09-1082CouncilFile# 09-1082 Green Sheet # � / y rj � RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by � 1 WHEREA5, Matthew Soucek - Project for Pride in Living has applied for a variance (File Na o9- 2 252310) from the strict applicafion of the provisions of Section 67.303(2) & 66.231 of the Saint Paul 3 I,egislative Code pertaining to 1) a minimum of two (2) acres is required for any development in the area; 4 2) A minimum parking lot setback of 25 feet is required for the parking lot along Benson Avenue in the 5 RM2 zoning district at 2236 7th Street West. PIN: 152823340034 6 7 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on September 8, 8 2009 pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203 of the L,egislative 9 Code; and 10 ll WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public 12 heazing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 13 14 l. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3. 42 The property in question can be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. Project for Pride in Living (PPL) is a nonprofit developer of affordable housing for low- to moderate-income families. They currently own and manage over 1,000 units of affordable housing in the Twin Cites area. PPL is proposing to construct a 3-story, 44-unit apartment building with underground and surface parking. The majority of the parking will be in the underground ramp with 11 surface parking spaces at the reaz of the buiiding along Benson Avenue. The project will replace a vacant nonconforming commercial building and five older single-family homes ali built in the eaziy 1900s. The applicants have attempted to obtain additional properties in order to meet the minimum two acre lot size standazd but have been unable to do so. This azea was rezoned for multi-family residential use in 2000 as part of the Shepazd/Davern Small Area Plan. The Plan envisioned a diversity of new multi-unit housing for this area. This pazcel is a through lot and as such the property does not have a rear yard but has two front yards for setback purposes. Parking is not allowed 'an a required yard except a rear yard and this makes it impossible to provide surface parking for visitors without encroaching into a required setback. However, the applicant has not actively pursued obtaining additional property for the development that would eliminate the need for variances. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these circumstances were not created by the land owner. The minimum two acre lot size standard creates a hardship for any new multi-family residential development. There are no two acre sites under single ownership in the residential portion of the Shepard/Davern area. Without the ability to obtain property through eminent domain, it is difficult to put together a two acre parcel. This is a circumstance that was not created by the cunent property owner. The proposed variance is not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and may adversely affect the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabizants of the City of 5t. Paul. 09-1082 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 4. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 5. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 6. . . .� . : :� :. The Small Area Plan identifies this azea as having small pockets of older single family homes and nonconfornvng commercial uses. The Plan recommends replacing these uses with multi-unit residential buiidings with a range of family size and income levels. There wili be a mixture of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units available with some for residents with income levels of 60% or less of the azea median, some for residents of 50% of the median and 10 units of supportive housing for those who meet the definition of long term homeless. This proposal is consistent with the Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan but not the Shepard/Davem Small Area Plan which calls for a minimum lot size of 2 acres. Staff has received several letters in support of this project and several letters in opposition. The proposed variances are not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and may adversely affect the healCh or welfaze of azea residents. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of Ziglzt and air to adjacent property, but will alter the essential character of the surrounding area which may unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The proposed new building will meet all of the required setbacks and height limits. The requested variances will not adversely affect the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. Although the appiicant has not obtained finai 3ite Plan Review approval yet, preliminary review has indicated thai the plans will meet the desigp guidelines of the Shepazd/Davern overlay district. The building design will borrow from elements associated with neazby Fort Snelling and other historic buildings in the area. The project area will be extensively landscaped with a series of rain gardens and underground drain tile systems that will allow much of the storm water to be retained on site. The proposed development will change the chazacter of the Fort Road Gateway to Saint Paul which could have a negative impact on surrounding properties. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected tand is located, nor would it alter or change the Zoning district classifzcation of the property. Multi-family housing is a permitted use in this district. The requested variances would not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. The applicant is a nonprofit organization whose primary desire is to provide affordable housing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TI' RESOLVED, by the Saint Paui Board of Zoning Appeals that the request to waive the provisions of Section 67303(2} & 66.231 in order to construct a new 44-unit apartment building in the Shepard-Davern Overlay District on property located at 2235 7th Street West; and legally described as Rankins Addition To The City Of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota Subj To St L.ots 1 2 And I.ot 3 Blk 4; in accordance with the application for vaziance and the site plan on file with the Zoning Adminisuator, IS HEREBY DENIED. o9-iosa 89 WHEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of L,eg. Code §61.702(a), Matthew Soucek, on September 90 2, 2009, duly filed with the Ciry Clerk an appeal (File No. 09-264816) from the determination made by the 91 BZA, requesting a hearing to be held before the City Council for the putpose of considering the actions 92 taken by the said Board; and 93 94 WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Leg. Code §61.702(b), an upon notice to affected parties a public 95 hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on September 16, 2009, where all interested parties were 96 given an opportunity to be heard; and 97 98 WHEREAS, The City Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the 99 variance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the BZA, does hereby 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 llb 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby find that the BZA erred and reverses the decision of the BZA in this matter, based upon the foliowing findings of the City Council: � 3. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. The testimony before the BZA indicated that PPL had reasonably tried to obtain additional properties but was unable to do so. Fur[her, the configuration of the lot means that there are two front yards and no rear yards which makes it impossible to provide surface pazking without a setback. Finally, this project meets al] of the other height, setback and development requirements. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and will not adversely affect the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the Ciry of Saint Paul. This variance is consistent with the Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and the Small Area Plan which calls for replacing small older homes with multi-unit residential buildings with a range of family size and income levels. This is exactly what this project will do. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light or air to adjacent property, and will not alter the essentiad character of the surrounding area and will not unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. This project will meet all of the design guidelines of the SheparcUDavern overlay district and, therefore, will not negatively impact surrounding properties. 09-1082 135 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Matthew Soucek be and is hereby granted subject to 136 the condition that the PPL obtain full site plan approval and, be it 137 138 FINALI.Y RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Matthew 139 Soucek, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the BZA. 140 141 142 143 Requeste�� ' p Gner of: � �� , By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Adopted by Council: Date \� ["�- f C7 Adoptio�ertified b o ci cte�taty �— By: Approv , b,�1y � Date j � � t 0 n/ B `�'�- �--��--� Appr by City Attorney , By: Appro e y y�or Su sioi o Council By: � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �� ; � � i t� � Oepartmentl0ffice/Council: Datelnitiated: GPPieC� SheGt NO 3081478 il CA _ City Attomey 23 SEP 2009 '� ContactPerson&Phone: Departrnent Sent7oPerson IrtitiaVDate � � � 0 jCity Attomey � --�-, Rachei Tiemev I �� 266$ � 1 ' Attorne DepartmentA'vector , � Assign 2 ' Attorne �-,� I Must Be on Councii Agenda by (D Number 07-0CT-09 For 3 ayor's Of6ce i MavodASSistant Routing 4 oonN � - ----� I Doc. Type: RESOLUTION Order I 5 Ctiri Clerk � Clerk � E-DocumeM Required: Y I � DocumentCOnWCt: JWieKraus � Conpct Phone: 2668776 Toql # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locatlons for Signature) Action Requested: Memorializing City Council's Septembet 16, 2009, morion to reverse the decision of the BZA in this matter and grant the appeal of Matthew Soucek for a vaziance regazding required acreage and pazking lot seWack for the property couunoniy known as 2236 7th Street West in Saint Paul. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for this departmenl? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not namally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes a�wers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Council is requized pursuant to City Charter to have its acaons Leduced to writing either in the form of a tesolutoin ot an ordiance dependent upon the nature of the matter before it. The decision of Counil in this matter required a written resolution in order to comply wiht the Charter. Appoving the attached resolution fulfills the Council's duty under the Charter. Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages H Approved: DisadvanWges If NotApproved: ToYal AmouM oi Transaction: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial Information: I (Explain) September 23, 2009 5:32 PM Page 1 � DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY ANPrI17�PLC.'1�IONS Bob Kessler, D�rector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chriszopher B. Coleman, M¢yor September 2, 2009 Council Research 310 City Hall St Paul MN 55102 Dear Mary Erickson: COMMERC6BUILDING Telephone. 651-266-9090 8 Four[h Sneet Eas� Smre 2Q0 Facmm�le: 651-266-9124 StPau{ :Llmrsesota JJI01-1024 Web }vivw sfpaul2ov/dsi I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, September 16, 2009, for the following zoning case: Appellant: Matthew Soucek Zoning File #: 09 264816 Purpose: Location: Staff: District: Board: An appeal of a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals denying rivo variances in order to construct a 44 unit affordable housing development at 2236 West 7th Street. 2236 7th St W Recommended approval with conditions. Recommended denial Denied on a 4-2 vote. I have confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Pat Hanis. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Counci] at your earliest Convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thank you! Sincerely, John Aardwick Zoning Specialist NOTICE OF P'[7BLSC AEe1RING The Saint Paul Ciry Council will'con- duct a public heaiing on Wednesday, Sep- �tember l6, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Gouncil Chambers, Third�Floor, City Hall/Courthouse. 15 West Kellogg Boule- vard, St.- Pa�l; MIV, Yo cunsider the apgeal of Matthew Soucek-(Ptnject for Pride in .Lioin� to,a decision of the Board' of Zo�iug Appeats denying two vaitances in ordei, to cons#�uct a 44 unii affotda6le housfng'dr velopment at 2236 West 7th Street: "f� 09-Z6r}Slfi} � , _ Dated: September 3, 2009 MARY ERICiiSON � -� Asslstant�Cit}�CouncilSeqretary,- . - ° --(�JePtemnea°81- .. - - ___? 8'��PS8L.8EGAi�.l.E11GER:=-'--=�. 2aaas�a �. � . AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REPORT TI'PE OF APPLICATION: Major Variance FILE #09-252310 APPLICANT: �ARING DATE: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLANNING DISTRICT: Matthew Soucek, Project for Pride in Living August 24, 2009 2236 7TH STREET WEST RANKINS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, RAMSEY COUNTY, NIINNESOTA SUBJ TO ST LOTS 1 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 4 IS PRESENT ZONING: RMZ; SHEP/DAV RES ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.303(2) & 66231 Shepard-Davern Sign District REPORT DATE: August 13, 2009 BY: John Hazdwick DEADLINE FOR ACTION: September 19, 2009 DATE RECEIVED: August 10, 2009 A. PURPOSE: Two variances in order to construct a new 44-unit apartment building in the Shepard-Davem Overlay District. 1) A minimum of two (2) acres is required for any development in this area, 1.23 acres is proposed for a variance of .77 acres. 2) A minimum 25 foot setback is required for the parking lot along Benson Avenue, 4 feet is proposed for a setback variance of 21 feet. B. STTE ANA AREA CONDTTIONS: This is a 53,000 square foot parcei bounded by West Seventh Street, Springfield Street and Benson Avenue. The properiy slopes from the north down to the south with a grade change of about 12 feet. Surrounding Land Use: Various residential uses. C. BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to construct a 44-unit apartment building on this site. D. FINDINGS: I. The property in questron cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provrsions of the code. Pnoa 1 nfT 09-1082 File #09-252310 Staff Report Project for Pride in Living (PPL} is a nonprofit developer of affordable housing for low- to moderate-income families. They currently own and manage over 1,000 units of affordable housing in the Twin Cites azea. PPL is proposing to construct a 3-story, 44-unit apartment building with underground and surface pazking. The majority of the parking wili be in the underground ramp with ll surface parking spaces at the rear of the building along Benson Avenue. The project will replace a vacant nonconforming commercial building and five older single-family homes ail built in the eazly 1900s. The applicants have attempted to obtain additional properties in order to meet the minimum two acre lot size standard but have been unable to do so. This area was rezoned for multi-family residential use in 2000 as part of the Sbepard/Davem Smail Area Plan. The Plan envisioned a diversity of new multi-unit housing for this area. This parcei is a through lot and as such the properiy does not have a rear yard but has two front yards for setback purposes. Parking is not allowed in a required yard except a rear yard and this makes it impossible to provide surface parking for visitors without encroaching into a required setback. The proposed 44- unit building meets all of the underlying RM2 standards and is a reasonabie and permitted use of this property. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to crrcumstances untque to this property, and these circumstances were not created by the Zand owner. The minimum two acre lot size standard creates a hardship for any new multi-family residential development. There are no two acre sites under singie ownership in the residentiai portion of the Shepardli�avern area. Without the ability to obtain properry through eminent domain, it is difficult to put together a two acre parceL This is a circumstance that was not created by the current property owner. 3. The proposed va�iance is !n keeping wlth the spirit and antent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul. The Small Area Plan idenrifies this area as having small pockets of older single family homes and nonconfonning commercial uses. The Plan recommends replacing these uses with multi-unit residential buildin�s with a range of family size and income levels. There will be a mixture of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units availabie with some for residents ��rith income levels of 60% or less of the area median, some for residents of 50% of the median and 10 units of supportive housing for those who meet the definition of long term homeless. This proposal is consistent with the Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and the ShepardlDaverm Smail Area P1an. Staff has received several letters in support of this project and one letter in opposition. The proposed variances are in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and will not adversely affect the health or welfare of area residents. P»mP 9 nf? � � �� File �09-252310 Staff Report 4. The proposed variance wzll not irnpuir an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish establis{:ed property values within the surroundtng area. The proposed new buiiding will meet ali of the required setbacks and height limits. The requested variances will not adversely affect the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. Although the applicant has not obtained final Site Plan Review approval yet, preliminary review has indicated that the plans wili meet the design guidelines of the Shepazd/Davern overlay district. The building design will borrow from elements associated with nearby Fort Snelling and other historic buildings in the area. The pro}ect area wili be extensively landscaped with a series of rain gardens and underground drain tile systems that will allow much of the storm water to be retained on site. The proposed development will enhance the character of the Fort Road Gateway to Saint Paul which should have a positive impact on sunounding progerties. S. The variance, if granted wotrld not permtt arry zrse that is not permitted under the provrsions of the code for the pt in the district where the affected land rs located, nor would it alter or change the zorcing diszrict cdas,safication of the proper6y. Multi-family housing is a permitted use in this district The requested vaziances would not change or alter the zoning classification of the properiy. 6. The request for variance ls not based prlmaraly on a desire to iracrease the value or income potential of the parcel of land. The appiicant is a nonprofit organization whose primary desire is to provide affordable housing. E. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: As of the date of this report, we have not received a recommendation from District 15. F. CORRESPONDENCE: Other than the letters mentioned above, staff has not received any cortespondence regarding this matter. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings i through 6, staff recommends approval of the variance subject to the condition that the applicant obtains finai Site Plan Review approval before any construction or grading occurs on the site. ➢noP R nf i 09-1082 �J a � APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departme�zt of Safety mzd Inspections 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220 Sairtt Paul, MN SSIOI-I806 65I-266-9008 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION �Zoning�officeuseoniy _ � File rio., m g "�7��l0 -. Fee . N ,�S • � Teniative 3iearmg da�e: ' � q�lG� 9 Address t0� Fc �'�j'n � � G. `J City�/� St._�1 Zip 554otr Daytime phone�,,zl k5�'SiQ`.� Name of owner (if dififerent) � �,.Nz I Address 7� �j� e,�s�.�-1 �'�" 1�4-�Qa_,'�' Legal description: �r,� �„1-� c l.�s li.� � (attach additional sheet if necessary) I TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the: � Board of Zoning Appeals � City Council under the provisions of Chapter 61, Section , Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made by on F+le number: 8 - Z52310 GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusai made by an administrative officiai, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by ihe Board of Zon+ng Appeals or the Planning Commission. �P� G'��'I�GC3� ✓�GG�frG'�`i�. additiona! sheet if • Applicant's Date � /2Id' Cityagent � Helping people � � heip themseives 09-1082 �� � � � �. , � September 1, Z009 Kathy Lantry, Councii President City of St. Paul Office of the City Councii 320-C City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. ' Saint Paui, MN 55102 Dear President Lantry: I am writing to you regarding the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals last week to deny PPL's application for zoning variances relating to the proposed PPL West 7"' housing development. As outlined in the draft resolution of the BZA in this matter, we had requested variances for the 2-acre minimum parcel size required pursuant to the Shepard- Davern overlay to the existing RM-2 zoning, and the 25-foot off-street parking setback requirement also required pursuant to the Shepard-Davern Overlay. PPL wishes to appeal the BZA's decision to deny these variances due to what we betieve is an error in finding refating to Items 1, 3 and 4 of the draft BZA resolution: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonab/e use under the strict provisions of the code. The draft resolution provides an accurate general outline of the development proposal and effectively lays out the vision for the area as outlineii in the Shepard Davern Small Area Plan. The draft resolution clarifies that it is impossible to provide visitor parking for this planned use without a variance due to the fact that it is a through-Iot, which would seem to be the case whether or not additional property were added to the development. The draft resolution then goes on to state that PPL has not actively pursued the acquisition of additional properties that would eliminate the need for a variance. PPL has made very reasonable efforts to acquire additional property for the devetopment. The only logicat additional propert}r that couid add to the development parcei is adjacent property to the northeast along Benson Avenue and West 7th. We have had multipfe discussions with the adjacent property owner on Benson Avenue. When approached as to his interest in selling, the owner named a desired sate price of more than double the market value for his property. Tfie market vafue was determined by the 3` party acquisition consultant and real estate broker who provided us with area sales data. This data provided a starting pointfor successfuf � � � Affordable Sausing . Emgloyment & Job Trainiag . Support Services • Education Project for Pride in LivimJ . 2035 East FrartkGn Aerenue, Minneapoiis, h9N 55404 • 612.455.510� . Fax: 612.455.5101 • www.pp(-ittc.org . ppL@ppi-inc.org _ ,, �, v �� �• � � I ,. � . / 1 e • negotiations with six other property owners. The price for this one additionai property would render the acquisition infeasible. No offer was tendered, give� the disparity between the asking price and what PPL was able to offer for the property. Charaderizing this excha�ge as ��Not actively pursuing additional property" is not accurate. The draft resolution is very clear in Finding of Fact #2 that the two acre minimum requirement creates a hardship for any multifamily residential development in the Shepard-Davern Overlay. There are no parcels on this particular block that approach two acres. PPL is a private deve{oper with no other means of acquiring multiple smail properties than through amicable negotiation. We have made reasonable efforts to acquire additional property Prom adjacent property owners and were unable to do so. As a result, the parcel we have assembled cannot be put to reasonable use u�der strict interpretation of the code. The adjacent property owner on Benson Avenue has attended recent public hearings in this matter and has stated that he is stili open to a reasonable offer from PPL. Indeed, PPL is still willing to make a reasonable ofFer for the property. It should be noted, however, that acquisition of this property will not achieve the two acres � needed to avoid the parcel size variance. Additional properties to the northeast would also need to be acquired to do this, and the development would by necessity grow in overall mass and density as a result. This wouid be contrary to the desires we have heard in our presentations to the District 15 Council, where council members and some area residents were concerned about the result of additional density in the area. Based on this, it would seem the variance would be a more desirable outcome than assembly of the full two acres. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the hea/th, safety, comfort, morals and we/fare of the inhabitants of the City of Saint Pau/. The draft BZA resofution states that the proposed variances are not keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and may adversely affect the health or welfare of area residents. At the BZA hearing on August 24, neither the zoning administrator nor members of the District 15 Council who provided testimony were able to provide explanations as to the original "Spirit and intenY' of the two-acre minimum parcel size requirement of the Shepard-Davern pverlay, or explain how this requirement enhances the health and welfare of area residents. The development we propose has undergone a , prelim'tnary site plan review with city staff and it was established that the proposal meets or exceeds the city's storm water management requirements, conforms to the � ,�. 4 ;'_ e.°� _ .'f�'c _ �� �• ��-� �. � _ � design provisions or the RM-2 code and Shepard-Davern Overlay, meets a�l setback and height requirements for the building, and will not adversely affect overall traffic in the area. There has been considerable concern from area residents about potential tra�c problems as a result of the development. We have represented to the community that we will work closely with city statf to determine if traffic controls are needed and implement them if so. We fu(ly intend to do this. Nonetheless, the preliminary finding was that the proposed density will not significantly alter traffic patter�s in the area. We will add curb and qutter along Springfield Street and a portion of Benson Avenue that currently does not exist, improving storm water flow down the street and +nto the storm sewer system, and add a public sidewalk along the nortfieast side of Springfield Street. These features serve to improve the safety of the area. The usage we propose is precisely what the Shepard Davern Small Area Plan cafls for: a multi-family residential buiiding with a range of family size and income levels. We believe the variance IS in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, replacing small, dated structures with the precise use outlined in the Plan. The number of units proposed (44) has been scaled in proportion to the lot size able to be acquired. There. will be no demonstrable adverse affects to health and weifare of area residents. Quite the contrary, the proposed development will provide 10 supportive units for very low income residents, ailowing for the stability of families that would otherwise go unmet. In addition, the family-size rentai units are in short supply across the city, and particularly lacking in the Highland community. Despite the concerns expressed by some area residents, there is no objective evidence that the construction of a new affordable rental building will adversely affect their f�ealth and welfare. 4. The proposed variance wi/I not impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property, nor will it a/ter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonab/y diminish estab/ished property va/ues within the surroundirtg areas, The draft BZA resolution essential character of the established property values. states that the proposed development will alter the surrounding area, which may unreasonably diminish The design of the proposed building will incorporate elements commonly found in the architecture of the area, staying consistent with its historical character to the greatest extent possible. The area around this segment of the Fort Road Gateway is a mix of older, smaller single family homes, interspersed with smail commercial uses, muiti-family bui(dings, and even some light industrial uses. There is no single defining "essential character" in the four or five adjacent blocks on Fort Road to � � • � �� � • - t p :��_. - 09-1082 o9 a�l _ � preserve. Several nationa! and Twin-Cities-based studies do not support the notion that newly constructed affordable housing developments have a negative effect on surrounding properties, sometimes even feading to increases in property values for surrounding property. The building we propose will meet the side-yard setback required between neighboring properties as weU as the maximum height requirements. Additionally, we have designed the building with a hip roof and dormers so that it does not achieve its maximum height at the edge oF the building nearest the neighboring properties. This was done specifica{ly to reduce its mass of scale from neighboring properties and not deprive them of light and air. We wi{1 look forward to elaborati�g on these assertions at an upcoming meeting of the city council. Please contact me at (612) 455-5215, or by e-maif at matt.soucekColppl-inc.orq , with any questions or concerns you may have. Sincere i��d"�� � � Matthew Z. Soucek Sr. Project Manager Project for Pride in Living, Inc. � � ��. �E� � 09-1082 -� 6g-� � * �� � � � � Q � � e� 3 �a s.IFd :_ �_:_$�_^-.�� a��:t E=��a'a�� 3 d s� "��=�! ?�a fi� :3 i . . � ¢k �� ° s g� $.3{gps�E 9 � � �:''. p � a 39$�3e �i Y" � 4 $ . 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C '� , '. \\<�.�'...�.!�^ �°� 's\2 ...%� ��•� , �a..�,, �\ �« ,.; T` B- � ✓ � fJ _ \� �'�b � P e �' i �� . `� . a \� ' `�� / J{. - : ' � � y� # /� � / i'.. \ i / \ ! _ � �� Y ` n �' i \ \ ' � \\ e � $ p : � E rs � d �^ S � \� i � a � � e Ff� � g•a � . � e Y3: y �� S 8�_ Sa � �s'8 09-1082�� ��;� � � �::�,-.�� BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REP�RT d� _S TYPE OF APPLICATION: APPLICANT: HEARING DATE: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLANNING DISTRICT: PRESENT ZONING: REPORT DATE: DEADLINE FOR ACTIOPi: Majoz Variance FILE #09-25231U Matthew Soucek, Project for Pride in Living August 24, 2009 2236 7TH STREET WEST RANKINS ADDTfION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, RAMSEY COUNTY, NIINNESOTA 3UBJ TO ST LOTS 12 AND LOT 3 BLK. 4 IS RM2; SHEP/DAV RES ZOIVING CODE REFERENCE: Shepazd-Da�ern 5ign District 67.303(2) & 66.231 August 13, 2009 BY: 7ohn Hazdwick September 19, 2009 DATE RECEIVED: August 10, 2009 � � A. PURPOSE: Two variances in order to consiruct a new 44-unit apartment building in the Shepard-Davem Overlay Distric� 1) A minimum of two (2) acres is required for any development in this area, 1.23 acres is pmposed for a variance of .77 acres. 2) A ,,,;n;mum 2$ foot setback is required for the pazlang lot along Benson Avenue, 4 feet is proposed for a setback variance of 21 feet. B. STTE AND AREA CONDITIONS: Tfiis is a 53,000 square foot patcel bounded by West Seventh Street, Springfield Street and Benson Avenue. The pmperly slopes from the north down to the south with a grade change of about 12 feet. Surrounding Land Use: Various residentiat uses. C. BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to construct a 44-unit apartment building on this site. D. FINDINGS: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions � of the crode. , Page 1 oF3 � File #09-252310 StaffReport 09-1082 •::�`' s'� T. .��=� S� Project for Pride in Living (PPL) is a nonprofit developer of affordable housing for low- to moderate-income families. They currently own and manage over 1,000 units of affordable housing in the Twin Cites area. PPL is proposing to construct a 3-story, 44-unit apartment building with underground and surface pazldng. The majority of the pazking will be in the underground ramp with 11 surface parking spaces at the rear of the building along Benson Avenue. The project will replace a vacant nonconforming commercial building and five older single-family homes all built in the eazly 1900s. The applicants have attempted to obtain additional properties in order to meet the minimum two acre lot size standard but have been unable to do so. This area was rezoned for multi-family residential use in 2000 as part of the Shepard/Davern Small Area Plan. The Plan envisioned a diversity of new muiti-unit housing for this area. This pazcel is a through lot and as such the properiy does not have a rear yard but has two front yards for setback purposes. Parking is not allowed in a required yazd except a reaz yazd and this makes it impossible to provide surface pazking for visitors without encroaching into a required setback. The proposed 44- unit building meets all of the underlying RM2 standards and is a reasonable and permitted use of ttris property. � 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these circumstances were not created by the land owner. The min;m� �.o acre lot size standazd creates a hazdship for any new multi-family residenrial development. There are no two acre sites under single ownership in the residential portion of the Shepard/Davem azea. Without the ability to obtain property through eminent domain, it is difficult to put together a two acre pazcel. This is a circumstance that was not created by the curtent properry owner. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and weZfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paut. � The Small Area Plan identifies this area as having small pockets of older single family homes and nonconforming commercial uses. The Plan recommends replacing these uses with multi-unit residential buildings with a range of family size and income levels. 'I'here will be a mixture of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units available with some for residents with income levels of 60% or less of the azea mediau, some for residents of 50% of the median and 10 units of supportive housing for those who meet the definition of long term homeless. This proposal is consistent with the Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and the ShepardlDaverm Small Area Plan. Staff has received several letters in support of this project and one letter in opposition. The proposed variances aze in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and will not adversely affect the health or welfare of area residents. � Page 2 of 3 File #09-252310 StaffReport 09-1082 �T�' `'� �� �� �� � � � 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The proposed new building will meet all of the required setbacks aad height limits. The requested variances will not adversely affect the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. Although the appficant has not obtained final Site Plan Review approval yet, preliminary review has indicated that the pLws will meet the design g�idelines of the Shepard/Davem overlay district. The building design will borrow from elemeats associated with neazby Fort Snelling and other historic buildings in the area The pmject area will be eactensively landscaped with a series of rain gardens and underground drain tile systems tUat will a11ow much of the storm water to be retained on site, The pmposed development will enhance the character of the Fort Road Gateway to Saint Paul wluck should have a positive impact on surrounding properties. S. The variance, ifgranted, would not permit any use that is not permi#ed under the provisions of the code for the pmperry in the district where the afJ`'ected land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the property, Multi-family housiug is a pernutted vse in this district. The requested variances would not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land The applicant is a nonprofit or, ni�ation whose primary desue is to provide affordable housing. E. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECONIlVIENDATION: As of the date of this report, we have not received a recommendation from District 15. F. CORRESPONDENCE: Other than the letters mentioned above, staff has not received any correspondence regarding this matter. � � G. STAFF RECOIVIIVIENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff recommends approval of the variance subject to the condition that the applicant obtains final Site Plan � Review appmval before any conshuction or grading occuzs on the site. �` j L/ Page 3 � 3 SAINT PAUL � �IAAA� APPLICATION FOR ZONllVG VARIANCE Department of Safety and Inspections 375 Jackson Street Suite 220 Saint Pau� MN SS10I-IB06 GeneraL 651-266-9008 F¢r: (651) 26(r9099 APPLICANT � ,� �I _ .��_ _. Address_�O,�tj ��,�,�K\'n l�.w � "� City �A�y.rz=cc_ n�i� .c St Y'��i}.8¢ DaytimePhone �Ca�2.� !rt'ii'i �21 �i Property Interest of Applicant (owner, coutract purchaser, etc) �-c��__4t���� Name of Owner (if different) �j ��j-��..Ir. _ y,y�• Phone J Address/Location 2,�, �tx ��.,.{- �.'�`n e PROPERT'Y LegalDescription �j�,� �,-}j- �� r ,,� � INFORMATION (a[tach additioxal skeet ifnecessary) Lot Size r 3 y 33 25 [' Present Zoning RM 'Z Present Use �',�� �=^� ',� �� Proposed Use � Variance[sj requested: � Supporting Information: Supply the necessary informarion that is applicahle to your vaziance request, provide details regazding the pmject, and eaplain why a variance is needed. Duplex/tdplex conversions may require a pro fozma to be sabmitted. Attach additional sheets if necessary. J�. GG�{`�'� Attachments as required: �4�'c,S� Site Plan y ��: _'� �-� ��.:: � . �. i Applicant's Signature � p Date � ''L(,1 � Heiping people pp� � heip themseives 09-1082 � �� ;� _ � . � August 3, 2009 Mr. ]ohn Hardwick City of St. Paul 375 Jackson St. #220 Saint Paul, MN 551�1-1806 Dear Mr. Hardwick: Project for Pride in Living, Inc., a developer of quality affordable housing in the Twin Cities area since 1980, proposes to develop a 44-unit apartment building near the intersection of West 7�' Street and Springfield Street. The parcel is currently comprised of five residential properties, one commercial property and a portion of an unimproved public ai(ey. PPL has entered into agreements with the six property owners that provide for an option to acquire the properties through December 1, 2009. The development will require variances for the minimum parcel size requirements ouYlined in the Shepard-Davern Overalay to the existing RM-Z Zoning. Pursuant to the overlay, a minimum of two acres is required for multifamily developments. The proposed development parcel is 53,332 square feet, or 1.23 acres. The development will also require a variance for the setback requirements outlined in the overlay for the off-street parking planned along Benson Avenue. The overlay requires a 25-foot setback. The devefopment pfan shows a 4-foot setback. Accordingly, I have attached the application for the variances we are seeking and the associated supporting materials and fee. The materials inciude: 1. ZoningJLand Use Application 2. Apptication Fee 3. Project Description' 4. Survey 5. Site Pfan 6. Letters of support from area residents It is my understanding that the public hearing for our variance request wiH be Monday, August 24 at 3pm. Please (et me know if this is not the case for any reason. Please contact me at (612) 455-5215, or by e-mail at matt.soucek(alppi-inc.orq , with any questions or conCerns you may have. Since�✓ d, Matthew Z. Soucek Sr, Project Manager Project for Pride in Living, Inc. . f � Affordabte 13ousinq . Empioyment & Jab Training . Support Services . Educatioa Project for Pride in Living • 1�35 East Franklin Avenue, MinneapoLis, MN 55404 • 612.455.5100 • Fax: 612.455.5101 . www.ppl-incorg • ppL@ppL-incorg Helping peopTe � f . � • August 3, 2009 Mr. John Hardwick City of St. Paul 375 Jackson St, #220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 Dear Mr. Hardwick: help themselves �_ . A�� �' 1 � I • . v+4#�. a� _ �• Project for Pride in Living, Inc., a developer of quality affordable housi�g in the Twin Cities area since 1980, proposes to develop a 44-unit apartment building near the intersection of West 7` Street and Springfield StreeC. The parcel is currently comprised of five residential properties, one commercial property and a portion of an unimproved public alley. PPL has entered into agreements with the six property owners that provide for an option to acquire the properCies through December 1, 2009. The development will require variances for the minimum parcel size requirements outlined in the Shepard-Davern Overalay to the existing RM-2 Zoning. Pursuant to the overlay, a minimum of two acres is required for multifamily developments. The proposed development parcel is 53,332 square feet, or 1.23 acres. The development will also require a variance for the setback requirements outlined in the overlay for the aff-street parking p{anned along Benson Avenue. The overlay requires a ZS-foot setback. The development plan shows a 4- foot setback. Accordingly, I have attached the application for the variances we are seeking and the associated supporting materiats and fee. With regard these variances, I submit the following to be true and correct: i. The p�operty in question cannoC be put to a reasonab/e use under fhe strict provisions of the code. A development of this type would not be possible without the variances outlined above. Although the 61ock is zoned for multifamily development, individuai properties are comprised entirely of single-family homes o� 5,000 to 10,000 square feet of land that were created pursuant to the previous zoning of tfie area. Assembly of multiple small properties is di�cult� as not all owners are wiiling to self their properties, and at this time it is not possibie to assemble enough land to comprise a two-acre parcel. With regard to the parking setback variance, strict adherence to the code will not leave enough room for a multifamily structure due to the relatively short length of the site, when land needs for storm water management and the �� Affordabie Housing . Employment & Job Training . Support Services . Education Project for Pride in Livi� . 1035 East FrankLin Avenue, Minneapoiis, MPo 55494 . 612.455.5100 • Fax: 612.455.5101 • www.ppl-inc.org . ppL@ppt-inc.org _ �� �;�; � 1' 1: 9 � �� � • ' � stoping topography of the site are a(so taken into account. A public sidewalk will be � added to the frontage along Benson Avenue that does not currentiy exist, and granting of this variance will enhance, nok hinder, foot and bike traffic along the street. 2_ The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique Yo the properiy, and these circumstances were noE created by the landowner. PPL has put fnrth its best efforts to acquire additional property for the development parcel and reduce the size of or eliminate the lot size variance we are seeking. We have been unable to secure additional parcels despite these efforts. With regard to the parking setback variance, the topography of the site rolls gently to the southeast, from West 7"' Street toward Benson Avenue before flattening out along Benson. This is the only location on the site conducive to an off-street parking tot. We fiave included 55 underground parking spots in the development plans and do not need a variance for the overall number of parking spots in the plan. PPL presented_its development pians For the site to city stafF in a preliminary site pian review meeting on )uly 29. No objections were brought forkh from the perspective of storm water management, parking, streets and traffic. We betieve whaG we have proposed for the site will work well physically and is also consistent with planning for the area. S 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spi�it and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals a.nd welfare of the inhabi#ants of the City of Saint Pau/. The variances notwithstanding, the development proposa! meets the intent of the Shepard Davern Small Area Flan in every way. It adds multifamily housing units to the area which serve a variety of incomes, as called for in the plan. The development will exceed th2 city's rate controi and other storm water management requirements. We wifl add curb and gutter along Springfield Street and a portion of Benson Avenue that currently does not exist, improving storm water flow down the street and into the storm sewer system. The development will provide tow to moderate income families with affordabie housing options that are not currently avaiiable in abundance in the area. 4. T6e proposed varTance wilf not impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property, nor evill it alter the essentPa! character of ihe sur�ounding area or unreasonably diminish established property va/ues within the surrounding areas. Adjacent properties will not be deprived of air or figfit as a result of the development. �• The s�rrounding area is comprised of a m+x of single-family homes and smai! � �T� r� ._, d •� � �::~� , a �s 09-1082 `"°��'��` j � � • multifamily apartment buildings, and there are 5everal newer apartment developments in the area, such as the West 7`" Crossings development to the southwest. The design of the proposed building will incorporate elements commonly found in the architecture of the area, staying consistent with its character. The construction of new housing units in the area will have a positive effect on surrounding property values. 5. The variance, if granted, wou(d not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where affecYed land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the property, Adjacent properCy would continue to be zoned RM-2 Multifamily, as would the development parcel, and this classification would not be altered by the proposed variance. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parce/ of land. We are requesting the variances referenced above to provide quality affordable housing consistent with PPL's organizational mission, the goals outlined in the city's • comprehensive plan, and to provide multifamily housing units in an area zoned accordingly in conjunction with the Shepard-Davern Smail Area Pian. Our request for the variances is in no way intended to increase the value of income potential of the land. I have attached severa! letters of support for our development proposal and the variances we are requesting that were written by area residents. Please process our application for these variances at your earfiest convenience. It is my understanding that the pubiic hearing for our variance request will be Monday, August 24 at 3pm. Please let me know if this is not the case for any reason. Please contact me at (612) 455-5215, or by e-mail at matt.soucek(apol-inc.or4 , with any questions or concerns you may have. Sincerely, ���t,�V� ��� Matthew Z. Soucek Sr. Project Manager • Project for Pride in Living, Inc. l" 09-1082 ��' t���� =� O�i -�,� � � m � L b a ` �� � � � -� • • 1` 1' , Y�. i..,� � �¢� ..::`_.. .:.. � � • ����I � ��� .. Hetping peoptehelp themsetves PPL WEST 7 HOUSING Project Description August 3, 2009 Project for Pride in Living, Inc., a developer of quality affordable housing in the Twin Cities area since 1980, proposes to develop a 44-unit apartment building near the intersection of West 7` Street and Springfieid Street in the City oP St. Paul. The parcel is currently comprised of five residential properties, one commercial property end a portion of an unimproved public alley. PPL has entered into agreements with the six property owners that provide for an option to acquire the properties through December 1, 2009. The proposed building will be 3-story with elevator and underground parking. Construction will be wood frame over precast concrete and will have a cement board, � stucco and manufactured rock exterior. The architectural design of the building will borrow from efements associated with nearby Fort Sneiling and other historic buifdings in and around the neighborhood, consistent with the character of the neighborhood. PPL believes that use of such historic architectural features commonly associated with the area witl help to reflect the link between the neighborhood and its history. The proposed development will provide a combination of family and workforce rentai housing geared toward those of low to moderate incomes. Of the 44 total housing units, il will be 1-bedroom, 22 wil) be 2-bedroom and 11 will be 3-bedroom. 17 of the 2-bedroom units will be large apartment flats with 2 bathrooms. Resident incomes will 6e restricted to b0% or less of the area median income (approximately $45,000 annually} for these units. Resident incomes for the remaining units will be restricted to 5D°lo or less of the area median income (approximatefy $37,000 annually). The rents proposed for all units will be affordable to residents at the incomes stated above. PPL believes that the proposed unit mix and rent tevels of the proposed devefopment provides enormous fiexibitity in serving a wide range of family sizes and incomes levels. The building will provide 10 units of permanent supportive housing serving families who meet the state's definition for Long Term Homeless (LTH). Project-based Section S and HUD Shelter plus Care financing is proposed to cover the difference between the monthiy rent and 30% of the family's monthly income for these fami{ies. Supportive services and case management wili be provided by Catholic Charities, our supportive housing partner for the development. Catholic Charities provides over 500 shelter beds and over 600 transitionat and/or permanent housing units in the Twin Cit+es area, along with a comprehensive range of housing services. Five 2-bedroom � townhome style units and five of the 3-bedr000m apartments are designated to serve LTk{ families with supportive services. l� ' � " . '_4,: y: s �° r I' I' >�``'�, rr ,•�, The buiiding wiii inctude a large community room to accommodate the abundance of � self-su�ciency and youth programming that PPL's Self Sufficiency Program wiil provide for residents, as well as programming relating to the supportive housing units. An adjacent outdoor piayground and cammon space wiH be available for residents and their children. The community room and play area are located on the interior side of the building and weN away from the relatively high volume of tra�c on West 7` Street, PPL envisions a very green development, with terraced landscaping leading to a series of rain gardens and underground drain tile system that will retain much of the storm water from the site. The parking lot along Benson Avenue will be paved with a pervious surface that allows water infiltration. The storm water management plan will exceed the city's rate control requirements, as weli as the MPCA and watershed district water quality requirements. The develapment plans include energy star appliances, bath fans and range hoods, as well as water-conserving toilets, showerheads, bath and kitchen faucets. Trees wifl be planted eo provide shade along the southwest exposure of the building, thus reducing summer cnoling costs while providing other emironmental and aesthetic benefits. The landscaping plan includes an abundance of shrubs and other piantings. PPL also envisions a very trensportation-oriented development, with secure bike storege space available in the underground parking area and use of pubfic transportation encouraged by its immediate availability. The development is located on a major transportation corridor with bus service immediatety availabte to Downtown St. Paul, the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, and points of employment and service that lie i� between. An abunda�ce of retail and commercial � serviees are in very close proximity on West 7�' Street. The deveiopment is also in close proximity to many area parks, including Crosby Farm Regional Park, one of the largest in the city. The proposal for PPL West 7�' Housing is consistent with the housing plans of the City of St. Paul artd the Metropolitan Council, as well as the smal! area plan affecting the proposed site. The city's housing plan wlls for housing to provide for a range of economic levels. According to the Allocation of Affordable Housing Need for 2�11- 2020, produced 6y the Metropolitan Council, the City of St. Paul will need 2,625 additional affordab(e housing unifs by 20Z0. The Shepard-Davern Small Area Plan calls for a gateway to the city from the Southwest that includes 1,000 new multifamily housing units and rnmmercial frontages in the area of the development parcel. All parcefs in the development properCy were rezoned over the (ast ten years from their previous single-family designation to multifamily in order to accommodate the vision set forth in the small area plan. PPL has developed and currently owns over 1,000 rental housing units throughout the Twin Cities area, 12Q of which are located in the City of St. Paut. PPL operates its own properly management services and manages the rental units they own. PPL was recently awarded the 2009 Best in Real Estate - Multifamily Development or Redevelopment by the Minneapolis / St. Paui Business Journal for our Van Cleve Apartments West housing development. PPL believes the proposed development presents an opportunity to assist the City of St. Paul in meeting its housing goals, to provide tre�sit-oriented housing for working families and individuais, and to provide quality affordable housing opportunities for tow and moderate income families . consistent with PPL organizationa! mission and objectives. � � s� • � Y� �� � � G ;9 � i A � � J • I \� � } // / J � �t V /E, _� � b :�� � � i' e F �'' ��� •E / � I§' �� ' �i��' � ' � ��'r � r � -�•• A ��' I �� � C . o �� ' "� / i �, �� / �:� �n �.�,. I � � . G�' �� s ' �\ 9, T *q, , • 9�q•y �, • �'l�. j' . ��FO (6 E° / ..� q , _ . �. ��^--�., � �� . . h $, $. � `?.:, ' _ . a u ; � : ���'� � p ��;� i�� ' 3 � ' ��C P � ��� I ���� v u 4S �'� � ; � � a � � p �ya �a h - f3 ° €� a � a : � _, �� 's z � P \ � � 9� � `-8� T � � ��� p x Z � $P ��� � �� �i S � � § � e t � F � �� i � � � � � � � �; g' �� �� � � �° �g 'a : 1 a9 4� s S .3 $ S� �� n� 3g �� � � � �. �. i c�1 , � � \� :_§_� �`� � \ , ` S . � �` ? 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As you wel! know; variances are requested quite often and are granted quite often. This is a very worthwhite project and should not be tumed down. Th you for your consideration. �'a i�'Colem�rt �"`�- A neighbor for 73 years � � � � i � : �� �. � .+'':. . , ' °' • Temple ofAaron 616 South Miss�ssippi River Boufevard I St Paui, MN 55116 1 651-698-8874 - 651-698-3000 Fax I ww�x.tempfeofaaron.org May 21, 2009 John Hardwick, Zoning Administrator City of St. Paul Deparhnent of License, Inspection and Environmental Protecfion 375 Jackson St. #220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 Dear Mr. Hardwick: The shortage of affordable housing in St. Paul, particulaziy in the Highland Community, has been of great concern to the Social Justice Coznmittee of the Temple of Aaron. Tha Congregation has used i building to provide temporazy housing for homeless families, provided volunteers for similaz church based programs in Highland, built Habitat for Humanity homes and worked with tenant groups in several subsidized housing projects in St. Paul. � We were very excited to leazn about Project for Pride in Living's (PPL) proposal to build a 44 unit affordable aparlment building neaz the intersecrion of W 7'� Street and Sprin�eld in Highland. The property will house low to moderate income families and includes 10 units of permanent supportive housing, which the city desperately needs. Supportive services will be provided by PPL's self suffieiency Progam staff. Several members of the Social Justice Committee publicly �pressed support for the proposal at the Highland Development Committee Meetings. 'I°his proposal meets all the criteria under St. Paul's Housing Plan and the Plan developed by the Metropolitan Council. Further, PPL has considerable experience in building and managing affordable multifamily properties throughout the twin cities. We, the social justice committee of the Temple of Aazon, strongly urge you to support ttus proposal. Please let us know how our congregation can work together with you to make sure this project is approved. Sincerely, • Members of the Social Justice Committee (in attendance at the Aprii 22, 2009 meeting) Howazd Goldman L,ois Bloomberg Brian Zaidman Bill Lerman 7ohn Ball 7oAnn Silvers Susan Flynn V ic Rosenthal A�Sh�+it-taeAein � Bertrud S. Aaskas Rabhi laureate Mitchell D. Koxitr Canror �� �„a- n� ;• �: - �� i � i : -� __ a -�- � . John Hardwick May 23, 2009 City of St. Pau( � Department of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection (LIEP) 3751ackson St. #22Q Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 Dear Mr. Hardwick, This letter is in support of the affordable housing compiex proposed by Project for Pride in Living on West 7` Street in St. Paui. I have been a resident of Highland Park for 13 years. i welcome a reputable organization such as PPL and v;ew an affordable housing building geared towards families as a positive addition to the neighborhood. Families who need afFordable housing are regular peopfe. However, some neighbors have a negative perception of affordable housing. Some think of less affluent people and a building they would live in as attrecting crime, exacerbating parking problems, or an eye-sore for the neighborhood. These misconceptions are misplaced. fn reality housing affordability is housing cost that does not exceed 30% of a household`s � incnme. People try7ng to raise and support their families on the salary of a nurse, janitor, or retail sales worker would struggle to meet the afFordability standard. PPL's proposed affordable housing complex on West 7`" Street is a well thought out proposal. The building is along major 6us routes, allowing residents to travel to work or school in an affordable manner. The nearby stores and businesses make it easier for residents to purchase their everyday needs. The site is designed to be an attractive building that fits in with the architecture of Highland Park. I hope that the City of St. Paul supports PPl in its request to buiid an affordable housing complex in Highland Park. Regard , � �. Pocernich� � �� • I ' I : y ,- � ;- .�,- �: �< � � , s May 15, 2009 Mr. John Hazdwick City of Saint Paul Departrnent of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection (LIEP) 375 Jackson Street, #220 Saint Paul, MN SS 1Q1-1806 Deaz Mr. Hazdwick: As a 35-year resident of the Highland Pazk neighborhood and a member of the City of Saint Paul's recently concluded Comprehensive Plan Housing Chapter Task Force, I am pleased to write in support of Project for Pride in Living's plan to construct 44 units of housing on West Seventh Street at the bottom of the Snelling hill. This housing project is an ideal use for this particulaz parcel of properiy and is consistent with the City's plans to assure a mix of housing opportunities in ttris part of Highland Pazk. � As was well documented through the work of the housing task force, Saint Paui will haue a great need for additional lugh quality low and moderate income housing options in the years to come. I have had the opporhmiTy to work with PPL over the yeazs in the development of their other housing projects in Saint Paul. I know that it is a well-run organization that designs and constructs high quality units and that manages them well to integrate into the surrounding neighborhood and to assure that the residents aze successful in stabilizing their housing situation. I have reviewed the plans for the West Seventh project and have attended PFL's presentation sponsored by the Highland Disirict Council. There is no question that this project will be an asset to the community. I urge the City of Saint Paul to take whatever steps are necessary to work with PPL in bringing this project to fiuition. Sincerely, � �. J hn G. Couclunan 641 Niles Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 � i � � 09-1082 � � Robert Beutet ��� _Ns Qttorney at Law ��� 2080 Edgcumbe Road Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 651-699-7392 651-699-6308faX bo6�anthrofaw.com Mr. John, Hazdwick, �oning Administrator City of Saint Paui Department of License, Inspection, and Environmentai Protection 375 Jackson Street #220 5�..,�..-�-�:a:� "'IhT-55]Qj — t.�.t(i� >. Re: Project in Pride for Living — PPL West 7th Housing parcel size variance Dear Mr. Hardwick, As a Highland Pazk resident living a couple of blocks away from this pmject site, I wish to support Project in Pride £or Living's variance request. I have attendefl a community meeting and l�ave reviewed the materiats fiunished by PPL and by concemed citizens. I have not fleard any azguments. of any kind opposed to the lot size issue. To me, the request is eiriuLently reasonable. PPL will match the reduced lot size with a proportionate reduction in footprint and unit numbers. Otherwise, the project is compliant with wning and other legal tequirements, and is consistent witii fihis area's small area plan, and there aze no legat grounds to refuse approval once the variance is granted. I understaud the feazs of the objectors, but those aze objections to the very notion of low and moderate cost housing, not to lot size. VJe have a lazge body of statntory and case law going back to at least 1948 wluch protects the housing rights of unpopular minorities, so those azgurzietiia ar Cuout. T�e �ot iii t;t�yti:iduY:S fi:Y' y2L`�':�1r;�,r.b rY.Y��n� h��,.,a f� tr disadvantaged faznilies are far more compelling. I urge the City to grant the request as expeditiously as possible. Friday, May 22, 2009 / �, / s i � � � R=S; : �� _= ; � Mitl Citq �ce AdminLshafira Utfices 1931 WestBroadway Suite 1PI Minn�polis, MN 55411 612287.1600 Capiiol �ty Office 357 Oneida Street SaiM Paul, MN 55102 651.222.4488 Edea xaase C� heatmeat Progcams 7025 Podland Aven�e SouVi Minneapolis, MN 55404 612.336.W23 ReeotryAshland 532 Ashiand Avenue Sairrt Paul, MN 55102 651292.1A66 Reenhy btetro 444 West Lynnhurst Auenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 651.644.1951 � ReeoVy West &55 West Sevenih Street Saint PaW, MN 55102 s�tzz�.szsi RSf tahmataries 1931 West &oadway sulte taz Minn�polis, MN 55411 612287.166� Seotence to Service 357 Oneida Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 651.222.4488 Snppo►tive Hm�sing Alliarice Aparhnents Jackson SUeet Village Central Avenue Apartmenh PorUand Vlllage 7th Landing Lindquist Apartmenfs WATCHGUAR�m 1931 West Broadway Suite 201 Mirmeapolis, MN 55411 612A66.7160 � 04_1�82 May 28, 2009 Mr. John, Hardwi�k, Zoning Administrator City of Saint Paul Department of License, inspection, and EnvironmenYal Protection 375Jackson Street #220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 Re: Project in Pride #or Living— PPL West 7th Housing parcel size variance Dear Mr. Hardwick: � � .�.�_ -.� a���� RS Eden a sister non-profit developer ofi afFordable and supportive housing, we support Project in Pride for Living's variance request. The project in every other way is compliant with zoning and other legal requirements, and is consistent with this area's small area plan, and there are no legal grounds to refuse approval once the variance is granted. PPL has developed and ow�s over 1,000 units of rental housing throughout the Twin Cities,120 of which are in St. Pau{. PPL staff and manage all of these units. PPL is a leader in providing service-enriched housing. Programs such as youth academic enrichment, employment training and readiness, and self sufFiciency will all be available to residents at West 7th. RS Eden understands the need for affordabfe housing in ai{ communities. The ciients RS Eden serves rely on affordable housing opportunities to continue their positive journey in recovery and self sufficiency. PPt is a leader in developing and operating projects such as these. �� Gorrections, Subsiance Abess and Supporlive HousinqServices �� o�-ioaz �`L��� _ � August 6, 2009 Mr. John Hardwielc City of St_ Paul Department of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection (LIEP) 375 Jackson St. #220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 Dear Mr. Hardwick, I am a resident of St. Paul and I am writing in support of Pmject for Pzide in Living's (PPL) proposed housing development for'that is a£fordable for families. I believe affordable housing is a community asset and often provides the foundation � for a more stable Iife for families, workers and children. Housing that is aftordable allows a family to provide for other necessities and to save for the tnture. PPL's proposed affordable housing complex on West 7tfi Street is a well pIanned and is located near major bus routes that would allow residents to travel to work or school in an affordable manner. The nearby stores and businesses make if easier for residents to purchase their everyday needs. The site is designed to be an attractive building that fits in with the architecture of Highland Park. I encourage the City of St. Paul to supports PPL's request to build an affordable housing complex in Highland Park. Sincerely, �� y -�' ` �i %3 � �` S �- �'� /r�nl Ss��� S° � �! 6 s( -� �`f -6.!".�'"o 09-1082 � August 10, 2009 7ohn Hardwick City of St. Paul Depazhnent of License, Inspection and Environmental Proteciaon (LIEP) 375 7ackson St. #220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 Deaz Mr. Hazdwick, This letter is in support of the aff'ordable housing complex proposed by Project for Pride in Living on West 7`� Sh�eet in St. Paul. My name is George Stone and I am the Program D'uector for the Corporarion for Supportive Housing — MN, (CSI-�. I have had the pleasure of working with Project for Pride in Living (PPL) in a variety of ways for more than a decade. During this time I have come to regazd PPL is one of tbe most reliable, reputable and cooperative organizatians I know. In my current capacity with CSH, many dozens of proposed housing projects from • throughout the state have worked with us to enswe their projects meet the expectations of both the surrounding community and the tenants that will eventually live there. In my professional opinion, PPL's proposed housing compiex on West 7�' Street is a well thought out proposal. The building is along major transit routes, allowing residents access to work or school. The nearby commercial dis4ricts provide for easier shopping and also numerous employment opportunities. PPL has a long histAry working to ensure their developments ue designed to be attractive and fit in with the immediate community. I see no reason why this project in Highland Pazk should be any different. Secondly, as a life long resident of St. Paul, � welcome the opportunity to increase our stock o£ well-designed, well-managed affordable rental housing. I believe a project like this will be an asset to the neighborhood. While some may hazbor misconceptions regazding affordable housing, my experience would azgue that affordable housing such as this is needed to support the diversity of families at all income levels who would like to live and work in Highland Pazk. I sincerely hope that the City of St. Paul supports PPL in its request to build an affordable housing complex in Highland Pazk Sincerel�� �C/ — • George Stone, Progtam Director Corporation for Supportive Housing, Minnesota (612} 721-3700 ea�t. 108 geor e.stone ,csh.org I Page 1 of 1 JoLn Hardwick - Properfy on Sneltiug & West 7th St. in SL Paul From: <home2250@comcast.net> ' To: <john.hardwick(u�ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 8l17/2009 8:30 AM Subject: Property on Snelling & West 7th St. in St Paul � John, 1 have been a home owner in the area since 2002 on Benson ave. t object to the 44 unit housing unit thaf is being proposed. This area is already crowded by many other apartments in the area as well as business. The last thing we need in our little area is more people. There are rumours apartments a few blocks away. Not only is there no need for this development where it is being proposed they are 1/3 short of the required 2 acres even if they had more land this is the last thiRg that is needed. ! strongly appose this on many levels, I hope the home owners that were here get a little respect and preserve our area. Sincerely _ $ecky Reinsch 2250 Benson Ave.. � �� file:/IC:�Documents and Settin�sWardwici\Local Settings\Temp�grpwise\4A89153Finai... 8/17/2009 � � August 13, 2009 Susan Haigh 910 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 John Hardwick City of St. Paul Department of License, inspection and Environmenta{ Protection (LVEP} 375 Jackson St. #220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 Dear Mr. Hardwick, 09-1082 � �{�ib' This letter is in support of the affordable housing complex proposed by Project for Pride in living on West 7 Street in St. Paul. I am a resident of St. Paul in the Summit Hill Neighborhood and I am a strong supporter of PPL's proposed affordable housing 6uilding project. I welcome a reputable organization such as PPL and view an affordable housing building geared towards famifies as a positive addition to the neighborhood. I currently lead Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity and Habitat has a strong partnership with PPL over many years; we have developed Habitat homes in PPL developments and have found them to be an excellent manager of affordable housing rental units. Families who need affordable housing are regular people. Sometimes neighbors may have a negative perception of affordable housing. They may be concerned that afFordable housing attracts crime, exacerbates parking problems, or creates an eye-sore for the neighborhood. These misconceptions are misptaced. In reality, housing afforda6ility is housing cost that does not exceed 30% of a househoid's income. Affordable rental units managed by a quality service provider such as PPL will become a community asset. People living in these units are working people: nurses, janitors, retail sales clerks. PPL's proposed affordable housing complex on West 7 Street is a well thought out proposal. The building is located on a major bus route and allows residents to travel to work or school in an affordable manner. The nearby stores and businesses make it easier for residents to purchase their everyday needs. The site is designed to be an attrective building that fits in with the architecture of Highland Park. I hope that the City of St Paul supports PPL in its request to build an affordable housingcomplex in Highland Park. Sincerely, �c 1r � 4 . Susan Haigh (/ �� 09-1082 '�"'°"'�`�- PROPERTY WITHIN 350 FEET OF PARCEL: 2236 7TH STREET WEST . , -. . ,. � � � y �^ � � ' ' , "" • `� � � � � . �, , � � - � , � � � ' "_, . � , . � . � - �:'. . ` . . . � � � , . '_" . . � . . . '___�r_=___' _'______' i . "'n� �. Jfl :' _w' ,: . . .�. � � � � � � m�o � .r•y" �:: � � . f�' �� :i � x • �. t �.' X . . t . r P/ /. I N I�1 S �� • I CREATED BY DSI � n L..J � u 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. �. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17: � SUNRAY-'BA'I`I'I_ECkt�EI€-IiIGHWOOI? Ht1�EL Pt�RK IIADEN-PFtOSI�ERITY,T-IILLCRES"I' WEST SIDE � 'DAYTON'S BLLJFF PAl`1�I�-PHALEN , NORTti END TFIOMAS-DALE SUMMIT-iJI�tVERSITY WEST SEVEN1Ti � � � CO1Vt0 � HAMLINE-1VIIDWAY � . ST. ANTHOI�IY PARK , MSItTdIAIvI PARIC-LEXING�'ON HAIviLTi�-SNELLTNG MACALESTEI2 GROVET t1ND I�,I�fIT.P�ISD � HAMLTIVE SU11�fMi'I' HII,f. � ( DOWNTQWN_ f � ������ ���� �-a5 3!� -- � CI'TIZBN PARTICIPA'ITO�t PI..ANNING DISTRICLS Please send completed forms to: iosa Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fax 1-80Q-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals ���� �6 �I� � WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartrnent building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7�' Sireet in St. Paul; and WF�REAS, available street parking is virtually non-e�ustent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will a11ow future developments to request and e�ect sinvlaz variances; and WI�REAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at ma�cimum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, inctuding teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which wiil only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) TE�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Couneil, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address � �� � Telephone Number ��3 � -- - � $' � �j�j � �_ 1 2- G'Ca� �� �! .2v�. `S �. 09-1082 Please send completed forms to: � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals s . �6�.� � WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparnnent building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street parking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currently park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will a11ow future developments to request and expect snnilaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maxnnum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature � Street Address Telephone Number ��- �f r �• + � • . > 09-1082 Please send completed forms to: Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals �= ; � 'c-.+: � a �—'� �.� �- i. �-�r� ! WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be consinicted on a 1,23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WI�REAS, available sh�eet pazking is virtually non-e�stent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currenfly pazk on street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will a11ow future developments to request and e�ect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at m�imum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) TF�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland Disirict Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address Telephone Number �3 �S �DGGu� �� �v. ��1-64q -a � �G � �� (�-��`�o�?�i � CL; �t �iv s Please send completed forms to losz � Bill Rosenbloam 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-500-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals � U WI�REAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7` Street in St. Paul; and WI-IEREAS, auailable street parking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currently park on-street; and Whereas, the law of uniutended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WI�REAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) TFiEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature S Street Address Telephone Number F �/ G� � � _ t � s�-zy�-��7s 09-1OS2 Please send completed forms to: Bili Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals �f:�.�:.. �<�� �, � � �. �����-��� ��-� � WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virtually non�xistent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the Iaw of unintended consequences will ailow fufure developments to request and e�ect similar variances; and WE3EREAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and VJHEREAS, this pmject will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activifies accessible in Yhe immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) T'HEI2EFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address �' � �c � `'C � Telephone Number ��2 S( � �(— 09-1082 Please send completed forms to: � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the �oard of Zoning Appeals � ^ i:i �`C9r_1 ����10� WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparlment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7 Street in St. Paul; and WHET2EAS, auailable street parking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitoxs who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similar variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is ax maYimum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the nuxnber of children, including teens, who ha�e no real playground facilities or acrivities accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback nvstead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland Dishict Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature � Street Address Telephone Number "L J Please send eompleted forms to 9-losz Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals � � VJHEREAS, a 4-0- unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be conshucted on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7`� Street in St Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virlually non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow fuiure developments to request and e�ect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, iraffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding sheets is at *r���um capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to buitd the pmject (one wkrich will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the pmject size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) TF�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District CounciI, the Boazd of Zotting Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address ��I � I,l) • � � . � � l�J �� Telephone Number 09-1082 Please send completed forms to: � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Soard of Zoning Appeals � . -. S >� ''we� '. -_,. ��' 3' Z at � Q����� WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7 Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, avaiTable street parking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will a11ow future developments to request and expect similar variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will draznatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the isnmediate azea WIIEREAS, the developers of this project ha�e asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature � Street Address Telephone Number � . � � l� c�. -�� < �D' � 327 - C �� 09-1082 Ptease send completed forms to: Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Faz 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals -: �;; _ �; �4. - : �G� =�b�� WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be conshucted on a 1.23 acre fot at fhe comer of SpringfieId and West 7'� Stzeet in St Paul; and WHEREAS, auailable street parking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area - residents and visitors who cvrrently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the Iaw of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect simitar variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this pmject will dramatically inctease the number of ctuldren, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the iminediate azea WHEREAS, the developers offlus project have asked for two variances to build the pmject (one wluch will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the pmject size to 1.23 acres &om the required 2 acres) TI�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland Disirict Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul Ciry Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) �. : Street Address � � �t � Telephone Number ��i' �o� � � 3$ 3a Please send completed forms to: � Bill Rosenbloom -� '" 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Faz 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals � =- _ ,.:, _�9=,�64g1� WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be conshucted on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�` Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virfually non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currenfly park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow fuhue developments to request and expect snnilaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the sunounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real piayground facilities or activiries accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one wluch will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the pmject size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) TEIEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature . Street Address Telephone Number t�L 1 bV � a • r ' t aSL! �� l� r � ���-�{vi '' � 09-1082 Please send completed forms ta: Bill Rosenbloom 1893 �Vorcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals Wf�REAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1_23 aere lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7�' Sh�eet in St Paul; and VVF�REAS, auailable sireet pazldng is virtuaily non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currenfly park on street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similar variances; and VJFiEREAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this pmject will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland Dis�ict Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paui City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print} Signature t�,�y,�. � Peas � Street Address r_ . �- - `�c������ � • �� Telephone Nwnber �Sf - �� �/K- �/ � S � Please send completed forms t°o los2 � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2'710 ,{ - 01=�2 - 6 ��/� Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals � VJHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 aere lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7`�` Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currentiy park on-sireet; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow futute developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, iraffic congesrion at tfiis corner and on the surrounding streets is at maYimuxn capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of cluldren, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback insYead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) o�l5�r Signature C,��� � Street Address ��Q?� TelephoneNumber _ �o�� ��rz_y w, n5��� �� Please send completed forms t�: Bil[ Rosenbioom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals �a.f� '*, � '' � - �. �:'- s..:= S [`y ����� ��rs , � -. J��"� VJHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St Paui; and WHEREAS, available street parldng is virivally non-eicistent, due to the lugh number of area residents and visitors who cuirently park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and VJFIEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of cluldren, including teens, who have no reat ptaqground facilifies or activities accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from tfie required 2 acres) 'I'I�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the S� Pavl City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address Telephone Number �.r/iFG �LYt�i�P.f% . l G�l� - � r� U S� 09-1082 Please send completed forms to: � BiII Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the . Board of Zoning Appeals :�� `���� WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street parking is virtuaily non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currenfly park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow fi4ture developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WI�REAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project wi11 dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground faciliries or activities accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) � THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature • Street Address Telephone Number �� /�b� rr�a���t�( I-��� 09-1082 Please send compieted forms to: Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint PauI, MN 55116 Fax 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals �`+_� :: � " �`�= ¢� _. °a`._ ,T:a ' ��J�b L `�� � WHEREAS, a 44 imit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Sprengfield and West 7�` Street in St Paul; and WI�REAS, avaiIable street pazking is virtually non-existent, flue to the high number of area residents and visitors who currendy park on street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, iraff c congestion aY this comer and on the seuronuding streets is at ma�mum capacity; and �VFIEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children; inciuding teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea VVHEREAS, the developers of this pmject have asked for two variances to buiid the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 aeres from the reQuired 2 acres) ' TI-�REFORE, we, the undersigneci, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zon'ng Appeals, the St Paul City Couucil, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose appmval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address Teiephone Number • �� Please send completed forms to: los2 � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Panl, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the n LJ Board of Zoning Appeals °,;�` ���,. ta ii.5.^�4::�.� v c�� ��(� WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot az the corner of Springfield and West 7"' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, auailable street parking is virivally non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at tlus corner and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WI-IEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) � 1T�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, #he Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (piease print) Signature � Street Address Telephone Number u 'j'�^ �� ZZ�S ��s� R.�e �si-��-$a,� SS Please send compieted forms to -losz Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals _°: .-.. t����a •y i�- i��.� �� � _ �.� WHEREAS, a 44 vnit affordable housing apariment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 aere lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7�` Street in St Paul; and WHEREAS, available street parking is virtually non-e�stent, due to the high numbeF of area --- -- residents and visitors who cuaenfly park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variauces; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at maxiiuum ���3'� �d WHEREAS, this pmject will dramaticallq increase the number of c]uldren, including teens, who have no reat playgcound facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developeis of ttris pmject have asked for two variances to build the pmject (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the pmject size to 1,23 acres from the required 2 acres) Tf�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the Sk Paul City Covncil, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variaaces. Name (please print) Signature Street Address Telephone Number i • 5� Please send completed forms to: a Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the • Board of Zoning Appeals a���6��� WIIEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be conshucted on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virivally non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similar vaziances; and WFIEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at maYimum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will draznatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no rea1 playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this pmject have asked for two variances to build the projeet (one which will nnly require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from� the required 2 acres) TI-IEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose appmval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature • Street Address Telephone Number � b /`� � �-1 � �- �=l�� / a L4�.� / � �� � CJ� Please send completed forms t84 -losz Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fax 1-800-887-271Q Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals �E h: ��� Go 'J� : �� � � WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apariment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre Iot at the corner of Springfield and West 7'� Street in St Paul; and WHEREAS, available street parldng is virivally aon-e�cistent, due to the high number of area __ _ residents and visitors who currenfly pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREA.S, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at ma�cimum capacity; and WHEREAS, ttus project will dramatically increase the number of clrildren, including teens, who have no real piayground faciiities or activities accessible in fhe immediate area � �IEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two vatiances to build the proj�t (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the otfier reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) TI�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highiand District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Hausing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose appmvat of these variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address � � Telephone Number �J / � t� ` �� .�r � 09-1082 Please send completed forms to: ❑ Bill RosenbIoom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the � Board of Zoning Appeals .q i �6�'����1� WHEREAS, a 44 unit af£ordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfiald and West 7�` Street in St Paul; and WF�REAS, available street pazldng is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who cursently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, h�ffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maxixnum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no reai playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the pmject (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25j, and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) TT�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose appmval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature • Street Address Telephone Number �� �� �� /�� �fd � —��! �' i Please send completed forms t� Bill Rosenbioom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals 1-.'F`,= k �• , :�p� �,�; .< _ _�._..:�_�.�,, -�b-� � WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparhment building is pmposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Sprin�eld and West 7� Street in St. Paul; and VJHEREAS, available street pazidug is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currenfly pazk on-sheet; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences wili allow future developments to request aad expecY similar variances; and Wf�REAS, traffic cangesfton at this corner and on the suanunding streets is at maximum caPacity; and V�HEREAS, this pmject will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facitities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, fhe developers ofthis project have asked fot two vaziances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of ZS), and the othec reduces the project size to i.23 acres from the required 2 acres) Tf�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland Disirict Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paui City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose appmval of these variances. Name (please print) �� �� C h. Signature � � � ;, Street Address Telephone Number � �- 2 I! �en,� � so� ��� ,� 9 0 �� gz-- Please send completed forms t`�a � Bill Rosenbloom ' � 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fax 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the i Board of Zoning Appeals .r���'' >• ' d��y��� WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparhnent building is proposed to be constructed an a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WT�REAS, available street pazkiug is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences wili al low future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WE�REAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, tlus project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or acrivities accessible in the immediate area VVHEREAS, the developers of this gmject have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 2�, and the other reduces the project size w 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) TI�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeais, the St. Paul C7ty Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature . Street Address Telephone Number _ t �y � �ld,r c e -� �/2 �s'i �y9 Z7�ry �� Please send completed forms � losa Bill Rosen6loom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saiut Paui, MN SSI16 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of �oning Appeals �TC v� _f: �� I T : ... � � `�.�3 46 �. � � WI�REAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is pmposed to be constructed on a I.23 acte lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7�` Street in St Paul; and VJHEREAS, available street paridng is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area resi ents and visitors who currenfly pazk on-street; and Wheteas, the law of unintended consequences wi11 allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrouttding streets is at maximum capacity; aud WHEREAS, this project will dramaticaily increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WfiEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one wluch will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland Dislrict Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, an@ the Hbusing and Redevetopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) slgTia�.UTC Street Address ��-, i �t/ Telephone Number G� �� .Z �� ^ l �v`' � � I� � Please send completed forms �$� � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 �Vorcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-$00-887-2710 Letter Petition To the � Board of Zoning Appeals ' , A �� � ��.�' ,.`.-.^ 6 "�� �F91( WIiEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7`� Street in St Paul; and WHEREAS, available street parking is virtuatly non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who cunently park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and eapect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WI�REAS, this project will druuatically inerease the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to huild the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to I.23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature . Street Address Telephone Number �� ��3 � .� S�� [ � � � �,k�� �-� - � ' Please send completed forms t4�:losz Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Fetihon To the Board of Zoning Appeals ._i .ti� 4 =� ��_ �Y�u�' ' ;:; ::���~�.::�_ ^6 --g �`��� � VJHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Sprin�eld and VJest 7'� Sireet in St Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazidng is virivally non-existent, due to the high uumber of azea residents and visitors who currenfly pazk on-street; and • Whereas, the law of unintended consequenc.es will ailow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHERE?,S, tbis pmject will dramatically increase the number of children, includiag tsens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area WfIEREAS, the developers of ttus project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback insYead of 25), and the other reauces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) � TEIEREFORE, we, the andersigned, as]c the Highland Dish�ict Council, the Board of Zoning Appeats, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) t �� . - Street Address Telephone Number S' f'6.�.JL r µ N,�S lte _ (>SI- !f`1R - 4w�`� � ��� Please send completed forms°��D � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the li Soard of Zoning Appeals ���� vr':� ��.4'�4 ��"��� ���t���� WHEItEAS, a 44 unit affordabie housing apartrx�ent building is proposed to be constructed on a 1_23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WI�REAS, available street pazking is virtually non-existent, due to the hig� number of azea residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect siinilaz variances; and WHEREAS, haffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activiries accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) . Tf we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the S� Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature • Street Address Telephone Number 'K �- , �/ � I_.'7 �� 1a�� �'� 18� l�UE, �a. Please send completed forms i� losz Sill Rosenbloam 1893 Worcester Avenue Sainf Panl, MN 55116 Fax 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals ���.�;�_, ��= � �- �; �: �- a� ..,; -, _ ,�. .d. :. J ( �� � VJHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment huilding is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the wmer of Springfield and West 7`� Street in St Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virtuaily non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currenfly pazk on-street; ancl Whereas, the law of unintended consequences witl ailow future developments to request and expect similar variances; and VJHEREAS, tmffic congestioa at this comer aud on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this proj�t will dramatically increase the number of children, including Yeens, who ha�e no real playgroimd facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build fhe project (one wlnch will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the othez reduces the project size to I.23 acres from the required 2 acres) • Tf�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City CounciI, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose appmvai of these variances. Name (please print) a�. Streef Address Telephone Number �7� 13,��� C��� ` rZ�r�-1 � � i' � Please send completed forms �� Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, NiN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the �' Board of Zoning Appeals .Fy�'.- L�� q�-= � ' � ;� �:�-�. ���/� WHEREAS, a A4 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of 5pringfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and ea�pect sunilar vaziances; and WFiEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding sireets is at m�imum capaciry; and Wf�REAS, this project will dtamatically increase the number o£ children, inciuding teens, who have no real piayground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two vaziances to buiid the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the requued 2 acres) � TI�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zaniag Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the I-Iousing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose appmval of these variances. Name (please print) ��Ct/� (Z � �j l�.g-�v��� Signature • Street Address `L-��`� ��„e� � , , �,,a,�,,u� �r �f _ �,� � Telephone Number � �� —�' g� _ - � _ � Please send completed forms t44: Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-8Qd-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals �.�'C..4: } rj. _`' "' `.s{., qtj �' `;� , oq�a�� VJIiEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is praposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7 Street in St Paul; and �VHEREAS, avaifable street pazldng is virfuaity non-existent, due to the Iugfi number of area residents and visitors who currenfly park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traf�ic congestion at this comer aad on the surrounding streeYs is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, tUis pmject will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have rio real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area VJHEREAS, the developers ofthis project have asked for two variances to build the pmject (one which wilt only require a 4 foot setback instead of 2�, and the other reduces the project size to 123 acres from the requited 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, aad the Iiousing and Redevelopment Aathority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address Telephone Number . �f,� �t ; f o,.. �/ /vLe� �4v-2.. �v_ �/ — � � %— .3 a � � � . �� Please send completed forms t4�:los � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag i-800-887-271Q Letter Petition To the � Board of Zoning Appeals � sh-:s !:: ���. '�`.,� � ?j� �= .��`� ��� VJHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparhuent building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virtually non-e�stent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currendy pazk on street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similar variances; and WI�REAS, haffic congesrion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maacimum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the numb'er of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reciuces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Fiighland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature � Street Address Telephone Number 0 1' � S�/ -- � -��'• d ? �� Please send completed forms t4�:losz $ill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenne Saint Paul, MN 55216 Fa$1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals `.��> .:. �A ::���; �� �:��,��.� : :; �8� VJHEI2EAS, a 44 uait affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield aad West 7"` Street in St Paut; and 4�HEREAS, available street parking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traflic congesfion at tivs comer and on tiie surrounding streets is at m�m_um capacity; and WFIEREAS, this projecf will dramatically increase the number of children, inc2uding teens, who have no real playground facilities or acfivifies accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one whick will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) Tf�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, fhe St. Paul Gity Council, and tfie Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approvat of these variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address Telephone Number � � � � Please send completed forms t�:los2 � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the � Board of Zoning Appeals il WF�REAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparfinent building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�` Street in St. Paul; and WFIEREAS, available street pazking is virRially non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currently park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similar variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capaciry; and WFiEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of tlus project have asked for two variances tn build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) 'THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boatd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature � Street Address Telephone Number �'G' � (A�-�/�/�tsD� 2 �. o � � � �.f'J` -s'% - � f�� �/ / .�rr� s���� �' Please send completed forms $5� Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-80Q-887-27I0 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals ��,� ,.- - - .n� a:. <<G :F-� r ,a ��°�, `'_-: _����h � WFTEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparlment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lof at the comer af Springfield and VJest 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available s�rreet parking is virtually non-existent, due ta the tugh number of azea residents and visitozs who currently park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and eacpect similaz variances; and WI�REAS, traffic congestion at tEus comer and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capaczty; attd VJFiEREAS, this proje�t will dramatically increase the number of chitdren, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area W�IEREAS, the developers of ttus pmject Ixaue asked for two variances to build t�►e project (one wtuch will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and t6e other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from tfie required 2 acres) TI�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boatd of Zoning Appeals, the SL Paui City Council, aad the Housing and IZedeve2opment Authority to oppose appmval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address Telephone Number ,� �,� _ 1 • ♦ - =► � � � Please send completed forms t�: � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55126 Fag 1-500-887-2710 Letter Petition To the � Board of Zoning Appeals , ._.;'��,:o; s ;;`^' ���=�;��-. �����r� WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparlment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�` Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currently pazk on-sfreet; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, Ura�c congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the pmject (one which will only reguire a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 123 acres from the required 2 acres} THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St� Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (piease print) Signature � Street Address Telephone Number �5> -c��9� 5ya� �� � a�. (� � W ` `� �� cJ"� Please send completed forms t9�: Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Faz 1-500-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals ._$ ��.`� _ w8. i + / '� SRi:4"•� �^�-q � • .�� _oa-���b r VJHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparhment building is proposed to be constructed on a 2.23 acre lot at the corner of SpringfieId and GVest 7�` Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street parking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currenfly park on-street; and VJhereas, the law of unintended consequeaces will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congeskion at tFris corner and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, inctuding teens, who have no reat playgound facilities or activities accessible in the immediafe ama WI�REAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one wluch wilI only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the projeet size to I.23 acres frotu the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undezsigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Cotmcil, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature �i//la� ���, Street Address Telephone Number 3S �J; �,- 655:. ��_ � � � Please send completed forms �o� � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the s Board of Zoning Appeals ;:r' �y�� ._--':;>i `��7 < . ,�� v ,.,, , .. 6���6�� WHEREAS, a 44 unit afFordable housing apariment building is proposed to be consiructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7` Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currently park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WFiEREAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the sunounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramaticaliy increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the unmediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two vaziances to build the pmject (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 aeres from the required 2 acres} THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature • Street Address Telephone Number �� �� Piease send completed forms t� losz Bilt Rosenbiaom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paui, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals ,=� � �a = a9� _� WHEREAS a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is pmposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre Iot aY the comer of Springfield and West 7�` Street in St Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is vir[ually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitots who currenfly pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow fuiure developments to zequest and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at tIus corner and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WfiEREAS, tUis project will dramafically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which wiIl only require a 4 foot setback instead of 2S), and the other reduces the pmject size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) � TfiEREFQRE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeais, tfie St Paui City Councit, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variaaces. /,� n . Name (please print) Signature Street Address T.elephone Number ❑ � S�• � � Please send completed forms �� Bill RosenbIoom � 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fa� 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals i �, �� � t �: . �,.: _�� �:�¢ � _ •;� --��. _. �9-���1� WI�REAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will a11ow future developments to request and expect sunilaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the sunounding streets is at maxiuium capacity; and WHEREAS, tlus project will drunatically increase the number of cluldren, inciuding teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the pmject {one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) • THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature � Street Address Telephone Number ._ - • �� : � �: a , _.1�_. ._ �.._.�.� • ��t�:. �� -��� (��D — 35b� � � Please send completed forms t8� Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-80Q-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals °b � +� `2;' ``� � � -__,` ' -��O/ yJ WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparlrtment building is pmposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St Paul; and WHEREAS,_ available street parking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currenfly pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of uaintended consequences will allow fu�ure developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the sumoimding streets is at max;*+�um capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramaficaiIy increase the number o£children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activifies accessible in the immediate area WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which wili only require a 4 foot setback instead of 2S), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres fxom the required 2 acres) ' T��EREFORE, we, ffie undersigned, ask the Highland Disfrict Council, the Boacd of Zoning Appeals, the SY: Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) �,� . - � � Stceet Address � �'� ^ �.b L J ,� � � � TetephoneNumber tp�l o`�(`{'— ,�73 �" � Please send completed forms t�: � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the `J Board of Zoning Appeals '`.��-� �?i,�, ` ��"�-�� VJHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apattment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Pau(; and WHEREAS, available street parking is virtually non-eicistent, due to the high number of area residents and visitors who currenfly park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow fuhue developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, tra�ic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at maicimum capacity; and WE�REAS, tlus project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who haue no real piapground facilities or activities accessibie in the immediate azea WHEREAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 aeres) Tf�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature ! Street Address Telephone Number EOU�J�1 � ����� 7 8� suti, � „_,_ ssl�� � � Please sead completed forms t�:losz Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fax 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals .R����� ,. �_ '���'� ��__ S"l WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparhnent building is pmposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�` Street in St Paul; and WEiEREAS, available street pazkmg is virtually non-existent, due to fhe high number of area resieients and visitors who currenfly park on-street; aad Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect sinulaz variances; and WHEREAS, h�c congestion at tUis corner and on the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of chiidren, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea � � WEiEREAS, tfie developers of tfiis project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 2�, aud the other reduces fihe project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) TE�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask tfie Highland bistrict Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housiug aztd Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Naine (please print) �t�-�`�- �'�'� Signature Street Address Telephone Number � ��...� �t��k- 5���4 � �• Please send completed forms i�:ios2 � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-500-887-2710 Letter Petition To the � Board of Zoning Appeals - ,.. a-� �.-;:, ,, ��' ���i� WI�REAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartmenC building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�` Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street parking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currently park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences wili allow future developments to request and expect sunilar variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this comer and on the sunounding streets is at maximum capacity; and WHEREAS, this pro,}ect will dcaznatically inerease the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea WI�REAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which wili only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1,23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the 3t. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose appmval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature � Street Address Telephone Number �- �G� L �� �! �, ��- �a�— � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 5511b Fag 1-8Q0-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Please send completed forms t�'osz Board of Zoning Appeals ., �� �� �?� - 6 _ �- - WHEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lat at fhe comer of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St Paul; and WFiEREAS, available sizeet parking is virtually non-existent, due to the lugh number of area residents and visitors who currently park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similar variances; an@ WHEREAS, traffic congestion aY this comer and on the surrounding slreets is aY maatimum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of ctrildren, including teens, who t�ave no reat playground facilities or activities accessibYe in the immediate azea WfiEREAS, the developezs of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which wiI1 only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the pmject size to 1.23 acres from the.required 2 acres) TF�REFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeais, the St Paut City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. . � ATame (please print) � � Signature Street Address �a � !U,`�e � Telephone Number � S/ — � � /� — ,3 �� � o ^� � i � �� 0 1082 Please send completed forms t�o: � Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fa� 1-80Q-887-2710 Letter Petition To the � Board of Zoning Appeals ����� WI-IEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street parking is virtually non-existent, due to the high nuznber of azea residents and visitors who currenfly park on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the surrounding streets is at masimum capacity; and WHEREAS, this project will dramaticatly increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground faciliries or acrivities accessible in the unmediate azea WI�REAS, the developers of this project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to I.23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Councii, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the S� Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. � Name (please print) Signature � Street Address Telephone Number ��� g3 ios2 Piease send completed forms t82 Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Fag 1-840-887-2710 � Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals Wf�REAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is pmposed to be constracted on a 1_23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available sireet parldng is virtuallY non-existent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currenfly pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to re4nest and expect similar variances; and WHEREAS, iraffic congestion at this comer and on the surrounding streets is at m�imum capacity; and aVHEEREAS, this project will dcamaticallY in�rease the number of children, including teens, whQ have no real piaqgi'ound facilities or activities accessible in the immediate az'ea WFiEREAS, the developers of tUis pmject have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the pmject size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) Tf�REPORE, we, the undersigned, ask the HiShland District Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the St Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approvalofthese variances. Name (please print) Signature Street Address Telephone Number � r . : _�� ���� -6_ � � U ,�5� �� , �»i_i'�l�l�� .• �• - — Please send completed forms �01°g2 � Bitl Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paal, MN 55116 Faz 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the lJ Board of Zoning Appeals -. ,,.-:>. ..�� �� � � �.�>_ =E ���>-� .����b Wf�REAS, a 44 unit affordable housing aparhnent building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the corner of Springfield and West 7�' Street in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, available street pazking is virtually non-existent, due to the high number of area residents and visitArs who currenfly pazk on-street; and Whereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future developments to request and expect similaz variances; and Wf�REAS, traffic congestion at this corner and on the sunounding streets is at ma�cimum capacity; and WF�REAS, this project will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate azea VVf�REAS, the developers oftlus project have asked for two variances to build the project (one which will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, ask the Highland Dishict Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St. Paul City Council, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose approval of these variances. Name (please print) Signature • Street Address Telephone Number �� ����. /' W �� �-�os2 Please send completed forms t8. Bill Rosenbloom 1893 Worcester Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Faz 1-800-887-2710 Letter Petition To the Board of Zoning Appeals � .. ��� ; �'� � Y ��� � {l- �� • WFIEREAS, a 44 unit affordable housing apartment building is proposed to be constructed on a 1.23 acre lot at the comer of Springfield and West 7"' Street in St Paut; and WHEREAS, a�ailable street parldng is vutuallY non-e�cistent, due to the high number of azea residents and visitors who currently pazk on-street; and VJhereas, the law of unintended consequences will allow future develogments to request and expect similar variances; and WI�EREAS, traffic congestion at t}ns comer and on the surrounding streets is at *''a�um caPacity;and WHEREAS, this pmjecY will dramatically increase the number of children, including teens, who have no real playground facilities or activities accessible in the immediate area . WHEREAS, the developers of this projeet have asked for two variances to build the project (one wluch will only require a 4 foot setback instead of 25), and the other reduces the project size to 1.23 acres from the required 2 acres) TI�REFORE, we, the undersigaed, ask the Highland District Council, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, the St Paui City Council, and the IIousing and Redevelopment Authority to oppose aPProval of these variances. Name (please print) � I � � � k�" �' Signature n U Street Address �l. � � � s �t Y' � f���' ��� Telephone Number � � ^ �J��"2� l 2 09-1082 C� : — � ::., ,. =� �; .s .��� �'�-. .. . �������1� Tuesday,February 17,2009 Attached are signed petitions from residents within a 3 block radius of West 7�' Street and Springfield where the proposed Project for Pride in Living Multi-Unit Housing is to be built. These signatures reflect a concem for not only our neighborhood but for the proposed residents. Although I strongly support development which will strengthen and improve the quality of life for all that live in my neighborhood, I do not believe that this particulaz project in its current proposed state can qualify. This proposal does not take enough land space into consideration for the size of project, they aze asking for a variance. This limits the amount of available parking on-site and considering how many residents may live within the wa11s of the new development, restrict them from being able to fully enjoy independent living outside the building. It is not adequate space for the size of the facility and the number af residents. • The proposed playground is at best, small. For the number of children proposed • by PPL, this is inadequate considering there aze no other available options in the immediate azea. West 7�` Street, although a thoroughfare to both downtowns through the Metro Transit System, is not safe for many adults and especially children. To catch a bus headed towazd the airport ox the Mall of America, someone has to cross 7�' Street — with no stop sign or stop light within a 3 block radius. In addition, there are no sidewalks on the North side of 7'� Street. These considerations make for a very dangerous transport to work or school, West 7�' Street is a busy roadway. Most drivers surpass the speed limit by at least 5 miles per hour. In the winter, it is even more ireacherous. The roads are very slick and maneuvering is dangemus. A pedestrian is not exempt from this danger. Cars hop the sidewallcs throughout the winter months and run into buildings and street signs, Adding significant pedestrian traffic on this strip only increases the complexity of the situatioa The children will not be transported to a close proximity elementary school. PPL has indicated that many of their residents will not have transportation other than public. With this in mind, what will the quality of life be for the children that only get to "play" with their classmates during school hours? Those children will not realistically be able to have play dates at other friend's homes and in tum not likely have friends over to theirs due to the transportation limitations. � • Benson Avenue is an alternate route for business and residential traffic — including truck traffic for deliveries. Benson does not have any sidewalks which limit the area in which a pedestrian can walk — basically, in the sireet. O� 09-1082 :.i�'�a.y' "y.,. E lT 6 • The District has indicated that this is a good opportunity to expand the use of the parks system. The nearest pazk is at best, i mile from this locafion with no public hansportation. It requires erossing a very busy mad, with again, no stop sign or stop lights within jvst under 1 mile either East or West. In addition, it has been noted that the City of St. Paul is struggling with its budget and plans to drastically cut the Parks & Rec. budget I believe there is an environmental issue to consider. Our parks are a nat�ual resourca that we must respect. Over-crowding and encouraging over-use is irresponsible. I believe the attached signatures send a message from our community: they send the message tt�at we care about our neighborhood; we support growth and development, but the RIGHT growth and development; we want our home values to increase as others within Highland azea have continued to do so and would like the Council and the Cily to reinvesf in our neighborhood to impmve our quality of life. 31�ank you for taIdng rime to read aad address our concems. ��- �-��� � 1�..�►�. �.�� . .- ♦� ' ' ��� i� � c Bemie Lind �-5�/— ��'� � 4`� � �t - �5�04-� � '� . �J � ame Petition 09-1°$2 . .--, r n s�.�'-= , ���R . .d�f$�/� o 2+":S. �+4 �a' ��.- ���� ���� VJhereas there is a proposed 44 unit "affordabie hoasing' bvilding to be built at the corner of Springfieid and West 7th Street in St Paul, and Whereas, the street pazking is virtually non�xistent due to the high number of vetucles residents currenfly pazk, and �� �e PmP�� h�� � �reate a pazking erisis, based on current tevels of insufficient off street parking, and anticipated Parking needs of new building, tenants, and Whereas the traffic congestion at this corner and the surrounding sUreets is at maximum capacity, and Whereas there is no neighborhood playground activities for children, and Whereas the developeis of this project have asked for a variance to build the project, We, the undersigned, ask the Highiand District Council, the St Pavl City Council, and the HRA to oppose the variance and institute a moratorium on all multi-family building'in the Lower Highlaad Area until such time as a task fomz can be convenad consisting of residents of the Lower Highland Area (Montreat and South to the River) to update and/or change the current DavemShepazd Small Area Plan of 1999. Signature Address Phone r� t i„aNr f fk�� i �,�:.ti �/.��- �t �s IvFrCsa�f �✓✓�: L�� - �a �� Petition °9-1°82 �,� ;� �:. ����b�� �e�_. �_�-- Whereas there is a proposed 44 unit "affordable housing' building to be built at the corner of Springfield and West 7th Stleet in St Paut, and [int ame � �. :.� '���_ � �1�- � � .T � l�� �d- zz�2p�r,��- f�'I-�4-b1'�� � ZZ�2 ���1� � C,t�, �'/�. �/c �� � �J �Vhereas, the y�treet parldng is virtually non-existent due to the lrigh number of vetucles residents currenfly pazic, and Whereas the proposed building will create a parldng crisis, based on curnent levels of insufficient offstreet parking, a� anticipated parking nceds of new building, tenants aud Whereas the ha�ic congestion at this comer and the surcoimding sheets is at maximum capacity, and Whereas there is no neighborhood playground activities for children, and Whereas tfie developers of this project have asked for a variance to build the project, We, the imdersigned, ask the I�igWand Distxict CounciY, the St. Paul City Cou�el, and the FIItA to oppose tfie variance and institute a moratorium oa all multi family building in fhe Lower Highlaud Areanntil sucktime as atask foFCe c;anbe coave,� consisting ofiesidents ofthe Lowe� H'ighland Area (Montreal and South to the River) to update andlor change the cucrent Davem-Shepacd Smatl Atea Plan of 1994. }� � 1 � $Yl l.� i � 21� z�g7� 21�q �- �-(1 ZzSy � 5����.f J �n •RSo� �� 2 7� t�8� S.]`33d7GT7� � � �S!- . •e , Petition 09-1°82 b�:� `��.: �� � �i �� VJhereas there is a proposed 44 unit "affordable housing" building to be buiit at fhe corrier of Springfield and West 7th Street in St Paui, and Whereas, the street parking is virtua(ly non-existent due to the high number of vehicies resideafs cuirentiy pazk, and Whereas the proposad building will ereate a parking crisis, based on current levels of insufficient off street garldng, and anticipated. parking needs of new bu�ding, teaants, and W4►ereas the trag'ic congesrion at this corner and the surrounding streets is at maximum capacity, and Whereas there is no neighborhood playground activities for cfuldren, and Whereas the developers of this project have asked for a variance to build the project, We, the undersigned, ask the Highland District Council, the St Paul City Cauacil, and the HItA to oppose the variance and institute a moratorium on all mulfi-family building in fhe Lower Highland Area uatil such time as a task foice e�n 6e convened consisting af residenLs of the Lower Highland Area (Montreal and South to the River) to apdate and/or change the curnent Davem�hegazd 3mali Area Plaa of I994_ ` Signature � f, (.�.���`r: �� •��-� a���o���o L.)�-...-�.. z2� 5 r �� �z °� �� � �ti Phone f� Cn5/- (o90-Q�(/la �� �� f'p.�( zl� -ya3,� " b���Gqo-r�G6 7 � (�'/�is�r—� '� f2�j �6�'q � 2 �-!� `ST w b5t - �P8 = 31a1 �r �, ��_. �si� �to-��� aa�� � ��� ( < �� �� ��� !`�°�"�l� ��� , �� � � � Page 1 of 1 09-1082 John Hardwick- Re: Variance on West 7th at bottom of Snelling = Ogposirioa From: <nmstevensl(a��.com> �� � r � t � To: <ohn.hardwick(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us> - �6��I� Date: 8/29/2009 4:10 PM Subject: Re; Variance on West 7tk at botfom of Snelling = Opposition Mr Hardwick: I was not able to attend the commurtity meeting on the variances requested far the 44 unit apartrnent on West 7th and Snelling. I strongty oppose these variances. The community was not given enough info on this proposal and this is going to create traffic and noise problems in an already congested area. In addition, there is no room for families to play creating a very hazardous situation, Please lodge my complaint Snr my husband, Matt Stevens and myself, Nicola Stevens — we live at 2018 Lower St Dennis road, phone 651-645-5320. Regards Nicola and Matt Stevens 651 �45-5320 Nicola Stevens Global Business Manager 3M Specialty Dispfay Business, OSD Division Work 651-733-9184 Mobile: 651-271-6074 eMail: nmstevensl(a�mmm.com • / ! file://C:�Documents and Settings\hazdwicj�I,ocal Settings\Temp�'grpwise\4A99530Finai.., 8/31/2009 Page 1 of 2 09-1082 � ��� :. �• •1' 1 .� ...� From: Jeremy Swider <jdswider�yahoo.com> To: <jol�n,hardwick(�a,ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 8l29/2009 8:14 PM Subject: File #09-252310 Variance Requests ;s% -��- k =' v � _ � Dear Mr. Hardwick, I am writing to express my opinions regarding the two variances to construct a new 44 unit apartment building in the Shepard-Davern Overlay district for Project for Pride in Living, Inc. As the hearing took place last week, I may be too late to give my input, however, I did still wish to communicate my opinions to you. I am not terribly concerned about the variance for the 2 acre minimum, but I do have some concerns about the 4 foot setback request for the parking lot on Benson Avenue. Benson Avenue is a quiet street. It has minimal city improvements, other than the fact that it is paved - there are no storm sewer drains, no sidewalks, and minimal street lighting. I like all of these aspects of this street. They are part of the reason I enjoy living here. Since there are no overly bright street lights, you can actually see the stars if you walk outside at night. Since there are no sidewalks, the street has a feel of a country lane. There is also a sense of asthetic uniformity to the street, as al{ of the houses and garages are set a similar distance from the edge of the street. Placing the edge of the parking lot for this development within 4 feet of the street would significantly disrupt this asthetic. If the developers feel that they need to get that close to the streets in order to create enough parking spaces in their lot, perhaps they ought to reorganize their design in order to place the parking lot facing W 7th street instead, as that is already a busier street. Thanks for your consideration. Sincerely, Jeremy Swider • 2262 Benson Ave. Apt. F Saint Paul, MN 55116 C" file://C:\Documents and Settings�hardwicj�I.oca1 Settings\Temp�grpwise\4A998C28mai... 8/31l2009 Page 2 of 2 09-1082 (Brandychase at Shepard Park unit owner.) .�� �:;�=� �u �� __ � �� � d - � � � �• file://C:lDocuments and Settingslhardwicj�L,oca1 Settings\Temp�XPgrpwise\4A948C28mai... 8/31/2009 � � August 24, 2009 Mr. John Hardwick City of St. Paul 375 Jackson St. #220 St. Paul. MN 55101 Mr. Hardwick i� i: __ .. , . My name is Chandra Gruber and I am here representing the interests of my family and my home at 2214 West 7�' Street. The basis for the PPL variance listed in their petition is unsupported and deceitful based on the facts below. According to St. Paul City Code Requirements, the BZA must make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. The plight of fhe landowner is due to circumstances unique to the properfy, and these circumstances were nof created by the landowner. PPL was well aware that they did not have enough land currently under contract to reasonably move forward with this project. This circumstance and subsequent need for the variance has been solely created by PPL. �J Living within the boundaries of land needing to be purchased to fuffiil the 2.0 acre obligation under the Shepard Davern Overlay, my husband and I have never been contacted or approached about the purchase of our property. PPL clearly states that "not all owners are willing to sell their properties, and at this time it is not possible to assemble enough land to comprise a two-acre parcel" and "We have been unable to secure additional parcels despite these efforts". Representatives on behalf of PPL a�rmed: "With regard these variances, f submit the following to be true and correct:" The false statement in the PPL � application puts in question the accuracy of the entire document. (� 09-1082 u < � � 3 � J �°� � • 2. The reyuesf for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase fhe value or income potential of ff�e parcef of land. PPL receives funding from multiple sources — ciiy, state, and federal govemment and rental income. The outlay of devetopment dollars to purchase additional land has a longer retum on investment for PPL than if they were just granted a variance and therefore - they make more money - faster. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping wifh the sprit and intenf of fhe code, and is consisfent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and we(fare of fhe inhabitants of the Ciiy of St. Paul. The density increase in traffic is a safety concern. Additional in and out traffic on 7�' Street and side streets from Benson, and most importantly at the intersections of Springfield/Snelling/West 7�' Street will not ease current congestion and would likely increase the risk for more serious and often preventable accidents. I would contend that due to these circumstances the project will be a drawback to the health and well-being of not only the residents, but of the driverstcommuters and pedestrians. 1 would also contend that the increased density of people (est. 176 new heartbeats) directly impacts the comfort of the local inhatiitants. The project infringes on the privacy of the neighbors by compressing such a large number into such a small space; it will be a significant change from our neighborhood footprint today. Although the PPL project calls for a small play area (intended for children under 10) there are no considerations for older children (ages 11+). Currently, with the single family homes, there are private yards and driveways where the children can play, and where they are safe. For children of the proposed development, the closest park is at best, 3/4 mile. Public transportation is available but would � � �` ��,�- 09-1082 Gq- � � then require these same children to cross 7 Street - a busy 4 lane thoroughfare - no stop lights or stop signs to assist in safe passage, within 4 blocks. Lastly, there are available and affordable housing options not included in the PPL due diligence. The "exclusions" PPL chose, tip the scale in favor of the proposed project with the appearance of insufficient affordable housing as a result. This is inaccurate. Two large scale affordable housing developments are within 1 mile from the proposed property and representation at previous HDC meetings indicated openings. 4. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonab/e use under the strict provisions of the code. PPL again, was aware prior to negotiat+ng Qurchase agreements with any of these properties that this purpose could not be served under the code. � (Reference#1). These are deliberate infringements of the code and grounds for denying the requested variance. Thank you for your attention and consideration. Best Chandra Gruber 2214 West 7�" Street St. Paul, MN 55116 � � � �_'P� L '2c� {�rQOI f�or 1�A�10j1C� = a��OS� t� o V�tKi ' v�� ------=_� _: �°-��. - a ��a: ..� � . + _ , . � .. ��:�� :° °� _ � . ,: �.���� ; � : _,\,� � _� :I� - $} - � s �- _ u ; � ,� : _ �� _ ... .--' "_ "' - � �• ,`4 � �g �•. ::_ �. `: '-._�. .S :;' .� F��\ � '\ .� " v __ � • • _ ..; , . c ' � n� ` _____ . \ 4 . i. : t' `� �yS:.x� �v : •�'.•. , .'•�. JI r �.i ia "-1�_ij ' > .' i _'�: `- ��� � � r ta� :� �- ____ _ �` v l �� • u � _. ._ Sl�� .F�� � / �. ,, _ � �ar h + � ._" yp�� r' \� A ii ' l: / ��!i3 �J 1 �' :^ �. '_ /, , i^i \ = � ._, ;63 � � ^ � � `._ ':.�.�'.�i .i 4 '� •.Ja,v. � `� y ' l _ , 4 1..�' /: . �': v' `. ,:'^_ �6-� � � �. t . � `S , •, l . ` � / �� .� '1 � e � i_i.k'� = � "_ "\ :A��'� 9C ': r r(p�` ` .� f s� /'� e ?.� ` +, " ,. '� � '� ,�� ^�^.. 1 .:a•r. �''. .! � /�°`'` ''. �•.: i ' �� �¢' � 'l� /._ '" .fl,y. ��n �:'� �� . �g ��l .t � � n .+/i'1 _ :� _ _ _- ,�: t. .: .' 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' �Ta�ntN�:P01k'lals�Te�beZlktim� �`"' '.WGISICfALEtl6DOG/191['� t ' °' � — 11YVl.�� - M P Adt�n�'1 t1v' FYI.UP i nrlt nn.G-a a nnr.✓n ��� �Maoccn n t�.�it✓.v� ntin� n.�. � � � 09-1082 �- ysai RA v• � ���. =�b��l� Home Site Map Contact Us Tax & Property Laok Up Information - Property Info Home � � Information � � PLOperty_Look Up �( Record_Look Up � � Contact Ue IVew Pro�erty.Search > Property Information Back to Search Results � � ��� � Quick Info Property Information Ta�Cpayer.Name and �� Address Value..Information Value History Structure Description Sal.e Information S�ecial Assessments P fOD er�Tax Pa�ment Information Proper�t r_ Tax_Payment lii§tory 2009 Pa�!_ment_StubS 2009 P��rty.Tax Statement 2009 Value N otice 2008 PrQperty_Tax StatementlVatue Notice 2Q07 _Property Tax Statemen Value Notice 2006 Property Tax Statemen alue IVotice Tr�th in Taxation St�tement Minnesota State Forsn Property Identi£eation Number (PIN) Property Address 2222 7th St W St.Paul 55116-3108 Property Recorded As The Plat or Section / Township / Range and legal Destription listed below may be an abbreviated legal description - Do not use to prepare legal documents Plat or Section / Towns�hi�p e Rankins Addition To The,city 0 9 Legal Description Ex St Lots 6 And Lot 7 Blk 4 To determine whether your property is Abstract or Torcens, call (651) 266-2000 Roll Type Real Estate Parcel Size .25 Acres Parcel Width 80.00 Feet Parcel Depth 134.0� Feet Assessment Date 01-02-2008 01-02-2009 Tax Payable Year 2009 2010 Property Class Description Res Hmstd Res Hmstd Municipality St. Paul Watershed Capital Region W/5 School District Number 625 �� . - ev -- ,� 11 'a � �9-1082 ° . � � . � ���� Home SiM Map CoMa�t Us � Tax & Property Look Up Information - Property Info i-lome � � Irtform_ �tion � � Property Look Up � � R�cord Look UQ I I_C.ontact Us New_Pro�erty.Se�rch > Property Information Back to_Search Results uick Info Property Infortnation TaxoaKer Name and Address � Vaiue. Information Value Historv StructureQescri to ion Sai�Inf�rmation Soecial Assessments Property Tax Pa�ment Information Prooe_yt Tax Payment Histqr� Z0�( 9 Pavment tu� 2009 Prooerty Ta�c Statement 2 009 Value Notice 2048�erty Tax Statemen alue otic 20�7 Pro�er[a! Tax StatementNalu Notice 2006 ProQerSj�Tax StatementlValue Notice Truth in Taxation Statement Minnesota State Form ��.�n�e L`t�4 Property Identi£wtion Number (PIN) Property Address 2233 Benson Ave St. Paul 55116-3102 Property Recorded As The Plat or Section / Township / Range and Legal Description listed below may be an abbreviated Iegaf description - Do not use to prepare tegat documents Plat or Section / Towns e Rankins Addition To The,city O 9 Legal Deseription Ex Swly 44.39 Ft ; Lot 20 Blk 4 Palisade Add & In Sd Rankins Add The Nely 54.09 Ft Of Lot 16 Bik 4 To determine whether your property is Abstraet or Torrens, eall (651) 266-2000 Roll rype Real Estate ParcelSize .18 Acres Parcel Width 54.00 Feet Parcel Depth 141.00 Feet AssessmenY Date 03-02-2008 Ot-02-2009 Tax Payable Year 2009 2010 Property Class Deseription Res Hmstd Res Hmstd Municipality St. Paul Watershed Capital Region W/S School District Number 625 \J 1� � 09-1082 ty _ � ,�� _ ^ 0 -, —� X�� Home Site Map Corttact Us Tax & Property Look Up Information - Property Info Home. � � I..nforrr�ation.. � � Property.Look Up � � Record Look Up � � Contact Us � � IVew Properl.y Search Backto Search Results quick Info Property Infortnation T.axpayer_N�me a.nd Address Vaiu�_Info_rmation Value Historv Stru4ture Descriot]on Sa1�Information Special Assessments Proy_e rt�_Ta3c__Payrr�ent Information Prop�rty Tax Pakment Histo.[X 2Q09 Paym�nt_Stubs 2009 Pro�ertv Tax Statement 2009 Value Notice > Property Information ` t�� ll � C�rtd,Yu ( �,� (.Wr�ll�; I Property Identifiwtion Number (PINj Property Address 2214 7th St W St.Paul 55116-3108 Property Recorded As The Plat or Section / Township / Range and Legai Description tisted betow may be an abbreviated legal description - Do not use to prepare legal documents Plat or Section / TcwnshiQ / Rankins Addition To The,city O Range Legal Description Subj To St Lots 8 And Lot 9 Blk 4 To determine whether your property is Abstract er Torrens, call (651) 266-2000 Roll Type Real EsWte Parce{ Size .25 Acres Parcel Width 80.00 Feet Pareel Depth 134.00 Feet Assessment Date 01-02-2008 01-02-2009 Tax Payable Year 2009 2010 Property Class Description Res Hmstd Res Hmstd Municipality St. Paul Watershed Capital Region W/S School District Number 625 200$ Property _Tax StatementLValue Notice 2q07_Proper[�Tax Statemen�alue Notice 20�f Pro�er�y Tax Statemen alue IY_otice Truth in Taxation Statgment Minnesota State Form } b� I 09-1082 "�` T � � Home Site MaD / CoMact Us � Tax & Property Look Up Information - Properly Info Home � � Informa�ion � � Prop�rty.l�ook UR � � RQCOrd �ook l!p � � Contact Us New Pro�ertX Search > Properly Information Back_to Search Results Q�ick Info Property Information Tax,paver Nam� and Ad ress Value Information Value History Structure Descri�ion Sale. Infczma�on �ecial Assessments Prooertv Tax P�ment Infortnation Pro e Lax pavment tiistor�r 2Q� Pavmen�Stu6s 2009 Prooertv Tax Statement 2009 Value Notice 2008 Prooerty Tax StatemenWaiue Notice �007 P� Tax StatementNalue Notice �QQ6 �ro�er�yT�x tate entlValue Notice Truth in Taxation Statement Minnesota State Form / t �r / I • Properly Identi£eation Number CPIN) Property Address 2211 Benson Ave St. Paui 55116-3102 Property Recorded As The Plat or Seetion / Township / Range and Legal Description listed below may be an abbreviated legal descriptioo - Do not use to prepare tegal doeuments Plat or Section / Towns�fi"��p e�nkins Addition To The,city O 9 Legal Description Lots 14 & Lot IS 8tk 4 To determine whether your property is Abstract or Torrens, call (651) 266-2000 Roll Type Real Estate Parcel Size .26 Acres Parcel Width 80.00 Feet Parcel Depth 141.00 Feet Assessment Date O1-02-2008 01-02-2009 Tax Payable Year 2009 2010 Property Class Deseription Res Hmstd Res Hmstd Municipality St. Paul Watershed Capital Region W/S School District Number 625 � � � Re: PPL request for variance 09-1082 John Hardwick - Re: PPL request for variance • ;. From: Mary Jo Frauzen <MaryJo(a�,maryjofrauzen.com> `To: ` <john.hardwick�a,ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 8/22/2009 2:02 PM Subject: Re: PPL request for variance CC: ° . <bIll@airlineposters.com> Hello, We wish to inform you that we oppose the variance to the PPL project. John and June Borotz 2222 W 7th St. (next to proposed project) Mary Jo Franzen (their daughter) Kathleen Juls (their daughter) Richard Borotz (their son) Page 1 of 1 There are various reasons that this project will present a hardship to our parents and will significantly reduce their use and enjoyment of their properry, which is located very close to the proposed building. The reason the variance is requested is that the PPL states that they have been unsuccessful in � purchasing enough property to reach the 2 acre uiinainum. John and June Borotz property at 2222 W 7th is the properry located immediately to the east of the building, and yet they ha�e never been approached by PPL to have their property purchased. This statement by the PPL is deceptive. Additionally, PPL made it known at the Highland Council m! eeting on 8/20 that they cannot build their project if they have to work with 2 acres, so it has been their intent all along to not work within the guidelines of the Shepazd-Davern Overlay. We feel their attempt to get this project approved has been dishonest and with no regazd for the neighborhood. Thank you very much., � Jo Fr � en Mary ]o Franzen REALTORO, CRS, GRI Super Real Estate Agent'TM "Consistently Extraordinary Service!" Website: ! www.RealtorMaryJo.com Email: MaryJo@RealtorMaryJo.com Cell: 612-598-6008 Bus:763-576-8286 x518 Fax: 763-576-8276 � ' �� file://C:�Documents and Settings�hazdwicj�L,ocal Settings\Temp�XPgrpwise\4A8FFA86ma... 8/24/2009 _ _ . 8/24/2009 Jo n Hardwick- PPL � --� i � �� M � Pa e 1 From: Kathy <hdc@visi.com> To: JohnHardwick4ohn.HardwiGc@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: - 8/21@009 1:13 PM- Subjeet: PPL`-�' ' John, The HDC had held 3 community meetings conceming the the PPL projed � proposed for West 7th Street and Springfiefd Street since Janua[y 2009. More than 200 Highland Park residents tiave attended and providetl extensive community input Upon learning thffi PPL was going before the BZA on August 24th, the HOC board of directors called a speaal mee6ng for August 20th to again review the projed and take a formal position on the requesfed variances. - The HDC board considered each variance request separateiy and by signifipM majorities voted fo oppnse both the Iot s¢e and setbadc variance requests. The board has asked that the reults of these votes be fonvarded to the appropriate cortacts and the city and BZA. The HDC asks that the BZA not approve these 2quests for variances. Will you pfease respand to this emaT and confirtn fhat you received fhis and that it will be given to the BZA for the Aug 24th meeting. Thank you for you time, Kathy Carruth Community Organizer Highland Distrid Council 651�95-4005 hdc@visicom 1 ' I : :�, s:' � '�� � � � . � �_ I • � � U`��� Page 1 of 1 09-1�82 7ohn Hardwick � From: Nancy Willroth <w3nancy@hotmail.com> To: <john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 8/20/2009 9:46 PM CC: <bill@airlinepoaters.com> I oppose the variances to the PPL project on Benson Ave in St. Paul Nanry Wiliroth R.T.(R)(MR) (651) 308 - 8217 � With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos. Click here. � 6� \ file://C:�Documents and Settings�hardwicj�I,ocal Settings\Temp�XPgrpwise\4A8DC44Cma... 8/24/2009 8/2412009) John Hardwick - IN RE: ighland District Council Vote Against Zoning ariances a�e 1: 09-1082 From: "Randy Benson" qyndybenson@comcastneb To: 4ohn.Hardwick�ci.stpaul.mn.us>, nvard3@ci.stpaui.mn.us> Daffi: - 8I20/2009 8:49 PM � Subjecti �° !N RE: Highland Disfid Council VoteAgainstZoning Variances ._ �- � r / ♦ �_ • . Dear Council Membei Hartis and Mc John Hardwick I aftended fhe Highiand District Couna7 meetlng tonight on fhe variances requested for the proposed affoardable housing development on Springfield and West 7th. The HDC voted�against the mning variances. To be frank after attending the meeting I still do not reaily understantl how the proposed variances woudl affectthe neighborhood. However when listenting M the public tesiimony I was struck by two things 1. In their research that proposedy shows that there is a lack of affoardable housing in the area they only included rent controlled parcels fvr comparison. Meaning those uniis with affoardabfe rents such as Sib(y Manor and otfier such uni4s in the neighborhood were invisibie in their data. 1 find this very misleading. I tlo support affoardable housing in my neighborhood. 2. One woman at the meeting tesffied that she drove through developments from this developer in Minneapolis and found numerous boarded up building fronts. GNen that others had eadier testified that the developer had taken the names of iMeresteC community members at an earlier meeting with the proposetl intent of giving a tour of some of @s housing, and that such tours never material¢ed, this is conceming: - - � � - - - � - I am glad that the neighbors and the Highland Distrid Coual ovenvhetmingly chose to oppose this projed in its current fnrtn. I hope zoning and the City Council wilt oppose i[ as well. � Sincerely, Randall Benson 1905 Benson kvenue St Paul, MN 55116 651-253-1362 � V � ' Page 1 of 1 09-1082 � John Hardwick - file # 09-252310 project for pride in living I4'rom: RLOYD CARLSOl�T <patpacrlsn@verizon.net> To: <ohn.hardwick(a�cistpaul.mn.us> Date: 8/20/2009 4:52 PM Subject: file # 09-252310 project for pride in living �� ��� � 'L:�t?T Df � � � Deaz Sir Received your letter yesterday from Florida regardiug above subject public hearing. Please be advised that we disapprove any changes in lot sizes and setbacks as applied for. Please note this for the record. Thank You Pat/Floyd Cazlson 2210 w. 7th str. , �� file:!/C:�Documents and Settings�hardwicj�I,ocal Settings\Temp�XPgrpwise\4A8D7F67mai... 8l24/2009 Page 1 of 1 09-1082 � "Jerry Hertel" �Iertel(a�,hjdevelopmenY.com> Date: 8/19/2009 11:31 PM Subject: _ Proposed apartment project at the base of Snelling Hill and West 7th street, St Paul, MN To Whom it may Concem, I am strongly OPPOSED to the apartment project proposed for the south intersection of Snelling Ave and West 7th Sfreet at Springfield. The requesYed variances should be denied. My objection is based on the following: 1. The proposed project is far too large for the site The site is less than 62% of the required minmum land area for a development of this type. The site simply can't support the number of unifs proposed. 2. The 25 foot sefback requirement 6as been esfabiished to maintain minmum • 1 ,\ file:l/C:�Documents and Settings�hardwicj�L.oca1 Settings\Temp�gzpwise\4ASC8BSlma... 8/20/2009 John Hardwick - Proposed aparhnent project at the base of Snelling Hill and West 7th street, St Panl, MN - � Page 1 of 1 09-1082 John Hardwick - RE: Proposed apartment project at the base of Snelling Hill and West 7th street, St Paul, MN � � • -- - � — , From: "Jerry Hertel" QHertel(u�u�hjdevelopment.com> To: "Jerry Hertel" QHertel�a,hjdevelopmentcom>, <john.hardwick(c�cistpaul.mn.us> Date: 8/20/2009 12:24 PM Snbject: RE: Proposed apartment project at the base of Snelling Hill and West 7th street, 5� Paul, MN From: Jerry Herte� Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 11:31 PM To: 'john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us' Subject: Proposed apartrnent projed at the base of Sneiling Hill and West 7th street, St. Paul, MN To Whom it may Concem, I am strongiy OPPOSED to the apartment project proposed for the south intersection of SneVling Ave and West 7th Street at Springfield. The requested variances should be denied. My objection is based on the foliowing: 1. The proposed project is far too large for the site The site is less than 62% of the required minmum land area for a development of this type. The site simply can't support the number of units proposed. � 2. The 25 foot setback requirement has been established to maintain MINIMUM open space around the building, A 4 fioot setback does not provide enough open space between the building and property line. The building is much too large for the property. 3. There is already low income housing in the area. Sincerely, Jerry Hertel Highland Park St. Paul � ° "�.:_',`', `. ` �� , file://C:�Documents and Settings�hardwicj�Local Settings\Temp�XPgrpwise\4A8D406Ema... 8/20/2009 John Hardwick - PPL Development .i: From: Jessica Hertel <jherte108 c(�,gmail.com> � To: <john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> . : Date: . 8/19/2009 232 PM ` Subject: PPL Development Page 1 of 1 09-1082 �: . 61 �_� . a*�� 3+�`: . - :r �:�?`�=`- _ ==�M=:.:�. � , . , _ . . .. . E�.: a: - - -..--.. _ -.� � � g - � � , ' ` � � 5� .- ,�. Y��a '� .. De_aaz Mr. Aacd�vick, � � __ _ _ � I am writing about the two variances for the PPL development. I have always opposed this project, first .� --r, because there is to much traffic on West 7th at Snelling fo_ ha�e children anywhere neaz that site, Secondly there seems to be enough low income housing already in the area. The azea needs jobs and services more than housing. I was opposed before I heard about Yhe multiple variances for the above reasons. I do not support anything that makes the pmject skimp on development or change required speculations. Sincerely, Toni deRosier PS- What about negotiating 44 units with the housittg development on West 7th and Davern. It's not full. ,�,x s::�`<`: - ;,�'��:c_ .. x �-,.,, x - ..��;�>.-. � _. „���;;- _h���� `> : r�,'� 3 i eJ: .- : u `+' . � \�. \ file://C:�Documents and Seitings�azdwicj�L,ocal Seitings\Temp�'grpwise\4A8COD12ma... 8/I9/2009 Page 1 of 1 09-1082 R �� 9 ^ . John Hardwick - PPL Project Opposition � From: "Gruber, Chandra" <CGruber�a,sjm.com> To: <ohn.hazdwick(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 8/18/2009 4:56 PM Subject: PPL Project Opposition My husband and I oppose the proposed PPL project for West 7�' and Springfield in St Paul. I will be at the HDC meeting on Thursday, August 20�' and the Zoning meefing on the Monday, August 24�'to voice my opinion and present accurate facts which are misrepresented in the variance application. Our neighborhood deserves accurate and truthful in4osmation to be shared, and 4or a well-informed decision fo be made. Thank you for your consideration. Regards, Chandra $ Bi{I Gruber 2214 West 7�' Street St. Paul, MN 55116 Phone: 651-356-5704 Chandra Gruber Project Manager St Jude Medical, Inc. � One St. Jude Medical Drive St. Paul, MN 55117 USA Tel 651 756 2157 Fax 877 291 7569 Mobile 651 356 5704 caruberlr�sim.com s' .com ' Please note that my address and tefephone nomber have changed. My old phone numberwill no longer be active after Juty 35, 2009. This communication, including any attachments, may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential ox legally exempt from disclosure. If you aze not a named addressee, you aze hereby notified '' . that you aze not authorized to read, print, retain a copy of or disseminate any portion of this communication without the consent of the sendex and that doing so may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please ixnmediately notify the sender via return e-xnail and delete it from your system. � ��` file://C:�Documents and Settings�hardwicj�L,ocal Settings\Temp�XPgrpwise\4A8ADD58m... 8/19/2009 8119/2009 John Hardwick - I RE: Pro sed Develo ment at S ringfield and West 7th Street ' �� �� Page 1 From: ..= � � - "Randy Benson" <mndybenson@comcastneb To: �.:'��� ' . - Uohn.Hardwick@ci,stpauLmn.us> Date: ; =`�;`'.:. -- � � 8J18/2009 632 PM - 3ubjecFS;x °'.:„�s•r. INRE: Proposed Deveiopment at Springfield and West 7th Street . ,�;.��., -_ . _ ,. I frve at�1905 Benson avenue Sf. Paul, MN. 1 was just handed a ffier about this proposed project from one of my neighbors. I had no knowlege about this projed before hand. I arn not an immediate neighbot but neatby. I plan to a8end the �Hghland �istrid Councii Meeting with an open mind. I fulty 2alae alt cfiange is nof bad and someSmes d fakes some 5me M see the benefits to auch a project I defindely suppport low income housing and development that helps our homeless pqoulation get ofr tbe streeis. On tbe other hand a large portion of ihe homeless population is on the straets because of ineMal iMess and drug abuse. How are these peopie going ta be suppo[ted in Nis change? � � I donY know much about zoning orclinaces 6ut 1 am very concemed that the variance poposed for the Iand parcel seem large io me. 1 wonder how this xrouW effed the famities who woultl be living there and the homeowners in the area. I will be very inte2sted in the impac`t of this proposed project on the immediate neghbors and hopefully the bity wiil ensure their concems are not �qnored. The land parcel sae variance is close to 40% and that for the parking setback is 84%. West 7th street in this area as I am su2 you know is a very busy street and cars in this section in partiwlar o8en treat it ike a higha2y. t£ you are not crossing at a ligh[ you are takirtg your iife in your hands. In partiwiar iFyou dsembarkfrom a bus on the far side of the street it is a scary trip across wiFhout a Iight. Mother good point my neighbor made was that there are very few opportun8ies for iecreation for ahildren in this area. 1 know Crosby Park and the river are ciose but what kids need are structured activities to keep them out of trouble. They just do not play in such outdoor areas like chiMren used to do. This is something I would not have thougM of befo2 i[ was brought up but I think B bears some relevance given the inc2ase in high density housing we have been seeing in the area. Sincerety, Randail Benson 190.5 Benson Avenue Sti Paul, MN 09-1082 � �.� d. � " c�6�lgTfo,� ' • �,� , �_"�� � �y �+ �"O�� 09-1082 3ohn Hardwick - PPL project �;:: From: <michellemal�r(a�,aol.com> To: <jo�.�dwick�a,cistpaul.mn.us> Date: 8/18/2009 8:25 PM Subject: PPL project � 1 oppose the variance to the PPL Project Thank You! Michelle � ,�;�;; � \�� file://C:�Documents and 5ettings\hardwicj\I,ocal Settings\Temp�grpwise\4A8BOE4Ema... 8/19/2009 � � u� ����.: 09-1082 o q_����� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Deadline far Acfion 09-19-09 • BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS RESOLUTION ZONING FILE NUMBER: 09-252310 DATE: August 24, 2009 WHEREAS, Matthew Saucek — Project for Pride in Living has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 67303(2) & 66.231 of the Saint Paui I.egislative Code pertaining to 1) a minimum of two (2) acres is required for any development in the azea; 2) A minimum pazking lot setback of 25 feet is reqtured for the pazldng lot along Benson Avenue in tkie RM2 zoning district at 2236 7th Strcet West, PIN: 152823340034; and WI�REAS, the Saint Paul Boazd of Zoning AppeaLs conducted a public hearing on August 24, 2009 putsuant fo said appfication in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203 of the Legislative Code; and WE�REAS, the Saint Paul Boazd of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. � Project for Pride in Living (PPL) is a nonprofit developer of affordable housing for low- to moderate-income families. They cuaently own and manage over 1,000 units of affordable housing in the Twin Cites area. PPL is pmposing to construct a 3-story, 44-unit apartment buildittg with underground and surface pazking. The majority of the parldng will be in the underground ramp with 11 surface parldng spaces at the rear of the building along Benson Avenue. The pmject will replace a vacant nonconforming commerciat building and five otder single-famity homes all built in the early 1900s. The applicants haue attempted to obtain additionat properties in order to meet the m;n;.,,um two acre Iot size standard but fiava been unable to do so. This azea was rezoned for multi-family residentiai use in 2000 as part of the Shepazd/Davexn Smatl Area Plan. The Plan envisioned a diversity of new multi-unit housing for this area. This parcel is a through lot and as such the pmperiy does not have a rear yard but has two front yards for setback purposes. Pazldng is not allowed in a required yard except a rear yard and this makes it impossible to provide surface parking for visitors without encroaching info a requued setback. The proposed 44-unit building meets all of the underlying RM2 standazds aud is a reasonable and permitted use of this property. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these circumstances were not created by the Iand owner. The minimum two acre lot size standazd crea#es a hardship for any new multi-family residential development. There are no two acre sites under single ownership in the residenhal� � Page I of4 \ v \ -�� : 6 � � i� � ~` YK o9-ios2 6�=���i�.� � File #09-252310 Resolution portion of the Shepazd/Davern azea. Without the ability to obtain properiy through eminent domain, it is difficult to put together a rivo acre pazcel. This is a circumstance that was not created by the current property owner. 3. The proposed varzance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul. The Small Area Plan identifies this azea as having sma11 pockets of older single family homes and nonconforming commercial uses. The Plan recommends replacing these uses with mulri- unit residential buildings with a range of faznily size and income levels. There will be a mixture of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units available with some for residents with income levels of 60% or less of the area median, some for residents of 50% of the median and 10 units of supportive housing for those who meet the definition of long term homeless. This proposal is consistent with the Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and the Shepard/Daverm Small Area Plan. Staff has received several letters in support of this project and one letter in opposition. The proposed variances aze in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and will not adversely affect the health or welfaze of area residents. . 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The pmposed new building will meet all of the required setbacks and height limits. The requested variances will not adversely affect the supply of light or air to adj acent properties. Although the applicant has not obtained final Site Plan Review approval yet, preliminary review has indicated that the plans will meet the design guidelines of the Shepazd/Davern overlay district. The building design will borrow from elements associated with neazby Fort Snelling and other historic buildings in the area. The proj ect area will be extensively landscaped with a series of rain gazdens and underground drain tile systems that will allow much of the storm water to be retained on site. The proposed development will enhance the character of the Fort Road Gateway to Saint Paul which should have a positive impact on surrounding properties. 5. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected Zand is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classificatian of the property. Multi-family housing is a permitted use in this distdct. The requested variances would not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. • Page 2 of 4 \ � \ �o���: :���� � o9-iosa �q' �__�1� File #09-252310 Resolution 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. The applicant is a no�rofit organization whose primary desire is to pmvide affordable housing. NOW, Tf�REFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning AppeaLs that the provisions of Section 67303(2) & 66.231 aze hereby waived to allow: 1) A*n;n;mum lot area of 1.23 acres,. 2) A pazldng lot setback of 4 feet from the reaz properiy ]ine, suhjeet to the condiiion that the applicant obtains final Site Plan Review approval before any construcfion or grading occurs on tke site, in order to constr¢ct a new 44-unit apazhnent building in the Shepazd-Dayem Overlay District on properiy located at 2235 7�` Street West; and legally described as Rankins Addition To The City Of St. Paui, Ramsey County, M'innesota Subj To St Lots 12 And Lot 3 Blk 4; in accordance with the application for variance and the site plan on file with the Zoning Administrator. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: IN FAVQR: AGAINST: MAILED: August 25, 2009 TIl�LE LIMTr: No decision of the zoLlltg or planning adminislrator, planning commission, boazd of zoning appeals or city conncil appmving a site plan, permit, variance, or other zoning approval shall be valid for a period longer than two (Z) Years, unless a bnilding permit is obtained withitt such period and the erecfion or a[teration of a bailding is proceeding ander the terms of the decision, or the nse is established within such period by actnal operatioa pnrsuant to tfie applicable conditions and requirements of the approval, nnless the wning or planning administrator grants an estension not to esc.eed one (1) year. � � Page3of4 ,\� � y r. ..� rp ��. .v���.� 09-1082 '� =„'���. _G��� File #09-252310 � Resolution APPEAL: Decisions o£ the Board of Zoning Appeals aze final subject to appeal to the City Conncil within 10 days by anyone affected by the decision. Bnilding permits shalt not be issned after an appeal has been filed. If permits have been issned before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are snspended and construction shali cease nntil the City Conncil has made a�mal - determination of the appeaL CERTIFTCAITON: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have eompared the Foregoing copy with the original record in my oftice; and find the same to be a true and wnect copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on approved minutes of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on August 24, 2009 and on record in the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections, 375 Jackson Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. SAITTT PAUL BOARD OF ZO1�iING APPEALS � Aebbie M. Crippen Secretary to the Board � Page 4 of 4 \\� . ���� _. o9-losa ��� �� MINUTES OF Tf� MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APP S CITY COiJNCII. CFIAMBERS, 330 C1TY HALL , ST PAUL, MINNF.SOTA, AUGUST 24, 2009 PRESENT: Mmes. ivfaddox, Linden, Morton, and Porter; Messrs. Courtney, and WiLson of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals; Ms. Tierney, City Attorney; Mr. Hardwick and Ms. Crippen of rhe Deparhnent of 3afety and Inspections. ABSENT: Gloria Bogen*, Daniel Wazd* *Excused The meeting was chaired by Joyce Maddox, Chair. Matthew Soncek (f/09-2523101 2236 7th Street West: �✓o variances in order to construct a new 44- unit apartment building in the Shepazd-Davem Overlay District. 1) A minimum of two (2) acres is required for any development ia this azea, 1.23 acres is proposed for a variance of .77 acres. 2) A minimum 25 foot setback is required for the pazldng lot along Benson Avemie, 4 feet is proposed for a setback variance of 21 feet. Mr. Hazdwick showed slides of tfie site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendarion for approval, subject to the condition ttiat the applicant obtains final Site Plan Review approval before any const[uction or gcading ocatts on the site. Fifteen letters were received opposing the variance request. One let�r was received from District 15 opposing the var;an�p request. Mr. Courtney qaestioned staff and Counsel stating he does not ever remember seeing a minimum 2 acre requirement, he quesdoned what the purpose of it? Mr. Hacdwick stated that the zoning ordinances have been revised since the Shepherd-Davem Overlay came along. The 2 acre requirement he thinks envisioned a total redevelopment of this azea where all the properry would be obtained at once and then they would divide it up into 2 acre pazcels rather than individual single family homes. Although he was not involved in forming these ordinances, he read the putpose according to the Overiay Disirict, quoting chapter 67.301. �These redevelopment Overlay Disiricts aze established to maintain a unique character, promote economic development potenfial, encourage development of Urban Villages with pedestrian and transit oriented design. Ta promote mixed use development and to protect public heait[i, safety and welfare." So that was the official reason that it was adopted. \_J The applicant MATTHEW SOUCEg, Project For Pride In Living, Inc. - 1035 East Franklin Avenue, was present. Steve Cramer, Executive DirecWr for Project for Pride in Living(PPL), stated he is accompanied by Matt Soucek who filed the application. Bart Nelson, Architect with Urban Works Architecture joined by Dave Holland &om his office. Mr. Cramer stated that PPL is a community development organization and they have been active in the twin cities for 37 years and they provide affordabie housing, employment and training services, family support education towazds adm'vssion of helping low and moderate i�ome people become more self sufficient, that is tfieir reason existing and their various activities. We have been active in Saint Paul for over 25 yeazs, of those units tLat John mentioned I35 of them aze in Saint Pau1 in 13 different buildings. From the east side to St. Anthony, we are actually finishing a major rehab of three buildings on Selby Avenue right now. As far as most of us can tell this is the first time we have ever needed a zoning action. He stated that they aze here because � a l AA-ADA_EEO Employer . u � File /109-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Two 09-1082 .���;r 2� qb i ,� ^?�i� — �n � � !� //V1 �_ u�� �-I- 4R they see this site as an almost perfect match between what PPL has a long and successful track record of doing by way of providing new afFordable housing in the community and the vision for St. Paul and this part of West 7" detailed in the housing chapter of the Comprehensive Plan as well as the Shepherd- Davem Small Area Plan. Some people ask us "why here?", and the answer in the lazge part is because what we aze proposing is what City plans and zoning call for at this location. We think that the City is right'we think that this location is an excellent site for high quality newly consRUCted affordable housing serving some very low income, and many low to moderate income working families. Well service by transportation, access to commercial services, and job concentradons. We also worked hazd to design a building that would fit in at this location, mote traditional than contemporary, with pitched roofs, double hung windows and walk out units. The need for this kind of affordable rental opportunity, not a forectosed home that is not habitable without thousamis of dollazs of inveshnent, or an existing old craznped aparhnent bazley lazge enough for a family. The need for newly constructed, high quality, affordable housing including many new rivo and three-bedroom units is huge. We often heaz about these other housing opportunities, fore closures, and for rent signs, but make no mistake the kind of housing opportunity we will create on this site is in scazce supply, That is why public agencies including the City of Saint Paul will invest to make it possible; they know it is greafly needed. Thirry-five percent of our units wlll be affordable to families at or below 30% of income including some as John suggested who are literally long Yime homeless and who we will help to mainstream back into the community. There is not much by way of subsidized housing in this part of the city period. St. Paul has five categories rating the amount of tkus kind of affordable housing in city neighborhoods and the azea that this is in, it is in the second lowest category, the second lowest percentage of affordable to total housing units. He stated that they recenUy completed two new building much like the ones we aze proposing here across the river in the other city and they leased up in a matter of weeks, the same will happen here because the need is so great, especially in these economic times. Frankly we wish that this building would be like our other thirteen in St. Paul, totally compliant with Zoning regulations so we don't have to ask for a variance, but as 7ohn pointed out there aze no 2 acre sites along West 7`", we have assembled a set of parcels that create a site our experience tells us will be a successful 44 unit project. We have had other discussions to make the site a litHe bit larger but still not 2 acres, but quite honestly economic and mazket realiry have not always been the basis for those conversations, so here we aze. We have also participated in five neighborhood meetings about this project and heazd very cleazly that off-street parking is a priority. So we designed the use of the site that we could acquire in a way ffiat maximized underground pazking for residents and visitors. Necessitating use of ffie otherwise required setback, but there is no question in his mind that the treatment along Benson as the pictures indicated even with the variance will be vasfly improved over the cunent condidon. He asked that Bart answer ques6ons about the plans and they would answer any questions that Boazd had. Mr. Nelson stated as he mendoned before they aze pleased to be working with PPL on a project like this that they think will enhance the Fort Road Gateway to Saint Paul. We do conform with all of the RM2 zoning requirements and we think that this is exacUy the kind of project that the Overlay District is written azound. Mr. Nelson explained the elevations shown in the site plans, noting that the top one is the north one which is West 7i and is designed with the idea of a traditional building that seems appropriate along Fort Road, it also has walk-ups along this street with individual entrances to apartments that allow eyes on the street and security for the residents and the neighborhood. The lower elevation is AA-ADA-EEO Employet \\ � 09-1082 File #04-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Three the Springfield elevateon and it Qces show the slope of @te grade but it dces show we are in compliance with the height of the building that is required and that relates to the side yard setbacks which we meet as well. The next slide shows the South elevation on Benson Avenue it has the gazage entrance and empfiasizing that they aze using the slope of the site to use to enter the underground pazking, they also have the eleven surface pazldng spaces on this side as well. The lower is the east elevation showing the g�ada and the play azea which is located on the east side. The variance for the pazking tfiat they are asldng for is the eleven stalls on the Benson side of the properry. Noting that there is a large pazking lot across the sireet and a lazge warehouse down the street. One of the byproducts of this is that PPL will be improving its side Springfield and Benson with new curbs and gutters. Mt. Nelson stated that John explained the variances fhe first one is gretty self explanatory regazding the 2 acre reqairement. The second one is for the pazking vaziance and there aze probably three things to think about and that is that it is obvious on the plan that ttris is a through lot as Tohn stated, and we have been talldng about the &ont of the building being on West 7i Street but technically because it is a duough lot both of these ends aze considered &ont yazds and that is the reason that this pazldng requires a variance. We aze asldng for a four foot setback &om the stalls instead of a 25 foot setback, the dashed line on the site plan shows where that 25, foot setback is. Our building meets all of the requirements of the RM2, so the building itself is in compliance, so what we aze asking for is a variance for oniy these pazking stalls along Benson. Ms. Morton questioaed how far this is located from Sibley Manor? Someone in the audie�e replied two blocks. Mr. Courtney questioned what the area to the north or the east of the property that is not building and not parking, pointing to the gray azea next to tfie buiIding? Mr, Nelson replied that is all landscaped, pointing out a plaza and a playground for the kids. Mr. Couriney further questioned below that? Mr. NeIson stated that is mosfly grass and some landscaping where the slope is going up, Mr. Courtney further questioned the need for the pazldng there is? Mr. Nelson stated that they have 55 inside underground pazking stalls, so they need the addition i l to meet the 1.5 off-street pazking spaces required for the building. Mr. Courtney fiuther questions and you cannot put them uuder the buitdiag they won't fit? Mr, Nelson replied that the foot print would not allow any more underground pazking stalls. Ms. Morton questioned wfiether fhey would be relocating the movie station and the residenis of the properties they are purchasing, Mr, Nelson replied no, there are no relocaflon requirements here, they wilI be paid fair market value for their properly and move on &om there. Ms. Linden questioned that there seems to be a little bit of confusion over ihe property that you attempted to purc6ase, she further questioned whether they had any documentation from any of those conversations? Mr. Nelson shted that they could certainly talk about tha conversations that they had, it is a little bit of aa awkward format for tl�at because those were confrdential conversations and tfiey did not always reflect the economic reality, but if the Board would like to Matt Soucek is the person who had those conversations and he could relate those to the Board. Whetfier trris is the right setting for that or not is up to your judgment. Ms. Maddox replied lats wait. � � , i.>���E_' - z �_ '. F _ _� � LJ AA-ADA-EEO Employer � � � File �{04-252310 Minutes August ?f3, 2009 Page Four 09-1082 6 �� Mr. Courtney stated he is still focusing on the 2 acre requirement, he does not i�ow if Mr. Nelson can address that does not know what that is about? Secondly maybe since the second variance has to do with pazldng could you say who is going to be pazking there? Is it going to be different pazking than undemeath? or is it the same people, is it office people, he thinks addressing the frequency of the use of that azea would be relevant. Mr. Nelson stated that the intent of those spots aze to provide for guest puking, the residences will have a below grade pazking ramp. We heazd a lot about the need for parking in this azea so we came up with a plan that met eatacUy the pazlflng requirements of the zoning code with respect to off street pazldng. Those particulaz spots will be oriented towazd guest parking. Ms. Porter questioned given the foot print of the building are you in compliance with the pazking regulation or aze you over? Mr. Nelson stated that they aze e�ctly in compliance. Ms. Porter quesdoned how many spaces do they have in total? Mr. Nelson replied in total there will be 66 parking stalls, because there aze 44 units and they require 1.5 per unit. Cyril Sandberg, 2243 Benson Avenue, stated he thinks that the apartment that is going in there would be a lot better than what is there now. He tliinks that even the people that aze against it once they see what a nice building it is going to be, will be all for it after a while. The two blocks are in the development azea so one way or another they will be developed in the future. Mr. Courtney quesdoned whether Mr. Sandberg was in a house being sold? Mr. Sandberg replied yes, it is being tom down. Howazd Goldman, 2170 St. Clair Avenue, stated he is in attendance for the Social Acflon Committee for the Temple of Aazon, noting that they have over 1,000 families in the synagogue. He stated that he worked in the housing field for many yeazs, he was the D'uectot or the Multi-family division of the HUD office in Minneapolis and had jurisdicflon over privately financed housing in Minnesota and Wisconsin, noting that he retired in January of 2008 and he has worked extensively with Steve Cramer and PPL. They have a very good repetirion in the field particularly with affordable housing. They develop a high quality product and they have particulaz expertise with mixed income properties much like this property, supportive housing. They have also worked with project and tenant based section 8. They have a long successful history throughout the metropolitan area wocking with different neighborhoods. They manage everything that they own, they have a long term`commitment to these housing developments. They have a very good repedtion with the lending communiry both public and private and tlus is a very complicated deal to finance and they are one of only a few developers that he has worked with that have the skill to put this deal together. He urged the Boazd to approve the variances. Mr. Cwrtney quesrioned whether Mr. Goldman could point to some addresses in St. Paul where PPL have done a great job? Mr. Goldman stated he worked with them more so in Minneapolis than in St, Paul. Hal Clapp, 1086 Juno Avenue, stated he is representing himself as a neighbor he lives within a mile of the project but he also represents the Unitarian C�uLCh's Supportable Aousing Committee, and he is a board member of the Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing and is a Ramsey chapter member there. As a program officec and loan officer for the Minnesota Housing Fund he sees a need for this type of housing throughout the state in small, medium, and lazge cifles across the state aze in dire AA-ADA-EEO Emp(oyer �\ ` File #09-252310 Minutes Augast 24, 2009 Page Five 09-1082 � ��� r����� need of this type of housing that is proposed here. So on that basis he would strongly urge the Boazd to support it. About a year ago fie was before the $oard in opposition to developmenf in ]vs neighborhood, the Trader Joe's grocery store on the wmer of Lexington and Randolph. It occurred to him how similaz these two projects aze in a lot of ways. We had a very strong neighborhood opposition 100+ signatures on a perition in opposition to the development for a lot of reasons inctuding by one count up to 8 variances. Some of those were taken cate of before they were before the Boazd, but certainly there were a Iot more variance needed for that then aze needed for this project. Thete was aLso an issue of a very dilapidated, if you took the movie store and subsfltuted it with caz stereo instillation facility it would be almost idendcal buildings, dilapidated pazking lot, and dilapidated building so the azgument was that you are taldng this site that was a dilapidated commercial si� and you aze going to put a new development on it. There were many variances, however, he thinks at the end of the day, speaidng as someone wfio has had to live with the development for several months now, he would say it was a successTul development. Would he still rather have single-family homes across the street, yes, it was a much different neighborhood then he dces have now, however, that opposition and with some support of the Highland District Council we were able to work with the developer to create a development that was suitable for everybody. A lot of concessions were made, traffic has not been as much of a problem and he would just say ta anybody who is opposing ihis pmject, work hard with the developer and he know that PPL and Steve and his staff has made numerous amendments to the plan to create the type of structure that they have now which he feels is really an asset to the neighborhood. Noting that it is more fhan two blocks to Sibley Manor there aze qtrite a few commerciat structures and the railroad t�ack, which alleviate the concerns about it being too concentrated as well. John Slade, 1005 Conway Street, stated he works for MICA the Metropolitau Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing, noting that they were instructed to stick with the 1.23 acce lot and the housing stuff and trying to focus on �at. This project would break down the barriers allowing many income levels to live and work together doing a lot with a little, There was opposition present at the hearing. � � Bernard Liad, 2233 Benson Avenue, stafed fia is tfie adjacent property and he thinks that the 2 acre zoning iequirement was instituted to prevent undue hardship on the neighbors, like him and his neighbors. He has lived 'm his home for 14 yeazs, he thinks that PPL's request should be denied and he agrees with the Highland District Council who voted 9-3 against granting the variance. There were 20 or so neighbors who appeared at the August 20 District Council meeting tn expressing their opposition to the variance request. Among otfier reasons there appeazed at the meeting that there is ample housing for low income residents at Sibley Manor, the Davern Pazk Apar�ents boYh of which aze in the Higliland 1�ictrict A�m�ntltiPPL submitted a studv tkiat convenienfly ignored Sibley Manor and Davem Park Aparhments. PPL has been tess than candid m a letter to Mr. Hazdwick dated August 3, PPL states that "assembly of small properties is difficult, as not all owners are willing to sell their properties and at this time if is not possble to assemble enough land to comprise a 2 acre parcel. PPL has put forth its best effort to acquire additional properiy for the development pamel and rednce the size or eliminate the lot size variance we aze seeking. We have not been able W acquire additional parcels despite these efforts." PPL's efforts to acquire his properiy can hardily be described as best efforts, in fict PPL has hardly AA-ADA-�O Employer \ �� '.:%� :$� tx: 09-1082 :� �,:-��`�� ���� File #09-252310 • Minutes August 2A, 20Q9 Page Six made any real efFort at all, noting that he has been willing to sell his home to PPL at a fair price. PPL has never made him a definite offer either written or oral. He has had a total of three phone conversations with Matt Soucek and in his initial phone conversation he had suggested that a fair price would be one based on the same price that PPL successfully offeted to one of his neighbor, that was not a final offer. He was and is willing to negotiate a fair price. In our first conversation Mr. Soucek agreed that figure that he suggested was not out of line, but in the third and final phone call Mr. Soucek concluded the phone conversation by saying that PPL did not need to acquire his home but would proceed with obta inino a variance. He contended that it was PPL's goal to ohtain a variance is to avoid fairly acquiring the 2 acre parcel required by the zoning code. He stated Yhat Mr. Soucek's letter stating that the proposed variance would not alter the essenGal character of the surrounding area it patendy untrue, he aclmits that he is proposing to acquire Five additional properties and one commercial properry and replace them with a three story 44 unit development, Yhus increasing the number of residents in the units in that space by almost nine fold. Tlris increase coupled with replacing two lots with a pazking lot on Benson Avenue in an open space too small to accommodate a 44 unit building wIll certainly alter the essential character of the surfounding neighborhood. Because PPL has not made a reasonable aUempt to acquire the land it needs in order to proceed without a vaziance and because its project will alter the essential character of the neighborhood he asks the Boazd to deny PPL's request for a vaziance. Mr. Courtney questioned Mr. Lind, you aze cight next door to ttris pazking lot, he requested that Mi. • Lind tell the Board why there should not be a pazking lot there and why it should be back. That is one of the two issues and ihe other issue he still does not understand about the 2 acres. Mr. Lind stated from his undecstand when he looked into the 2 acre thing the zoning was trying to avoid is essentially an unfair financial burden and what it does to the adjacent properiy. He does not think that they would need a pazking variance if they had gotten that 2 acres that were required. Contending ffiat he will have a parking lot right next to his front yazd and a 44 unit aparnnent building over looking his back yazd, it basically takes away his privacy and he probably will have no resale value. Mr. Courtney stated ffiat he commented on the pazldng lot and he thinks that is the point. Mr. Lind contended if ffiey had come in and purchased the 2 acres as required we would not be having this conversadon. Mr. Courmey replied no, but we would be having the conversation two doors down. Richazd Bortz, 6750 Brule Circle, stated that he grew up in the home at 2222 West 7`� Street and that is the closest house on 7`" Street adjacent to the project. It was built 60 yeazs ago by his father with his own hands and they aze still living thece. They talk about not affecting the light and air but that view to the west they have enjoyed for the last 60 yeazs now and it will be totally cut off by this tluee story property so if that is not affecting the light and air he does not l�ow what is. They have paid a small fortune in property taxes to the state of Minnesota and ffie City of St. Paul so he is speaking against the vaziance request. It is not a small vaziance it is almost 100% they need 2 acres and the have 1.23, there must have been a good reason to put that zoning requirement in there at one time. They state that they adhere to all the requirements of RM2 but isn't this one of the major requirements to have 2 acres. He azgued that PPL's basis for this variance is based on a totally dishonest premise, as mentioned by Bernie previously, PPL stated that not all the owners aze willing to sell their properties and they go on to say that they put forth their best efforts to acquire addidonal properiy and in addition they say they have not been able to � acquire additional pazcels despite their best efforts. His parents live direcdy next door the closest � 1� AA-ADA-EEO Eaq�loyer 09-1082 File #09-252310 Mimites August 24, 2009 Page Seven possible properry that they might want to acquire. Direcfly next door facing east, it is a beautiful house the view is going to he totally blocked off by this project. They wuld have at least talked to them, thera was ao conversation held what so ever. To him that is totaily dishonest, did they tfiink fhat this was a vulnerable older couple that would not complain or something? How can they state something tbat is so unuue. He azgued that he is against this because of PPL's dishonest appmach to this. He reiterated that the study saying that there is no,affordable housing in ffie area is totally untrue, thete is probably no offier area in the twin cities that has more affordable housing that this area. A Council woman brought up that the study did not take into wnsideration Sibley Manor, or the apartments on Sk. Paul Avenue actually have rents that are lower than what they aze proposing for their low income honsing project. Because of the fact tbat there is plenry of affordable housing in the area he zequested that the Boazd vote against this. Ms. Morton questioned how many units are available at Sibley Manor? Mr. Bortz stated he thinks that there aze azound 600 accocding to the people that were talking at the Highland District Council. Someone in the audience stated 550 units were in Sibley Manor. Mr. Boriz staoed that he thinks Sibley Manor is slighfly facther than two blocks away. Bill Porlos, 1200 Bayard Avenue, slated that he is a Former member of the District CounciI during the Shephetd-Davern Overlay as well as a recent member of the Council, buY he is currenUy not a member of the council. He wanted to address Mr. Couriney's question why this 2 acre overlay was put in place, it was specifically put intn place to m;nimi�e the kind of piece meal development that we are looldng at today. He also thinks that this Boartllooked at he believes, it was the Kidney Dialysis peopte wanted to take a smaller lot than that, the specific complication of 1Lat 2 acre overlay is in section 67.303 and it could not be more plain as day what the law is on this. It is very concerning to him when he heazs that these sort of real estate iransactions or the conversafions about the real estate hardly took place. It is not the least bit synonymous with the Trader Joe's situation where those particular pazcels were not needed to meet code, it did not allow for the taking of the properties along the south side of Juno. The issue here has nofliing to do with PPL, it has nothing to do with the type of development that is going in there, it is whether they are going to nieet 2 acre minimr,m �d we can have planned development down tfiere. FIe thinks a lot of these zoning ordinances need to be revisited to be able to get some orderly development. He thinks that the way not to do that is to allow appeals, and variances, the District council should address this smail azea and have that go througfi tfie legislative process rather than this quasi judicial process to go forwazd. Mr. Courtney stated he is still trying to understand this rule still, is the cational for the 2 acre rule if you are going to disrupt the area we want you eo have a bigger plan rather than a sma[ier plan? is that the rational? Mr. Porlos statecl if you look at the zoning here there is industrial to the south and east and there is a pocket of single-family homes further down south with some aparhnent complexes, he thinks tfie t6ougb on the part of tfie planners was if a development were to go in that all of that properry would be redeveloped at onca. His concern is that if we allow for only a portion of these properties we are going to k�ave these pockets of not developable land and these single family homes aze going to wither on the vine. He stated he feels for some of the neighbors here who are looldng to maybe sell their house and retire aud not being abte to do so. In order for those folks to seII their property, they cannot sell them to a developer because they are not going to meet the 2 acre minimum so the next developer is an-nnn_�o ��a e A �li�/ . • �� 1 � �,�r' �� u �,;" 09-1082 ��'� 0���1� File #09-252310 • Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Eight going to have to get a variance as well. So ihe only use for that property would be a single family and he thinks what the planners aze envisioning here is a high density transit oriented housing and at the time we were looking at the Riverview Corridor going through there, whether it be the bus way or the light rail, that is whai was the underpinnings of the planning that went into this ordinance. He thinks this needs to be looked at legislaflvely. Richard Anderson, 2211 Benson Avenue, stated his properry falls within the required Z acres that PPL is supposed to have and he is against the vaziance he thinks that they should have to follow the Ciry's rules for building a building of that size. There won't be enough playground facilities for people and there is always heavy traffic there now so it will get more heavy traffic and pazking is a problem. Springfield is jammed up with pazking and a lot of Benson is also, so he is against the vuiance. He thinks they should have to follow the rules, he was never approached by PPL and his properry falls between the two acres that are required. Mary Jo Kranzen, 909 W. River Pkwy, Champlin, stated she is speaking for her pazents at 2222 7t Street West. She believes that having this building right next to her parents' home is going to be a hazdship for them. It is her opinion and those of her family that it is going to significandy reduce their light and air and change their enjoyxnent of their home. They still maintain a lazge vegetable gazden and this would cut down on their aftemoon sun and the enjoyment of their home. She stated that she is a twin � cides realtor and she can attest that being located right next to an apartment building and the building is the closest to their properry. Because it is physically placed so close to their home it will reduce their homes value. Most buyers view living next to an apartment building (tape ran out). The ptoperty value loss and in their loss of their continued use and enjoyment of their yazd. If this project is really unportant to the City of St. Paul, she does not understand why they cannot abide with the code and rules set out by the City of St. Paul and the Shepazd-Davern Overlay. She is opposed to this and urged the Board to reject the vaziances. Georgia Dietz, 1888 Dorothea Avenue, stated that she was on the Highland District Council until April so she attended tluee of the five meetings ffiat Mr. Cramer was referring to when he said they had five public meetings. The 3nteresting thing about PPL is that they came to the District Council in November, there was a meeting in Ianuary of the committee, there was a meeting in February and then we never heazd from PPL again and the last time we heazd anything from PPL was the norice of this meeting. That PPL was going to bypass the Highland District Council. Twenty-fonr hours after the cazds came to the people of this meeting the President of the Highland District Council called a special meeting with a 3-day notice. So the Highland District Council could weigh in on flus because PPL was not going to ask for their input. Ms. Dietz stated that she found it interesting that Mr. Hazdwick stated that ttds project is going to enhance the azea. Over the last six yeazs seven homes have been taken out and 712 units of housing have been built, basically where Davem and West'7 aze. This is also interesting because almost two years in July of 2007 the Kidney Dialysis Clinic Divata came to the City and requested to rezone Che properry from multi-family residentiat to office. They were also asking for a variance for the 2 acres, you denied the rezoning but you also denied the 2 acre variance then. She read from the District 15 summery of theu plan. It says " for the vision of the hwsing to maintain high quality housing stock • through physical maintenance and community interaction that provides pride and safety. " She ffiinks that � AA-ADA-EEO Employer `� � �=; . 09-1082 ��=-�-' � 0 �t ��f ZO File #09-252310 Minutes August 2fi, 2009 Page Nine they Y�ave a lot of proud home owners down on West'7t and Sgrinfield. But what it also says in the District Plan, and it is interesting after the 712 units being built on West 7�`, "that the Capitoi Improvement Budget should build a new pazk by the existing Sibley Manor, that has not happened. Assess funding for a new Recreadon Center south of West 7 as a priority that has not happened. Prioritize resources for an expanded Library in the West 7 Street Comdor that has not happened. So all of this building is being built on West T" with none of the traditional amenities that you would think that people would want Parks and LibLaries, etc. She stated that there will be up to 50 childten in this PPL project wiih a very small playground. These children will be running across the street through the private condominium azea, chiidren do that, they go where there aze trees and grass and that is exacfly what is east and souffi of Benson fiere. Sfie is fioping that the Boatd votes no on this ptoject. Paul Krech, 2285 Stewart Avenue, stated-he is one block from the proposed development. Stating that he statted out personally and professionally representing grid 12 where @us area is. He is in atiendance as a neighborhood resident not so much as a District Council Member. Increasingly he is against this. Faith was brought into this and he would be a lot more open minded to this project if they were not bringing variances. He believes it was Mr. Courtney that asked the qnestion if you went to the 2 acres would it just be two houses down and we would be talking about this four foot pazIdng variance, he believes with a 2 acre,pazcel we might not be taitdng about a pazldng variance at all, tfiere migfit be room. He is very awaze of the typography there and he is awaze of the challenges. The biggest reason he can sum up rather quickly without repeating again. The genflemen came to many meeflngs, they stepped into the fire. The meetings were not always a cordial as we would have liked them to be. They came, they presented, they were coutteous, it is his hope that he and his organization were courteous to them. Short of the 2 acre and the pazldng variance he is not in support of this, he cannot support it and cannot support it and w�71 not support it. He is also distressed with the manor that they have preceded. It is his belief that they have not proceeded in good faith. Ae cannot verify and he has not attempted to verify which conversations were took plaee, how can he. He has no reason to doubt Mr. L'md, on the other hand he has no reason to dwbt PPL, but would this project bring some benefits to the azea. He supposes so, streets, curb and gutter does he think personally that it is a pretty building? Yes, is it the building for this rime for ttus neighborhood? Not a chance, no way, with tfiese variances no. A lot of people have spoken from the faith community about helping their brothers, but they aze helping their brothers at address at quite a distance from them. That combined wid► again PPL coming to visit witfi the comrmmity in t]ie 7anuary_February rime zone and then disappearing and then very suddenly letting us I�ow that they are going before the Boazd making it very difficuk for us as a District Council to hold a meeting. He believes that whether it is a tive statement the statement attributed to Mr. Soucek that "we can indeed proceed without you we've got what we need." He helieves that they believe that they have a friendly audience, a friendiy poliflcal environment that they can move forwazd against the wishes of the neighborhood. For himself trying to speak for himself as a neighborhood resident trying to speak to the variances requested he believes that the best way to descn� this project with its nicefies they are trying to sho�hom in sometlung with some nice points, they are qying ba slip it in, sneak it in against the neighborhoods desire. It may benefit some other people, it will not benefit the neighborhood he believes it will detract &om tfie neighborhood and he urges the Boazd to vote against both variances. Also the vote was overwhelmingly against the variance at the District Council meeting. � 1 � � AA-ADA-EEO Employer C� • � File 1f09-252310 Minutes August 7A, 2009 Page Ten 09-1082 ^' i , u7 s��,�_��� ����� Chandra & Bffi Gruber, 2214 7�' Street West, stated that they aze representing their family and home and they feel that the basis for the PPL variance listed in the pedtion is unsupported based on the following faets. Accoiding to the City Code requirements the BZA must make the following findings before granting a variance. First the plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to the properry and not created by the land owner. PPL was well awaze that they did not have enough land currenfly under contract to reasonably move forwazd with this project. The cucumstance and subsequent need for the variance has been solely created by the PPL. The Gruber's live within the boundaries of the land that needed to be purchased to fulfill the Z acre obligation under the Shepherd-Davem Overlay and neither of them have ever been contacted or approached about the purchase of their properry. The full statement in the PPL application puts in question the accuracy attested to when PPL filed the vaziance request in which the following was stated. With regazd to these vaziances I submit ihe following to be true and conect. Number two for the BZA is the request for variance is not primarily based on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the pazcel of land. The proposed outlay of development dollars to pucchase additional land has a longer relum on investment for PPL than if they were granted the variance and therefore they wffi make more money faster. Number three for the BZA the proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals, and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul. The density increase in traffic is a safety concern additional in and out traffic on 7'" Street and side streets from Benson and most importanfly at the intersections of Springfield, Snelling and West 7" Street combined will not ease current congesrion and will likely increase the risk of more serious and often preventable accidents. She contended that do to these circumstances the project would be a drawback to the health and wellbeing of not only our residents but of the driveLS, commuters, and pedestrians. She continued that the increased densiry of people the estimated 176 new heart beats direcfly impacts the comfort of the local inhabitants. The project infringes on the privacy of the neighbors by compressing such a lazge number into such a small space. It will be a significant change from our cunent neighborhood footptint today. Although the PPL project calls for a small play area, which is really intended for children 10 and under, there are no considerations for older children. Cunendy with the single-family homes ihere are private yards and driveways which children can play and where they aze safe. For children of the proposed development the closest pazk is at best � of a mile public transportarion is available but would then require those sazne children to cross 7`" Street a busy four lane thoroughfare with no stop lights or stop signs to assist with their passage. Lastly for the BZA the properry cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. PPL was again awaze prior to negotiating purchase agreements with any of these properties that this purpose could not be served under the cuttent code. Cucrenfly there are not homes that are empiy or in foreclosure in the proposed development azea and they are all fully occupied. She stated that she wonld disagree with Delectated for sure, her husband has been living in the home for 12 yeazs and when we got married we chose to stay in that home, when we could have moved elsewhere. But we like our neighborhood, we like our neighbors and we feel like this is a good place to raise our family. Ms. Gruber stated she is the one who provided the petition with over 100 signatures supporting denial of the vaziance request. She also provided the chart showing those in favor of the project in che neighborhood, those opposed, people they could not contact for some reason or they need more information to form an opinion. ` �� � AA-ADA-EEO Employer File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Eleven 09-1082 �� ' , s � i . Eva Eng, 190 Washington Street, stated sfte is a Mayoral candidate who wants to testify to the abundance of this type of housing in addition to Davran and Sibley Manor she lives right on Shepherd Road on the upper landing and there is a large banner advertizing vacancy's along the river bluff that is brand new developments and t6ey fiave vacancies. When she first moved tn the upper Ianding tfieir unit was st�lI being built on the 'vtside and it would be a six month wait so they thought they veould move into the Joseph Point but when approaching it there is a sign saying if you make more than $15, 000 a yeaz you cannot Iive here. So we I�ew than it was low income fiousing and that type of housing is available. Prior to attending the District Council she did some research on PPL and they do some very worthw]vle work and St. Paul does need that type of work in the future and she would look forwazd to worldng with them in tfie fucure but af this time thete is an over abundance of this type of fiousing and this may not be a good time to do this type of project. Additionally the Ciry of St. Paul has a very strained budget and she believes there is a fairly lazge local subsidy plus a federal subsidy so at this time she would say that this is not a good time to put more strain on the taspayer and there is a sfirinking tax base. Ms. Maddox instructed that Ms. Eng needs to confine the testimony to the setback and the lot size. Mr. Bill Rosenbtoom, 1893 Worchestet Avenue stated he &ves just under a mile &om the property and Sibley Manor is about 3/10 of a mile from Springfield. He is in attendance to oppose the variance request from PPL group and is asking that the Boazd deny thevaziance requests because there is no compelling reason W grant that request. Further granting that request wi11 set an unweIcome precedent for all future developers of multi-family developers in the Shepherd-Davern Overlay District. This is not a project that was designed specifically for this specific location and there is not a desperate need for it at ihis location. He commented on the representatiuns on the PPL application. Fust PPL has said in tfie application that ffiey have hied their best to get everybody to agree to sell theu pmperty so they could meet the 2 acre minim»m, appazenfly from the three or four people that are here it is pretty obvious that did not happen. They said they used thair best efforts and he is trying to figure out w6at best efforts would mean if you would never pick up the phone and dial it to try to acquue some of those properties. Secondly that PPL presented their plan to the Ciry and no objections were brought forth on parking, srreets and traffic yet he at�nded three of trie meetings, and is not exactly sure wfiere those five were, one of the five was in a room about as big as a closet at the Jewish Com Center with about Lwelve people, the point is that at everyone of those three meetings people talked about the pazking problems, the traf@c problems, and the probtems wiih kids in the neighborhood that have no place to plan and their concern was with tfie addi6onal cars, additional traffic going azound the comers, the no parldng that existed then as to how that was going to work as well as the fact that they were adding somewhere between 40-50 kids who also will have no ptace to play because the FPL si� has very little room for a playgtound especially for the older ldds. The 3 /a of an acre cerrainly would help address or mitigate some of these problems. Thirdly it says that the development will provide low to moderate income families with affordable housiug opdons that are not currenfly available in abundauce in the area. How wonld one deSne abundance? The internet in one spot defines abundance as fully sufficient, plentiful, or in copious supply. If you go from St. Paul Avenue and Fdgcumbe down to Springfield which is about 8/10 of a mile you witl find about 23 apartment buildings that are affordable living right on St. Paal Avenue and on Davem which is right off St. Paul Avenue. In addiflon you have Sibley Manor 3/10 of a mile away wluch has 550 units and behind that is three more affordable buildings. So there is a very large amount of affordable housing in the area and the real poiat of this is that there are for rent signs on most nn-nnn-aeo �ioy� • �• 1� �°=�- �r �g,-�_ 09-1082 1,�� ��- 6��,�.�� File ff09-252310 • Minutes August Z�, 2009 Page'Itvelve of those buildings. So it is not like there is no supply of housing in the azea. Is it abundant, adequate, or plentiful, he does not know he dces know it is available. So there is no real need that this variance needs to happen to create more of that housing. So rather than increase or keep properry values where they are he thinks there is a much better chance that you will see decreased properry values because of problems that this is going to create. Six whether it is intended or not the value of the land is increased as well as the income potenrial, in fact it will make it very difficult for anybody to compete with PPL because if you grant these vaziances because the next person down the line if they have to come up with 2 acres instead of 1.22 or 1.23 they have a lot more money in that development than the first developer which means that they will have to have higher rents and they will not be able to compete with PPL. He argued that the return to PPL investors will be better with less cost and more profit. He felt that there were several other opdons here besides the variance. One would be if this 2 acre situation really does not work for a multi-family development than the Shepherd-Davem plan should be changed to accommodate that rather than having everyone coming and looking for a vaziance. The other way that could be handled would be for PPL to take its approximately its $1,000,000 development fee fot this project and use that money to buy the additional land. He urged the Boazd to look closely at the representations made in the application and contrast them with what you have heard in rebuttal. To take into consideration the unintended consequences of vaziance approval and wk�at kind of a precedent that is going to set for future multi- family developers who will be here asking for similaz vaziances. He requested that the Boazd deny the • variance cequest. • Mr. Cramer stated that one point of agreement that they may have listening to conversation and the Boards dialogue is that it may be time for St. Paul to look at the Shepherd-Davem Overlay with respect to the 2 acre minimum question. He does not know what the underlying premise was but if it was that theze would be large scale very dense tedevelopment along the corridor, perhaps dictated or govemed by public action, using eminent domain as an example. It does not appear that is the way things aze headed so if that is not the direction and effort like ours to assemble a site which falls short of that 2 acre minimum is not permissible via the vaziance method than he thinks the City is locking into place a current condition along that key corridor. It may be time to revisit that plan. With regard to Sibley Manor he tried to suggest in his prepared remarks that while it is certainly an affordable housing resource as are foreclosed homes, not on this block, Sibley Manor is a different kind of housing resource it is older units, smaller one and small two bedroom units it is not the kind of newly constructed high qualiry affordable housing with a considerable amount of assistance built in, both rental assisCance and progranunadc assistance for families that this project represents. That is why this project is distinct from what exists elsewhere in the market is different, that is why public agencies aze interested, that is why they invest in these kinds of projects. From a processes standpoint we did participate in five meetings in late winter of 08 and eazly winter or 09 including one we called at the JCC the interval of time between that last meeting except for the one last week where the District Councll voted and now really represents the time we were working with your staff trying to get as sh�ong as possible variance proposal before you. As soon as we knew this hearing was scheduled was to the District Council staff to say it is scheduled for August 24 what do you want to do? Before we could have communication saying we were happy to delay this hearing to allow your regulaz scheduled meeting to occur they called a special tneeting and decided to go ahead with it. That was discussed with the audience at the meeting last week by the Chair of the District Council. So from a process standpoint he tl�inks that they have done what they should do AA-ADA-EEO Employer �� � Ly vLry� � P 09-1082 '���$ �- ���6 File ff09-25231Q Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Thirteen • as an organization trying to work constructively with a Community. We are not a profit seeking company, we will not build this building and then sell it in five years to a real estate inves�ent trust, we will own this building for 30+ yeazs and out goal will be to have it successful, quality, conshuctive affordable housing for that period of time. With respect to the 2 acres he thinks that if they were able to acquire enough properties to meet the 2 acre minimum as some have suggested there would still be a boundary issae. It would not be the entire block so there would still be properties that we weren't acquicing that would be sabject to whatever issues exist azound the boundary between a multi-family development and single-family development. We ttave iried to address that tfirough high quality landscaping and azt openness and willingness to continue a dialogue about how our plans come together and our constr�ction would dccur. Regardless that is going to exist because 2 acres is not an entire block here. It would also continue to raise even if they got the 2 acres the piece meal development along West 7"` Street, going back to fiis eazlier point of how is West 7`" going to redevelop if it isn't individual developments wming along where they make sense consistent with the plan for this azea. We did have conversations with the immediate adjacent neigfibor, the first individual who testified, his request to us was way out of range economically so we never got to the point of maldng an offer. If somebody was at x+ well over market value witfi no indicaflon that is going to change you kind of feel that you aze wheie you are at that point. Given the configuraflon of the site it did not make sense of having price and acquisifion co�ersations wiUt anyone else on the block because if we could not acquire that pazcel the one next to the pazking, we really could not go anywhere else as far as a viable configuration. We did • have extensive conversations with many of the people on the block about the project, not about acquiring their properry but abont the project. Including flyering and all these meetings people have spoken about, but wfien you lrit a pot hole ut terms of trying to assemble a site voluntarily in terms of what is a fair value and what the public investors who fund the ldnd of project we aze talking about would recognize as reasonable acquisition costs you hit that barrier and there is really no place further to go. We aze obviously in a tuff spot now, and if somebody says to us we will consider doing yonr project but you go back and get more property without the abiliry to level the playing field through the public process to acquire properry on a fair market value basis, eminent domain, we really are in a tuff spot as a private none profit organization. We assembled the site from what we know with 30+ yeazs of history of development of this type of project, it will be a successfut 44-unit affordable housing project greafly needed in you community. He hopes thaC they listen to the stafF recommendation to grant this request. Mr. Courtney questioned the project as constructed is it going to have enough of a buffer so it is not going to affect the value of his properiy. The parldng ]ot there he thought that there was some sort of buffer there. It is not going to affect his properiy, to a certain extent he thinks that they just do not want the densily, but that is not what this is about, what it should be about is there a buffer there and is it going to affect the values of their proper[y? Mr. Soucek stated that the closest that tha building comes to the properry ]ine on the north is the required setback of half the height of the buildiug and that will be buffered with landscape. The L shape of the building allows an even greater buffer on the rest of the area becanse it &onts on Springfield. The area that has the Plaza, the playground and that green space that terraces down to the south is over 60 feet so tLat is much greater than the normal adjacencies you would see along the block. �f v. \ AA-ADA-EEO Employer �`f" ." �E 5 09-1082 �� , " Y' t File #09-252310 • Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Fourteen Ms. Morton quesrioned when they intended to start this projecY? Mr. Cramer stated as is often the case development is a sequential set of acdvides while we have some of the resources available for the construction we do not have all of them. In order to secure the balance of the resources we need to be able to demonstrate that this project can in fact move forwazd so the action on the zoning variances is criflcal. Assuming that we can actually demonstrate that we can build on this site we will be applying foz the balance of the resources that we need in the late fall eazly winter of this year with decision expected in eazly 2010, and if those aze favorable decisions we could start construction later in 2010, which would he the eazliest we could start construction. Ms. Morton furthei questioned at this point it is not your intenflon to accumulate any more properiy? Mr. Cramer stated that is not our intent at this point as he mentioned eazlier this is a difficult environtnent in which to negotiate. At ffiis point we would not acquire additional properiy. Ms. Maddox quesrioned what they used as their basis for market value? Mr. Cramer requested that Mr. Soucek answer that question. Mr. Soucek replied that tl�ey worked with an acquisition consultant called Wilson Development LLC, which did a pretty extensive study of compazable sales in tkte azea and made adjustments much as an appraiser would do. Based on how it was sunilaz, how it was different to the subject and came up with a mazket value. We did that for all the properties and that basically became the starting point of our negotiation not the finashing point. There were multiple counters and multiple • discussions with each of those owners before we came to an agreement. He thinks that they came to fair agreements fat the owners and for PPL. One of the owners spoke here tonight Mr. Sandberg, we acquire properry through amicable negodation and once that breaks down we respect that. We've had very respectful discussion with each of those owners and continue to have a good relationship with those owners. Ms. Maddox questioned if he could tell her if it was over or under the taY value. Mr. Soucek stated that in most cases it was significanfly over the tax value of the property. Mr. Creamer stated that their message to the owner who spoke eazlier was not that we don't need you, our message was that even with his properiy we would still face the need for a variance so that was a little different message than we don't need you. • Ms. Linden questioned when they were talking about the value of the home were they talking about the value, where you talkiug about the taeable value or the estimated market value? Mr. Soucek replied that we use an estimated market value at all times, a tax value is not necessarily a good indication of the mazket. Sa they aze looking for what other similaz homes. Ms. Linden furthet questioned what years values did they use 2008, 2009? Mr. Soucek stated that the negotiations for those properties took place over a year ago we had a purchase opdon that expired at the end of 2008 that we renewed for anoYher yeaz. So he believes that the value was based on sales during the montfis leading up to when our nego6ation started with those owners. Ms. Linden continued when you used the estimated market values did you actually use the Ramsey County values that aze online or what did you use? Mr. Soucek replied MI.S date, Wilson Development LLC has MIS access Mr. Wilson is a certified Real Estate Broker and we use actual sales data. Ms. Linden quesrioned about the home at 2222 West 7`� ? Mr. Soucek stated that he did have several conversations with the elderly genfleman there, we did not talk about the sale of the pioperty because his conversation with Mr. Lind had preceded those conversations and if you look at the map on the top along West 7'� is ffie house in quesdon. If he acquired that home and not the home along Benson you have a situarion where you have a building wrapping all the way azound single family AA-ADA-EEO Employer \� \ �� � � 09-1082 � ��� .���.�`� File �F09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Fifteen homes that now appeaz to be in the back yard. That is a market ability problem not only for those residents but for PPL. PPL has to rent those units too and people have to desire to rent them. If the site out the back door is peoples back yazds it does not do well for market ability. Mr. Cramer stated that was his point earlier when we reached the point of no return really with the one owner it did not make sense to extend conversations about what we intended to do which we did have, to can we consider baying your property. Mr. Couriney questioned with those that you did not do a deal wiffi, Mr. Lind, did he get the same offer or were those offers less? Mr. Soucek replied that the offers that they came to with the six proper[y owners was significanfly less than the number that Mr. Lind was looldng for. Mr. Cramer stated that they are held to account by their public funders, so they have some lafltude but not unlimited ladtude. Mr. Soucek stated that he is trilled to heaz that Mr. Lind is still open to a reasonable offer and he thinks that they are stilI open to ma�ing a reasonable offer so maybe that door is not as closed as we though. But again we are stewazds of pubfic funding here and we have to honor that and acquire things for reasonable mazket values. � Ms. Porter requested �at Mr. Aazdwick exptain Seciion 67.301 of tfie Zoning Code. Mr. Hazdwick stated that Secdon 67301 of the Zoning Code speaks about the establishment of redevelopmeut nverlay • district intent. Reading in part "The redevelopment overlay districts are established to maintain a unique chazacter, promote economic development potential, encourage development of tuban villages with padestrian and transit oriented design. To promote mixed use development and to protect public fiealtfi, safety, and welfaze witiun the designated districts." Ms. Porter questioned if had been approved by tfte City? Ms. Tiemey replied absolutely it is part of our zoning code, it is in chapter 67 of the zoning code it looks ]ike it was adopted in 1999. Based on the notes that are with the ordinance that is not 100 % confident of that becanse these are not always completely accurate, But she thinks that is probably the ball pazk, that it was adopted in 1999 there aze specific reqairements that apply to commerciai buildings and tfien specific requirements that apply to residential development as well. Hearing no futther testimony, Ms. Maddox closed the public portion of the meeting. Ms. Linden moved to deny the vatiance and resoludon based on findings 1, 3& 4. Finding 1) Prudence for going forwazd with this project she cannot believe that this was not addressed before. 3) This is a density issue. 4) We will have Iight from the people residing there, Ms. Morton stated that this is a big variance it is on the lot size it is almost half the size of the lot. Ms, Maddox questioned and that falls under? Ms. Morton replied under 1. Ms. Porter stated she would like N maKe a friendIy amendment to the denial based on the 2 acre requirement there will be issues with light coming in windows. `��. \ AA-ADA-EEO Employer � � . 09-1082 File N09-252310 Minutes August 24, 20Q9 Page Sixteen � . _ ^ n /T� it� Mr. Courcney stated that it is not going to have anything to do with light we aze ta]king about a pazking lot that is not going to have anything to do with light and we aze tallang about the 2 acre rule so the height is not asldng for a variance. He flunks the light in finding 4 is relevant. Mr. Courtney stated that was just a statement, he is going to vote against the moflon. He stated it is asking the question if you aze going to bring something into a neighborhood that is unpopulaz do you haue to dot all your "I's" and cross all your "T's" stating that he is going to refuse to answer that question and no one has satisfactory explained about what the 2 acre ruie is and it does sound as if it is obsolete to a certain extent, or maybe it is there to get rid of projects that we don't want and maybe that is a good idea. But the other variance deals with the parking lot and he thinks that they have put a proper cusluon in there to basically isolate themselves from the neighbors. It looks like they have done what they can and if we are going to focus on the 2 variances as opposed to the entire project which is what we are supposed to be doing; then we should be voting against the motion. Mr. Hazdwick stated he would throw in a little additionai information. The RM2 zoning district, if we took this pazcel of land and said it wasn't in the ShephBrd-Davern, but kept it in the RM2 they could actually build more parking units on this site. As Mr. Courtney mentioned they meet ali the height and setback requirements so that is not an issue. The only issue is "is this site hig enough to accommodate what is being proposed and is the pazking !ot going to affect someone's health and wellbeing. Ms. Morton seconded the motion, which passed on a roll call vote of 4-2(Courtney, Maddox). S�bmitted by: John Hardwick Approved by: Gloria Bogen, Secretary AA-ADA-EEO EmQloyer �� � �(9/3/2009) Mary Erickson - Re: Appeal of a BZA decision �! �`� ���" � Page 1 L .--�� � ----- ---- — --- — 09-1082 From: John Hardwick To: Erickson, Mary Date: 4l312009 6:55 AM Subject: Re: Appeal of a SZA decision CC: Rosemark, Dennis Mary, We will send out the required notices on 9-3-09 which will sarisfy the legal nitivication requirements. Publishing in the Legal Ledger is used in cases where other notification is not done. So in this case we are alright with not getting it in the Ledger until9-10-09. John. »> Mary Erickson 9/2/2009 2:50 PM »> John, This won't get published until Thursday, 9/10 and I don't believe that will meet the legal requirements. Mary »> John Hardwick 9(2/2009 12:46 PM »> Mary, We have received an appeal on the Project far Pride in Living project at 2236 W 7th St. I laiow this is short notice but we need to get it on the agenda for the September 16 Council hearing. Thanks. See the attached cover letter, a full packet wili follow shortly. John 09-1082 Page 1 of 1 From: <prismorton(a�cs.com> To: <ohn.hardwick(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 9/14/2009 8:17 PM Subject: Zoning variance for the PPL project on VJest Seventh and Springfield 1 am a one of the co-leaders of the Affordable Housing Outreach Ministry team for Unity Church in St. Paui. i was born and raised in St. Paul, and until a few years ago, lived there. (I now reside in Shoreview but with friends and family in St. Paul.) In my role with the Affordabie Housing group mentioned above, I can speak on behalf of the members of this group who have a strong interest in providing quality, affordable, housing in Sf. Paul. We are aware of the strong reputation of PPL to provide stable housing with supportive services to heip people remain housed for the fong term. We urge you to support this project and approve the variance to allow for a smaller development - which is surely in the interest of the community. Thank you. Priscilla Morton 754 County Road F, Apt B Shoreview, MN file://C:\Documents and Settingslhazdwicj�I,oca1 Settings\TemplXPgrpwise\4AAEA4E6m... 9/15/2009 John Hardwick- Zoning variance for the PPL project on West Seventh and Springfield 09-1082 November 19, 2008 City Council Agenda Page 3 i3. Resolution — 08-1268 — Approving the appoinhnents of David Jarvis Muhovich, Barbara LeTourneau, John Heiderscheidt, Marissa Hendrickson, and Kerri- Elizabeth Sawyer, and the reappointments of Thomas Kottke, Regina Rippel, and Sherri Smith, by Mayor Coleman, to the Joint Community Health Services Advisory Committee. (GS 3063198) 14. Resolution — 08-1269 — Approving an indemnification clause contained in a Grant Contract anticipated to be entered into with the Minnesota Deparhnent of Commerce (MDOC) awarding a$100,000 grant from the MDOC to study the potential of bringing green manufacturing to the St. Paul Ford site in the future. [Companion to Itern 31] (GS 3063275) 15. Resolution — 08-1270 — Authorizing the Department of Planning and Economic Development to submit an amendment to the 2008 Consolidated P1an to the United SYates Deparhnent of Housing and Urban Development. (GS 3062616) 16. Resolution — 08-1271 — Authorizing the City to apply for investigation and cleanup grants for the New Horizon School, Old Hudson Senior Housing, the Penfield, the Renaissance Box, the Commercial Club, Nova Classical Academy, Le�ngfon Commons, and Mississippi Market sites. (GS 3062998) 17. Resolution — 08-1272 — Approving the 2009 Residential Street Vitality Areas and tentative approval of 2010-2013 project areas. (GS 3060563) 18. Resolution — 08-1273 — Establishing the 2009 Residential Street Vitality Program Assessment Rates. (GS 3060567) 19. Resolution — 08-1274 — Memorializing the Stay in Implementarion of Council File 08-354, an Order to Remove or Repair property at 152 King Street West within 15 days. (GS 3062775) FOR DISCUSSION 20. Resolution — 08-1275 — Approving the 2009 City of Saint Paul Legislative Agenda. (GS 3063335) 09-1082 _,�$.. .l .� Gq -a.� y�/ John Hardwick - PPL Project From: To: Date: Subject: Attachments: <flundhotm�a,comcast.net> <ward3@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <chandragruber@gmail.com>, <j ohn.hardwick�a,ci.stpaul.mn.us> 9i14/2009 8:06 PM PPL Project PPI_Letter.docx To whom it may concern: i STRONGLY oppose the variance request to the PPL Project! The variance request was turned down by the fiighland District Councii. ft was tumed down by the Zoning Gommission of the St. Paul Council. Why should PPL have a third chance to "get their way", when they've already been turned down twice? I am very concerned that there will be a"sympathy vote" of approva! for the project by council members who do not know the specifics of the project. PPL seems to be a respected organization, but their proposed location for this project is simpi�not safe o�ractical!! Have them build there project somewhere else! Afso—the variance they request is not some simple "almost the right size" variance. The acreage variance is a whopping 38.5°lo difference! The setback variance is a whopping 84°fo difference!! Please DO NOT ailow PPL to build in this location! I am attaching the letter I wrote to the Highland Council and the Zoning Commission several weeks ago, when this variance request first came up. It outlines some of my concerns about the location of the project. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Tom Lundholm 2262 Benson Ave. Unit H St. Paul MN 55116 651-698-2848 tfundholmCa2comcast net file://C:�Documents and Settings�hazdwicj�I.ocal Settings\TemplXPgrpwise\4AAEt�236ma... 9/IS/2009 ov-losz ATTACffiNG THE AGENDA TO GRANICUS CHANGE WORD DOCUMENT TO TEXT Bring up document Click "File" Click "Save as" Click on "Save as type" to get the drop down Iist Click on "Plain TexY' Click "Save" Click "Ok", that the formatting will be lost Click "File" Click "Close" ATTACH iVEW AGENDA TO GRANICUS (We will load new agenda over oid) Log in: stpaul.granicus.com Click "events" tab. (We aze only dealing with "evenY' before the meefing.) Highlight meeting you want to attach Click "Edit" Click "Laad Agen@a" C1ick Browse Find tr:t file and highlight it Click "Open" Choose "Replace Exisring Agenda" (probably already checked) Ctick "Load Agenda File" Updated 11-13-08 09-1082 ,� � �' .� � � � � O v 0 0 s 0 � � ._ a� Z � a a � _ � Ri � C�? � !Q .� i t� � s � 0 � � 0 �. �. 0 � W a� .� t/� � 1`� � � � � tfl M N .F.+ � � a� � 0 , a� � a� 0 �-J V♦ � � � W � � � W ^ � � � � � � � W � r� � � � V � � � ' � 0 i � � ■ — �i� � � U � .� �� }_ / ' �.� a> �� c� �' � —� ' � � O � 'a � � � O ^ S.I� �. � \ � �,\ U — O � � � vi � � i � � � � � L � - O L � � = o �' � �' � ` � '\ � � •� / � 43 - L � — ^._ -~ i �- -.. ; '+.. 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Cour[ney, and Wilson of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals; Ms. Tierney, City Attomey; Mr. Hardwick and Ms. Crippen of the Department of Safety and Inspections. ABSENT: Gloria Bogen'�, Daniel WardM �Excused The meeting was chaired by Joyce Maddox, Chair. Matthew Soucek (#09-252310) 2236 7th Street West: Two variances in order to construct a new 44- unit aparhnent building in the Shepard-Davem Overlay District. 1) A minimum of two (2) acres is required for any development in this area, 123 acres is proposed for a variance of .77 acres. 2) A minimum 25 foot setback is required for the parking lot along Benson Avenue, 4 feet is proposed for a setback variance of 21 feet. Mr. Hardwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for approval, subject to the condition that the applicant obtains final Site Plan Review approval before any construction or grading occurs on the site. Fifteen letters were received opposing the variance request. One letter was received from District 15 opposing the variance request. Mr. Courtney questioned staff and Counsel stating he does not ever remember seeing a minimum 2 acre requirement, he questioned what the purpose of it? Mr. Hardwick stated that the zoning ordinances have been revised since the Shepherd-Davern Overlay came along. The 2 acre requirement he thinks envisioned a total redevelopment of this area where all the property would be obtained at once and then they would divide it up into 2 acre parcels rather than individual single family homes. Although he was not involved in forming these ordinances, he read the purpose according to the Overlay District, quoting chapter 67301. "These redevelopment Overlay Districts are established to maintain a unique character, promote economic development potential, encourage development of Urban Villages with pedestrian and transit oriented design. To promote mixed use development and to protect public health, safety and welfare." So that was the official reason that it was adopted. The applicant MATTHEW SOUCEK, Project For Pride In Living, Inc. - 1035 East Franklin Avenue, was present. Steve Cramer, Executive Director for Project for Pride in Living(PPL), stated he is accompanied by Matt Soucek who filed the applicatian. BartNelson, Architect with Urban Works Architecture joined by Dave Holland from his office. Mr. Cramer stated that PPL is a community development organization and they have been active in the twin cities for 37 years and they provide affordable housing, employment and training services, family support education towards admission of helping low and moderate income people become more self sufficient, that is their reason existing and their vazious activities. We have been active in Saint Paul for over 25 years, o£those units that John mentioned 135 of them are in Saint Paul in 13 different buildings. From the east side to St. Anthony, we aze actually finishing a major rehab of three buildings on Selby Avenue right now. As far as most of us can tell this is the first time we have ever needed a zoning action. He stated that they are here because File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 Page Two they see this site as an almost perfect match between what PPL has a long and successful track record of doing by way of providing new affordable housing in the communiry and the vision for St. Paul and this part of West 7 detailed in the housing chapter of the Comprehensive Plan as weil as the Shepherd-Davem Small Area Plan. Some people ask us "why here?", and the answer in the large part is because what we are proposing is what City plans and zoning call for at this location. We think that the City is right we think that this location is an excellent site for high quality newly constructed affordable housing serving some very low income, and many low to moderate income working families. Well service by transportation, access to commercial services, and job concentrations. We also worked hard to design a building that would fit in at this location, more traditional than contemporary, with pitched roofs, double hung windows and walk out units. The need for this kind of affordable rental opportunity, not a foreclosed home that is not habitable without thousands of dollars of investment, or an existing old cramped apartment barley large enough for a family. The need for newly constructed, high quality, affordable housing including many new two and three-bedroom units is huae. We ofren hear about these other housing opportunities, fore closures, and for rent signs, but make no mistake the kind of housing opportunity we will create on this site is in scarce supply. That is why public agencies including the City of Saint Paul will invest to make it possible; they know it is greatly needed. Thirty-five percent of our units will be affordable to families at or below 30% of income including some as 7ohn suggested who are literally long time homeless and who we will help to mainstream back into the community. There is not much by way of subsidized housing in this part of the city period. St. Paul has five categories rating the amount of this kind of affordable housing in city neighborhoods and the area that this is in, it is in the second lowest category, the second lowest percentage of affordable to total housing units. He stated that they recently completed two new building much like the ones we are proposing here across the river in the other city and they leased up in a matter of weeks, the same will happen here because the need is so great, especially in these economic times. Frankly we wish that this building would be like our other thirteen in St. Paul, totally compliant with Zoning regulations so we dodt have to ask for a variance, but as John pointed out there are no 2 acre sites along West 7�', we have assembled a set of parcels Yhat create a site our experience tells us will be a successfu144 unit project. We have had other discussions to make the site a little bit larger but still not 2 acres, but quite honestly economic and market reality have not always been the basis for those conversations, so here we are. We have also participated in five neighborhood meetings about this project and heard very clearly that off- street parking is a prioriry. So we designed the use of the site that we could acquire in a way that masimized underground pazking for residents and visitors. Necessitating use of the otherwise required setback, but there is no quesrion in his mind that the ueahnent along Benson as the pictures indicated even wiTh the variance will be vastly improved over the current condition. He asked that Bart answer questions about the plans and they would answer any questions that Board had. Mr. Nelson stated as he mentioned before they are pleased to be working with PPL on a project like this that they think will enhance the Fort Road Gateway to Saint Paul. We do conform with all of the RM2 zoning requirements and we think that this is exactly the kind of project that the Overlay District is written around. Mr. Nelson explained the elevations shown in the site plans, noting that the top one is the north one which is West 7`� and is designed with the idea of a traditional building that seems appropriate along Fort Road, it also has walk-ups along this street wifh individual entrances to apartments that allow eyes on the street and security for the residents and the neighborhood. The lower elevation is File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Three AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 the Sprin�eld elevation and it does show the slope of the �ade but it does show we are in compliance with the height of the building that is required and that relates to the side yazd setbacks which we meet as well. The next slide shows the South elevation on Benson Avenue it has the garage entrance and emphasizing that they are using the slope of the site to use to enter the under�ound pazking, they also have the eleven surface parking spaces on this side as well. The lower is the east elevation showing the grade and the play area which is located on the east side. The variance for the pazking that they aze askina for is the eleven stalls on the Benson side of the property. Noting that there is a lazge parking lot across the street and a large warehouse down the street. One of the byproducts of this is that PPL will be improving its side Springfield and Benson with new curbs and gutters. Mr. Nelson stated that John explained the variances the first one is pretty self explanatory regarding the 2 acre requirement. The second one is for the parking variance and there are probably three things to think about and that is that it is obvious on the plan that this is a through lot as John stated, and we have been talking about the front of the building being on West 7`� Street but technically because it is a through lot both of these ends are considered front yards and that is the reason that this parking requires a vaziance. We are asking for a four foot setback from the stalls instead of a 25 foot setback, the dashed line on the site plan shows where that 25 foot setback is. Our building meets all of the requirements of the RM2, so the building itself is in compliance, so what we are asking for is a variance for only these parking stalls along Benson. Ms. Morton questioned how far this is located from Sibley Manor? Someone in the audience replied two blocks. Mr. Courtney questioned what the area to the noRh or the east of the property that is not building and not parking, pointing to the gray area next to the building? Mr. Nelson replied that is all landscaped, pointing out a plaza and a playground for the kids. Mr. Courtney further questioned below that? Mr. Nelson stated that is mostly grass and some landscaping where the slope is going up. Mr. Courtney further questioned the need for the parking there is? Mr. Nelson stated that they have 55 inside underground parking stalls, so they need the addition 11 to meet the 1.5 off-street parking spaces required for the building. Mr. Courtney further questions and you cannot put them under the building they won't fit? Mr. Nelson replied that the foot print would not allow any more underground parking stalls. Ms. Morton questioned whether they would be relocating the movie station and the residents of the properties they are purchasing. Mr. Nelson replied no, there are no relocation requirements here, they will be paid fair market value for their property and move on from there. Ms. Linden questioned that there seems to be a little bit of confusion over the property that you attempted to purchase, she further questioned whether they had any documentation from any of those conversations? Mr. Nelson stated that they could certainly tallc about the conversations that they had, it is a little bit of an awkward format for that because those were conftdential conversations and they did not always reflect the economic reality, but if the Board would like to Matt Soucek is the person who had those conversafions and he could relate those to the Board. Whether this is the right setting for that or not is up to your judgment. Ms. Maddox replied lets wait. File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Four Mr. Courtney stated he is still focusing on the 2 acre requirement, he does not know if Mr. Nelson can address that does not lmow what that is about? Secondly maybe since the second variance has to do with parking could you say who is going to be parking there? Is it going to be different parking than AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 undemeath? or is it the same people, is it o�ce people, he thinks addressing the frequency of the use of that area would be relevant. Mr. Nelson stated that the intent of those spots aze to provide for a est parking, the residences will have a below �ade parking ramp. We heard a lot about the need for parking in this area so we came up with a plan that met exactly the pazking requirements of the zoning code with respect to off street pazking. Those particulaz spots will be oriented toward a est parking. Ms. Porter questioned given the foot print of the building ue you in compliance with the pazking regulation or aze you over? Mr. Nelson stated that they are exactly in compliance. Ms. Porter questioned how many spaces do they have in total? Mr. Nelson replied in total there will be 66 pazking stalls, because there are 44 units and they require 1.5 per unit. Cyril Sandberg, 2243 Benson Avenue, stated he thinks that the apartment that is going in there would be a lot better than what is there now. Ae thinks that even the people that are against it once they see what a nice building it is going to be, will be all for it after a while. The two blocks aze in the development area so one way or another they will be developed in the future. Mr. Courtney questioned whether Mr. Sandberg was in a house being sold? Mr. Sandberg replied yes, it is being tom down. Howazd Goldman, 2170 St. Clair Avenue, stated he is in attendance for the Social Action Committee for the Temple of Aaron, noting that they have over 1,000 families in the synagoa e. He stated that he worked in the housing field for many yeazs, he was the Director or the Multi-family division of the HUD office in Minneapolis and hadjurisdiction over privately financed housing in Minnesota and Wisconsin, noting that he retired in January of 2008 and he has worked extensively with Steve Cramer and PPL. They have a very good reputation in the field particularly with affordable housing. They develop a high quality product and they have particulaz expertise with mixed income properties much like this property, supportive housing. They have also worked with project and tenant based section 8. They have a long successful history throughout the metropolitan area working with different neighborhoods. They manage everything that they own, they have a long term commihnent to these housing developments. They have a very good repetition with the lending community both public and private and this is a very complicated deal to finance and they are one of only a few developers that he has worked with that have the skill to put this deal together. He urged the Board to approve the variances. Mr. Courtney questioned whether Mr. Goldman could point to some addresses in St. Paul where PPL have done a great job? Mr. Goldman stated he worked with them more so in Minneapolis than in St. Paul. Hal Clapp, 1086 Juno Avenue, stated he is representing himself as a neighbor he lives within a mile of the project but he also represents the Unitarian Church's Supportable Housing Committee, and he is a board member of the Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing and is a Ramsey chapter member there. As a program officer and loan officer for the Minnesota Housing Fund he sees a need for this type of housing throughout the state in small, medium, and large cities across the state are in dire File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Five need of this type of housing that is proposed here. So on that basis he would strongly urge the Board to support it. About a yeaz ago he was before the Board in opposition to development in his neighborhood, the Trader Joe's grocery store on the corner of Lexington and Randolph. It occurred to him how similar these two projects are in a lot of ways. We had a very strong neighborhood opposition 100+ signatures on a petition in opposition to the development for a lot of reasons including by one count up to 8 variances. Some of those were taken care of before they were before the Board, but certainly there were a lot more M-ADA-E&O Employer 09-1082 variance needed for that then are needed for this project. There was also an issue of a very dilapidated, if you took the movie store and substituted it with car stereo instillation facility it would be almost identical buildings, dilapidated parking lot, and dilapidated building so the argument was that you are taking this site that was a dilapidated commercial site and you are going to put a new development on it There were many variances, however, he thinks at the end of the day, speaking as someone who has had to live with the development for several months now, he would say it was a successful development. Would he still rather have single-family homes across the street, yes, it was a much different neighborhood then he does have now, however, that opposition and with some support of the Highland District Council we were able to work with the developer to create a development that was suitable for everybody. A lot of concessions were made, traffic has not been as much of a problem and he would just say to anybody who is opposing this project, work hard with the developer and he know that PPL and Steve and his staff has made numerous amendments to the plan to create the type of structure that they have now which he feels is really an asset to the neighborhood. Noting that it is more than two blocks to Sibley Manor there are quite a few commercial structures and the railroad track, which alleviate the concems about it being too concentrated as well. John Slade, 1005 Conway Street, stated he works for MICA the Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing, noting that they were instructed to stick with the 1.23 acre lot and the housing stuff and trying to focus on that. This project would break down the barriers allowing many income levels to live and work together doing a lot with a little. There was opposition present at the hearing. Bernard Lind, 2233 Benson Avenue, stated he is the adjacent properiy and he thinks that the 2 acre zoning requirement was instituted to prevent undue hardship on the neighbors, like him and his neighbors. He has lived in his home for 14 years, he thinks that PPL's request should be denied and he agrees with the Highland District Council who voted 9-3 against granting the variance. There were 20 or so neighbors who appeazed at the August 20 District Council meeting to expressing their opposition to the variance request. Among other reasons there appeared at the meeting that there is ample housing for low income residents at Sibley Manor, the Davern Park Aparhnents both of which are in the Highland District. Apparently PPL submitted a study that conveniently ignored Sibley Manor and Davern Park Apartments. PPL has been less than candid in a letter to Mr. Hardwick dated August 3, PPL states that "assembly of small properties is difficult, as not all owners are willing to sell their properties and at this time it is not possible to assemble enough land to comprise a 2 acre parcel. PPL has put forth its best effort to acquire additional property for the development parcel and reduce the size or eliminate the lot size variance we are seeking. We have not been able to acquire additional parcels despite these efforts:' PPL's efforts to acquire this properry can hardily be described as best efforts, in fact PPL has hardly File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Six made any real effort at all, noting that he has been willing to sell his home to PPL at a fair price. PPL has never made him a definite offer either written or oral. He has had a total of three phone conversations with Matt Soucek and in his initial phone conversation he had suggested that a fair price would be one based on the same price that PPL successfully offered to one of his neighbor, that was not a final offer. He was and is wilting to negotiate a fair price. In our first conversation Mr. Soucek agreed that figure that he suggested was not out of line, but in the third and final phone call Mr. Soucek concluded the phone conversation by saying that PPL did not need to acquire his home but would proceed with obtaining a variance. He contended that it was PPL's goal to obtain a variance is to avoid fairly acquiring the 2 acre parcel required AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 by the zoning code. He stated that Mr. Soucek's letter stating that the proposed variance would not alter the essential character of the sunounding area it blatantly untrue, he admits that he is proposing to acquire five additional properties and one commercial property and replace them with a three story 44 unit development, thus increasing the number of residents in the units in that space by almost nine fold. This increase coupled with replacing two lots with a parking lot on Benson Avenue in an open space too small to accommodate a 44 unit building will certainly alter the essential character of the surrounding nei�borhood. Because PPL has not made a reasonable attempt to acquire the land it needs in order to proceed without a variance and because its project will alter the essential chazacter of the neighborhood he asks the Board to deny PPL's request for a variance. Mr. Courtney questioned Mr. Lind, you are right next door to this parking lot, he requested that Mr. Lind tell the Board why there should not be a parking lot there and why it should be back. That is one of the two issues and the other issue he still does not understand about the 2 acres. Mr. Lind stated from his understand when he looked into the 2 acre thing the zoning was trying to avoid is essentially an unfair financial burden and what it does to the adjacent property. He does not think that they would need a parking variance if they had gotten that 2 acres that were required Contending that he will have a parking lot right next to his front yard and a 44 unit apartment building over looking his back yard, it basically takes away his privacy and he probably will have no resale value. Mr. Courtney stated that he commented on the parking lot and he thinks that is the point. Mr. Lind contended if they had come in and purchased the 2 acres as required we would not be having this conversation. Mr. Courtney replied no, but we would be having the conversation two doors down. Richard Bortz, 6750 Brule Circle, stated that he grew up in the home at 2222 West 7"' Street and that is the closest house on 7�' Street adjacent to the project. It was built 60 years ago by his father with his own hands and they aze still living there. They talk about not affecting the light and air but that view to the west they have enjoyed for the last 60 years now and it will be totally cut off by this three story properry so if that is not affecting the light and air he does not know what is. They have paid a small fortune in property taYes to the state of Minnesota and the City of St. Paul so he is speaking against the variance request. It is not a small variance it is almost 100% they need 2 acres and the have 1.23, there must have been a good reason to put that zoning requirement in there at one time. They state that they adhere to all the requirements of RM2 but isn't this one of the major requirements to have 2 acres. He argued that PPL's basis for this variance is based on a totally dishonest premise, as mentioned by Bernie previously, PPL stated that not all the owners are willing to sell their properties and they go on to say that they put forth their best efforts to acquire additional property and in addition they say they have not been able to acquire additional parcels despite their best efforts. His parents live directly next door the closest File #09-2 5 23 1 0 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Seven possible property that they might want to acquire. Directly next door facing east, it is a beautiful house the view is going to be totally blocked off by this project. They could have at least talked to them, there was no conversation held what so ever. To him that is totally dishonest, did they think that this was a vulnerable older couple that would not complain or something? How can they state something that is so untrue. He argued that he is against this because of PPL's dishonest approach to this. He reiterated that the study saying that there is no affordable housing in this area is totally untrue, there is probably no other area in the twin cities that has more affordable housing than this area. A Council woman brought up that the study did not take into consideration Sibley Manor, or the apartments on St. Paul Avenue actually have rents that are lower than what they aze proposing for their low income housing project. Because of the fact that there is plenty of affordable housing in the area he requested that the Board vote against this. AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 Ms. Morton questioned how many units aze available at Sibley Manor? Mr. Bortz stated he thinks that there are around 600 according to the people that were talking at the Highland District Council. Someone in the audience stated 550 units were in Sibley Manor. Mr. Bortz stated that he thinks Sibley Manor is slightly farther than two blocks away. Bill Porlos, 1200 Bayard Avenue, stated that he is a former member of the District Council during the Shepherd-Davern Overlay as well as a recent member of the Council, but he is currently not a member of the council. He wanted to address Mr. Courtney's question why this 2 acre overlay was put in place, it was specifically put into place to minimize the kind of piece meal development that we are looking at today. He also thinks that this Board looked at he believes, it was the Kidney Dialysis people wanted to take a smaller lot than that, the specific complication of that 2 acre overlay is in section 67303 and it could not be more plain as day what the law is on this. It is very conceming to him when he heazs that these sort of real estate transactions or the conversations about the real estate hardly took place. It is not the least bit synonymous with the Trader Joe's situation where those particular parcels were not needed to meet code, it did not allow for the taking of the propeRies along the south side of Juno. The issue here has nothing to do with PPL, it has nothing to do with the type of development that is going in there, it is whether they are going to meet 2 acre minimum and we can have planned development down there. He thinks a lot of these zoning ordinances need to be revisited to be able to get some orderly development. He thinks that the way not to do that is to allow appeals, and variances, the District council should address this small area and have that go through the legislative process rather than this quasi judicial process to go forward. Mr. Courtney stated he is still riying to understand this rule still, is the rational for the 2 acre rule if you are going to disrupt the area we want you to have a bigger plan rather than a smaller plan? is that the rational? Mr. Porlos stated if you look at the zoning here there is industrial to the south and east and there is a pocket of single-family homes further down south with some aparhnent complexes, he thinks the though on the part of the planners was if a development were to go in that all of that properry would be redeveloped at once. His concem is that if we allow for only a portion of these properties we are going to have these pockets of not developable land and these single family homes are going to wither on the vine. He stated he feels for some of the neighbors here who are looking to maybe sell their house and retire and not being able to do so. In order for those folks to sell their property, they cannot sell them to a developer because they are not going to meet the 2 acre minimum so the next developer is File #09-2 5 23 1 0 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Eight going to have to get a variance as well. So the only use for that property would be a single family and he thinks what the planners are envisioning here is a high density transit oriented housing and at the time we were looking at the Riveroiew Corridor going through there, whether it be the bus way or the light rail, that is what was the underpinnings of the planning that went into this ordinance. He thinks this needs to be looked at legislatively. Richard Anderson, 2211 Benson Avenue, stated his properry falls within the required 2 acres that PPL is supposed to have and he is against the variance he thinks that they should have to follow the City's rules for building a building of that size. There won't be enough playa ound facilities for people and there is always heavy traffic there now so it will get more heavy uaffic and pazking is a problem. Springfield is jammed up with pazking and a lot of Benson is also, so he is against the variance. He thinks they should have to follow the rules, he was never approached by PPL and his property falls between the two acres that are required. AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 Mary Jo Kranzen, 909 W. River Pkv✓y, Champlin, stated she is speaking for her parents at 2222 7�' Street West. She believes that having this building right next to her parents' home is going to be a hardship for them. It is her opinion and those of her family that it is going to si�ificantly reduce their light and air and change their enjoyment of their home. They still maintain a large vegetable garden and this would cut down on their aftemoon sun and the enjoyment of their home. She stated that she is a twin cities realtor and she can attest that being located right next to an apartment building and the building is the closest to their property. Because it is physically placed so close to their home it will reduce their homes value. Most buyers view living next to an aparhnent building (tape ran out). The property value loss and in their loss of their continued use and enjoyment of their yard. If this project is really important to the City of St. Paul, she does not understand why they cannot abide with the code and rules set out by the City of St. Paul and the Shepazd-Davem Overlay. She is opposed to this and urged the Board to reject the variances. Georgia Dietz, 1888 Dorothea Avenue, stated that she was on the Highland District Council until April so she attended three of the five meetings that Mr. Cramer was referring to when he said they had five public meetings. The interesting thing about PPL is that they came to the District Council in November, there was a meeting in January of the committee, there was a meeting in February and then we never heard from PPL again and the last time we heard anything from PPL was the notice of this meeting. That PPL was going to bypass the Highland District CounciL Twenty-four hours afrer the cards came to the people of this meeting the President of the Highland District Council called a special meeting with a 3-day notice. So the Highland District Council could weigh in on this because PPL was not going to ask for their input. Ms. Dietz stated that she found it interesting that Mr. Hardwick stated that this project is going to enhance the azea. Over the last six years seven homes have been taken out and 712 units of housing have been built, basically where Davem and West 7`� aze. This is also interesting because almost two yeazs in July of 2007 the Kidney Dialysis Clinic Divata came to the City and requested to rezone the properry from multi-family residential to office. They were also asking for a variance for the 2 acres, you denied the rezoning but you also denied the 2 acre variance then. She read from the District 15 summery of their plan. It says " for the vision of the housing to maintain high quality housing stock through physical maintenance and community interaction that provides pride and safety." She thinks that File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Nine they have a lot of proud home owners down on West 7�` and Sprinfield. But what it also says in the District Plan, and it is interesting after the 712 units being built on West 7` "that the Capitol Improvement Budget should build a new park by the existing Sibley Manor, that has not happened. Assess funding for a new Recreation Center south of West 7�' as a priority that has not happened. Prioritize resources for an expanded Library in the West 7` Street Conidor that has not happened. So all of this building is being built on West 7�' with none of the traditional amenities that you would think that people would want Parks and Libraries, eta She stated that there will be up to 50 children in this PPL project with a very small playground. These children will be running across the street through the private condominium area, children do that, they go where there are trees and grass and that is exactly what is east and south of Benson here. She is hoping that the Board votes no on this project. Paul Krech, 2285 Stewart Avenue, stated he is one block from the proposed development. Stating that he started out personally and professionally representing grid 12 where this area is. He is in attendance as a neighborhood resident not so much as a District Council Member. Increasingly he is against this. Faith was brought into this and he would be a lot more open minded to this project if they were not bringing variances. He believes it was Mr. Couriney that asked the question if you went to the 2 acres would it just be two houses down and we would be talking about this four foot parking variance, he believes with a 2 AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 acre pazcel we might not be talking about a parking variance at all, there might be room. He is very aware of the typogaphy there and he is aware of the challenges. The biggest reason he can sum up rather quickly without repeating again. The gentlemen came to many meetings, they stepped into the fire. The meetings were not always a cordial as we would have liked them to be. They came, they presented, they were courteous, it is his hope that he and his organization were courteous to them. Short of the 2 acre and the pazking variance he is not in support of this, he cannot support it and cannot support it and will not support it. He is also distressed with the manor that they have preceded. It is his belief that they have not proceeded in good faith. He cannot verify and he has not attempted to verify which conversations were took place, how can he. He has no reason to doubt Mr. Lind, on the other hand he has no reason to doubt PPL, but would this project bring some benefits to the area. He supposes so, streets, curb and gutter does he think personally that it is a pretty building? Yes, is it the building for this time for this neighborhood? Not a chance, no way, with these variances no. A lot of people have spoken from the faith community about helping their brothers, but they are helping their brothers at address at quite a distance from them. That combined with again PPL coming to visit with the community in the January-February time zone and then disappearing and then very suddenly letting us know that they are going before the Board making it very difficult for us as a District Council to hold a meeting. He believes that whether it is a true statement the statement attributed to Mr. Soucek that "we can indeed proceed without you we've got what we need." He believes that they believe that they have a friendly audience, a friendly political environment that they can move forward against the wishes of the neighborhood. For himself trying to speak for himself as a neighborhood resident trying to speak to the variances requested he believes that the best way to describe this project with its niceties they are trying to shoe-horn in something with some nice points, they aze trying to slip it in, sneak it in against the neighborhoods desire. It may benefit some other people, it will not benefit the neighborhood he believes it will detract from the neighborhood and he urges the Board to vote against both variances. Also the vote was overwhelmingly against the variance at the District Council meeting. File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Ten Chandra & Bill Gruber, 2214 7"' Street West, stated that they aze representing their family and home and they feel that the basis for the PPL variance listed in the petition is unsupported based on the following facts. According to the City Code requirements the BZA must make the following findings before granting a variance. First the plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to the properry and not created by the land owner. PPL was well aware that they did not have enough land currently under contract to reasonably move forward with this project. The circumstance and subsequent need for the variance has been solely created by the PPL. The Gruber's live within the boundaries of the land that needed to be purchased to fulfill the 2 acre obligation under the Shepherd-Davern Overlay and neither of them have ever been contacted or approached about the purchase of their property. The full statement in the PPL application puts in question the accuracy attested to when PPL filed the variance request in which the following was stated. With regard to these variances I submit the following to be true and conect. Number two for the BZA is the request for variance is not primarily based on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. The proposed outlay of development dollus to purchase additional land has a longer return on investment for PPL than if they were granted the vaziance and therefore they will make more money faster. Number three for the BZA the proposed vaziance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals, and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul. The density increase in traffic is a safety concern additional in and out trafFic on 7`� Street and side streets from Benson and most importantly at the intersections of Springfield, Snelling and West 7`" Street combined will not ease current congestion and will likely increase the risk of AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 more serious and often preventable accidents. She contended that do to these circumstances the project would be a drawback to the health and wellbeina of not only our residents but of the drivers, commuters, and pedestrians. She continued that the increased density of people the estimated 176 new heart beats directly impacts the comfort of the local inhabitants. The project infringes on the privacy of the neighbors by compressing such a large number into such a small space. It will be a significant change from our current neighborhood footprint today. Although the PPL project calls for a small play area, which is really intended for children 10 and under, there are no considerations for older children. Currently with the single-family homes there are private yards and driveways which children can play and where they are safe. For children of the proposed development the closest park is at best'/o of a mile public transportation is available but would then require those same children to cross 7�' Street a busy four lane thoroughfare with no stop li�ts or stop signs to assist with their passage. Lastly for the BZA the property cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. PPL was again aware prior to negotiating purchase agreements with any of these properties that this purpose could not be served under the current code. Currently there are not homes that are empty or in foreclosure in the proposed development azea and they are all fully occupied. She stated that she would disagree with Delectated for sure, her husband has been living in the home for 12 years and when we got married we chose to stay in that home, when we could have moved elsewhere. But we like our neighborhood, we like our neighbors and we feel like this is a good place to raise our family. Ms. Gruber stated she is the one who provided the petition with over 100 signatures supporting denial of the variance request. She also provided the chart showing those in favor of the project in the neighborhood, those opposed, people they could not contact for some reason or they need more information to form an opinion. File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Eleven Eva Eng, 190 Washington Street, stated she is a Mayoral candidate who wants to testify to the abundance of this type of housing in addition to Davran and Sibley Manor she lives right on Shepherd Road on the upper landing and tt�ere is a large banner advertizing vacancy's along the river bluff that is brand new developments and they have vacancies. VJhen she first moved to the upper landing their unit was still being built on the inside and it would be a six month wait so they thought they would move into the Joseph Point but when approaching it there is a sign saying if you make more than $15, 000 a year you cannot live here. So we lmew than it was low income housing and that type of housing is available. Prior to attending the District Council she did some research on PPL and they do some very worthwhile work and St. Paul does need that type of work in the future and she would look forward to working with them in the future but at this time there is an over abundance of this type of housing and this may not be a good time to do this type of project. Additionally the City of St. Paul has a very strained budget and she believes there is a fairly large local subsidy plus a federal subsidy so at this time she would say that this is not a good time to put more strain on the taxpayer and there is a shrinking ta�c base. Ms. Maddox instructed that Ms. Eng needs to confine the testimony to the setback and the lot size. Mr. Bill Rosenbloom, 1893 Worchester Avenue stated he lives just under a mile from the properry and Sibley Manor is about 3/10 of a mile from Springfield. He is in attendance to oppose the vaziance request from PPL group and is asking that the Board deny the vaziance requests because there is no compelling reason to grant that request. Further granting that request will set an unwelcome precedent for all future developers of multi-family developers in the Shepherd-Davern Overlay District. This is not a project that was designed specifically for this specific location and there is not a desperate need for it at this location. He commented on the representations on the PPL application. First PPL has said in the application that AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 they have tried their best to aet everybody to a�ee to sell their property so they could meet the 2 acre minimum, appazently from the three or four people that are here it is pretty obvious that did not happen. They said they used their best efforts and he is trying to fia re out what best efforts would mean if you would never pick up the phone and dial it to try to acquire some of those properties. Secondly that PPL presented their plan to the City and no objections were brought forth on parking, streets and traffic yet he attended three of the meetings, and is not exactly sure where those five were, one of the five was in a room about as big as a closet at the Jewish Community Center with about twelve people, the point is that at everyone of those three meetings people talked about the parking problems, the tra�c problems, and the problems with kids in the neighborhood that have no place to plan and their concern was with the additional cazs, additional traffic going around the corners, the no parking that existed then as to how that was going to work as well as the fact that they were adding somewhere between 40-50 kids who also will have no place to play because the PPL site has very little room for a playground especially for the older kids. The'/a of an acre certainly would help address or mitigate some of these problems. Thirdly it says that the development will provide low to moderate income families with affordable housing options that are not currently available in abundance in the area. How would one define abundance? The internet in one spot defines abundance as fully sufficient, plentiful, or in copious supply. If you go from St. Paul Avenue and Edgcumbe down to Springfield which is about 8/10 of a mile you will find about 23 aparhnent buildings that are affordable living right on St. Pau] Avenue and on Davern which is right off St. Paul Avenue. In addition you have Sibley Manor 3/10 of a mile away which has 550 units and behind that is three more affordable buildings. So there is a very large amount of affordable housing in the area and the real point of this is that there are for rent signs on most File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Twelve of those buildings. So it is not like there is no supply of housing in the area. Is it abundant, adequate, or plentiful, he does not laiow he does know it is available. So there is no real need that this variance needs to happen to create more of that housing. So rather than increase or keep property values where they are he thinks there is a much better chance that you will see decreased property values because of problems that this is going to create. Six whether it is intended or not the value of the land is increased as well as the income potential, in fact it will make it very difficult for anybody to compete with PPL because if you grant these variances because the next person down the line if they have to come up with 2 acres instead of 1.22 or 1.23 they have a lot more money in that development than the first developer which means that they will have to have higher rents and they will not be able to compete with PPL. He argued that the return to PPL investors will be better with less cost and more profit. He felt that there were several other options here besides the variance. One would be if this 2 acre situation really does not work for a mulYi-family development than the Shepherd-Davern plan should be changed to accommodate that rather than having everyone coming and looking for a variance. The other way that could be handled would be for PPL to take its approximately its $1,000,000 development fee for this project and use that money to buy the additional land. He urged the Boazd to look closely at the representations made in the application and contrast them with what you have heard in rebuttal. To take into consideration the unintended consequences of variance approval and what kind of a precedent that is going to set for future multi-family developers who will be here asking for similar variances. He requested that the Board deny the variance request. Mr. Cramer stated that one point of agreement that they may have listening to conversation and the Boards dialogue is that it may be time for St. Paul to look at the Shepherd-Davern Overlay witki respect to the 2 acre minimum question. He does not know what the underlying premise was but if it was that there would be large scale very dense redevelopment along the corridor, perhaps dictated or governed by public action, AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 using eminent domain as an example. If does not appear that is the way things are headed so if that is not the direction and effort like ours to assemble a site which falls short of that 2 acre minimum is not permissible via the variance method than he thinks the City is locking into place a current condition along that key corridor. It may be time to revisit that plan. With regazd to Sibley Manor he tried to suggest in his prepared remazks that while it is certainly an affordable housing resource as are foreclosed homes, not on this block, Sibley Manor is a different kind of housing resource it is older units, smaller one and small two bedroom units it is not the kind of newly constructed high quality affordable housing with a considerable amommt of assistance built in, both rental assistance and programmatic assistance for families that this project represents. That is why this project is distinct from what exists elsewhere in the market is different, that is why public agencies are interested, that is why they invest in these kinds of projects. From a processes standpoint we did participate in five meetings in late winter of 08 and early winter of 09 including one we called at the JCC the interval of time between that last meeting except for the one last week where the District Council voted and now really represents the time we were working with your staff hying to get as strong as possible variance proposal before you. As soon as we knew this hearing was scheduled was to the District Council staff to say it is scheduled for August 24 what do you want to do? Before we could have communication saying we were happy to delay this hearing to allow your regular scheduled meeting to occur they called a special meeting and decided to go ahead with it That was discussed with the audience at the meeting last week by the Chair of the District Council. So from a process standpoint he thinks that they have done what they should do File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Thirteen as an organization hying to wark constructively with a Community. We are not a profit seeking company, we will not build this building and then sell it in five years to a real estate investment trust, we will own this building for 30+yeazs and out goal will be to have it successful, quality, constructive affordable housing for that period of time. With respect to the 2 acres he thinks that if they were able to acquire enough properties to meet the 2 acre minimum as some have suggested there would still be a boundary issue. It would not be the entire block so there would still be properties that we weren't acquiring that would be subject to whatever issues exist around the boundary between a multi-family development and singl�family development. We have tried to address that through high quality landscaping and an openness and willingness to continue a dialogue about how our plans come together and our construction would occur. Regardless that is going to exist because 2 acres is not an entire block here. It would also continue to raise even if they got the 2 acres the piece meal development along West 7`" Street, going back to his earlier point of how is West 7�' going to redevelop if it isn't individual developments coming along where they make sense consistent with the plan for this area. We did have conversations with the immediate adjacent neighbor, the first individual who festified, his request to us was way out of range economically so we never got to the point of making an offer. If somebody was at x+ well over market value with no indication that is going to change you kind of feel that you are where you are at that point. Given the configuration of the site it did not make sense of having price and acquisition conversations with anyone else on the block because if we could not acquire that parcel the one next To the parking, we really could not go anywhere else as faz as a viable configuration. We did have extensive conversations with many of the people on the block about the project, not about acquiring their property but about the project. Including flyering and all these meetings people have spoken about, but when you hit a pot hole in terms of trying to assemble a site voluntarily in terms of what is a fair value and what the public investors who fixnd the kind of project we are talking about would recognize as reasonable acquisition costs you hit that barrier and there is really no place further to go. We are obviously in a tuff spot now, and if somebody says to us we will consider doing your project but you go back and get more property without the ability to level the playing field through the public process to acquire property on a fair market value basis, eminent domain, AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-1082 we really are in a tufFspoY as a private none profiY organization. We assembled the site from what we know with 30+ years of history of development of this type of project, it will be a successfu144-unit affordable housing project a eatly needed in you community. He hopes that they listen to the staff recommendation To ganT this request. Mr. Courmey questioned the project as constructed is it going to have enou�h of a bufFer so it is not going to affect the value of his property. The parking lot there he thought that there was some sort of buffer there. It is not aoing to affect his property, to a certain extent he thinks that they just do not want the density, but that is not what this is about, what it should be about is there a buffer there and is it going to affect the values of their property? Mr. Soucek stated that the closest that the building comes to the properry line on the north is the required setback of half the height of the building and that will be bu£fered with landscape. The L shape of the building allows an even g�eater buffer on the rest of the area because it fronts on Springfield. The area that has the Plaza, the playground and that green space that terraces down to the south is over 60 feet so that is much greater than the normal adjacencies you would see along the block. File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Fourteen Ms. Morton questioned when they intended to start this project7 Mr. Cramer stated as is often fhe case development is a sequential set of acrivities while we have some of the resources available for the construction we do not haue all of them. In order to secure the balance of the resources we need to be able to demonstrata that this project can in fact move forwazd so the action on the zoning variances is critical. Assuming that we can actually demonstrate that we can build on this site we will be applying for the balance of the resources that we need in the late fall early winter of this year with decision expected in early 2010, and if those are favorable decisions we could start constrvction later in 2010, which would be the earliest we could start construction. Ms. Morton further questioned at this point it is not your intention to accumulate any more property? Mr. Cramer stated that is not our intent at this point as he mentioned earlier this is a difficuft environment in whicli to negotiate. At this point we would not acquire additional property. Ms. Maddox questioned what they used as their basis for market value? Mr. Cramer requested that Mr. Soucek answer that question. Mr. Soucek replied that they worked with an acquisition consultant called W ilson Development LLC, which did a pretty extensive study of comparable sales in the area and made adjustments much as an appraiser would do. Based on how it was similar, how it was different to the subject and came up with a market value. We did that for all the properties and that basically became the starting point of our negotiation not the finishing point. There were multiple counters and multiple discussions with eaoh of those owners before we came to an agreement. He thinks that they came to fair ageements for the owners and for PPL. One of the owners spoke here tonight Mr. Sandberg we acquire properiy through amicable negotiation and once that breaks down we respect that. We've had very respectful discussion with each of those owners and continue to have a good relationship with those owners. Ms. Maddox questioned if he could tell her if it was over or under the tax value. Mr. Soucek stated that in most cases it was significantIy over the f� value of the property. Mr. Creamer stated that their message to the owner who spoke eazlier was not that we don't need you, our message was that even with his property we would still face the need for a variance so that was a little different message than we don't need you. AA-ADA-EEO Empbyer 09-1082 Ms. Linden questioned when they were talking about the value of the home were they talking about the value, where you talkina about the taxable value or the estimated market value? Mr. Soucek rep]ied that we use an estimated market value at all times, a tax value is not necessarily a good indication of the market. So they aze looking for what other similar homes. Ms. Linden further questioned what years values did they use 2008, 2009? Mr. Soucek stated that the negotiations for those properties took place over a yeaz ago we had a purchase option that expired at the end of 2008 that we renewed for another year. So he believes that the value was based on sales during the months leading up to when our negotiation started with those owners. Ms. Linden continued when you used the estimated market values did you actually use the Ramsey County values that are online or what did you use? Mr. Soucek replied MLS date, W ilson Development LLC has MLS access Mr. Wilson is a certified Real Estate Broker and we use actual sales data. Ms. Linden questioned a6out the home at 2222 West 7`" ? Mr. Soucek stated that he did have several conversations with the elderly gentleman there, we did not talk about the sale of the property because his conversation with Mr. Lind had preceded those conversations and if you look at the map on the top along West 7�' is the house in question. Tf he acquired that home and not the home along Benson you have a situation where you haue a building wrapping a13 the way azound single family File #09-252310 Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Fifteen homes that now appear to be in the back yard. That is a market ability proMem not only for those residents but for PPL. PPL has to rent those units too and people have to desire to rent them. If the site out the back door is peoples back yards it does not do well for market ability. Mr. Cramer stated that was his point earlier when we reached the point of no return really with the one owner it did not make sense to extend conversations about what we intended to do which we did have, to can we consider buying your property. Mr. Courtney questioned with those that you did not do a deal with, Mr. Lind, did he get the same offer or were those offers less? Mr. Soucek replied that the offers that they came to with the six proper[y owners was significantly less than the number that Mr. Lind was looking for. Mr. Cramer stated that they are held to account by their public funders, so they have some latitude but not unHmited latitude. Mr. Soucek stated that he is trilled to hear that Mr. Lind is still open to a reasanable affer and he thinks that they are still open to making a reasonable offer so maybe that door is not as closed as we though. But again we are stewards of public funding here and we have to honor that and acquire things for reasonable market values. Ms. Porter requested that Mr. Hardwick explain Section 67301 of the Zoning Code. Mr. Hardwick stated that Section 67301 of the Zoning Code speaks about the establishment of redevelopment overlay district intent. Reading in part "The redevelopment oeezlay districts are established to maintain a unique character, promote economic development potential, encourage development of urban villages with pedestrian and transit oriented design. To promote mixed use development and to protect public health, safety, and welfare within the designated districts." Ms. Porter questioned if had been approved by the City? Ms. Tierney replied absolutely it is part of our zoning code, it is in chapter 67 of the zoning code it looks like it was adopted in 1999. Based on the notes that are with the ordinance that is not 100% confident of that because these are not always completely accurate. But she thinks that is probably the ba11 park, that it was adopted in 1999 there are specific requirements that apply to commercial buildings and then specific requirements that apply to residential development as well. AA-ADA-EEO Bmployer 09-1082 Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Maddox closed the public portion of the meeting. Ms. Linden moved to deny the var3ance and resolution based on fmdings 1, 3& 4. Finding 1) Prudence for going forward with this project she cannot believe that this was not addressed before. 3) This is a density issue. 4) We will have light from the people residing there. Ms. Morton stated that this is a big variance it is on the lot size it is almost half the size of the lot. Ms. Maddox questioned and that falls under? Ms. Morton replied under 1. Ms. Porter stated she would like to make a friendly amendment to the denial based on the 2 acre requirement there will be issues with light coming in windows. File #09-25231Q Minutes August 24, 2009 Page Sixteen Mr. Courmey stated that it is not going to have anything to do with light we are talking abouY a parking lot that is not going to have anything to do with light and vae are talking about the 2 acre rule so the height is not asking for a varianca. He thinks the ligbt in finding 4 is relevant. Mr. Courtney stated that was just a statement, he is going to vote against the motion. He stated it is asking the quesrion if you are going to bring something into a neighborhood that is unpopular do you have to dot all your "I's" and cross all your "T's" stating that he is going to refuse to answer that question and no one has satisfactory explained about what the 2 acre rule is and it does sound as if it is obsolete to a certain eartent, or maybe it is tkere to get rid of projects that we don't want and maybe that is a good 'adea. But the other variance deals with the parking lot and ha thinks that they have put a proper cushion in there to basically isolate themselves from the neighbors. It looks like they have done what they can and if we are going to focus on the 2 variances as opposed to the entire project which is what we are supposed to be doing; then we should be voting against the motion. Mr. Hardwick stated he would throw in a little additional information. The RM2 zoning district, if we took this parcel of land and said it wasn't in the Shepherd-Davern, but kept it in the RM2 they could actually bui3d more dwelling units on this site. As Mr. Courtney menfioned they meet all the height and setback requiretnents so that is not an issue. The only issue is "is this site big enough to accommodate what is being proposed and is the parking lot going to affect someone's health and wellbeing. Ms. Morton seconded the motion, which passed on a roll call vote of 4-2(Courtney, Maddox). Submitted by: Approved by: John Hardwick Gloria Bogen, Secretary AA-.ADA-EEO Employer Oti/1'U"LUU� 11:16 SNAS YYLN'Ad�YYL-1NG.UKG Jun 17 OS 01:37p RICHMAN OHIO � PPL Fax �j001/004 6149341724 p.1 09-1082 Richlnan 4hio Affordahle Housing L�C 4200 Regent St�set Suite 200 Columbus, Ohio 43219 (614) 949-5146 (614) 944-Si48 Fuc 3une 16, 2008 Prasect for Pride in Living, Inc, 1D35 Franklin Ave. E. Minneapolis, hIN 554fl4 Attn: Barbara McCormick RE: PPL West 7�` �Iousing — Equity Interest To �['hom It May Concern: 12iohinan Ohio Affordable Housing LLC ("T2ichinan Ohio") is the sponsor of investment parwerships w3uch provide equity capital for multi-familp aparfinent complexas which aze eligible far locv-income housing tax credits pursuant to Section 42 of the Tnternal Revenue Code of 198b ("Low Housing Tax Cretiits") by investing in limited partnerships which o�� such apartznent compiexes. Richman Ohio intends to invest, directly and(or through its subsidiaries and affiliates to purchase a 99.99°l0 limited partnership interest (the "Interest) in PPL l'Vest 7 LP, a Minnesota limited parhiership (tUe "Partnership'� in accordance with the Terms herein and the attached Equity Interest Term Sheet. Thz Partnership shail enter into a development a�reement witlt Project for Pride uz Living, Inc. (the "I3eveloper") for the purpose oF developing PPL �rl�est 7� Housing (the "ProjecY') described herein_ 1. Project. The parties intend thai l Ofl% of the 48 units in the Project will qualify for low-income housing tax credits putsuant to Secfion 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as ame�nded {the "Code"). 2. Terms of Pnrchase and Proposed Coafracts and Pereent Financing. The basic terms and conditions of the pwchase are set forth in the Equity Interest Tecros Sheet. The purchase is subject Yo the Project receiving tas credit ailocation and subject to enuuonmental and aeological reports, plans and specifications, title palicies, surveps, appraisais, market studies, coniractor documentation, fittal fivancial grojections and such other conditions which are customary and reasonable v.�ith respect to an equity invesiment of tkus naUne. OB/17!'LOOS 11:16 iFAX YYLNAX�YYL-1NC.DKG Jun 17 08 01:32p RICHMAN OHiO � PPL Fax I�003/004 6149341724 p.3 09-1082 PPL WEST 7 HOUSING EQI7ITY INTERE3T TERMS FOR 1'HE PURC'HASE OF A 99.99°!o LP INTEREST Il�I PPL WEST 7 LP Basic Stzucture: The o�Nner af PPL West 7"' Tiousing (ihe "ProjecP') shall be kno�tim as PPL West 7�', LP {tha "Partnership'�, a Minnesota limixed partners3up. Richman Qhio Affordable Housing, LLG ("Ric6�man Oluo") andtor separate affiIiates of Itichman Ohao {the "Investar LF") a�ll orvn and provide capital contributions through a 99.99°10 iimited�aartnership ownezship intetest in the Partnership. PPL West 7, LLC wi11 own a.O1% general partner interest. The Partnership will enfer inYO a development agreement with Project for Pride in Living, Inc_ (the "]3evelope�'} to develop the Project. Pmject Cost The total project cost is $11,44b,2�2 Anticipated Annual Federal Housing Credit Alloca6onc � $328,698 Capirai Contributions: Increases JReductions to Contributions: General Partner Richman Ohio wiii make iotal equity contributions of $7,428,768 subject to adjustment as provided herein. This represents an equity price of $.80 ger rax credit dollar for 99.99°/a of ihe Federal lo�� income tax credits. The Gapitat Contributions by Investor LP shall bz subject to increases ( reductions for the following: If it is detemiined that the tatai amount oE tow income taY credits is greater than I iess than $9,286,98Q, the Capital Contribution(s) then due or next due from t6e 3nvestor LP shali be increased ; reduced by $.80 foe ea�h dollaz of Federal Iow income t� eredits above,/ below the assumed $9,2&6,980 in total tow income tax credits. Loans: If at any time the cash available to the Partnership is insufficient to meet the cash requirements of the Partnership, PPL West 7�', LLC sha11 be required to make a cash loan to the Partnership {The "GP Loan") to cover such shortfall. uaii�icuvo SS:SU irne YYLPAp�frL-11\V.VnV Jun 17 OS 0132p RICHMAN OH10 Partnership Allocations: � CYL r8R I$JVV4/UV4 6149341724 p.4 09-1082 T� Credits aad taxable profit ( Iosses (inciuding depreciation} shall be allocated 99.99% to Ricl�man Ohio and .Ol % to PPL West 7` LLC_ Nondisciosure: This commitment is strictly confidenfial and shall not be disclosed by PPL R'est 7`�", LLC az any of its afFiliaYes to azrv other person or entity without the consent of the other parry, excepf to the fust mortgage iender, grovided howevez, that PPL West ��`, LP may include this commiiment in its application for tax credits. 09-1082 CITI' OF SAINT PAUL Deadline for Action 09-19-09 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS RESOLUTION ZONING FILE NITMBER: 09-252310 DATE: September $, 2009 WF�REAS, Matthew Soucek — Project for Pride in Living has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Secrion b7.303(2) & 66.231 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertavung to 1) a minimum of two (2) acres is required for any development in the area; 2) A minimum parking lot setback of 25 feet is required for the parking lot along Benson Avenue in th€ RM2 zoning district at 2236 7th Street West. PIN: 152823340034; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on September 8, 2009 pwsuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section b4203 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the foilowing findings offact: 1. The property in question can be put to a reasonable use under the striet provisions of the code. Project for Pride in Living (PPL) is a nonpro�it de�+elaper of affordable hoasing for low- to moderate-income families. They cunendy own and manage over 1,000 units of affordable honsing in 4he Twin Cites ,area. PPL is proposing to sonstruet a 3-story, 44-unit apartment building with underground and surface parking. The majority of the parking will be in the underground ramp with i i surface parking spaces at tt�e rear of the buildi�g afong Sensan Avenue. The project will replace a vacant nonconforming commercial building and five older singie�family home$ all built in the early 1900s. The applicants have attempted to obtain addirional properties in order to meet the minimum two acre lot size standard but have been unable to do so. This area was rezoned for multi-family residential use in 2000.as part of the ShepardlDavem Small Area Ptan. The Plan envisioned a diversity of new muhi-unit housing for ttri$ area. This parcel is a through lot and as such the property does not have a rear yard but has two front yazds for setback purposes. Parking is not aliowed in a required yard except a rear yard and this makes it impossible to provide surface parking for visitors without encroaching into a required setback. However, the applicant has not actively pursued obtaining additional property for ihe development that �ould eluuivate the need for variances. �. The plight of the land owner is due to eircumstances unique to this property, and these circumstances were not created by the dand owner. The minimum two aere lot size standard ereates a hardstjip for any new muiti-family residential development. There are no two acre sites under single ownership in the Page lof4 D➢�iT1E;� residentiat File #09-252320 Resolution prntion of the �hepard/Davem area. Witbvtrt t3�e abiIity to obtain prQperty tluough eminent domain, it is difficult to put togetlier a two acre parcel. This is a circumstance that was not created by th� current property owner. 3. T'he proposed variance is not in keeping with the spirit and inient of fhe code, and may adversely affect the heatth, safery, comfort, morals cmd welfare of the inhabitanls of the Ciiy sf St. Paul. The Small Area Plan identifies this azea as hauing smali pockets of older single famil}r homes and nonconfomung commercial uses. The Plan recommends replacing these uses �viYh multi-unit residc�tiat-buildiags vaith a-range af famil3� size.and iaceme levels. Th�re will be a mixture of i, 2, and 3-bedroom wuts available with some for residents with income levels o�b0°/a as less o��he a�ea median, some for Feside4ts of SD°/a of the mectian aad IQ units of supportive housing for those who meet tlte definition of long term homeless. This preposat is cc>nsistent �ith the-Aousing �hapter of the L:omprehensi�e Plan-but-not the Shepard/Daverm Small Area Pian wluch calis for a minimum lot size of 2 acres. Staff has received several letters ir� snpport of tl�is project and several letters in opposition. Tl�e proposed variances aze not in keeping with the spirit and iateut of ths code and may advErsel3�affect xlze-Uealthor welfareofar$a.msidents_ 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adeguate supply of light and air to adjacent property, but wiZl alter the essentiad character of the surrounding area which may unreasonabdy diminish established property values withzn the surrounding area. The proposed new building will meet all of the required setbacks and height timits. The requested variances wili not adversely affect the supply of tight or air ta adjacent properties. Atthough the appiicant has not obtaiued finat Site Ptan Review approwat yet, pretiminary review has indicated that the plans wi11 meet the design guidelines of the Shepard(Davem overtag district. The building design will borrow from elements associated with neariiy Fort SneIling and other historic buildings in the area. The project area will be e�ensively Iandscape� with a series of rain gardens and underground drain tik systems that wilt allow much of ttie storm water to be retained on site. The propased development will change�tbe eharacter of the Fort Road Cratewag to Saint Paul whicl� could have a negati�e impact on surrounding propenies. 5. The varianee, ifg•antsr� would not permit any use thaf is ttot permifted utuier the prarisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is Iocated, nor would ii alter or ctumge the zoning district classifreation of the property. ra� z ofa 09-1082 File #09-252310 Resolution Multi-family bousing is a permitted use in this disttict. The requested variances wouid not change or alter the zoning ciassification of the property. 6. The request for variance is not based pri»rcrrity on a desire to increase the vatue or income potential of the parcel of lanct The applicant is a nonprofit organization whose primary desire is to provide affordabte housing. NOW, 'IT3EREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the request to waive the provisions of Section 67303(2) & 66.231 in order to construct a new 44- unit aparpnent building in the Shepazd-Davern Overlay Districi on property located at 2235 7�' Street West; and legally described as Rankins Addition To The City Of St. Paui, Ramsey County, Minnesota Sub} To St Lots 1 2 And Lot 3 Blk 4; in accordance with the application for variance and the sate plan on file with the Zoning Administrataz, IS HEREBYDEIVIED. MOVED BY: SEC�NDED BY: IN FAVCIR: AGAINST: MAII�ED: September 9, 2004 TIME LIMIT: No decision of the zoning or planning administrator, planning commission, board ot zoning appeais or city council approving a site plan, permit, variance, or other zoning agproval shall be vaiid for a period longer than two (2) years, unless a building permit is obtained within such period and the erection or alteration of a 6uildiug is proceeding under the terms oSthe decision, or the use is established within such period by actual opera6on pursuant to the applicable conditions and requirements of the approval, unless the zoning or planning administrator grants an extension not to exceed one (1) year. Page 3 of 4 09-1082 � File #09 252310 Resolution APPEAL: Decisions of the Board af Zoning Agpeals arc Sual subject to agpeal M the Ciry Cauncil within 20 days by aayone affeeted by the decision. Baiidiug permits sha0 not be issued a£ter an appeal has been fited. if permits have been issued before an appeal has been filed, tken the permits are saspended and construction shall cease until the City Conncil has made a fmal determmatioa of the agpeaL CEIiTII'+ICATION: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby cerrify that I have comparcd the fortgoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true and corrcct cogy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on approved miautes of the Saint Panl Board of Zoning Appeals meEting held on September S, 2009 aad on record in the Department of Safety and Inspections, 375 Jackson Street, Samt PanI,lVlinnesota. SAINT PAUL BOARA OF ZONING APPEALS Debbie M. Crippen Secretary to the Board Page 4 of 4 Hetping geopte , � August 3, 2009 Mr. John HardwiCk City of St. Paul 375 Jacksan St. #226 Saint Paui, MN 55101-1806 Dear Mr. Hardwick: he(g themsetves 09-1082 ��� r�� - y��� Pro}ect for Pride in Living, Inc., a developer of quality affordab{e housing in the Twin Crties area since 19B0, proposes to develop a 44-unit apartment building near the intersection of West 7`" Street and Springfreld Street. The parcef is currentfy comprised of five residentiat properties, one commerciai property and a portion ot an unimproved pubiic aliey. PPL has entered into agreements with the six property owners that provide for a� option to acquire the properties through December 1, 2009. The development wii! requise variances for the minimum parcel size requirements outlmed in the Shepard-pavern Overafay to the existing RM-2 Zoning. Pursuant to the pverfay, a minimum of two acres is required for multifami{y devefopments. The proposed development parcel is 53,332 square feet, or 1.23 acres. The devefopment will aiso require a variance for the setback requirements outlined in the overiay for the off-street parking pianned afong 8enson Avenue. The overlay requires a 25-foot setback. The development pfan shows a 4- foot setback. Accardingly, I have attached the appSication fos the variances we are seeking and the associated supporting materials and fee. With regard these variances, I submit the following to be true and correct: 1, The property in question cannoY be put to a reasnnab/e use under the strict provisions of the code, A development of this type woufd not be possible without the variances outlined above. A�thouqh the block is zoned Por muftifamily devefopment, individual properties are compNsed entirely of singfe-family homes on 5,OQ� ta 1�,000 square feet of 4and that were created pursuant to the previous zoning aP the area. Assembly of mu{tipte smafi propert'tes is difficutt, as nat a1V owners are wit{ing to setl their properties, and at this time it is not possibfe to assemble enough fand to comprise a two-acre parcel. With regard to the parking setback variance, strict adherence to the code will not leave enough room for a multifamily structure due to the re{atively short length of the site, when fand needs for storm water management and the Affordabte Housing . Employment & Job Training . Support Servfces . Educatiorz Project for Pride in living . 1035 East Franklin Avenue, Minneapatis, MN 554�4 . 612.455 5100 . Pax: 672 455.5101 . www.ppl-inc org . ppL@ppE-inc org � K F: E �� , 09-1082 � ����-^� �� sfopin� topography of the site are also taken mto acmunt A public sidewalk wi4l be added to the fron[age afong Benson Avenue that does not currentiy exist, and granting of khis variance wd( enhan�e, noY ninder, foot and bike traffic along the street. 2, The p/ight of the landowne� is due to circumstances unique to the praperty, and these circumstances were not created 6y tne iandowner, PPL has Qut forth its best efforts to acquire additionai property for the devefopment parce! and reduce the size of or elimi�ate the !ot size variance we are seeking. We have been unabie to secure additionai parceis despite these efforts. With regard to the parking setback variance, the topography of the s�te roHs gent4y to the southeast, from WesY 7� Street toward Benson Avenue befare flattening out along $enson. This is the onfy location on the site conducive ta an off-street parking lot. We have included 55 underground parkin9 spots in the deveiopment plans and do not need a variance for the overall number of parking spots in the plaa. PPL presented its development plans for the site Yo city staff in a preliminary site p{an review meeting on July �9. No objections were brought forth from the perspect�ve oF storm water management, parking, streets and traPfic. We believe what we have proposed for the site wiil work well physfcally and is also consistent with planning for the area. 3. The propased va�iance is in keeping with the spirit end inYent of the code, and is consistenf with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitanfs of the City af Saint Paul. The variances notwithstanding, the deveiopment proposal meets the intent of the " Shepard Davern Sma(I Area Pian in every way. It adds muitifamily housing units to ? the area which serve a variety of incomes, as calied tor in the pfan. The i development will exceed the city's rate contro! and other storm water management requirements. We will add curb and gutter along Springfieid Street and a portion of � Benson Avenue that wrrently does not exist, lmproving storm water flow down the � street and into the storm sewer system. The deve3opment wiii provide fow to moderate income families with afforda6le housittg options that are not currently avaiiable in abundance in the area. 4, The proposed variance wilt not impair an adeqvaYe supply of lighf and air to the adjacent property, nor wi/! it alter the essentia/ character of the surroundfng area or unreasonably diminish established property va/ues within the surrounding areas. Adjacent propertles wili not be deprived of air or light as a result of the development. The surrounding area is comprised of a mix of single-famiVy homes and smalf 09-1082 mu)tiramily apartment bwldings, and there are se•eeral n2wer apartrr�2nt developments in the area, such as the VJest 7` Crossings development [a the sou�hwesc. The design of the proposed bu�ld;ng wiil incorporate elements mmmonfy found in the architecture of the area, staying consistent with its characYer. The construction of new housing um±s in the area wifi have a positive zffect on surrounding property vatues. 5, The variance, if granted, wau/d not permif any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code for the property in Che district where affected tand is locaYed, nor would it a/ter or change the zoning district classification of t/re property. Adjacent property would continue to be zoned RM-Z Muitifamdy, as wou4d the development parcel, and this ctassification would not be altered by the proposed variance, 6, The request for veriance is noY based primari/y on a desire to increase the value or income potentia! of fhe pareei of Jand, We are requesting the variances referenced above to provide quality affordabfe housing consistent with PPL's orgamzational misson, the 9oals outlined m the city's comprehensive plan, and to provide multifami4y housmg units sn an area loned accordingly in con7unction with the Shepard-Davern Small Rrea Plan. Our request for the variances is in no way intended to increase the value af income potentiaf of the land. I have attached several fetters of support for our development proposal and the variances we are requesting that were wntten by area residents. Please process our appiication for Lhese variances at your earliest convenience. It is my understanding that the public hearing fior our var)ance request will be Monday, August 24 at 3pm. Please let me know if this is not the case for any reason. Please contact me at (612) 455-5215, or by e-mail at mattsoucek(c�pol-inc orq , with any questions or cancerns you may have. Sincerely, G� GCc�7/'�"^'t� Matthew Z. Soucek Sr. Project Manager Projed for Pride in Living, Inc. {9/16/2009) John Hardwick - Oppose Variance PPL Project' � �� �� � �� " Page 1 �' � � �'`` From: "Rozelia 6d' <Rozeila.Ort@chiltlrensmn-org> ���/� To: <johahardwick@cisipaui.mn us>, <wyrd3@cistpaul-maus> a � / CQ <chandragruber@gmail.com> Date: 9/16/2009 8:38 AM . Subl� Oppose Vanance PPL Projed 1 oppase giving PPL affordable housing pmjeCt the varianceS hecause R will dcamatically increase the number of children in the area with no playground facildies or activities There is a lot of traffic on West 7th area at Yhe battom of Snelling hift and it wiil increase with this projed. With the adddianal traffic and no playground area large enough for the amount of child2n that is expected to tive 2t the facility, 1 feel it is an accidenY vraiUng fo happen. PPL has asked for support for the variances numeious times and the people in the area have saitl no every time for various reasons Aii are good reasons. Please listen to the peopie and deny the variances. Rozella Orr 2200 West Rh Street St. Paul MN 55116 Rozella Orr Sc AdministraWe Assistant Chiidreds HospRats and Ginics oi Minnesota MNA Support and Transition MS 70503 (651)220-6021 rozella.orr@childrnsmn org Confidentiafity Statement: This emaillfaz, inGuding attachmenGs, msy inGUde confidential andlor proprietary iMwmation and may be used only by the person or entiry to whicri it is addressetl. If the reader of this emaiVfax is not the intendetl reeipient or his or her agent, the reader is hereby noYfietl that any tlissemination, dlstnbution orcopying of this emaiUfaz is prohibited- If you have received this emaiVfa�c in error, please notify the sender by replyin9 to this message and deleting this email or destroying this facsimile immediately. 09-108�ag 1 of 1 John Hardwick - PPL projecE on W. 7th From: Marty Hicks <marry@hixwenc.com> "' °t To: <john.hardwick@cistpaul.mn.us> Date: 9/16/2009 8:50 AM Subject: PPL project on W. 7th Deaz Mr. Aardwick, My wife and I live right azound the block from the proposed PPL project. I support the project and think it would be a good thing for the neighborhood as well as the lazger community. Thanks, Marty Hicks 2223 Stewart Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 651.492.0899 file:llC:\Documents and Settings�hardwicj\Local Settings\Temp4Z7'grpwise14AB0A6CFm... 9/16/2009 09-1082 September I5, 2009 Mr. 3ohn Hardwick zoning Administrator City of Saint Paul 375 Jackson Street �220 Saint Paul, MN 55101 Re: Project foz Pride in Living — Pazcel Size Variance Dear Mr. Hazdwick: ,_�� � : � x'.�:_ j�`� �1 `�.�.?�� sis-�-ti p� � I live in Highlaad Pazk along with my wife Laucie and two children. We live within a mile of the proposed development and aze writing in support of the project because we feel it would be an asset to our neighborhood and the City of Saint Paul for a number of reasons; Aschitectural Desi�n - the building is comparable to any upscale mazket rate development and a nice addition to the W 7`� streetscape and the heavy emphasis on green building wi11 benefit the residents and the enduonment Size_ Scale and DensiN as proposed is appropriate to the site. Requiring the developer to assemble the addztional land needed to avoid a variance would allow for an inci ease in the number of units resutting zn a higher density which we would see as a negative. This sentiment is shazed by the Highland DC and other residents who spoke at several commun9ty meetings. Manag_emern - the property will be managed by PPL, one of the preeminent developeis and managers of affordable housing in the metro area along with Catholic Chaiities who will be providing resident services. This leaves no doubt in our minds that building will be well managed with good tenant screening that will ensure the residents who aze fortunate enough to live theie will aLso be an asset to Higttland Park. Location - The pro�mity of the site on a major transit cozridor between the two core ciries, MOA, and the airport wili allow residents direct connectians via bus and light rail to jobs and the option of reducing oz eliminating the need %r a car (the second ]argest eapense after housing for most families), all while living in quality housing affordable to their wage scale. As tliis project has emerged we have been embarrassed by the level of uncivilized discourse coming &om a well organized, vocal minority of residents. Unfortunately these same residents chose not to participate in a tour of PPL properties where they would actually see for themselves what kind of properties PPL owns. Perhaps most importaafly they missed an oppornuuty to engage in a dialogue with residents and managers choos'rng instead to foment opposition through fear mongering and other NIMBY tzcfics. AII of this appears fo have culminated in a decision by the zoning boazd that keats the proposed housing development unfairiy when compazed fox e�mple to the Trader Joe's development that we have personal experience with. Tn our case the neighbors challenged the rezoning of the land from commerciat to TN2 and ultimately the follow up vaziances needed to the TN2 itself. The impact of the zoning board ganting tfie variances was to allow an entire block face of homes across &om us to be removed putting in their place a parking 1ot and two commercial retail buildings. ln addition to the rezoning of the !and to TN2 three additional variances (two of them 09-1082 very significant) were needed for floor area, building setback from street and to allow parking in front of the building taking up more than 50% of the lot frontage. Alt of these variances were supported by the Highland DC and P&Z despite the objecrions of the immediate neighbors and a hundced or more neuby residents who signed a petifion opposing them. It appeazs that the Zoning Boazd in deciding to ganf a variance from commercial to TN2 was Iooking at changing lzends and what zoning would best fit (which was'I'N2) however once granted tfie follow up vaziances to the TN2 itseIf weie viewed by most including flte City Couacil to be unfoatunate. Nonetheless the variances were granted and the development proceeded. The Shepard-Davern Small Area Plan and the 2-acre minimum appears to have envisioned larger parcels being assemblec3 by big developers. The unintended consequence is that smailer projects with more modest density that.fit in better are at a disadvaotage. Ironically these aze the kinds of projects the Highland DC has ageed it wants to see but will not get if current zoning forces projects that aze Iarge, monolithic, high density developments. Clearty a great deal of latitude was eartended to the Trader 3oe's development in interpreting the intent of the zoning code and what was best for the nei�borhood. Theiefore we hope the City CouncIl will cortect fhe Zoning Board's decision by affording similar latitvde by takmg a more nuanced vizw of the current zoning, future irends for development and the many positives this development brings to the city. Especialiy since, compared to the Trader Jce's eacample, the variances PPL is requesting are a much less signifieant deviation from current zoning tliatt those sought and granted for Txader 3oe's. An added benefit is that the units once buiIt will provide qnality affordable workfocce housing within wailcing distance of Trader 7oe's site. Finally we wou2d like to point out to the immediate neighbors of the proposed PPL development that throughout the process of challenging Trader Joe's Councilmember Hazris and his staff worked diligently with the residents, the developer and city staff to ensure that the best possible outcomes wese achieved, These included lighting, resurfacing, cucb and gutter, boulevard trees, a rain garden and other visual enhancaments. So wlu]e not the outcome we initialiy desued we are content with how the development ulrimately huned out and as consequence have decided to remain cather than put our home up for sale as we thougJrt we would want to do. We aze certain that while tensions may be high right now if the development does move forwazd the city and the Highland DC can courrt on Councilmember Hanis and his staff to work in a similar fashion with all interested parties resulting in a similaz outcome. Sincerely, `�_.-�s ""'� �e�1.—� Hai Clapp & Family l OS6 7uno Avenue St.Pau155116 ♦ r . ,`;+. #;,.�:C�� ,. �s 4� � i W � �r � � a� � � � a V/ � O � V � � +._ C � w` � W � � � � � � � � � Q a � � Q �i. � � 0 � � � � _ F��1 � .� � a.+ � a � � � • L ' � w Y) � �V W L � � �l � 4. 0 _ 0 � � � � .N � ._ � � a � � � � 3 � � J -C rL O C. �+', �ta � Q � y C � Q L Y '3 - � � „ c a- 'Q " � � � > G ? �= on v > d' � C i- � v�i � O � � O � L N v � i. � a x o _ � � _ `o }` 3 � � � m 3� c o 0 ro � � � � � d N� i Y v d 3� U p H � U C � � D v�i � � R Q O a = Y �' w � o v � � � � � LL Q Y � N Y p ' v... ,�p O �� a ,� O � V v�i � ,,, � � � C C = � � C S Q. � v Y V � L .V L •� d d V R � � Q � � � G U s. 3 a+ 4! y_ O Q. � r � O N t�6 � tB v N L Y O C � 'Q � O � i � V � � v d a � ,� O � ..o- C N '� a-+ v� - a � ,� c '> � m a' ° m a 'cri o "' � c a,�, i p_ .+. 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