financed within the 9 mill limitation of the County andfwithin the per capita spending limitation of the City„ She use of this building by agencies which are financed from edLi -ces other than those mentioned above places a burden upon the,Cc.ttee,the City and the County, As to'the Committee, it increases the difficulty of allocation and I control of space because there i"s'no charge made to these agencies. Also the need for additional space by City and County departments is ever increasing which problem is aggravated by the presence of these outside agencies in the building. As to the City and County, if a rental charge were made to those agencies which derive their revunes from sources other than from the limitation mentioned heretofore, the amount of such rental income could be used either to increase the goint Court House and City Hall budget making possible improved services; or this income could be used to help finance the present budget, thus making available additional sums for other appropriations within existing limitations. With the passing of time and with expanding activities'of both the City and County, and also outside agencies, and the need for 1 additional office, vault and storage space arises, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee to comply with all requests. It is recommended that the Committee make or have made {a complete survey of the use of space in the building, with the thought that 'here might be a better allocation thereof, and particularly storage and vault facilities and the possibility of destroying many of the ^ older records to provide space for later files. - 20 - NIGHT JANITOR SUPERVISOR 9here are approximately twenty (20) night janitors and three (3) watchmen (Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays in addition to nights) employed by the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee. 9here is no o4e in authority present in the building after regular working hours to supervise or direct the Odrk of this staff of• employees, distribute needed working equipment, handle emergencies, or make necessary decisions as may arise] it is now necessary for the janitorial•staff or watchmen to call the Custodian or his assistant for instructions, and.if they'are unavailable,-must assume the responsibility without authority for handling the situations as they arise. It is strongly recommended that a Night Supervisor be engaged by the Joint,Court House and City Hall Committee to be in charge and to be responsible to'the Custodian for the proper functioning of the night operations of the building. - 21 - SUMMARY She present procedure that we have previously outlined and most of the recommendations contained herein and the proposed procedure have been based on the law now in effect, It is our opinion that by accepting and putting into effect this proposed procedure by appropriate action of your committee and concurrence therein b the Board of County Commissioners and the City Council it will result in: 1. More effective fiscal control we 2. Mae records in the administrati 3. Facilitate the processing of cla9 4, Payments to vendor would be'more 5. Simplify reimbursement procedure 6, Establish a procedure similar to Departments. 7, Would no longer require the Join Committee claim forms. 8. Approval of claims by County Att 9. Approval of claims by the Joint Committee Attorney .n6t• required. It must be borne in mind that any pi or simple, is not any better nor more e procedure by those responsible for the DEC 4 -1 E be established+ office would be more complete. -0 current. for the County. that in use in all other City - 22 - Court House and City Hall not required. House and City Hall , no matter how elaborate ctive than the use made of such stration of such procedure., F0119wing is AMERNM No. 1 to the Aecomamendations of the County Auditor and City Comptrgller relative to the pracedure regulating the financial records and administrative procedures Of the Joint Court House and City Hall Cgtmnittee, dated December 4, 1958, and approved by the Joint Court Haase and City Hall Committee on February 16, 1959 Zhat the maintenance ..and repair of all air conditioning units serving the various departments in the City Hall and Court House be assumed by the Joint C.curt House and City Hall Committee, effective January 1, 1960, and that in anticipation thereif, provision be made in the 1960 budget for the employment of an air conditioning unit repair and main- tenance man and fer the purchase of necessary repair and replacement parts and supplies; and Uhat the County Civil Service Administrator be requested to prepare specifications for and recommend the classification for the position "Air Conditioning Maintenance M.n % March 11, 1959 xf%