191352J` a' COUNCIL FIL*F tN0 ,, -- 9 135 By... >aa .r _15w lap G c NUIA s: S u TT �a cr. �v ; ITT x rr� ���xnr �.V.�3. T,sjcx�'�Tr� s� nTiuxSa�x �� �g art uR efox�r A tger. erM$x � WTT gex� tM(;&q X4 cezt00' 4T ►';C Z ^;,,� i^ff !'fy d- ,aF rte# �i{` N sicy :..Y 4.r� R�+� r/w [ r• T sr K f pit fi[?'_t J under Preliminary Order ----------- ---- 1,90010 Intermediary ublic hearing havin � - -- - -- --- A g g been having heard all persons, objections the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the t Mpcxo xra.� xu cc�Q� M - -- approved ---------- -I4Yerpber -19x 1958 ------------------ - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- �ad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered 61 of the City of : t. Paul th•,?' the x e, t'-6kMW7f' of i7r;- c x► such TuG vas ' t Q T _'W �w''�ii►�r�y��y�' ' F��'+ ��q'• �' �t' �. �- �{/ ��` Es�I�i�3 'E3'e�q.�.��L�+?�r.�i�:� iJ'',G�ez+.�.���^�'.i/1f.� -� !�fi.�•�.- �'GC)'�W�.�'1:l•'�xr �rfJ- 'iF"aT..� •pr'•V� ��Td ��J�4�:�'.- ?.�� "�;X,iL�'ft� _ - . _ _ _ __.� � �:: �.;: .`,.:.,• a,+ r. �r•f�rei," rri � Y►t[a'. ;3, �7l'':.`�°1I1�;# , and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed-to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AAR 17 1959 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------------------------ 1 7 1959 City Clerk. Approved------------- - - - - -- =--------------------- - - - - -- J File 11+31+6 -- ----- - - - - -- ----------- Councilman DeCOURCY ,��t Pl Mayor. y` Councilman HOLLAND I Councilman MORTINSON Councilman Councilman ROSEN .. Councilman WINKEL _U1L'LOI�, Mayor;'i� Mr. Vice Presided (Peterson) . 2.55 2M 2 -^ , s OFFICEIOF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS On TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE January 9th , 19 59 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminaryronrder of the Council, known as Council File No. 190010 approved Ngvember 19th 19 58. relative to r ` : Re rade and pave E. Th i. rd _Street" fromLMap.l a Street "to` Wh i to tiBear.'Avenue -'with 8" P�. ""grade and' "ave street al`leand""d'i=ive ? a' eturns con- !one course, concjr_ete vement; g p , Y Y • struct new concreteLc,.rb where necessary; construct sewer, water and gas service con- nections from street' - a`ins to proper lines where necessary; construct storm wa er sewer from Tell Stree�t.to Griffith Street and reconstruct storm water facilities else- where, where necess,ar�y, , reconstruct the p va i ng; c rr-6i.ng and ,si dewal -ks on the i ntersec- ting streets where not in conformity with said improvements; construct conduits and appur enances for future 1'i�l5ti'ng and°`t- raffic control system`s and do al`l other work which All n �c,,es�sya �X��y},d inc.'��d�ent �10 t�or�p deice ts�a i�dysi mpr�ovre dent o therein, hereby reports: I. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. Thelestimated cost thereof is $ 411,138.00 and the total cost $ �f (See Letter Attached) thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement i s' as follows: I 3. A'•�plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. I 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three f or for roperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. t� REcEIvEO r - 00 JAN {12 1959 Commissioner of Public Works or D Z OF Cktr Oman Ob M4 -Plwk goom 3", Court, ftm We tho, Md& xUXied, WMartY others are opposed to the fdUmbl$ necessary; legrede mA pave Int, Third Street ft= YsPIO StVOOt tO- White, Baer Avenue With &R- 0" MWOO "W"te ysysmmt; lVade, and p&" 8jteett &Uer *W drjvqW rotwmsj 00nStruct new concrete ctvb'vb*rO 330"NsarYl 0 , cm8tmOt OWOWO water and Ps servIco 00=90tions frou street Mans to poWtj 23nn where construct atom water ewer from TeU Street to Oriffith Stet Utt" 01GOI&O"t vbere W0639837; and r000nstrubt StaM VOW f4PI I reconstruct the Pavin0m, =bIJ* MA G'demLm on the intersecting streets t&ere not In eonfornitY Witt the e" JmPrO"=mt!j, construct cor,dujtg and appurtenances for future Ughting avid traffic control -systow and do, 4M other work VhLob 19,WssgarY and incidental to corplate Improvamto Adftems, d7 (f 7,16 j Addreso D. . 62�C4- —� AAdqVkgtk Addresa F 2=4 v Address... 1,04 0-.34 j %�- *'4a, L V- ,v v v dam== F --Address /t/O z Addresp Z41/ L3 Address ZL A-IF Address. Nam �- � 4aresa,_9s { , _ Tele, Name 7 Address- (o 7(p Name L �,Addreaea / Tel. game Adae�e.� G�} �.. ,��.QiFI.. �° I Nsme . t� �l/Y � � r _ .. Address ww'��a ■ U Name � fir, !pip Address, / ///f,�( ]�/% (��Yrww //�JJ Name Address �j . ,Tel. . 1 Name ,�. Addreser /,Cl`�7:� Name' Jl'" i' Adclrese Address ��� ... .. T®�.�/._� Address Ue7.- i Address_ gddreas' ��' 3 ego Name Address• — T.1.6 O Nam ®� t:C �i� Address Tel. l Tel., T eas� Na ;- ...,- Addreap..:.�`3 .�..', =.-L , Tel..Pn_ l0 7 b' 3 Names -,� ...: Address �� �0 : �e7:.�1�i �J.. r : Name Addr a O� TelP Nam Addreea Tel.. "s Name 7izJ ° Address T e1.P9 Name Address �� , Tel.•- �f,.:�1 Addreae_ /=� ��d,� /�w a i/_ Tei `y_ -_1/ ..f ; z " Ad d"$$ wom t- _91woo" —Fig _ _ mono lox* All im o! .� Room .�. Ade*esw, «x. Sm z " Address 70Z Name Address 3 ✓ Tel. Name f ji2.A1 � �� . Z ��ri Address y��7 — �> j VT el.6 i` NamE NamE NamE NamE NamE Name Name -L v Name 6 NamEW Name NairleC Nam Name ,,P, Name —"C AIame / Na me Name Name Name Name/ Name p Name �►%NIE, -- kddress Tel. Lddress p y A�'s-7­340 Tel. /P'Pt 6 g17-5 ELddress c _ �- 9Lddress � (Q �� � Tel.. address /� Q� Tel. 04 rte Address j a. `� Tel. p ��i1rA Address %a�,66 4 j, Tel Address Tel r �- Address_ / Z 2% Tel. P/?6- /�+.�/ Address � � Tel. �j �i Address Tel. v - - _ Address /> .7 P/ -3,g�,>O Tel. Address Tel. Address ����C Te1,+�� =�-� i `-� ✓✓ Address /,�- �- ( Telr��• �- 73oZ<6, Address_ Address I.1 L15— dl Te l 37� J Address z .� Tel. 2lo G� f Address f el d 5 Address Tel. /l X71 Address n tt,9 Address %�� Q ` -ail Tel4h. -,23S1f add,f Es3 9Vl 6��� Tc� Z 13 ,2 i Nv,M- rr -L lt� via /r/ le der, ss 610 3,=d osay- 30 31r sal. t -N. Mravi 4-ue 0 S Tol. �,ww ; / j - - - /•� . . . . . . . . . . A ...... ......... ........ ... . WWI . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... w 3, 3,=d �9 Moros TUL �4.r�wr�eroie wi �wTrwrr�r� �[ iYif�PC'+ aMM�w��1��M�4CF+ 1111nwiwiw��uY1M1Y�M *�wM�fMlKrldw��! - . TOILIN IF ri �4.r�wr�eroie wi �wTrwrr�r� w t 5 —� �[ iYif�PC'+ aMM�w��1��M�4CF+ 1111nwiwiw��uY1M1Y�M *�wM�fMlKrldw��! - . TOILIN w t 5 —� (A) 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER X9135 �� Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 i I09M 9.9.11 no a -u 8 o In the matter of Regrading_ and..- paving_ E. Third Street from Maple Street to White Bear Avenue with 8" one course concrete pavement; grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; constructing new:concrete curb where necessary;, constructing sewer, water and gas! service connections from street mains to property lines where necessary; constructing storm water sewer from Tell Street to Griffith Street and reconstructing storm water facilities else- where, where necessary; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvements; constructing conduits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and do all other work which is necessary _ and incidental to complete said improvement, s under Preliminary Order approved November 19, 1958 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $1111.x138.00 3.75 Res. The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ K.nn .nm- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION ILLAND VALUATION BLDG. 1 fl 11 I I II Except part for 3rd St.; Auditor's Subdivision No. 14. $1,000 $40400 1 II 12 I I St. Paul, Minn. II 700 12800 II 13 I I do II 500 1, 550 II 11 I I Joseph, Arth's Subdivision of II' 600 0 !: 2 I I Block 85 of Lyman Dayton's 550 12800 1 13 I I Addition to St. Paul 550 1,800 !I 14 I I do II 0 2,250 �I 1 5 I I do �I 550 3,150 II 16 I I do 550 1 350 �I 117 I I do 550 1,600 Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 i I09M 9.9.11 no a -u 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IIDESCRIPTION 1 , IOIIM O. ■.if X00 ]•t1 S I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. I Ji. I l I ll ri Rrva nt. t c Slihri i zri ci nn of II inn $2,400 II III III ]_ll l,r, 15 1,1 I Blocks 15 and 16, Stinson's I Fran('.P.S St,. Addition to St- II 475 ,300 II ).{75 )I.n5n it 116 I 5 I Pauli Ramsey Co-, Minn. II 0(4 " II I1 7.5I do II X175 f II I 18" I 151 do -2_150 )17 - 1 I 119 I 1141 do II Li 5 3 11' 50 I II I20 15 do 15_250 I ,I Lot 21 and West 20 feet of 122 115 I do II 72q 3.950 Except East x-45 feet; II East 20 feet of Lot 22 and West 1 do II 500 5.1250 i 36 feet of 23 1.5 do 6'x.5)1, 550 Ii f II East 4 feet of Lot 23 and all of 12-4 ( 15 1 do II L­450 2550 IIEast 8 feet of Lot 2 and all of I 1 116 I do II 550 49 500 II J IIWest 32 feet of Lot 2, and East I I I II C II 10 feet of I 116 I do II q00 3 500 IiWest 30 feet of Lot 3, and East I I I II II 12 feet of I 4 1'16 I do 500 39600 Ii Except East 12 feet; Lot 4, and I I I East 14 feet of I 5 116 I do II 00 3000 II West 26 feet of Lot 5, and East I I lI II 16 feet of I 6 116 I do II 00; 42000 IlExcept East 16 feet; East z of 6 116 ( do IIWest 20 feet of Lot 6 and East I I I 2 3,950 II 19 feet of I 7 116 I do II II1dest 21 feet of Lot 7, and East 1 1120 feet of I 8 116 I do II 475 4,000 I TOTAL II 1 , IOIIM O. ■.if X00 ]•t1 S I! I TOTAL II 1 11 I 011M 2. 3.11 X00 ] -ft a do 115 1 450 1 1 —. do II116 --------------- 450 5 750 Except East x-45 feet; 1 1 1 do II 500 5.1250 2 2 do II 1 425 I011M C.�.11 pp 3,48 8 TOTAL II J CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) row c.�.�� wo a•�. �$ I, DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUAT ASSESSED 1I 1 ll 1 891 A. GOt7Aan' S Subdivision of 11 8 550 33,400 11 1 12 1 891 Block 89, Lyman Dayton's Add. 11 00 5, 5� 0 11 113 89 1 do . 11 700 1,35o 11 Except South 10 feet; 1 8 1 31 Heinemann, McConville and 11 50 11 do 1 9 1 31 Stierle's Subdivision of Lots 11 50 1, do 1 10 1 31 23 12, 13 of Lee's Suburban fl 50 do 1 11 1 31 Homes II 100 11 do 112 1 31 do 100 11 do 1 13 1 3 do 11 100 II do 114 1 31 do 11 100 11 Except North 10 feet; 1 1 1 41 do 50 II do 1 2 1 41 do 11 50 11 do 1 3 1 41 do 1 50 I1 do 1 4 1 41 do 11 25 11 do 1 5 1 41 do 11 25 11 Except street and except West 30 1 1 1 11 11 feet; Lot 2, and all of 1 1 1 51 do 11 525 5,600 I. Except North 10 feet; West 30 feet 1 1 1 of 1 2 1 51 do 112 500 6, 550 11 Except North 10 feet;, East 2 of 1 3 1 5 1 do 1 11 Except North 10 feet; Westerly 1 1 1 1 11 2 of Lot 3 and except Westerly 1 1 11 10 ft.; 1 4 1 51 do 500 4,500 11 Except North 10 ft.; Westerly 11 10 ft. of Lot 4 and:-.all of 1 5 1 51 do 11 500 43400 1 Subject to 3rd St.; 1 6 1 1 do 1,300 2.,550 1 TOTAL 1 row c.�.�� wo a•�. �$ I, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT (BLOCK) ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. IISubj. to 3rd St.; I Lots 7 and 8 1 l I Heinemann McConville and IISubject to 3rd St.; Lots 9 and 110 1 5 1 Stierle's Subdivision of Lots 1 $ 800 $50750 11 Subject to 3rd St.; East 30 feet 1 I 1 2, 12, 13 of Lee's Suburban II !1 of Lot 12 and all of 111 1 5 1 Homes 11 700 4.0700 11 Subject to 3rd St., and except i I I 1I East 30 feet • 112 1 5 1 do 11 Subject to 3rd St. • 113 1 5 1 do 1 0 5x5OO 11 do 114 1 5 do 11 do 115 1 5 1 do 1 11 Subject to street; South 2 of I 1 1 I 11 vacated alley adjoining and West 21 1 1 II of Lot 17 and all of 116 1 6 1 do 11 650 4, 550 11 Subj . to st. ; South 2 of vacated 1 1 1 11 I1 alley adjoining and East 2 of 1 1 I 11 11 Lot 17 and all of 118 1 6 do 11 600 4,,95o 11 Subject to 3rd St.; South 2 of 1 1 I 11 11 vacated alley adjoining and West 1 1 1 11 II 2 of Lot 20 and all of �19 1 6 1 do 600 42850 Subject to 3rd St.; South 2 of I I 11 11 vacated alley adjoining and the I I 1 I 11 East 2 of Lot 20 and all of 121 1 6 I do 1 1 .,200 4,550 11 Subject to St.; South 2 of 1 vacated alley adjoining and the 111 II West 2 of Lot 23 and all of 122 6 1 do 1 11 Subject to street; South i of Y IIvacated alleyadjoining and the I 1 I 11 1 1 TOTAL ►ORM 10.1.11 .00 D- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUAT ASSESSED ll East z of Lot 23 and all of 124 I 6 1 Heinemann, McConville and II $ 600 $40150 IISubject to street; South z of 1 1 Stierle's Subdivision of Lots II 11 vacated alley adjoining West 2 of 126 16 12, 12, 13 of Lee's Suburban I1 600 5,200 II Subject to street • South i of 1 I I Homes lI II vacated alley adjoining and Lot 1 I II I! 27 and the East 12. of 1 26 I 6 1 do 600 62250 itSubject to street over south 10 II feet; South 20 feet of Lots 28, 1 ll 29 and 130 1 6 I do II 400 lI Except South 20 feet and except I I I II IINorth 81.12 feet;; Lots 28, 29 and 130 I I do 325 II122 2 lHighland Addition to St. Paul II 850 4,000 II 1 13 I do II 600 950 IILot 1 and East 12 feet of I 2 8 L Subdivision of Blocks II 75cb 4,350 IIExcept East 12 feet; I 2 I 86 186 and 87, of Lyman Dayton's II 300 Il 13 186 (Addition to Saint Paul II 450 1,800 14 186 I do 450 10250 5 186 I do 450 1050 6 186 I do Il 450 2, 900 II I 7 186 I do 11 450 2, 950 II 18 186 I do 11 4,'450 3,550 II I 9 186 I do 450 3,350 110 1 861 do 425 I! Lots 13 and Ill 1 12 1 86 186 I do I do II 450 4, 250 II 450 II 1i4 186 I do II 450 3, 550 1 I TOTAL Il FORM Y.m.11 900 D -. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. ll 1 g 1 861 Leffman' s Subdivision of Blocks ll $ 525 $22950 it 1 16-1 861 86 and 87 of Lyman Dayton's 11 600 3,300 11 1 17 1 871 Addition to Saint Paul 11 600 2,9950 11 1181871 do 11 525 3,100 II 1191871 do 11 450 1,450 1 20 87 1 do fl 450 3000 it 1 211 871 do 450 2,400 11 1 22 1 871 do 450 2,600 Lots 24 and 23 1 871 do 37 ll 450 2,650 it 1 25 i 87 do 11 375 3, 80o) !1 1 26 1 871 do 375 3.g700 II 1 27 1 87 do 11 400 2,600 11 Lots 29 and 1 28 87 do 11 450 1,250 1 1 30 87 do 11 400 2.000 11 1 31 1 871 do 11 425 21200 Il 1321871 do II 525 ll Part of Lot 473 Block 21, A. 1 1 1 Ii I. Gotzian's Rearrangement of Sigel's 1 1 1 l Addition, Southerly of a line run 1 1 1 ll I1 from a point on Southeasterly lire l 1 1 11 11 of and 64 feet Northeasterly from 1 1 1 11 llmost Southerly corner thereof to al 1 1 11 point on Westerly line of and 20 f- - 1 1 II Northefly from said, corner and in 1 ( 1 Il Ilsaid Lindau's Addition: 1 1 1 Lindau's Addition 11 275 2,550 II I I I II 1 TOTAL 11 i FOAM 2.3.11 .OD ]•tt �g CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. II Part of Lot 3 Westerly a line I I I II IIrun North 59 113 feet from South- II west corner, and on extended I I I II II West line of said lot; thence I I I II II Northwesterly to Northwest corner I I I II IIof and all of 12 I I Lindau's Addition ;I 300 $2,700 II Except Northwesterly 25 feet; part I I I II II of Lot 3 Easterly of a line run I I I II II North 59 1/3 feet from Sotithwest I I I II II corner, and on extended West line I I I II IIof said lot; thence Northwesterly to Northwest corner of 13 I I do II 350 2,600 IIVacated Hazelwood St. adjoining & 13 13 Willard Linder Add. No. 2 II 250 II 14 13 I do II 225 II 15 13 I do II 300 II I7 3 I do II 225 I� I1 I5 I do II 550 69500 �8 IMcCarrick's Subdivision of 900 3, 950 �9 I (Block 88, Lyman Dayton's II 525 5,550 II 6 I (Addition to St. Paul II 550 1,400 II �l I I do II 550 1, 400 II �2 I do II 550 2,150 II �3 I I do II 550 2,650 II �4 I I do II 550 3,600 do II 559, 32800. II �6 I I do II 550 2 .,550 I TOTAL II FORM C.e.11 .00 3 -5. 8 � t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. Lots 28 and 127 I I McCarrick's Subdivision of II $550 5,K0 93,050 IILot 29 and except East 40 feet; 130 I I Block 88 of Lyman Dayton) s II — 55n; 2.7n0 II East 40 feet of 130 I I Addition to St. Paul II 7� 1,90c) II 1 8 I 9- 13 I 3 (Moravec Addition No. 2 II I do LIDO 6.600 II LL00 6 9) 60 - II 110 13 I do hoo 6-,h50 .I I U 3 I do 400 6,450 II112 I 3 do loo, 6, oo II 113 I 3 I do II 00 II I14 3 I do II )400 II I15 13 I do 400 II 116 13 I do II 450 IILots 1 thru 3 and Lots 22 thru 140 I 1 I Rifle Park Addition, St. Paul, II 15,000 300 II East 2 of 11 2 I Minn. II 200 II West z of Lots 12 and I 1 I 2 I do II 425 I. 12 I 2 I do II 600 1,1200 II I 3' I 2 do II 100 II 1412 I do 100 4,200 Lots 5 and I 6 12 do II 375 1,050 II Lots 1 and 12 I I do II IISubject to .3rd St., and exce t I I I Smith's S I llEast 12 feet ;, Lot 14 and all of 113 I IStinsomls Frances St. Addition avail ahl P liSubject to 3rd St.; East 12 feet I I Ito St. Paul Ramsey C II of Lot 14 and all of 115 I I d II bxcept Street; 116 1 I do II lExcept Street; 117 I I do II I TOTAL Il vo3w 0.3.11 goo 3 -" B CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATIONBLDG II Except Street; 1181 I! Except Street; II do 10 I I St Paul., R II II do 1 21 I I II II do 122_ I I II ii, do 123 I I fl IIdo i 2h I I II IIExcept South 10 ft.; West ? of I 113 Stinson's Frances Street Addition A 275 11 I I I to St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. II II I 1 1831 Stinson's Subdivision of Block ill 900 96,400 I. 1 2 1 83 183 of Lyman Dayton's Add, 450 II I 3 183 I do II 550 110050 II 14 183 I do I 550 10 500 II I 5 1 83 I do II 550 3 00 II I 6 83 I do II 550 1,200 II 17I83I do II 550 2,250 I� 1 8 1 83 I do 550 2,450 II I 9 183) do li 550 1,600 I; 10 83 do II 550 32650 II 111 183 I do lI 559 2.1450 II 112 I 83 I do II 550 2 900 II113 83 I do 550 2,250 II 114 1 83 1 do 55o 4,45o 11 Lots 15 and 116 I 90) 1 Walther. and Schmittger I s Sub- II 00 550 3,450 ,I 1 17 1 90 Idivision of Block 90 of Lyman II 550 1,700 II118 190 (Dayton's Addition to St. Paul II 550 4 050 1 TOTAL romw 9.0.11 goo 0•5q S CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) �I DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUAT ASSESSED !� 1 19 1 901 Walther and Schmittger's Sub— 11 $ 550 $2,200 !! 120 1 901 division of Block 90 of Lyman !! 550 4,400 II1 21 1 901 Dayton's Addition to St. Paul !! 550 3,350 11 1 22 1 901 do !! 550 23450 II 1 23 1 901 do !! 550 3,900 11 1 24 1 901 do � 550 2, 750 it 1 25 1 901 do 550 2$250 11 ! 26 1 901 do 575 2,650 I� 1271 90 do 11 575 33150 �! 1 28 1 901 do 11 625 2,650 !! Lots 28, 29 and 1 30 1 271A. Gotzian's Rearrangement of Valuations not IILots 1 thru 1 4 1 28 1Sigel l s Addition 11 available I! 1 1 I II II !I I I I II II. I I I II I I I II ►1 I I I 11 II I I I 11 . 11 1 I I TOTAL 11$181-,375 $1.543.350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date Commissioner of Finance. ' Form B.B. 12 1M 3-68 8